Warm but holographic & forward vocals.

Is there such a speaker?  I’m sure there is but I haven’t heard one myself as I haven’t listened to a variety of speakers in some time. 

Looking to move on from my Tekton DI’s (incredible speaker) and move to something a bit more lush, warm in midrange but then with a forward (not bright) holographic type vocals. 

Bookshelf/tower, doesn’t matter but want something smaller than the Tekton, which is pretty much everything lol. 

under $5k used, lower is better. 


I would look at a ribbon/AMT/planar that is on the warmer side. Raidho, Audiovector, Magnepan, MBL would be interesting options. There is definitely an Audiovector dealer in San Francisco.  They deliver an immersive experience that surrounds you.  None of these are particularly bright though in the case of MBL, a little room treatment might be required.  

A middle ground would be to listen to something like Wilson Benesch or Vivid which will not sound recessed and definitely be a bit more forward. Nothing about WB is bright. Vivid can drift that way with the wrong amplification. I know there is a Vivid dealer in San Fran and was told there is a new WB dealer in NorCal but not sure where.

Full disclosure, I am a Raidho, Vivid, and Wilson Benesh dealer. I have no affiliation with the other brands other that I have heard them and think they are great products. Good luck

@blkwrxwgn did you…

Take early morning get on Highway let air flow to wind maybe bring lady make interest drive


I have pair Vandy 7 in basement workshop back in state and they really fine speaker. They on opposite wall I have Maggie in gym where I pump iron get back lady love this.Listen to guys that say drive to hear. Take early morning get on Highway let air flow to wind maybe bring lady make interest drive.

IMO a drive to Sacramento to listen to the 2C and the Sub would be worthwhile. They want $1200, for that second hand set.

Current RRP for the 2Ce is $5650 for the speakers, and that sub was at least 2k back in the day.
And that was considered a good performance v cost value at those prices.

You could literally sell the Textons for $1600 and use the $400 fuel and a meal… and… still keep the 5k in the bank.

You might not like them, but Sacramento is as close as you can find for listen. They usually move quickly, and a listen only costs some fuel. At some point you probably want to listen anyhow.

Another option, and again, it's not for me, is Dali.  See if that's the type of tonal balance you are looking for.  They elevate the mid-treble significantly which makes them better listeners at low volume.

My experience is that Dynaudio's W shaped curve has the forward midrange you were asking about. 

Thank you @holmz really appreciate the recommendations.  And yes, Soule Domaine is still there!  Have only been once, it's an odd spot! 


@erik_squires I might reach out to Fritz about getting a pair sent over here.  

I also had somebody recommend the Cornwall IV, they said that the speaker is much warmer in the midrange than previous versions and isn't bright either.

In my 30 years of being in audio I have never spent time with a Dynaudio speaker! So weird to think......   

Speakers sound differently depending on how they're positioned and the nature of the room's acoustics. Why do these questions always mention the room only as an afterthought?

I think Dynaudio is a great suggestion, and I’d also highly recommend ProAc, Usher, and Joseph Audio. BTW, soundstage can be holographic, but midrange is a frequency and tends to be described more by tonality, definition, and dynamics, FWIW.

Fritz does home auditions.  Reach out to him via the website.

I love those speakers, but you might be asking for something closer to a Dynaudio.

Performance Audio

2847 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115
415 441 6220

Models on Display: Quatro Wood CT, Treo CT, Model 2Ce Signature IiI, Model 1Ci



These are close by:


@blkwrxwgn , That would be a very unusual loudspeaker. It is the recording that determines those characteristics. But, if you want a loudspeaker that is not shrill get Magnepans

Lucky you…
I have been there a few times, and Incline Village.
Is that Soule Domain restaurant still there?