AGD Audion GaN Class D In The House

During the last decade i have managed to try in my home 95% of the Class D amps offered to the public these include the so called break thru offerings of the last year or two. While there has been progress the class D signature remained and this included what was lacking in class D amplification.

When i heard about AGD i thought here we go again because i had been there and done that so many times with class D but the GaN tech had me intrigued so i bought a pair of the Audion amps, i thought i would give class D one more go.

I received the amps two days ago and have about twelve hours of listening. From the first minute onwards these amps had my full attention. There is no connection between this class D amp and class D i have heard in the pass no connection what so ever. Forget classes A, A/B, D or whatever this is just an excellent sounding amp, it delivers music that belongs at the upper levels of Hi End audio reproduction.

It`s only been a couple of days of listening but i`m so taken back at the quality of sound i just had to share. I will add more the more i listen, good or bad.

I just came across your reply to me. "The odds that he will deliver on his newest date are very, very low. But, it will happen......some day.....maybe this year. I don’t know why you keep posting about it.. "

Well, I always say that it will have a big task in that I absolutely LOVE your EVS1200. Anyway, since breaking in the EVS1200, I no longer "need" another amp, and having had the PSAudio M700s in my big room, I seriously doubt 200/400 will light my fire

The AGD Audions not just sound good but provide an experience at home much as attending a great live performance where the heart rate and emotions rise. Knowing what live sounds like and attending live events for decades the AGD amps do a great job of bringing a great portion of that home.
Please post what you think about the AGD Vivace.

The more i listen the more i'm impressed, it just gets better and better.
You bet-- I'll have some notes on them this weekend. Never had a chance to listen to any of the amps--just decided to big or go home and try the Vivace first. It will be going up against the Luxman m600a , Levinson 532 a Carver 275 a Audio Research d240mk2 and some others.
ricevs648 posts05-12-2021 6:48pm
Really would be great if you guys did a blow by blow....

I don't have the experience you and rh67 have, but here's where I'm coming from.  Past amps - Threshold 400A, Acoustat tnt-120, tnt-200 (with Acoustat 2+2s), Classe Audio CA-200.  I currently have a Music Reference RM-200, Jeff Rowland Concentra II, Jeff Rowland M201s, Valvet A4s, and the Audions. 

What I initially heard with the class D M201s - clarity, detail, tighter bass and a really quiet background - was so different it took awhile to get used to.  I liked that black background though, and finally decided I was hearing a more accurate version of what was recorded, with maybe a drier, slightly lean lower midrange.  I improved that somewhat with a tube preamp (Blue Circle BCS 3000) but didn't cure it.

All the good points of the M201s are just more so with the Audions, and no more sucked-out mids.  The midrange is now in balance with bass and treble.  I'm hearing more detail than ever - never noticed some of the mastering splices I can now hear.  And like someone above said, voices are so distinct, I can follow words I could never make out before.  They're the most even-handed amps I've had.  It's like getting to hear all my music fresh again.

 The midrange is now in balance with bass and treble. I'm hearing more detail than ever - never noticed some of the mastering splices I can now hear. And like someone above said, voices are so distinct, I can follow words I could never make out before. They're the most even-handed amps I've had. It's like getting to hear all my music fresh again.

I could not agree with this statement more. In many ways i feel like i'm hearing music for the first time the way it was meant to be heard. Listening to familiar recordings always brings a pleasant surprise, there is more more music, it's hard to describe it has to be experienced.

Old class D provided a clarity but it was empty, the AGD's have the clarity but within that clarity comes the life of a recording of a studio or live performance it's pretty amazing to experience.
Just one 6  hour session last eve with the Vivaci- only Aurneder serving up Qobuz and the Jazz Groove station. WOW-- Called Alberto and he asked--what do I think? I said I have no idea what to think?!? He said that is correct. New ball game. As said before-all in balance. Lows mids highs--I guess perfect or at least I would think. So quiet of a background that all comes into better focus?? Piano hammers-sustain- drum sticks-bows on strings- even switched to some heavy music thinking this will be very bad--was I wrong--Ozzy sounded better than ever-- more to come.....
I was playing Stairway To Heaven last night and it was amazing. For decades i thought i had it right the AGD's proved i was wrong, the AGD's have opened up another door, they are unlike ANYTHING i have heard before.
Has anyone ears the difference between the Audions and the Vivace, Grand Vivace?
There is a 6Moons review on both of them and it explains the difference (Not the GRAND).  It says the smart money will buy the Audions.

