Warn Sound Capacitor

hi all ;)
based on your experience, i would like advice on choosing a warm sounding capacitor, its use will be in passive crossover for loudspeakers.
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In my opinion "warmth" comes more from the shape of the frequency response curve than from the capacitor itself; in other words "warmth" is more of a speaker voicing issue than a capacitor brand issue. 

On the other hand imo "clarity" and "resolution" are capacitor brand (and/or capacitor implementation) issues. 

I recommend Mundorf MKP 250 volt capacitors. In direct comparisons, I have not heard anything better. Replacing the existing (cheap) capacitors in your crossovers will make a remarkable improvement in any speakers you presently own.
@ petg60
who has higher esr CSA o ESA ?, are the ESA series that has higher ESR then CSA, i tested them
higher ESR is not always a good parameter
however i’m searching a cap that sound warm and with a good airy.....does ESA to this ?

I put ClarityCaps on my Great Heils and found them to be "duller" than the Aerovox caps that they replaced.
not necessarily as they are higher esr caps and less congested than esa. 
Glad you settled tw level.
You might be chasing your tail a bit, trying to find a cap that will tame your tweeter. Something with a high ESR would work, but it would make more sense to just install an L-pad (in parallel to the tweeter, across the tweeter output of your filter) and use it to pad the tweeter level. Once your tweeter level is comfortable, remove the L-pad and measure its resistance. Purchase a high quality resistor of the same value, and install it in the same location.

 i know what i do ;)no resistor in tw circuit only 12db/oct so one cap in series and ind in parallel

I have two set of crossovers in my photos.
What you can't see in the photos is the tuning bay in the underside, the back of the speaker.

While measuring, a variable resistor in parallel with the resistor in the circuit is used to tune either drivers one at a time, you could try running wires out through your port (if you have one?) and tune your tweeter energy, in parallel to the cap as your moniker image circuit diagram is.

If you've already thought of that, which it seems you may have.
I used Superior Z-Cap (two in parallel for one circuit to make the correct value) with a Duelund Capacitor 0.01uF 600Vdc Silver (Ag) Foil & Wax/Oil Precision BYPASS Cap. I found this to be a good sounding combination and much cheaper than using a Duelund VSF of the same value.

All the best.
Audio4pass, what Values and quantities do you require, and what is your budget?

Let me suggest Audyne Tri Reference
Clean warm presentation without sounding veiled. Not too expensive.
Excellent choice for a hot tweeter
excuse me but i don’t understand: if CSA sound more clean than ESA i think it will have more sibilance due it is more clean sound
i’m wrong ?
@ rixthetrick
i know what i do ;)
no resistor in tw circuit only 12db/oct so one cap in series and ind in parallel
"For tweeter use CSA would have less sibilance compared to ESA"

so you say the CSA are rounder then ESA ?
are you sure or probably i understand wrong ?

I suggest the Miflex KPAL series. If those are a bit too spendy, I would suggest sticking with a film and foil type, and staying away from metallized polypropylenes. The construction is much better.
I.own a new pair of 4367 horn speakers from JBL. Overall, they sound good, but the horn can dominate especially when it comes to the elevated human voice..that is overbearing, loud, and shouty  Can these components mentioned above tailor the sound so to retain most of the speakers attributes, yet attenuate the shoutiness? Are there any aftermarket products, such as crossovers that can be simply swapped to possibly fix problem?
Thanks for letting me horn in,..just not sure where to turn to effectively,  easily, and practically address this issue with the speakers. Thank you.
It might not be a bad idea to know the rest of the circuit?

Is there a resistor in series or parallel after the capacitor shunt, and do you know the value?
I don't want to suggest shunting more energy to ground as I'm not wanting to kill your amplifier :-)
if you don't know what you're doing?

if you have a very open tweeter and want to tame it avoid mundorf, especially the white line. For tweeter use CSA would have less sibilance compared to ESA. Another alternative could be Obligato premium gold with a nice pricing. Whatever you choose leave it to settle as caps may require some time to run in.
If you have a resistor in series, then replace it with Path Audio. Resistors play a big role in tone also. 
I don't know if caps will make enough of a difference.  My understand of Clarity caps is they are a bit more higher resolution and uncolored.  The Mundorf caps may be a little colored/veiled in comparison, but that's a hard call.

Probably the best way to tame a tweeter is to start using a lot of pure copper interconnect / speaker cable and ensuring that the terminations are all gold-plated.  Get rid of any silver or silver-plated elements in your transmission line.  This can also include digital cables, such as S/PDIF COAX or HDMI.
ok then try mundorf the white caps, silvergold, a  bit  pricey, but worth it. 
not sure if they are warm/bright, but they are musical/clean
Humblehomemadehifi has a nice shootout of caps. I like Clarity Caps they do not cost a fortune and sound right. I have used MR and ESA in my preamp, both different. Warmer and rounder of the two is ESA but you can try the better CSA which has more air than ESA.
Haven't heard ESA.  PX is definitely warmer than CSA.  I use both in different speakers and the CSAs are very neutral.  
thank you for your answer.
between esa, px and csa which is the warmest?

about mundorf they are overexctited in the highs (IMHO)
ClarityCap PX are really nice for the money.  Neutral to warm, it is an excellent sounding cap that won't kill you in price.  Higher end ClarityCaps are really flat in frequency response.  If you want to spend a pit more, I would look at Mundorf.  

Both are available at Madisound.  

This is a review of a LOT of different caps with sound presentation of each.  
