I totally understand your though.
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
Always been a big fan of smaller cable makers. I've had great luck in my system with brands like Audio Art, Cabledyne (RIP), Audio Sensibility, and Triode Wire Labs. These and others I'm surely forgetting seem to offer so much bang for the buck compared to the more mainstream brands. Not exactly cheap but usually a great value for what you get. It's noteworthy that most of these are most easily found by cruising Audiogon, US Audio Mart, Audiocircle, etc and if you only ever read Stereophile/TAS you'll probably never be exposed to all these great options.
As with most people around here I've also had my fair share of Audioquest, Kimber, Shunyata, Cardas, Wireworld, MIT, and the rest of the big names. Some of those were very enjoyable but I have a hard time when I think about how big their marketing budgets are. And when my local dealer will always give me a deal for a very substantial discount, it makes me realize how inflated the regular pricing is. Not to mention I notice that many of these don't really get good until you move fairly high up the line, with their entry and mid priced options often being pretty uninspiring.
A few weeks ago I was browsing the various classifieds as I often do and stumbled across a name that was new to me. Turns out that's because they are new, period. Veritas Cables calls themselves a boutique hifi cable company specializing in small batch creations. That sounds reminiscent of early Black Cat Cable which they actually reference as an inspiration. This immediately caught my attention as I used to work with Chris Sommovigo at one point and loved his approach to building cables. The company had 3 items listed at the time: RCA interconnects, a power cable, and an ethernet cable. I liked what I saw but was actually in the market for an XLR interconnect, so I checked out their website (still under construction) which indicated more cables were coming soon. I figured it was worth an email inquiry to see what the time frame might be.
I got a quick response stating that they had just completed a batch of XLR cables and while most were spoken for via local word of mouth sales, they did have one extra set they could sell me. The price was well within my target and actually much more affordable than the others I had been looking at (Audio Art Copper Cryo, Morrow Audio MA6, Silnote Anniversary being the main contenders). So I took a chance on it, although with their in home trial terms it wasn't a huge gamble. They sent over an invoice with paypal and due to Veritas being in California like me the cable arrived very quickly.
When the company told me they don't use any fancy packaging, they weren't kidding. It was more like buying a second hand cable off a forum with no original packaging. But I've never cared about any of that stuff and would rather have that money go towards the actual product. In that sense I was not disappointed. Veritas calls this their Magnus cable and it shares design cues with the rest of their line I had seen listed on USAmart and the Veritas website. Specifically that means the use of a metallic silver braided jacket instead of the usual plastic or fabric sleeving most other cables have. This is the same approach used by Ed Bowman with his Cabledyne brand which I miss dearly. Back in the day my entire system was Cabledyne Reference Silver, then upgraded to their Vanguard line and was happy with that for quite a while. So I am very pleased to reintroduce a similar looking cable. That said the Veritas Magnus is somewhat thicker yet more flexible than the Cabledyne models which makes it easier to deal with.
Veritas doesn't come right out and list exactly what the internal composition is on their designs. When I asked directly they were happy to answer so it's not a complete secret, but I guess more of a marketing choice. Discussing this with them also reminded me of chatting with Ed Bowman, where there is clearly a lot of knowledge but also a desire to simplify things for a dumb end user like me. I tend to agree with their philosophy that says silver doesn't always have to sound bright and copper isn't always warm. Designers can do a lot based on geometry and purity and shielding and a dozen other factors to where a silver cable might actually be warmer and smoother than a copper cable. Or a copper cable might be more focused on speed and treble extension. Honestly I don't care as much about the specifics as I do about the end result, just give me an excellent performing cable no matter what it's made of.
In any case to my eyes the Veritas Magnus looks every bit as well made as the other options I had been considering. Those range from $630 for the Audio Art, to $1250 for the Morrow, to $1500 for the Silnote, all for 1.5m XLR versions just to give you a general idea. Meanwhile the Magnus was $389 which is almost what I would call entry level territory with the price of cables being what it is these days.
So far I've been using the Magnus to connect my Eversolo DMP-A8 to a variety of tube and SS headphone amplifiers in the $2-5k range, then feeding the amazing Raal Requisite CA-1a ribbon headphones via the Raal transformer box. It's a pretty simple system and this is the only interconnect involved, making it easier to spot the contributions versus a system with separate transport, DAC, preamp, and amplifier and of course cables running between each of them.
