All Kit are Band-Aids

The real culprit that affects recorded music playback is the 440Hz recording frequency, which was introduced by the Nazis (look it up) but every recording company has gone along with it to this day, an it is discordant 

It seems it is exaggerated by digital more than analog, but clearly affects both

Someone developed an app for streaming in 432, but so far none of the designers/hobbyists have realized the problem and gone about designing a interface for digital or analog playback

Don't believe me. Hear the difference for yourselves along with an overview on the subject:

“There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.” FZ
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“Being the last week of the year, we can’t listen to Dark Side of the Moon, or the solar alignment will throw all planets off their orbit, and cause the universe to implode.”
Smoke 'em if you got 'em. I'm on it!

“Skin effect in audio is generally related to the idea of a wire diameter. This is only a small part of application of what skin effect actually technically and scientifically is. Engineering does not need to look at the science, engineering just needs a formula to make wires. So it never looks under the hood of the why and the how or the meaning of the formula used to make/consider wire. Scientifically, skin effect is a whole giant can of worms.

In reality, in a bulk solid, where there is no skin depth issue, no wire diameter of any kind.... skin effect occurs, as a wholly independent phenomena, at that frequency range. 

How that plays out in tuning music producing gear, and/or what that means.... is indeterminate. If this translates into a Newtonian vs Quantum gating aspect is also indeterminate. 

It is tied to atomic lattice, particle bonding, electron orbitals, vectors, gravity, inductive mass, capacitance, inertia, all kinds of core physical Newtonian to Quantum manifestation. If you follow the dominoes that fall, you end up including such fundamentals as Planck’s Constant, and so on.”

>>>>>>Whoa! Excellent examples of appeal to scientific buzz words and appeal to name dropping.
So wake up and come to, however you can, or you’re not coming out the other side.

And that story on the scientific proofing of the conflation of light and sound? There will be another story and report by the end of the day or next day, one as potent as that or more potent. 

Trust it like heartbeats or the sun coming up. Sometimes two or three like it per day. And it’s getting more and more out of control and outside of one’s ability to keep up, each and every day.

I mean screw politics, trump, world stages and war threats, economies, religious conflations and animal behaviour, all of it..... it is just a distraction and pales a thousand fold compared to what your future looks like.. IF you pay attention to the right areas and data.
The mid low 400’s in frequency do indeed cover a ultra critical range of wave vs particle behaviour.

In either gas, fluids, or solids. eg, this is squarely in the center court of skin effect itself and as a manifestation.

Skin effect in audio is generally related to the idea of a wire diameter. This is only a small part of application of what skin effect actually technically and scientifically is. Engineering does not need to look at the science, engineering just needs a formula to make wires. So it never looks under the hood of the why and the how or the meaning of the formula used to make/consider wire. Scientifically, skin effect is a whole giant can of worms.

In reality, in a bulk solid, where there is no skin depth issue, no wire diameter of any kind.... skin effect occurs, as a wholly independent phenomena, at that frequency range.

How that plays out in tuning music producing gear, and/or what that means.... is indeterminate. If this translates into a Newtonian vs Quantum gating aspect is also indeterminate.

It is tied to atomic lattice, particle bonding, electron orbitals, vectors, gravity, inductive mass, capacitance, inertia, all kinds of core physical Newtonian to Quantum manifestation. If you follow the dominoes that fall, you end up including such fundamentals as Planck’s Constant, and so on.

So yeah, there really is something there and something going on. Exactly what, again, is indeterminate. Examination is in order.

For example, if you read every day, in the physics reports in new science, you would now understand that these odd seeming questions, are now scientifically conflated to an extreme degree.

Cutting edge physics is now getting into the seeming mystical, as some of that old odd seeming stuff, is taking on real forms.

I could sit here all day and lay it out, day after day, but if you are not interested and don’t want to know, then you’ll just sit there and lob mental and written fecal bombs at whatever I type, even if it the reports I mention come from pure hard cutting edge science.