One thing I noticed on the Dealer of these YOUTUBE channel. His Audion Amps are scratched to hell.  I mean it looks like somebody took the Amp....put it into a burlap sack and added 2 Cats and then tied the bag up.  Kinda sucks that you can make them look so bad. Maybe they should powdercoat them BLACK instead of using chrome.
Def matte finish-- Also the smart money is on which pair of amps would be required. I went the step up for the larger power supply and also to put the larger tubes ---maybe. I was going with the Audions, but I have 8 pair of speakers I rotate in and out. Alberto and I decided to go Vivaci. I'm sure the Audions would have been fine but.......
My power should be good. I use Shunyata Triton/Typhon.
I am realizing that the distortion problem must be in my TT rig. Woodsong Garrard 301, Triplanar, Miyajima Shalabi and Atma-Sphere MP-1.
Could it be mistracking of the cart?
Am waiting on a Lyra Atlas SL. Am sure it will be a better match for the TP,
I don’t only have the distortion on old records.
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Hello folks. I’m looking to move up to the AGD Grand Vivace, so I will be listing for sale my Vivace’s in the coming days. If anyone is interested PM me with any questions. I have both the Original and MKII Tubes that will come with the amps. These are the SE (special edition) that are polished with bigger stance feet.
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They also take about 200 hours to sound their best.

I have the Audion's they cost $7500 and replaced two amps one costing 7k and the other 40k. I do not replace amps often but once i heard them which was on a whim i had to have them.
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I’m sitting here listening to the Audions and just so pleasantly satiated. For me, to sum them up in a single word it would have to be SATISFYING.
I have sought realism, bloom, impact, imaging, clarity, emotional fulfillment over the past 31 years of pursuing the absolute sound (in my subjective bubble). I have had tubes, solid state, 31+ Flavors etc. and it’s brings me so much peace knowing I can just rest in this beauty. (no I am NOT high on anything other than Al Stewart)
I’m not knocking anyone else’s blissful audio destination. All the more respect. It’s just noteworthy to share with all of you a bit of where I’m at with audio journey thus far.
I’m enjoying my system more now than ever before since adding the Audion’s. They bring more enjoyment than any of my SET amps ever did and more.
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@mikepowellaudio   Can you comment on level of negative feedback, how it's implemented, and on the damping factor of the AGD amps?  Thanks. - David.
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Hi David, My response was removed not sure why. Ill try and remember what I said . First off I said that the spec you are asking for means nothing without the rest of the equation. I would have to guess why you ask this in particular and I can just tell you there is no speaker that changes the AGD’s frequency response or anything else for that matter. The amp has a low enough output impedance that it renders any anomalies associated with Class A and AB into a reactive load. AGD is linear and strong when driving a reactive load. The damping is solid , it grips the woofer like a High Current Class A amp would.  If you are curious about how it handles certain things or how it sounds there is only one way to find out. I can tell you with confidence you have not yet experienced the sonic AGD brings, its different and it will be very clear to you that its a new way to listen to music. Instantly you realize "OK this is something new Ive never experienced before" If you have any more questions just call me ...

all the best !

Mikey the OCD HiFi Guy
@mikepowellaudio   Thanks, Mike. Your earlier post disappeared before I was able to read it. I'll do some investigating and reach out to you directly.
Hello AGD owners

Has anyone tried Benchmark HPA4 or LA4 with AGD Audions?
I’m thinking of selling my hpa4 as it is too revealing/transparent with my existing DIY SS Poweramp. I fear the same or worse with audions.
I also have Otomon 45 DHT preamp which I think should pair well as @rh67 is using one(diff brand) with good results.


