An ANSWER....of sorts......

...or the answer to the question (finally....) :

Is it 'realllly the speakers?'

...or the 'Stuff' needed to "mak'em work Proper."

( emphasis = yours)

If so, ipso facto, something to consider ;)

Your placement WILL vary....


@benanders....*wry Grin* Literal only in the sense if one of ones' Rx's is a double-dose of a diuretic, whereas the 'instead of' locale can become a real issue...

My fate of late....

"Pardon, must run without running..."



asvjerry OP

4,318 posts

…UTs' are so overrated anyway.....If you thought 'auto-correct' could annoy when texting....

...being directed to cement mixers instead of a restroom is but one example.... 


To me that seems more like a sign from the universe to, when given “lemons,” make lemonade?

Though if not, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been accused of surmising things in too literal a sense.

...prefer Babelfish myself.....until I got my hearing aids....too much for too small of ear canals.....*damn*G*

UTs' are so overrated anyway.....If you thought 'auto-correct' could annoy when texting....

...being directed to cement mixers instead of a restroom is but one example.... 

I am familiar with human even if they are now rarest than few years ago and i can translate it for you ... 😉


I need an AI or maybe one of those Star Trek "Universal Translators" to understand the dialects used in this thread...

I need an AI or maybe one of those Star Trek "Universal Translators" to understand the dialects used in this thread...


@shtinkydog ....*Smile*  Well....Thanks for finding my ruthless riffs on the common tongue of intrigue the risk of sending all that enter in hopeful abandon in search of a 'Block @ All Costs' button... ;)

The 'Gon is an in&outlet for The Audio Pursuit....of which I've an odd turnout off the Technical Trivia backroads....  Some here have built speakers: In other, the cabinets....
I've no qualms over buying 4 matching 'raw' speakers....

....and cutting the cones and surrounds from them....( Voice coils treated with Respect....They've been Selected for their New Life in the Great Anon....AhMein....

Yes, my unconsciousness 'works' kinda like that.....the Active Consciousness simply tries to keep it on pointe'....

Some hit the parking brake....a few hitchhike and try to cope with a previous driver raised on LA not-so-freeways.....

If this isn't worth a few *Grins* for most....

I can go away a lot easier than I in:

Getting Senior'd is Annoying....😣😬🙄😏😎

@asvjerry i don't know if "enlightened" is the right word.  i'm always intrigued by your postings, though some of them go right over my head or i simply don't understand them.  you do say a lot of funny sh*t, and that's why i like your posts: i never pass one up that i come across.  having said that, i'm not here to decipher or translate riddles, much like being in the "complicated maze" you mention above.  i learn from you guys, i laugh with you guys. that is why i'm here.  cheers. 

*Huge sigh*  I guess the only rsvp in reach is to post pics, and create a 'cringe condition' that likely will trigger "Move Immediately!" responses that just aren't practical in every sense of that...

'Good' is a state of mind....I'm compelled to be somewhat out of mine...;)

Actually, 5 of 3 ain't all that bad....

Always seem to immersed in reflections .. 
refers to 'sound from within'; my expectations, however misplaced,  likely unfilled...

refractions, and watching the waves...  Life in a 'real world' space, the side walls and back wall are everything but 'predictable' or simple....

Consider a complicated maze....'hollow out' the middle...

That's my listening space.

You'd toss hands, and take up knitting.....

The balance of the post is what I've within that, and why I choose to 'ignore the room' per Linkwitz.

I have to.

I don't believe I've Ever been fortunate to 'set-up' in a space that any rational 'phile would accept as 'having potential'...


If I can't 'be within a nominal space', I don't get the option to be 'normal'.

It shows up in my regards and responses to what to some may seem 'typ'....but ain't at all....

Hope that illuminates, @shtinkydog  ....but I doubt it.

@oberlin .....Always seem to immersed in reflections, refractions, and watching the waves...

Within, without, 'n all about...*Smile*

I own dipoles (3 pairs, 2 of which account for 4 of the same...not to mention the omnis, 2 pairs operational.

Beats the alts' 'n odds' ;)

Erratum: my comment above should’ve read “…me you think you’re…” but I tend to be poor at typing as the crow flies. They make too much distracting racket and I bunny-trail myself; probably why I manage real writing projects more at the tortoise’s speed. Now how the heck did I get onto chordates in an audio forum...


[Potentially] Tribally aggro, exclusive pronouns (e.g. we, us, nobody, everybody) used on online fora amuse me. If some of ya’s truly think you can surmise the analytical perception of others ya’ve never spoken with for writings / musings of others ya’ve never spoken with (I’m assuming that second half of the proposition so this claim does have an associated margin of error, if not a noticeable one), I can only imagine (but shan’t) the prowess of ya’s hearing, as applied to any subset of a general population. Hashtag totalitarian intunation?




8,217 posts


@immatthewj not to worry. Everyone is.

@mijostyn tell me you’re omniscient without using the word.


@asvjerry LMFAO*, as per usual.









*Lending My Full Attention Ostensibly

Yes....spent the bulk of my intrepid tepid existence giving 'jerry-rigged' and /or 'jerry-built' a good rep. ;)

If I want to lift my cables off the floor, I'll make my own, thenkU verily munch....

It will end up looking like a diorama of a hv utility install running 'cross the floor since I'm running 6 pairs plus some IC lines (DVI, 'line' to and backs...)

"Twisted pairs" have a whole new meaning 'round here...

@dr-boop ...Yeah, the funny Llama (Rama Llama Ding Dong, Esq.: Awed Oddness Specialist....) is right on with that absurdvation on 'being sound'....or was it 'being a sound being'....?

