An ANSWER....of sorts......

...or the answer to the question (finally....) :

Is it 'realllly the speakers?'

...or the 'Stuff' needed to "mak'em work Proper."

( emphasis = yours)

If so, ipso facto, something to consider ;)

Your placement WILL vary....


Showing 4 responses by benanders

@17% increase only?? 
Arnold’s agent made clear he’ll only entertain real-time Dutch Schaefer reprisals for thematic escape rooms once a full >25% shield SA is had. I tried to explain that to be the unnecessary metric it is: His dread[lock]ed opponent would be played by a revolving cast of cash-carrying children trained by their higher-ups to feel enthusiastic about Hollywood’s vintage archetypes.

Waste of my time, @asvjerry … if only until 3.0.

Would that it were so simple…



8,217 posts


@immatthewj not to worry. Everyone is.

@mijostyn tell me you’re omniscient without using the word.


@asvjerry LMFAO*, as per usual.









*Lending My Full Attention Ostensibly

Erratum: my comment above should’ve read “…me you think you’re…” but I tend to be poor at typing as the crow flies. They make too much distracting racket and I bunny-trail myself; probably why I manage real writing projects more at the tortoise’s speed. Now how the heck did I get onto chordates in an audio forum...


[Potentially] Tribally aggro, exclusive pronouns (e.g. we, us, nobody, everybody) used on online fora amuse me. If some of ya’s truly think you can surmise the analytical perception of others ya’ve never spoken with for writings / musings of others ya’ve never spoken with (I’m assuming that second half of the proposition so this claim does have an associated margin of error, if not a noticeable one), I can only imagine (but shan’t) the prowess of ya’s hearing, as applied to any subset of a general population. Hashtag totalitarian intunation?




asvjerry OP

4,318 posts

…UTs' are so overrated anyway.....If you thought 'auto-correct' could annoy when texting....

...being directed to cement mixers instead of a restroom is but one example.... 


To me that seems more like a sign from the universe to, when given “lemons,” make lemonade?

Though if not, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been accused of surmising things in too literal a sense.