What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?
Was not a “cable guy”. Just didn’t believe that cables could make that much of a difference, especially a usb. It’s just 1’s and zeroes, right ?
A local dealer gave me a Kubala-Sosna emotion usb to try out at home. I was truly amazed at how it opened up my streaming front end. Not joining in on what’s better, but in my case there’s a great improvement with my kubala usb. (Yes, I did order one)
I have heard a lot of cables and owned many usb cables  
the Final Touch Audio Callisto  USB cable is very reasonable at retail $850 
is a Great cable Never have I ever put a usb cable in that was like a good component upgrade against the wire world platinum 7, and Lightspeed 
neither had the realism soundstage width and depth and rich realism .
Lampizator US is the distributor.  Read the reviews online ,and then check it out 
 they may even give you a week to audition it , a They don’t tell you what makes it special but  to my knowledge the Only ones Thst sourse a special Copper 
with a minimum of both Silver,and a Gold content  which is very limited
then Hammered to the diameter which also changes the grain structure like a Katana sword, nothing else is disclosed . This in my opinion is why it sounds so 
special from Any other USB  cable I have Ever heard .Well worth  checking out.
To those who do not believe a cable makes a difference, I ask you what properties make any component better than another?

Or I ask you to describe the difference you hear between one component and another?

For the engineers I ask how far can you see into an electric current to tell if it is good or not? If you say oscilloscope, then I say look at your zeros and ones and notice if there are 90 degree angles. 

Also Lampizator are great DACs. Maybe not for a system that already has a bunch of tube components, but for a solid state system like mine I like them a lot and I have had more than my fair share of DACs over the years. 
Rob from Lampizator North America is great to work with and he will even see to it that a DAC you order is customized to your specifications too. Plus, what other DAC company will take one of their own as trade at full retail price?
I can vouch for and highly recommend the original Curious.
Have used it with a Chord Qutest first with a Melco N1A and more recently with a Roon Nucleus.
Been well reviewed from the likes of Darko, HIFI-Advice and Audio Bacon.
By the way, I am not an engineer, I am a financial planner. So if what I wrote in my previous post is incorrect then I will just instead say that it is my opinion. Also, to those who do not believe cables make a difference stop calling those that can hear the difference foolish. How many fools can go around buying this type of equipment for very long? The answer is none of them. These are by and large very well educated people who have succeeded in life as a result of their intelligence and enjoy their  hobby. If you find pleasure in criticizing others that do enjoy their hobby it means that you need to find a different hobby that brings you happiness and that this is not the right hobby for you. 
would love to know if anyone has heard curious evolved and fta callisto and/or shunyata venom/alpha/sigma.

i have a curious evolved but never heard anything other.  on order is an fta.  wondering if i should have gone alpha.  part of me suspects alpha will be noiseless but also tonally deficient.  not sure if that is a reasonable thought or not.
I've tried quite a few USB cables  and they are the most unpredictable of the bunch. What's good for one setup , sounds awful in the other. 
They are extremely hardware dependent. Therefore any advice with them doesn't mean much. You'll have to audition them yourself. 
One thing though, I found that my impressions were very similar to those people's  who had the same  transports as I do ( Antipodes CX-EX combo ) . The rest of the gear didn't matter much. 
I tried several and ended up with Totaldac and Curious (first version).  For USB, I thought the Totaldac cable bettered the Curious but with my gear I actually found both AES/EBU and I2S bettered the USB connection and I like I2S the best.  Antipodes DX (Ethernet) to Metrum Ambre (I2S) to Metrum Adagio.
Try some Dcoustic BBQ
Made by Bill Dion.
He sells here on Audiogon
They punch way above their price
I am using the Sonore by Cardas USB cable with great success:


In my system, it does a better job than other, more expensive options.
+1 on the Final Touch Audio Callisto. In my system, it made a significant difference, standing head and shoulders above at least eight or ten other contenders, several already mentioned in this thread.
I stopped a while back when the LAT International USB cable sounded best over the Cardas, AQ Carbon, and a Neutral Audio (from Italy). And of course a generic black plastic covered cable. All these are below $200.00.
I hear differences very similar to analog interconnects and speaker cables. So I suspect the components are a factor as with analog cables.
Now I'm curious to try the Callisto and Inakustic USB cables.
One thing good about these threads is people have tried many cables, so it gives us a head start and saves lots of time. I personally would like to keep the dollar amount below 500. Thanks to all who have contributed!
I’ve got an Audience AU24SE USB cable that was excellent when I was using usb; I’ve moved to Ethernet and don’t need it; If interested PM me;

I just picked up a Wireworld Platinum Silver Starlight 7 and it is pretty impressive.

