
Discussions budburma has started

A cartridge with more bite, please and thank you332333
Another one (server) bites the dust! Aurender N10 vs. N200759517
Another one (server) bites the dust!357914
WAITAMINIT! Center stage disappeared with a Modwright KWA 150SE and Daedalus Athena V.2?!236118
Tannoy Everyone?! with Leben CS600 or Pass XA25/30.5?641152
Tannoy anyone? Cheviot Legacy vs. Stirling GR1858752
USB Galvanic Isolation?43418
Tube rolling with adapters? 6922->5670->6sn7?25414
Cary 306/200 service?144712
Cary 306/200 service?10953
Tube integrated for Devore Super Nines497716
Tavish Vintage on the way - Tubes?18301
Tavish Vintage vs Bottlehead Eros621211
TAD 6550a-STR vs other re-issue 655024250
Plinus 8200 MkII vs. Unico Nuovo with Totem23146