What Is Most Important?

What do you consider to be the most important element in your ultimate enjoyment of hifi reproduced music?



"To respond to the ops actual question, for ultimate enjoyment, being able to share it with other people. When you are your death bed, are you going to remember back fondly to that time you were sitting in your basement, alone, listening to a great track? Unlikely and I hope not"

Personally, I hope my capacity for enjoying any type of creative expression never becomes dependent upon whomever else happens to be in the room. 




"Engagement. If the system, modest or mammoth, engages you then it's all good.  If for whatever reason it doesn't engage you, you'll never be happy"



I would like to add that I believe many speakers are sold due to chasing "that sound",  when in fact MANY are quite good and not driven to their full potential by the amps / preamps they are paired with.   

I am going to say amplification.    Sure , speakers are crucial .  But how many of us can afford or have the space for our dream speaker?   

My Zesto pre and Toolshed Amps 300b have definitely elevated my system to audio nirvana.    Anyone with preconceived notions of Klipsch Forte IV would be quite surprised how they sound driven by great equipment.   While not my end game speaker they are pretty satisfying until that day arrives .  

@cd318 - indeed there are some decent releases from the 80's, but there are bands like Midnight Oil, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Metallica, and loads of others whose mid-80's released CD's are horrible - low volume and compressed to death. Fortunately re-masters have come out of all of these....

Disappearing act, that a well setup system does. This is most important to me.


The media is the largest changing variable in how any system performs. IMHO


I’d agree also.

There’s a huge market in reissues and remastering, and just once in a while, they get it right.

I’m not sure about classical releases but with pop, more often than not, the original CD issues from the 1980s still remain the best.

A good example is the Beatles, where more or less everything after Revolver is best found on the original 1987 releases.

With classical, I suspect that since far more care was taken of the original recording quality, subsequent remastering is usually less of a concern.

The media is the largest changing variable in how any system performs. IMHO 

small pre-birthday dinner party last night

5 of us actively picking favorites from my cd/sacd collection for 4 hrs. what a mixed bag, what a blast.

am I the only person who mentioned sharing the music with friends? (as produced by our wonderfully assembled systems).

my new to me Sony xa5400es player sounded awesome, and, I pushed the speakers back to make more room around the table and 'found' a very nice l/c/r distribution for several off center listeners. today I will compare it to my prior 'two person' toe-in position.

To respond to the ops actual question, for ultimate enjoyment, being able to share it with other people. When you are your death bed, are you going to remember back fondly to that time you were sitting in your basement, alone, listening to a great track?  Unlikely and I hope not. Sitting with a good friend, sipping some premium Scotch, and enjoying tunes .... quite possibly.   I would rather make memories than pass the time.

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

Hey All,

Don't post much here but read some.

My best satisfaction is when I've updated/changed some aspect of my audio system, put on one of my favorite CDs I've owned for 20/30 plus years, and hear something I never heard before!  You All know what I'm talking about.

Lawrence From MI

Post removed 

@fuzztone ,

I see. I simply can't keep up with all the hijinks you zany hippies are up to these days.

Is this one of those "Everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi" moments? So hard to tell for sure.

If you're willing to look past the theology, religious leaders can be excellent teachers.

Like a church sign I came across a while back:

"A good friend stabs you in the front."  

Many parallels and contemporary references in one, simple sentence.

 or are you, unlike me, going to take wire amplifiers and tonearms with you to eternity ??? - something tells me you won't succeed (((

At that point will I even care?  I'll just leave it to the next generation of audiophiles who hopefully will enjoy it as much as I did.

OP for me the most important is the enjoyment.  Whether it be the music, the technical aspect, or the friends I meet along the way.  Sometimes it brings me pleasure,  sometimes it brings me sorrow but I enjoy it all just the same.

oh no - it's not like that at all ... for Sergio it makes no difference who is in front of him: an American, a Spaniard or a Russian - he looks at what kind of person he is! I traveled half the world (not as a tourist) - lived in different countries - I have the opportunity to compare ...
There is no hatred in me (except for scum and Nazis).
If I am condemned by a person who knows nothing about the essence of the issue, I will correct him ... but unfortunately in that thread there were many who understand the truth, but deliberately mislead the rest!
I try to be objective and write only when the material is well known to me.

I have no more issue with the average Russian than I do with the average Chinese person. They are victim of decades of abuse and propaganda from their own governments. In my travels, I have found that every day Russians and Chinese people are more like us than a lot of people from other countries. Russia as a monolith I have no sympathy for, but I think any person using common sense is the same. 

@theaudioamp , coulda, woulda, shoulda doesn't really give one an out on that.

As for what it has to do with audio, it was largely a jab at sergio, who hates Americans, is very sympathetic to Russia, and likes to crap on threads after he took a drubbing for his stance on an older thread that went sideways.

All the best,

Except @nonoise, the Jewish genetic deviation is one of the lowest of any races, and in theory in the time of the bible, at least Jesus, could have been Ashkenazi, who by the most recent genetic studies have a predominantly European genetic lineage maternally, and middle eastern paternal lineage (which can often be fair skinned). So who is to stay whether people in the Bible were white, olive, brown, black or whatever. A significant portion would have been fairer skinned, and a significant portion likely more olive/light brown, but even if genetically fairer skinned, their genetic lineage, coupled with lack of sunscreen would have resulted in a deep tan on observed skin.

But the bigger question of course is what the heck that has to do with audio let alone this conversation? When were philes ever big on facts?