Am looking at the fta callisto, but sablon 2020 is also a consideration. Anyone tried both and have any good comparisons made?

I had the Curious Evolved and sold it. At present, using black magic usb, triode wire labs discrete usb, and phasure lush2. 
i have used (over last 6 months and in this order chronologically):
- curious evolved
- fta callisto
- shunyata alpha
- shunyata sigma

The USB cable links the Antipodes EX to a DAVE.

The Curious Evolved might be for classical lovers?  it was pretty neutral but not ultra high resolution i think.  being slightly cold i do not think it mixed well with my system at that time.  i have a noisy system and i don't think it coped with that at the time perhaps.  in any case i think to be accurate i'd have to say i never warmed to it.

I put the FTA Callisto into my system and suddenly it was like the lounge room went from morgue to fairy garden!  lovely dazzling/dappling frequencies and sparkle.  bountiful musicality and bloominess in the best way.  loved it from the get go.  but of course i am mentally ill and could never let the idea of less noise and more information go.

so i bought a sigma and whilst it was on the way they sent me the alpha.

it was instantly so different because the fta sort of shimmers and in doing so everything melds and smoothes and is beautiful.  it adds artifact in order to obscure banality and low resolution.  

the alpha seemed to just take noise away and leave a neutral but quite dynamic and lovely sound but also a tad boring?  tone wise i sort of wanted the fta callisto back.  plus it took a while for the alpha to settle i guess.

anyway by around about the time it had settled nicely (and it was all getting a bit sublime and i had no regrets (except why bother with sigma for twice the money?) - i receive the sigma.

so this goes in and once it settles down and burns in a bit (it sounds actually obnoxious at times during the burn in (yes i know KPIP)) you just get totally noiseless everything on the record and you've never heard so much information and it is so quiet now that you're well into this rarefied ultra high resolution landscape but without or with less smearing.  biggest immediate difference was 100 shades of bass and high pitched melody lines from piano or guitar or whatever seemed to be more coherent, more continuous.

the risk of Sigma is that presentation without distortion can be duller and perhaps less suited to pop music (in that it in unforgiving).  putting one potentially on another upgrade tear as now you can hear the difference!  for example i now have a new amp for highs on my bi-amp system because sigma made me realise what i was using was a tad cold and unresolving.  

scoring them ala the spinal tap approved system i reckon
curious evolved - 6
fta callisto - 8
alpha - 9
sigma - 11 

Thanks for sharing @mr_gray. This is an incredibly informative post. I truly hope the anti-audiophiles in these forums ala AtDavid (now posting under a Robert fake account) and Dow Jones don’t catch up with this thread. Although that is almost impossible as they specifically target cable threads
USB cables do make a difference. Even into my $3500 DAC. I have 5 cables here now and some are NIGHT AND DAY, it's not even funny how much difference can be made with a USB cable in a well set up and resolving system. I use an AudioQuest Diamond and have for 4 years. I keep testing others to see if one can best it for the same or a little more money but none have been able to up to $1000. I also have a $60 Audioquest Forest USB here and when that goes in? EEK. Sound shrinks, treble gets a tad more annoying, bass is less prevalent and the soundstage is not nearly as wide or deep. That is in comparison to the Diamond. I have a Nordost Blue Heaven and Heimdall USB here as well. Both of those can not get close to the Diamond. They lose air, extension and that cohesive sound that the diamond brings. The Nordost are thicker sounding. I also have a $20 cable here which sounds decent but you lose all of the magic that is so prevalent with the Diamond. I tried a Venom USB...warmer, thicker, more meaty mids but again, lose the ethereal character of the Diamond. I will probably keep my Diamond for life unless Audioquest betters it (unlikely). 
@stevehuff   Great comparisons. I've been playing with pricier USB cables lately but haven't got to the Diamond yet. Recently using the Audio Sensibilities Signature Silver, very neutral. I have an Alpha coming soon. But I'm interested in hearing whatever more the Diamond sounds like, or doesn't, whatever is appropriate, if you wouldn't mind. Or whatever makes you want to keep it forever.
@stevehuff Get hold of a Final Touch Audio Callisto and you might find the results interesting. By the way, I enjoy your reviews and photography...take alot more photos, you have real talent.
Another vote for the AQ Diamond USB.  I'm using it between my Mac Mini and my Ayre QB-9 and it's staggeringly good.  I did a few blind comparisons with the wife and she was afraid to give me her opinion.  Finally she told me that the Diamond (which she didn't know which it was) was so much better than my standard cable that one was like being at a concert, the other was listening to a Bose wave radio - which he have in the kitchen.

