Your favorite OCC speaker cable

I've gotten good sound with my Analysis Plus Crystal Solo interconnects and may go for their speaker wire. But I like to wait for something used to come along, and it could be a long wait.

In the meantime, if there's a speaker wire with OCC that you've liked, I'd be curious to know what's worked for you.
Hilde45, you can find it in rolls also but I believe you can buy it by the foot. I got a 25 foot roll years ago on line. It looks imposing but it is really not hard to terminate. You really should have one of these There are a lot of wires to strip and they are teflon insulated. Teflon is tough stuff. If you do get the wire let me know and I will review with you how this is best done. You will also need to have a soldering iron and preferably a heat gun to shrink tubing. 
You would be hard pressed to find better speakers than Fidelium by Silversmith. I replaced $6000 cables with 8’ of them for $1200.
the old cables are now junk.
Take a look at this.

The whole thing is worth a read, but scroll down to p. 9 for the shortlist of companies that actually match your criterion.

@lalitk Will do.
@teo_audio  I hear you and agree, both on the rant and non-rant.
teo_audio Thanks. Is there a special way of doing OCC that that close connection to the inventor would affirm? Or is it a generalized process now?
Just that familiarity with the meaning of it, at a root level, for a near lifetime, may convey, over time, a decent understanding of the meaning and context of a cable design and build.

As in: not a late coming dilettante prancing around for your money with slick advertising and shiny bits to attract the crow in people. Everyone has to make their stuff look good and it’s a nebulous line that is wobbly, wandering, and ephemeral.

Advertisements and the like, as fundamental costs, that are baked into the price of the price of the product, that the end buyer pays.

EG Joebob makes $500k in advertisements per year to attract people to knowing his stuff exists, and to get them to reconnoiter the purposely sexy bits (and presentation) that don’t make the item one whit better. I buy one of his components. In that, I finance Joebob’s further attempts to make others aware of Joebobs components, and none of that aspect/part of the money spent by me ---is in the product. eg a rolling ’fame’ machine built out of recognition of it’s existence, and not much else. I took the time to listen and in the act of that.. financed more bible thumpers to go door to door, for Joebob’s furthering in life. It’s nearly a goddarned pyramid scheme, due to how humans are wired. Mediocrity and money rules the system, not quality in audio.

Problem is, how does one make good money in a low enough amount of time (cash per year, etc) be successfully feeding a family, in the realm of high end audio? Tough question. I don’t have an answer. Where the shiny crow attraction part can’t be avoided or separated from the customers as it is definitely there. Big time. Advertising works. Sadly.

I’m not saying one of these product is somehow better than the other, only that Audio Sensibility is not a johnny come lately, nor illiterate about audio, or cables. They are more well known in Canada, obviously. As for the over the top end of the pool, we know it when we see it.
There is only one speaker cable in existence that is literally not like the others, but it is also (unavoidably) stupidly priced. Oh well...

Please add Zavfino OCC cables to your list. I’m currently using Nova OCC and couldn’t be any happier with the gorgeous sound. The built quality is anything I’ve seen at this price point.
@teo_audio Thanks. Is there a special way of doing OCC that that close connection to the inventor would affirm? Or is it a generalized process now?
Audio sensibility out of Ontario Canada. Steve's family was a friend of Professor Ohno. Not sure you can get a closer connection to OCC than that... Definitely an option for OCC products.
@hilde45 see last photo of the USAM link you provided. These are bi-wire speaker cables. One end has two connectors, the other end has four,  
@mijostyn Thanks. I just looked up Kimber. They sell via dealers. So...I'd contact a dealer and tell them the length I want? Terminate it myself, huh? Will investigate.
@mitch2  I found some HT Pro 9+ that say "internal bi-wire speaker cables"

What does that phrase "internal bi-wire" mean? I only have two posts on the back of my speakers.
hilde45, the best performing speaker wire is Kimber Kable 12TC. It has the lowest inductance of any cable made along with extremely low linear and parallel resistance. It is as close to having "no wire at all" as you can get. You can buy it in lengths, terminate it yourself and save big bucks. Kimber Kable is used in many megabuck cables. It is being hidden by a cable sheath. Kimber Kable does not use sheaths. They have nothing to hide.
Thanks, all, for the names and your experiences. This gives me a way to expand my options. 

I recognize that as part of an overall circuit, the qualities emphasized or attenuated by a speaker cable are likely to change based on the other elements in the system. But this at least gives me a good starting point. Appreciated. 

Happy to hear more names or experiences if there are more experiences out there.
I'm a big fan of OCC. In the past two decades I've owned Harmonic Tech Pro-9, AZ Satori, AZ Hologram II, and, currently, Audio Sensibility Signature. The AS Sig is by far the best of them, IMO. I auditioned some Audio Envy cables a year ago but found them too weighted toward the mids.
HarmTech is very nice - warm and also detailed, really good at taming "digititus".
I recently auditioned occ copper ribbons from ZenWave. They are my #1 now for my tube amp w/Harbeths.
I have been partial to HT Pro 9+ or 11+ both of which are made from multiple strands of solid core OCC copper that is individually insulated in foamed PE then surrounded by various layers of (probably superfluous) damping material, PVC, and tech flex that makes them look big and manly (probably a design selection by the marketing department).
For whatever reason I like the HT sound better than stranded OCC offerings by folks such as Furutech and also better than the similar AZ cables I have owned such as their double barrel shotgun cables.  I like the depth, fullness, and power of the bass from the HT cables as well as the clarity and rich tone across the mid-upper frequencies.  I am currently running two pair of HT Pro 9+ (aggregate of 6 awg) to each speaker.
Audio Sensibility out of Toronto and Audio Envy in Fort Collins, Co.  Both internet direct. Also Wireworld Equinox.