AA for us

Is there such a place for us audiophiles: Audiophile's Anonymous? I feel that at this point that I am showing all signs of an addict and I am no longer a functioning addict, unfortunately. 

The only upside is that it is distracting me from other harmful activities such as watching the news x hours a day.



On the wagon, off the wagon, put on repeat endlessly. The 'other' AA would be seriously frustrated or done with me.

Should the AA include counseling and support groups based on the specific affliction, i.e.:

  • excessive system cost to income ratio
  • tweaks and cables infatuation
  • flavor of the day compulsion
  • connection cleaning mania
  • golden ears delusion
  • fear of missing out phobia
  • audio gear hoarding disorder
  • fear of leaving the basement
  • repetitive music track syndrome
  • on-line forum obsession
  • others?

yes, added more @mitch2 and I added X that applies to me

excessive system cost to income ratio  
excessive system cost to disposable/WAS (wife approved spending) ratio x
tweaks and cables infatuation  
flavor of the day compulsion  
connection cleaning mania  
golden ears delusion x
fear of missing out phobia x
audio gear hoarding disorder x
fear of leaving the basement  
repetitive music track syndrome  
on-line forum obsession x
fear that wife finds out x
fear that wife comes home first and finds package x
I have to have that junk once in my life (for no apparent reason other than to have it)/similar to hoarding x
search for imaging that does not exist  
obsessive fear that one channel will go randomly x
    pervasive misrepresentation of prices paid  
   irrational perceived impunity from WAF  

Good ones, you might including something on 

  • pervasive misrepresentation of prices paid
  • irrational perceived impunity from WAF


Thought I would experiment with spicing up the pegboard (tried and true) by adding a mattress and some Texas hot sauce.

I'm quickly running out of new ideas @ my age.



I have tamed my obsessive/compulsive hobby proclivities by re-framing what I wish to accomplish. Stated simply, I aspire to be content versus happy. I also strive to be wise versus omniscient in my decisions.

The consumer market and advertising is geared toward "You can never be happy unless ... (fill in the blanks)." I certainly benefit from the experiences of fellow music enthusiasts. However, I stop reading when perceiving hubris or people asserting anything other than their equipment or experience is inferior.

The foregoing perspective allows me to keep an open mind, evaluate alternatives, and take my time in making decisions. Also, I keep in mind that all material items are a limited edition.  If a desired item goes out of production or is sold out, one can be assured that -- at some point -- it will be upgraded, replaced, or available in the used market place.  In the interim, count your blessings and enjoy the music.



@rock-on you have an approach, discipline and not a flawed OCD personality like mine. Still, your suggestions are golden and I will heed as much as I can!

One note: I am not affected by marketing. HOWEVER, I am sucker for aesthetics so in a way that is marketing too, and in that sense, I am swayed - I am a collector of beautiful objects.


"it's about the feeling of wanting more and something different, and not being able to stop."

That impulse has been selectively baked into us for hundreds of thousands of years. It is what has kept us alive - for better and for worse.

@dekay ....*!*

My imagination just imploded.....*sigh*
Well, at least it's not dangerous stimuli and stimulettes.....

....or?  *lacivious L* ;)


Yes. And, some individuals display a significantly stronger drive to experience novelty than others.

This isn’t limited to audio or even material objects.







Post removed 


"We should consider our gears as music instrument .        

Once we buy a piano or a violon ; we keep it a very long time . We don't sell theme  after two years , just because there are new ones on the market ."

I don't have my 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or full violins anymore. Those were starter instruments. I still have my viola from high school, and bought one/commissioned two violas d'amore, and certainly still have those. 
My starter audio gear is gone, but will keep most of my current stuff for a long time. Only looking for a phono stage commensurate with the Rega Naia/Aphelion2. 


"We keep it for a very long time"

I'm like you but in my experience, this isn't always the case.



One cure is "buy once - cry once".

- it takes longer to get to a decision.

- that decision is better founded.

- no second guessing/FOMO anymore.

I also like Haroun - A British Audiophile's rule of thumb when upgrading: UPGRADE. Spend >3x as much, otherwise it is just shuffling deck chair on the Titanic.

That is why I treated myself to a Rega Naia for early retirement after about 2 years of looking around. It's an endgame component. If you are curious what else is in my system, I posted in the "System" section. https://www.audiogon.com/systems/users/oberoniaomnia 

Has a picture of the Naia with DIY leveling base :-)

Being mindful that every marriage and committed relationship is a personal choice, I have concluded it would not be wise to conceal my audio or sports memorabilia acquisitions or liquidations from my wife. Early in our marriage, we realized a joint bank account and open dialog was best for us. Our respective daily work schedules and family responsibilities were stressful enough without worrying if clandestine purchases could be orchestrated to avoid detection. 

Please understand I am not passing judgment. Conceding my wife of over 50 years does not share my enthusiasm for audio and seldom ventures into my dedicated music listening area, my enjoyment is enhanced by knowing she has given her seal of approval. Plus, she can read me like a book and has the art of internet research perfected. surprise        

@oberoniaomnia again, you are treating me as if I were normal, without serious issues angel One must show up for the intervention and be talked to, as a patient, to start the healing.

BTW British Audiophile is wicked awesome. 

You have an incredible system. 


sorry to hear that audio has become an obsession for you and that the fun factor has been replaced by fallout from that.

  I think travel is great.  I am in Europe now and for the last week my internet reception was terrible.  It’s liberating, really; I’ve been taking in new experiences and purging my mind of mental clutter.


I also like Haroun - A British Audiophile's rule of thumb when upgradi

It's TARUN (not Haroun or Heroin)...I understand it's not as common as BillyBob or Cheesyslob, but, it's a rather easy name to say. Simply add a TA in front of a RUN, not too hard, right??

                                       *** Introducing the world premier ***

                                                "The 80 percent rule"


I improved my OCD with a hot new concept I like to call "The 80 percent rule"

If I may, ghdprentice is a good example of this. Perfecting the last 20% when the first 80% is messed up. All too often, you optimize a fundamentally flawed system. This is common in HEA where "it’s all about that last 2%."

IME, get the basics right and the other stuff doesn’t matter that much. It puts things in perspective: 2%, or even 20%, is not much compared to 80%.

I usually get the first 20% completely messed up and then it's all downhill from there. 

@grislybutter Not to worry friend. At some point the earth will twitch again on its axis and we will be in another ice age. The polar bears will laugh as we get buried under a mile of ice.  

OP…. “I usually get the first 20% completely messed up and then it's all downhill from there.“. 😂🤣😂

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