What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?

Showing 4 responses by audioman58

Personally I feel if you have your spend over a $1000on a digital cable 
something is seriously wrong  in the design of your dac. 
The P.S audio direct stream dac minimizes the added benefit  of  spending to 
much on a USB cable. I have a AQ a Diamond  USB cable very good 
yes you can get a little better  but at what cost 2-3% for another $1500 ?
put a synergistic black fuse in there ,treat all connections with Stabilant -22 
and these improvements are much more cost effective .
For under $450 if you shop around the New NordostHeimdall-2 USB
cable is very good and on par with the Audioquest Diamond land Wireworld platinum just a bit different .Every cable will sound different
in each system.
I have heard a lot of cables and owned many usb cables  
the Final Touch Audio Callisto  USB cable is very reasonable at retail $850 
is a Great cable Never have I ever put a usb cable in that was like a good component upgrade against the wire world platinum 7, and Lightspeed 
neither had the realism soundstage width and depth and rich realism .
Lampizator US is the distributor.  Read the reviews online ,and then check it out 
 they may even give you a week to audition it , a They don’t tell you what makes it special but  to my knowledge the Only ones Thst sourse a special Copper 
with a minimum of both Silver,and a Gold content  which is very limited
then Hammered to the diameter which also changes the grain structure like a Katana sword, nothing else is disclosed . This in my opinion is why it sounds so 
special from Any other USB  cable I have Ever heard .Well worth  checking out.

Get a sonore usb I2S conversion  granny ring makes a Excellent usb and other cables without the markup.