Daily reminder: There are no white people in the bible.
How long before those of least melanin realize that and claim it's all CRT?

I love atheist humor.

All the best,

America (the headquarters of Satan on the planet Earth) is not the place where it is worth mentioning religion - this is not a priori here. But there are many people (naive or overconfident) who think they know something about this subject (strange - they have never seen it, but they know everything) ...

What a sensible statement. 


@firstgrowth + 1

@serjio  Soul as it applies to music or how it touches our emotions is certainly not superficial. Soul as it applies to religion is the superficial, always rating one soul as superior to another, anger and hate, wars, blah, blah, blah. One belongs here, the other save it for rabble forums, tons of those around.

I am reminded at this time that:

- Atheists have lower rates of unwanted pregnancy

- Atheists have higher rates and more thoughts of altruism

- Democratic countries with more Atheists have much better social safety nets, i.e. they consider it more important to take care of their fellow humans

- Democratic countries with more Atheists take better care of the environment

- This is an audio site. People should take their religion, and other issues somewhere else or I will fill the need to remind them of their and their beliefs flaws.


@firstgrowth , the comments may be in jest, but obviously some have access to higher quality than others.


audio - this is what a person eats ... you suggest discussing food and ignoring its effect on the body ???

very superficial look ... think about it .

I did not deviate one iota from the essence of the branch (which is the most important thing) ... or are you, unlike me, going to take wire amplifiers and tonearms with you to eternity ??? - something tells me you won't succeed (((

Bringing a sense of humor to this forum might help.  The weed comments are in jest.  Does anyone get it anymore or do we all take ourselves so seriously that no one can have any fun?


I'm going to roll a joint.

Religion and politics, blah, blah, blah. Sometimes I'm not sure I'm in audio forum or some other rabble forum where anger passes for discourse.  This thread not too angry yet, but I sense may go that course.


@serjio Soul has it's place in audio, just not in religious context or on this thread. I've been on this site since beginning, most veterans have left due to this morphing off into provocative subjects having nothing to do with audio. Goal of provocateurs is to take over entire forum, make every thread about them and whatever grievance bothers them most at the very moment of post. No end of those grievances. Provocateurs like candles, come on here, burn brightly for short time, then disappear.

@jasonbourne52 said it best. When I’m beamed up, every penny invested is money well spent. 

@bobpyle you are correct.

It should be about audio, but people drag in God, politics, electric vehicle and wherever else is their “piss off de Jur”.

Sadly we cannot stick to what is the sole common thing amongst us.


it's funny that you broke down on the most important post that was possible to find (((

America (the headquarters of Satan on the planet Earth) is not the place where it is worth mentioning religion - this is not a priori here. But there are many people (naive or overconfident) who think they know something about this subject (strange - they have never seen it, but they know everything) ...

Veterans of the hobby have long since left the site, but that doesn't mean you can't learn something!

Listen to what teenagers say (no matter how old they are and how much money they have) and do the opposite )))


Following a good start, I am disappointed that responses have now morphed into off-message posts that refer to drugs and religion. The angst between certain posters was not called for and not required.

I have made 63 responses and 1 original post on this forum. It has taken me this much activity to realise that this forum is not for me. 

Thank you and goodbye,


@serjio I think I understood you fine…

  1. If the omniscient and omnipotent good lord did not want us to be tempted by the devil then we might wonder why he created him?
  2. And if he did not want us to eat the fruit at the garden of Eden, then why point it to out to ol Adam in the first place?
  3. And if he did not want us to enjoy sex, then why make it so damned pleasurable and load us up with hormones?

It is like he is playing a game with us, where the dice are loaded.


But I like all sorts of music, other than country and death metal… and I even do not mind some country music.

@holmz I see that you didn’t understand me (my fault - I picked up the wrong words, metaphors) ... In fact, everything is pragmatic - in the context of the "devil" - these are mental, physical and moral deviations, degeneration, lack of development (evolution), stupidity , uncontrolled primitive emotions, and the worst option - a conscious feeling of pleasure - an attraction to all of the above.
God - mental and physical health, evolution and development, social benefit, education, culture, sense of proportion, disgust from the devil ...
The difference is even greater than between Neanderthal and Cormagnon...



as a rule, music leading to the devil is listened to in youth (there are no brains, life experience, hormones and biology are boiling) ...
despite the fact that the majority gradually grow up and get on a more correct track, the problem is that the "spine of the soul and personality" is formed in childhood and adolescence - then there is only a quantitative accumulation of information arrays, but the roots - the roots affect all life! - you can forever remain "humpbacked" ...
What happens to such people? - in general, nothing good ... their life is poor, there is no taste, a good woman will not look at them, they are dangerous to others, they get sick more often ...
after death? ...
Spark - strives for the sky in a bold flight; and an insignificant fly - attracts to sewage

BS @serjio - Back before modern medicine when the good lord provided us with more disease opportunities and life expectancy was shorter, he at least gave us the hormonal drive to reproduce.

And yet you are seeming to be saying that that drive he gave us is somehow a sin to overcome? If that is the case, then why did the good lord bless us with a problem, that is a test, and that we need to pass it to attain his love?

It is almost as believable as a magical speaker cable.

But thanks for looking out for us with your sage advice. I am not really interested in music labelled as the devils music or the lords music… nor what I should be listening for.

@larsman you’re not wrong.


Maybe give him half a brownie, just to soften up those hard edges...

He appears to be quite the sour apple.

The Performance.  I may disregard the technical aspects of a recording and media delivery for a great Performance.  But there are limits to what I will accept.