The difference the Diamond made in my system was nothing short of jaw dropping.  Super highly recommended.


You were 100% right! The Shunyata Sigma USB is an outstanding cable! I had to try one for myself. 
if you can fit it: Uptone USPCB, not a cable but a rigid circuit board connection giving you 90ohms exactly and split signal and power path through different layers of the circuit board. Exact 90ohm impedance and length of cable both matter greatly for sound quality
There's a company from Sweden that manufacturers Supra Cables that you can find on Ebay. I took a chance and bought a 1 meter USB for $50. I didn't know how much HF noise I was dealing with until I installed this cable. iFi has a new USB gadget called the iSilencer+. Looks kinda like a Jitterbug. That Supra USB has a more beneficial effect than the iFi. That's their website but they don't sell anything. They do explain why their cables work. Hope I didn't commit a fau pax.

The Curious Evolved was the best out of everything I tried which was a lot of cables but nothing insanely expensive. So I wondered why are USB cables so different from one another. Then I read something about USB being inherently flawed in that it was not created for audio. 
So I sold my Aurender N100H and all of my USB cables, except a couple I still need to list for sale. I then purchased an N100C and connected a digital coaxial cable that I have. Sonic Craft made them for me. They use Neotech solid silver cable and Furutech locking RCA connectors having set screws for the wire and shield instead of solder. 
After listening to this new setup I feel like I am in a dream that I am afraid to wake up from. So much more information and fullness and emotion in the music. I am in hifi heaven. So, to me personally, the best USB cable is a digital coaxial cable. 

I think I have figured out why pretty much every thread at some point is interrupted and thrown off track by a snake oil jerk.

It is because snake oil jerks, who have a doctoral degree in electrical engineering and are professor emeritus at an ivy league school and who otherwise are so eminently qualified, feel that it is their civic duty to hijack threads to remind others that digital is only zeros and ones and to let those who think otherwise know they are fools.

Notice to snake-oil jerks: I personally get a rush when I find or try something that helps my system sound even better than what I previously had thought was impossible. So I must ask, do you snake oil jerks go on other types of forums, say religious forums, and tell subscribers they are foolish for worshiping what you believe to be the wrong diety? Or do you leave them in peace and allow them to enjoy what they enjoy? 
These are called snake oil screechers. It’s a hobby on itself. No need to even have an audio system or even listen to any music 
Shortest possible link, power line separated or completely cut from signal lines on separate layer of the circuit board. Add an Intona USB Isolator for galvanic isolation and save lots of money compared to exotic cables.
If one owns a DAC that has internal USB power supply such that the USB cable only carries the signal and not the 5V power, how does that enter into the question of what is the best USB cable? 
As usual PBN AUDIO is on the money :)  PT Barnum said theres a Fool born every day - or is that a suckered? 
Whats the rest of your system - so this question can be evaluated correctly ? 
I've been using a Platinum Wireworld with ISO Regen and LPS 1. The Regen offers Galvanic Isolation. Planning to combine a Sotm TX USBultra with the ISO Regen.
I have used the Curious cables for a few years.  I wanted a new USB for an Innuos Statement and couldn't make a decision with so many choices.  I ordered a Network Acoustics Ethernet Filter and saw they had USB cables so I ordered one, I felt it was relatively inexpensive and what do I have to lose.  They have a 30 day return policy.  No way it is going back, and I will be selling my 3 Curious cables soon.
Regarding the Network Acoustics EVO cable feeding a Terminator Plus, all I will say is WOW!!!
I can't say it stands head and shoulders above the rest but I strongly endorse a trial in your system.