You’ll have to go and read it and discover it for yourself.

Here, one in a literal thousand over the past 5-10 years or so, that can shatter long held dismissive beliefs.This is just yesterday alone. This stuff has been coming out a freight train, over the past years. Pay attention.
Science ha been changing so fast, and is continuing to accelerate that darned fast... that no one can get a real handle on it. It's moving so fast right now, that for the average educated person, in the sciences or the trades of engineering, that it is starting to look like the emergence of magic. It is seriously on the verge of testing your ability to keep your mind stable in 'what you know' that helps you keep some form of bearings  or understand the lay of the land.
All doors of genetic modification in perfection, with no flaws, was literally opened up just a few days back. The doorways to the ability to modify your body back to that of one of youth, or be superhuman now, and not have to be a new human to do that, have been opened up.
And a thousand other things just as over the top are here or now emergent.

We're squarely in the gauntlet of and under the fire of maximum evolution and change, right freaking now, right now dammit.

Pay attention.
My wife wears “special” semi-precious stones claiming they ward off evil like this.  They’re only $400 apiece.

Everybody in this room is wearing a uniform and don’t you forget it! FZ

 I don’t know who says it at the end of their posts.... “Enjoy the music not the distortions “

 Geez...My pants are full, and it’s not from the Christmas dinner. 

 The sky is falling the sky is falling!


I am not sure if it qualifies as a conspiracy theory, but this thread/OP seems like an attempt to see how much will people react, and in what way, when presented with a few sentences that have nothing to do with each other and very little with anything at all. In short, how seriously will all of us take any statement we read here.

Good job, OP. They took you seriously.
The video that tweak1 provided a link for is so totally absurd.  First, the guitars do not sound properly tuned, so the difference in the tuning of one guitar compared to the other probably accounts for ALL the differences.  Second, the arguments they present are so illogical and full of holes.  There is probably nothing to back up any of their claims, especially the ways 432 vs 440 affect the pattern in water.  The pattern shown cannot be the result of a single tone in either case.  And, it in no way shows one tuning sounds better than the other tuning, just different.  This video is just a bad April Fool’s joke that didn’t even occur on April 1. 
OP should start a studio, take harmonious world by storm !!!
I have a particularly INCREDIBLE 432 DAT I would almost donate to the cause....

IF you ignore a poster, does that also hide things the have for sale and offers made ??? asking for a deaf but capitalist friend...

Eric, love ya man. Back in good graces five fold. I play bass and I suck at it !! Love 440 and 4/4 time
Tweak1 sounds like a hi-fi troll to me.  Spewing nonsense, trying to get us riled up.  “Being the last week of the year, we can’t listen to Dark Side of the Moon, or the solar alignment will throw all planets off their orbit, and cause the universe to implode.” 
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Indeed. He may have omitted those to avoid detection by the Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign Relations. Next thing you know, he will be holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy.
He forgot to mention floridated water, chemtrails,  new world order and the masons. 
I like 440Hz because I am used to it. Any other tuning and I can immediately hear that something is off. Generally lower tuning sounds flat to my ear.

That said - some olde classical stuff indeed sounds better tuned at the original 432Hz - gives everything a more melancholy vibe. Think Chris Hogwood and the ancient academy of music.

Most pop rock sticks to meat and potatoes chords. Some sus chords are used to indicate a change.

This is one of the most interesting songs by a rock n roller, Randy Bachman’s Looking out for No 1.

As for conspiracy theories, this is plain barmy.

A centipede was happy – quite!  Until a toad said (in fun), "Pray, which leg moves after which?"   This raised her doubts to such a pitch,  she fell exhausted in the ditch, not knowing how to run.

