What's the most overrated or overpriced piece of equipment you own, have owned or come by?

This hobby of ours is extremely rewarding, but can also be very expensive. I don't mind paying the big bucks (if I can afford it) for better sound. But many companies out there take advantage of us poor bastards and sell us snake oil equipment at exorbitant prices. Well...This is your chance to share with other Audiogonners.

This is your chance to GET EVEN :-)
Schiit audio Yggdrasil. 
Its an OK dac but no where near  as good as the hype would lead one to believe. I know, I owned it.  
Cardas older Quadlink cables, Sehnheiser headphones, Parasound belt drive cd player. Bose was okay for movies for a while, better than built-in TV speakers.
Negative advertising is not illegal, look at the presidential campaign.
dbtom2: to start it has no handling of jitter. Whatever jitter comes in, comes out. The thing is buggy.... Very little bass. Only sounds good with vocal and simple stuff. Everything else sounds... wrong. It handles hi-res very badly too (ironically)

Also, noise floor is ridiculously high, -90/100db? My $300 pro audio dac noise floor is almost -130db...

I ended up selling it for around $3000, and I felt really bad for the buyer.
Wharfedale E90 loudspeakers many years ago. What was I thinking, they looked great and sounded horrible. Purchased on the basis of a favorable review in HiFi News. taught me a valuable lesson; listen before you purchase!
Hey coli, tell me more. That DAC is on my audition shortlist. Why didn't you like it?

PS Audio Directstream DAC. It’s borderline scam. Audiophile cables/connectors are next on the list.
Back when had some vintage gear, I had Pioneer HPM100’s and JBL4312’s. I walked on my lips to get them and found I had a sensitivity to a resonance in their midrange area. Both found happy homes, but I wanted to like them!

I was also lucky enough to have owned (second hand) two Rotel disc players that quickly developed laser problems. When I called the Rotel distributor they basically said I asked for it by buying preowned. I took it like a man, but was somewhat surprised by the conversation. Overall my preowned purchases have been great, thankfully.
Krell KSA 300!  Oh my that was a painful experience.  Sorry to offend any Krellophites!
Nothing, because everything I've ever purchased helped me get to where I am now. Happy!
Luckily I've never owned a regrettable piece of kit. But I do research the heck out of something and nearly always audition before buying. I also avoid flavor-of-the-month kinds of gear.
The most trouble-prone piece I ever owned was a Thorens TD-125 Mk.2 turntable. The electronics were evidently malfunctioning, causing intermittent "motorboating". I took it to the warranty service center many times, the problem never being found or solved. The table would never exhibit the motorboating at the center, of course. I was very young, and ending up getting rid of it. Now, I would demand the whole electronic circuit board be replaced. Why that wasn’t just done to solve the problem I have no idea.
One poster said no one here ever admits to owning Bose.

I own a pair of Bose noise cancelling ear buds, which I use on airplanes. And they are EXCELLENT for what they are designed to do.

Are they high fidelity? I have no clue, but they do cancel out a ton of airplane engine droning, and makes flying more enjoyable. Not only not overpriced for what they do (costs less than a decent interconnect), they actually work as well. 

On on the other hand, is there any Bose equipment in my home setup? Uh, no. 
I have been really fortunate in my audio purchases, not a single one I regret.

Having been in the retail end of the high-end audio business a long time ago, there were items that had high margins, like speakers (usually 50% profit margins for the dealer) and certain accessories, like cables, which had even greater margins.

Since I discovered Audiogon, I've purchased about half of my equipment from sellers on the site, finding good values on current models, great sellers who have accurately described the items they sell, so when I "flip" something, I don't take a bath on the ownership.
Every item that I've owned that cost $5k and up was worth every penny.  Even at nearly $10k for my preamp when it was new, I was thrilled to own it with nary a hint of buyers remorse.  Before I purchased it, I couldn't conceive of ever paying that much for a piece of audio equipment.
I must agree that every brand fades away if it comes to hi-end cables that will occupy definitely top shelves of such hierarchy excluding perhaps very . That's where you can pay 5...6 figures and get in return maximum 2.

Rather than focus on a few minor disappointments I’d rather just say that most everything I have ever bought has been worth it for the most part. I may have scratched my head once or twice over certain pricier ICs but not so bad so no big deal. I do tend to research my purchases carefully and thoroughly though so that surely helps.

Also I own no Bose though some of their Bluetooth speakers seem fairly competitive at their price points. Otherwise not so much and most common Bose products these days is not worth the money versus the competition IMHO.

No one is willing to admit to owning Bose on this site.  That company wins the award hands down!
Before I would say I would ask to confirm that public stonings are illegal or at minimum still considered to be in bad taste.   :^)
Pretty much every commercial audio cable I ever purchased(relative to DIY efforts.)