Your memory of Audio Marketing, esp. B.S.

O.K. most of us old f--ts remember "the Copper Top Battery,  "when it rains, it pours", "I'd walk a mile for a Camel"(wouldn't go accross the street for a woman), "the quicker picker upper" and so very much more.  Kind of sad that most of us can do a commercial product jingle from an ad that hasn't been used for 20+ years.

My question is, what are/is some of the great Audio marketing B.S. phrases, slogans..etc. from the extended history of audio/high-end audio.  The first one is (with Ella) "is it live or is it Memorex", and of course we knew that Ella was great and Memorex was not. 

From one of the greatest radio commercials of al time advertising the wonderful Mister Jim's BBQ in South Central Los Angeles, circa 1955: "Yo needs no teef, to eat ma beef."

“ Look them straight in the eye and tell them it’s gotta be Marantz “

Damage Control! Damage Control! All men on deck! Battle stations! Everybody get from street! 😩 😩 😩
jetter ...

It's all in the presentation. It's a sales job. That, however, doesn't mean that the product doesn't provide the improvements promised. There's an old adage in the sales business ... "Don't sell the steak, sell the sizzle." 

And by the way, my comment regarding pompous EE holders was in response to the above post by Georgehifi:

  • "Yeah how long before that last voodoo snake oil fuse thread got culled? they all deserve the same fate.
  • There’s always some manufacturer trying to make a buck from the poor gullible idiots that believe their BS, they have no conscience, and BS spews forth from them and their shills, who are just as gullible and idiots."

How his constant demeaning of other members doesn't raise the ire of the moderators is beyond me.


Here is the real thing

"The Orange Duplex.... We then apply all Orange Fuse processes, including a multi-stage high voltage treatment first developed to improve current and voltage transfer in our limited edition Galileo SX PowerCell. We then apply the same UEF Compound developed for the Galileo SX PowerCell for our most holographic duplex to date. The accumulative result is a more three dimensional and higher resolution duplex that never sounds strident despite its high resolution. …..."

No I haven’t tried one out, I would never pay $285 for a receptacle, money back guaranty or not.

Stereo Review/Julian Hirsch!          And the bleat goes on, on, on.......(ad nauseam)
What was the company who recently advertised in stereophile about having a 1-horsepower amplifier? Seriously. What the hay? I'm listening to music, not being dragged towards the sonic horizon.
The biggest load of BS so far ...

"I hold an EE degree, and I know exactly what something sounds like, including after-market fuses, without hearing them for myself. And everyone else on the planet who has tried them and hears the improvement they bring to the equation is either an idiot or a shill ... or even both."

Post removed 
However compared to ebay, this site is more accurate in listings.  Insert the word  Eames   in the ebay search.  Charles Eames and his wife Rae were designers/architechs in the post WWII era.  There are salt shakers, bath mats...etc being referred to as "Eames Era"....kind of like German items from the 40s being "Hitler Era".  

Bundle.  Having been in the high-end business/industry and a life long high-end owner I must apologize if I find current "Audiospeak" to be trivial and say nothing about anything important about whatever product it is.

Another current marketing word, "bundle".  I thought that was something you encouraged your children to do when it was cold outside, as in ______ up? 

STUNNING  ,  I would assume the Seller means that a stun gun was used in the production of the product. 
Anything like "Expensive fuses sound fabulous." More recent history, but BS nonetheless.
Yeah how long before that last voodoo snake oil fuse thread got culled? they all deserve the same fate.
There’s always some manufacturer trying to make a buck from the poor gullible idiots that believe their BS, they have no conscience, and BS spews forth from them and their shills, who are just as gullible and idiots.

Cheers George
Anything like "Expensive fuses sound fabulous." More recent history, but BS nonetheless. 

328 posts

Perhaps we can start a trend in marketing gear with

"analog ready"..................?
Yes, the JBL ad for the L-100 seemed to be aimed at what became the "Head Banger"....."accurate or not, they can play loud as Hell".
That’s not what Julian Hirsch said.

From somewhere in cyberspace,

“For example, in April 1977, he stated: “I do not believe that any amplifier that is reasonably good and operating as intended has any sound quality of its own, at least not in the sense that phono cartridges, speakers, and listening rooms have their distinctive sounds.”

His statement predated the advent of CD players by the way.

It appears he never actually commented on the sound of components he tested. And he didn’t believe in wire or cables. Kind of like a lot of people today, no?
Not what you had in mind, but the biggest BS I remember was the anti-marketing Julian Hirsch:

"Hirsch was infamous among audiophiles for believing that all audio electronics — amplifiers, CD players, etc. — sound the same."

Everything cuts both ways, and perhaps some things that cannot be measured are real.  This public service announcement....

“The quality goes in,  before the name goes on......... Zenith”!

“Rainbow of Sound”. - Crosley Electronics

 “Better Sight.....Better Sound.......Better Buy”  - Magnavox

 “America’s Smart Set”. - Admiral 
"His Master's Voice."

"Living Stereo"



"Living Presence."

"Electronically Enhanced for Stereo."

"Audiophile Recording." 
I was only one year out of high school when Sony came up with the water purity slogan. I was shaking my head even then. 
 Kind of the same idea when I questioned an audio salesman about a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls, and the fact the drivers were all mounted on the back of the baffle. "We'll you see, the sound comes out of there SO fast, it isn't affected." Of course... why didn't I think of that?... .No sale.
What about everything being "Digital Ready". I think I even saw cables advertising that one.
Sony was talking about the purity of the water used to make the paper pulp for the woofers in their new speaker line in 1977.
Audio marketing BS? Its all BS. Can you maybe narrow it down a bit? 
"Pure, Perfect Sound Forever" -Philips Report this
Wait, you mean this isn't true......gosh, that changes everything, too bad I sold my SOTA 8-track player.
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