DSOTM, of course! I've heard that wearing hats made from aluminum foil negate the effects of the frequency thing.
I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears mass hysteria or “psychological ops” or whatever as it pertains to Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and other Rock and Roll performers affects only females, the obvious exceptions being The Rolling Stones, The Doors and Led Zeppelin. In addition it might actually be simply a case of talented performers.
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I provided the link where you could actually hear the improvement when music was played in 440 vs the same piece of music TUNED to 432. This was done by different  musicians playing  different instruments 

It seems NONE of you who have negatively responded so far bothered to watch the link I provided

erik: what difference does that make? Are you suggesting that one MUST play an instrument to hear the differences between a piece of music TUNED at 440 and 432, or to even know it would sound harmonically richer when TUNED to 432?   

And further, why is it that none of the recording studios are aware that 432 sounds significantly better... it's a perfect example of the Lemming theory

This is how its always been done (and probably taught)  so no need for me to think 
This BS about chakras and 432 Hz is a bunch of baloney. A = 440 Hz is standard or concert pitch for many countries. Historically, A has ranged from 415 Hz up to 445 Hz or higher, depending on the era the music was composed. It's all relative and has nothing to do with Nazis or chakras. 
TBC: My problem with the thread and the OP is not personal preference. Had he said "I really like music tuned to X Hz" well, that's fine, show examples and we can discuss.

That's not what he's doing. He's attributing a choice (440Hz) to having vague problems, using words he doesn't understand.

  • discordant
  • harmonically rich
  • recording frequency
  • The Nazis, really??

So without saying "mind control" he's referencing a Nazi mind control conspiracy theory (see link I posted, above).

Here's a prime example of the bs:

Someone developed an app for streaming in 432, but so far none of the designers/hobbyists have realized the problem and gone about designing a interface for digital or analog playback

You know, if I was smart I would have replied with :
"Oh, yes, Tidal has that. You can stream 432 if you use the app and select "Master quality streaming."

My bad, yes, it is a tuning frequency and anyone involved in recording would/should know that the instruments being recorded should be tuned to 432 as it i harmonically richer than 440 which is discordant, as proven by numerous musicians in the YT video link I provided.

Hahahaha, BS.

To all of it.

"Harmonically richer" - Please, in what musical or audio theory can any frequency be richer than another?

By the way, do you know who came up with the term Conspiracy Theory? Those who are behind all the deceptions,

Cite your source.

Let’s see, you got the dates wrong, you attributed 440Hz to the Nazi’s, you claimed it had an effect on recording equipment (it doesn't), you used "discordant" wrong  and now you want to claim it’s’ "harmonically richer?"  Do you even know what that means?

My bad, yes, it is a tuning frequency and anyone involved in recording would/should know that the instruments being recorded should be tuned to 432 as it i harmonically richer than 440 which is discordant, as proven by numerous musicians in the YT video link I provided. 

So why aren't they?

By the way, do you know who came up with the term Conspiracy Theory? Those who are behind all the deceptions, but where many of those so-called theories require an open mnd and occasionally a leap of faith, one can simply hear how much better 432 tuning sounds 
Also, OP, you used "discordant" wrong.
The entire purpose of having a tuning standard is to ensure instruments are manufactured and tuned to the same frequency.

Now had you come in here arguing keyboard temperament from the baroque until now, then we’d really have something to argue! Hahahahaha


From the darkest corners of the internet come all manner of conspiracy.
The trick is, not to fall for it. Just because it's written somewhere doesn't mean it's true.

I was confused at first, and no. The conspiracy theory he’s espousing has no relationship to recording equipment. He means the tuning frequency for A above middle-C.
Greeeeeat, so now in addition to spam and snake oil salesmen we get global mind control conspiracy theories.
440Hz was introduced in Germany in late 1800’s and endorsed by American Federation of Musicians by 1917. The Nazi party was not considered active until the 1920’s.

Also, 440Hz is not a "recording frequency." It’s a tuning frequency. Has nothing to do with the electronics. Honey badger don’t care if you tune to 432 or 440. Modern recording equipment does as good a job with Western music as it does music around the world, which not only isn't tuned to 440, some, like gamelan groups, have no  standard at all. Each group is tuned separately, and those instruments only work for them. There’s nothing about this tuning which stresses out electronics any more or less either.