The ENO USB Ag cable (Network Acoustics) is the one I use. I’ve not heard anything better.
So from the above, it appears that there are fans of the following USB cables:
1. Shunyata Sigma
2. Audioquest Diamond
3. Wireworld Platinum Starlight 7
I would like to know if anyone here has compared these three cables on a highly resolving system (preferably playing ECM jazz). 
My system:
1. Eero Pro 6 Wifi Router taking Wifi from the gateway > DH Labs Reunion Cat 8 Ethernet cable > SOtM sNH-10G Ethernet switch. 2. Azulle i5 Mini PC 32GB RAM 250 GB M.2 SSD Running ROCK (Roon Core) > USB out (currently Shunyata Venom > Innuos Phoenix > Shunyata Venom USB out from Phoenix to  > Denafrips Terminator Plus DAC > Shunyata Delta RCAs > 300B Tube integrated amp which may be replaced with higher end amp > Shunyata Delta speaker cables > Magico A3 speakers.

Power is from PS Audio PowerPlant P12.
Power cables are Shunyata Delta NRs. 
So I am considering replacing the Shunyata Venom USBs in the above system with either of the 3 cables above. Thoughts? Recommendations?
Many thanks! 
I have replaced the Uptone USPCB connector with a short 10’ Intona Reference cable. Highly recommended!
I would also add Network Acoustics USB III on your ‘must’ audition list before you settle with next USB cable. The ENO USB Cable III delivers exceptional levels of detail and realism, all very naturally and effortlessly. The construction is first rate and you would appreciate its flexibility. 
i use supra cable 5 meters
just wrap metal foil, around the cable
as extra Shield, maybe not nice, but it works
gives much more
transparency sound
level with the best usb cables
90ohm tight control gives the sound, so it does not matter how expensive the cable is.
Do we know if any company make cable for USB 3.0 with Type A to Type B 3.0?

I'm really enjoying my "curious" USB cable and at 1/10th the cost of my other 3, I'm considering switching across the board and have a sell off and with the proceeds buy a new Ford Bronco.
I’m another Shunyata Sigma user. I had the Curious yellow and WireWorld Silver Starlight prior to that. The Sigma is more natural, balanced and detailed in my system. Hate to admit it, but I’ll order the Omega USB soon.
The cable issue is really a journey. I started with Shunyata Venoms which were good. Then I used some Supras. However, I have recently received some AQ Diamonds which I am listening to now. But it isn’t all about the USB cable. What is the rest of your system like before and after that cable? I believe a stereo system is all about optimization of your weakest link. But I understand that the Shunyata Sigma, Wireworld Platinum Starlight 7 and the Curious are also good. 
Beyond the Uptone USPCBs I have now found two cables with better resolution and noise suppression:
1. Oyaide Continental 5S, a pure silver cable. This in turn is again bettered by
2. Intona USB Reference. Over several other pure silver and other costly experiments, the Intona in terms of noise floor, Impulse and reverb and transparency and tone is top of class.
 use supra cable 5 meters
transparency sound
level with the best usb cables
90ohm tight control gives the sound, so it does not matter how expensive the cable are
now is coming a new supra  USB 2.0 EXCALIBUR A-B
one best cable in the world
supra  write
We have for a couple of years been developing an ultimate USB Cable, the result was USB Excalibur. Our goal was simple, to make the world's best USB cable, with no compromises or shortcuts. Excalibur is a premium high speed cable with improved data and power transmission, a complement to the existing USB series. Both the data pair and the power pair are optimized for their purpose, transmit data and power
4 meter cost 150 dollars

Get a sonore usb I2S conversion  granny ring makes a Excellent usb and other cables without the markup.

I see the Luddites are out again with their pitchforks decrying the sorcery of USB and other ethereal pleasures of the anointed  agnostic apostles of truth. It maybe witchcraft or the devil's works but cables do make a difference due to their satanic sorcery. In the words of Pete Townshend "I can't explain".

Curious Evolved, JCAT Signature and iFi Gemini were all great with the edge goint to JCAT for me, but I'm still in AES land. Likely moving back towards USB needs and curious about the Inakustic and if anyone's tried Snake River's USB (his Boomslang AES is fantastic). 

These USB's seemed to be responsive to galvanic isolation gizmos from iFi - Loesch is generally a solid designer to my mind and ear. I tend to not like so many cables and boxes, but they seemed to round the leading edges in a way my sensitive old man ears appreciated.