
Responses from bhvf

DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend
@f208frank Agree 100%. They sound amazing with the Canor stuff.  
Audio companies in the mirror
Camelot. Made DACs before people bought them.  
Aurender N200 and HQPlayer
My Innuos can be made an NAA. I use hqplayer through Roon. I've also used a mini PC, a memory stick. and a USB cable. Sounds great both ways.  
Tampa Audio Expo 2025
Thanks for this. I hope we hear from more who were there. I've been a couple times but not this year. I believe it was a new venue?  
Is it O.K. To Speculate Re: Company Stability Here?
It's a great question. In hobbies with small bases, like audio, speculation affects companies much more. The history and structure of audio companies doesn't help either. These are often under 5 employee operations that a few small hiccups can sin... 
Innuos Pulse Incoming
On my Pulse I find the USB connection to sound the best. It may depend on the cable you use for each connection though. I have a great digital coax cable and tried many USB cables (all under $300). I liked the Analysis Plus Purple Plus the best.  
Do Harbeth speakers really need a 4000 damping factor?
I read that "Harbeth likes to demo with Hegel" (and Sugden?)  These are 2 very different sounding amps. I've never heard a Hegel I like, even with Harbeth 30's and 7C's. I haven't heard Sugden on Harbeth but I haven't heard an A21SE sound bad o... 
Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)
Musical Fidelity M6X Dac. Not expensive. I like it better than the T+A Dac 200 I had. It's also the only Dac that uses the Sabre chip that I've really liked. You can get find it online with a return policy from Safe & Sound. Comes in black or ... 
ReL Subs: High Level or Low Level connection
FYI, I have Anaylsis Plus cables with Speakons for the REL subs. The cables don't work with 2 pairs of spades on my Pass INT-25 (probably the same on your INT-60) due to the plastic protection caps on the speaker terminals.  You can run the sub ca... 
Is there anything other than a Benchmark DAC?
Musical Fidelity M6X DAC. I've listened to quite a few DACs and this is my favorite by a lot. I've owned an MHDT Balanced Pagoda, TEAC NT-505, T+A DAC 200, Chord Qutest. In my system I've tried Chord Hugo TT2, HiFI Rose 150 and 250, Bricasti M3, W... 
All in One Solution for Streaming
The HiFiRose RS520 linked above sounds great. The interface is not fantastic but it's fine. That or a Naim would be my choices.  
Replacement for Shindo
I doubt they are going out of business. They are still signing up dealers and sending product to said dealers as far as I know.  
Halcro update
I had wondered the same! That's an interesting story. I have never heard them before but always wanted to. Thanks for posting.  
Questions about Musical Fidelity M5si Integrated
Safe & Sound are also dealers. Nice, helpful people. Safe & Sound    
Excellent interview with Mark Levinson
I'd like to have a C - Wave module that a DAC can plug into! At an affordable price of course! Licensing it to some DAC manufacturers as a filter option would be great...or add it to something like HQ Player as an option.