Things get complex when the air thins.....;) 😎

@deep_333 ....*L*....and said 'philes' residence is the small bungalow with the 400amp breaker box outside....🤦‍♂️....

Awhile ago, I 'deconstructed' a steel bldg, and moved it onto a former property; one item gleaned was a 'service disconnect' box with a spring-operated knife switch for 440 3-phase power.

'Delightful chunk', it was....gave a loud *CHUNK!* whether it was being dis- or engaged.....

Always thought it'd be 'cute' to have in a corner, but would only trigger a tiny lightbulb....nothing else.

A 'major overkill demo piece', just for the *grins*.
SAF made it DOA....good $'s on the recycle, tho'...

Hey, far be it from moi' to advise major hardware when the room where the wild audio go is the worst offense to the system at hand.... During a reno, I wired the 4 corners of the living space with lines for both speakers and signal.... 30K$ cables, just 12g. OFC and decent ICs', wall boxes with proper plates.  
Esoteric cables didn't really exist at the time....

To this day, I wonder if the later owner(s) have noticed their existence....labeled and everything....🤷‍♂️  But it was a subtle 'phile thing to do, as 'posed to a major project in a Vic bungalow in the 'Mission 'hood....

Banks and RE agents don't understand nor know how to hype such....anyways....

I'm happy to keep the fire marshall smiling and the sat service happy when the guy needs to tweak the dish or keep the DVR purring....

Actually had one tech look over what I did to lash this/that/the other together....Understood what I'd done, Liked It...and swapped out my 'jerry-rig' with the company cables and connectors....*!* AND, done up nice 'n sano....

Every now, then, and again....*S*

Most magic happened because of the room. The human ear prefers to be in certain types of spaces for music listening, to begin with, and they tend to be larger spaces.. But, in most cases, a dude who’ll easily spend 30k on cables (while he sits in his living room) is really scared of spending anything on construction (floating floor, wall isolation, etc) and treatments to mitigate the distortions created by the room. Effective treatments cost cash and stupid treatments look decorative.

When it comes to speakers, 30k cable guy will settle on a dinky lil bookshelf speaker. But, low WAF huge speakers are where it’s at typically at for magic to happen. He likes huge amps, huge cables (that breaks sockets off gear), huge DAC, etc...Everything needs to be huge, except that the speaker producing the sound fields always needs to be a tiny lil POS... and it’s ok if the room is the size of a closet.



Gunga galunga.

The funny Llama (at the farm) told me if you believe it sounds better, it will sound better.

@benanders ....Well, Ben....(ben anders...+on, = anderson....I have one already....spouse...." may have one already....'poor devil' *harsh laughter*

"Escape Rooms?!"  *strangled laugh*  Oh, so '022'....

HERE is your ben, Boom....strike that....oh, f'it....

In Every city, everywhere.....v.3, you....

...jump your own risk, 'natch.....

"Oops!  These....2?....3?....hard to tell...

Two, with 'pet'....that's why it's....

"You'd think people would pay attention to th'.."

Asking for the new 'AI' to matter?! 

UpdateInsert: 'The New AI':

Understood hopefully that the populace would remember 'A' to mean Attention, 'I" to indicate "I KNOW THIS!"....even if irrationally.....

@17% increase only?? 
Arnold’s agent made clear he’ll only entertain real-time Dutch Schaefer reprisals for thematic escape rooms once a full >25% shield SA is had. I tried to explain that to be the unnecessary metric it is: His dread[lock]ed opponent would be played by a revolving cast of cash-carrying children trained by their higher-ups to feel enthusiastic about Hollywood’s vintage archetypes.

Waste of my time, @asvjerry … if only until 3.0.

Would that it were so simple…

@mahgister ....Yes, I two have 'rescued & repurposed' the vari 'discard/dump/ignore' item(s) of the inconceivable, and transposed into that of my twisted wills 'n wayz......

You are Not Alone.

I am with you.

This bog we intend to transit will only suck @ our shoes.....until it don't....*L*

Meanwhile'd.....required a listen:

In Visible Silence....the best kind, but mho...

'Sample & Hold' started near here...and done well....

@immatthewj ....*knowing S*  I was dazed 'n confused for awhile...then opted to 'life-style' the situ, get comfy, and tarry on....

...besides, we're cute when slack-jawed and blank.....

("Legs" loud, if you will...
I can find rhythm in a jackhammer....)

@tony1954 ...."Blank" isn't necessarily a Bad Thing, really....and 'streamed unconsciousness' can prove to be very liberating...

...if liberation, with or without libations or infused confusions attending....;)



Intro invisibility to one's peers, and they keep looking on the other side....🤦‍♂️🙄🤷‍♂️🤨


I clicked on the link, but you lost me on this one @asvjerry  .  As per usual, I am confused.

Serendipity coupled to acoustics basic can make miracles!

I just walked as every morning, i stumble on an empty 6 foot cylinder made of hard -plastic abandonned in a field...

I entered in my dedicated acoustic corner ( near listening field with my modified small speakers).

I fix the tube with the proper wood closure at the end and put the open part vertically between my two speakers...

I need only one trial tuning ...

Very audible improvement at the right frequencies range resulting in a better listener envelopment and a better timbre ...Thanks Saint Helmholtz...


Pay attention walking and pray the right god....

Cost : peanuts....


Nothing is invisible in a room, especially the sound...

All is audible in a room, especially  through silence...




....the drone you hear, but can’t se


I smell a DOD contract in there....😏🤦‍♂️

...shrink wrap your car.....backyard patio screens....real stealth aircraft....