This might come as a shock, not in a bad way but I have discovered that 320KBPS MP3 is actually bit perfect. Shocking isnt it? That does not mean the quality is the same as CD. It is not. You have been warned the master has spoken.

The second shocking discovery i have made recently is that i can actually hear the difference between 320kbps and wav. I never thought i could do it but i heard it. 

Can anybody do what i have done?  I dare any of you audiophiles



Post removed 

Digital can reproduce the sounds of analog, analog can only reproduce sounds of analog, things improve over time but most people refuse that the new can be better than the old.

Bits is bits. CD is perfect audio. Wav is the same as lossless. FLAC is the same as the original.

Such naivety.

Now we have the hindsight to know how complex the data stream is and how so many untold things effect the conversion. It is amazing that we are still getting trolled by this stuff. 

Looks like Agon has jumped the troll shark. Time go away for awhile of find a new sight for intelligent conversation!

Looks like Agon has jumped the troll shark. Time go away for awhile of find a new sight for intelligent conversation!

this is overstating it, and not apt given the situation, imo

you hang here for some time, read what is posted, reflect, and stay attentive and engaged... there will be certain (a small minority of) usernames you come to associate with being invariably unhelpful and needlessly provocative, so you just ignore those entries, or treat them as being the garbage that they are

most threads are legit discussions, or folks seeking help, and receiving it

Read the post and Re-read it again (regrettably);…= a .brain fart! 



Most stuff on pandora sounds just fine to me. Maybe I’m going deaf....I honestly think that CD quality is good enough, as in a cd transport to a good dac. To pursue beyond that provides not much an improvement if any to my ears. I tend not to dwell too much on it though, as I feel vinyl is where it's at. No, Not the majority of the new stuff, but the older records from say 1950's to the late 80's...

I'm so glad you put it all in capitals!

I don't even have to read it to know it's full of cr@p.

sounds like Sony & Philips cheating on doing DSD 😂 or your ears cheating on your brain? 🙊🤔

The OP is misunderstanding what "bit perfect" means.  If I play something from my Plex Server on my MSB DAC, that file will be "bit perfect," i.e., the file on the Plex Server is the same file being played on the MSB DAC.  But just because I can play a file from my Plex Server to my MSB DAC "bit perfect," does not mean that, as OP apparently suggests, an MP3 file is "bit perfect" to the same file on a CD.  Obviously that is not the case, as an MP3 is a lossy format and therefore by definition cannot be "bit perfect" to the original file on the CD.

@dill: Your comment at the top of this thread reminds me, the owner of a fishing trawler based in Gloucester, Massachusetts, that I’m in need of a crew member who’s skilled at prepping fishing lines for deployment - in other words, I’m on the lookout for a Master Baiter.

The responses are almost hysterically funny.  Wow, a really funny forum here!  Masterbaiter is Kenjit-I love it!