Alberto showed a new, stereo, rectangular box, amp at the Capital Audiofest that is essentially a pair of Audions in a single non-fancy chassis, and I think I heard $5500 although the room was loud so I can't be sure of the price. 
@klh007 For some reason $4900 sticks in my head but there's a price difference for the chrome one vs brushed so the $4900 might be for brushed.  I was in that room quite a few times yesterday and today.

says $5500 for standard version and $6300 for polished SE version

Will be interesting when the new $5300 100 watt mono blocks from Atma-Sphere get A/Bed with this amp.
I just left the Capital Audiofest and heard the AGD amps. I have never heard a class D amp I liked until this weekend. Holy crap! The amps were playing with an The AGD ANDANTE preamp and Ocean Way stand mount speakers. The KT88 looking tube does seem a little gimmicky but its the GAN tech that is at work here producing this unbelievable sound. This room was the best of show in my opinion. It was better than my beloved Linear Tube Audio room. 
@lancelock , Lance, did you audition the Purifi amp in the LKV room? Bill uses Class A discrete circuitry to drive the Purifi modules, nice. They introduced a Pwr 3 amp with an SWPS for $3350.


I did not get to every room and I believe that’s one I missed. Im a little disappointed now. Next time I guess. I was happy to actually be at a show.
@rh67    Congrats on the  AGD Audion amps, I have seen them and they look very cool and from the sound of it they aren't just another pretty amp. 
However I am interested in your thoughts on the Pass XA25.  No doubt the AGD wins out but what are your thoughts on the XA25 overall in your system?  Which preamp and speakers are you using?
Thanks and continued enjoyment. 


AGD Audion Mono Blocks


I’ve lived with them for about a week so not even broken in yet. Upon arrival I immediately opened the flight case and set them up on the audio rack but they were cold from sitting in the delivery truck I assume. I should have let them warm up to room temperature maybe, so they sounded terrible for about 60 seconds and quickly started coming alive.


In the next few minutes I realized these were special and as more time goes by there were interesting changes happening during break-in. It sounds better, then worse and then better again. I have left things running 24/7 so I’m at about 140 hours and sound has started to level out showing some amazing micro details. Bass and midrange is nothing short of spectacular. I’ve read reviews where it was said that these sounded like an SET with power and I can’t argue with that.


The flagship Coda #16 with the first 100 watts of class A is a spectacular SS amp, especially after I ran a dedicated power line to my room. I would put this Coda amp up against any Pass Labs out there. I can already hear detail and an immersive, holographic sound stage coming from the AGD Audion mono blocks that I don’t hear with the Coda.


I can unquestionably say these Audion’s are the best class D I’ve ever heard and just maybe the best amps period. More to come.

i would concur these amps are truly excellent, based on my own experience with them

their price of entry is not cheap but also not exorbitant, given the performance they deliver

the soon to be released stereo version should deliver most of the performance of the mono blocks in a lower cost, single box package, and allow many more enthusiasts to enjoy the lovely sound

(i have no affilation with alberto/agd other than being a customer)

@lancelock thanks for the update. Looking forward to hearing these as well as additional reviews.


I just brought the Audion mono blocks upstairs to my living room system. This system consists of LTA MicroZOTL preamp, Modwright Oppo Sonica as streaming source and Janszen zA2.1 Valentina hybrid electrostatic’s. The Audion’s power is no problem driving these stats. This combo may just be the closest I’ve ever heard to a live performance in my living room. Once again the holographic 3D sound stage is to die for.

@lancelock  Congratulations on your Audion mono block amps and for them working out so well in both of your systems! Given how good your basement system was when I heard it a few months ago, the improvements gained must be bloody awesome. : )


You must come back for a visit. I have also added a dedicated power line and it was well worth it.

@lancelock I should be in Baltimore end of the month. I'll reach out if I can carve some time out. Will you be local then?


I will be home through the holidays this year so yes, come on by. For complete transparency I have just gotten through my 10 days of quarantine after my bout with Covid. We’re all vaxxed here and I still got it although my wife didn’t somehow.

Hey @lancelock if you want maybe you can kill two birds with one stone. I have pretty good flexibility rest of month.