The sound I heard was shockingly open, clean, detailed, and smooth. Huge staging with impressive depth and even height on the right recordings. Very convincing tone on violins, guitars, and vocals both male and female. The Raal headphones are pretty ruthless and reveal all sorts of upstream shortcomings, but I got the feeling I was bouncing up against the limits of the DMP-A8 D/A conversion rather than the cable/amp/headphones. I'll test this out soon when I switch to my bigger system with a better/more expensive DAC, and I'll report my findings when I have some thoughts on that.
Checking my cable collection for things with a vaguely similar price as the Magnus. I rounded up a Harmonic Tech Truth Link, Analysis Plus Copper Micro, Anticables 3.1, and Moon Audio Black Dragon, all of which sold for somewhere in the sub $500 space (I think) at some point in the last decade. It was no contest, the Veritas Magnus outclassed them all by a significant margin. These are all decent cables with something to offer which is why I keep them around in my stash, but compared to the Veritas they all sounded either dull, thin, slow, compressed, or some combination of those traits. I also note that each of them looks and feels like more of a budget product (which I guess they are) where the Veritas Magnus seems like it belongs in an entirely higher class despite the price not reflecting that.
My next goal is to compare it to some others in my arsenal priced around the $1K range. So far, from memory I would say it feels very competitive even in that class, but I want to be more specific about it so no comments for now. The crazy thing is that Veritas told me they have another XLR option (didn't catch the name or other specifics) positioned higher than the Magnus, for what is likely still a pretty reasonable price considering their approach to the market. All of those were spoken for at the time but did ask to be notified when the next batch is ready so we can discuss that. I had been considering the Infigo Audio Sparkle or maybe even Sparkle Signature XLR down the road but I might detour to the Veritas instead, just for the sake of adventure. But that depends on the pricing and specifics they give me, if and when we have that discussion. I'm also curious about their power cables or maybe a USB down the line. Sometimes when cable companies try to do everything, they bite off more than they can chew, or seem to excel with digital rather than analog or vice versa. So it would be interesting to see if Veritas can do the full line of cables to this same high caliber.
In closing I'll say (and it's probably obvious) that I'm extremely impressed with this product so far. It's the most dramatic result I've had from a cable in quite some time, and I appreciate that it didn't involve spending thousands of dollars. The folks at Veritas really seem to be on the right track in terms of quality and value. Which is not to be confused with being very good at marketing a product, which honestly they don't really seem to be, nor do they seem to even care all that much at the moment. They definitely have some improvement to do when it comes to optimizing their operation, but they told me their focus is on organic growth and quality over quantity. That seems like a noble approach so I can't fault them for it. Their website also could really use more specifics but at least they answer emails quickly and are easy to deal with that way.
I'll be back in the next week or so with additional updates. Maybe some downsides will present themselves. But so far it's been a totally positive experience. Next up is my bigger system with more expensive components and cables, we'll see how the Magnus holds up in that context.
@wig, (Hi wig) I was told: "It took about a dozen prototypes to arrive at this final version but it was absolutely worth the trouble. It’s a hybrid silver/copper design with unbelievable clarity and realism – hence the name Aperta which roughly translated from Latin means “open, exposed, uncovered, clear.” "We humbly submit that nothing else on the market comes anywhere near the Aperta without a four figure price tag". |
@denon1, as soon as I took the Aperta speaker cables off the cable cooker (3 days) and into my system they sounded as good as my Audioquest William Tell speaker cables (I really like my William Tell and my Lavricable Grand 5N speaker cables) and now that I have 5 hours on them I believe the Aperta speaker cables are doing a better job picking up micro details, with excellent lows, mids, and highs, very realistic music including jazz, piano, vocals, violins and timbre sound. I do believe that the Argentum interconnects have a part to play in this also. I do like the bananas used, they have some sort of a device that holds them in securely and feel tight, they are easy to remove. I don't recognize the brand of the bananas. The Aperta speaker cables are more flexible than the William Tell and easy to work with.
@lak, thanks for update, I know the new cables still need to be burned, but how they compare to Audioquest William? Also, how do you like banana plugs on Alpert’s cables? Do they stay secure and tight or they easy to remove? |
I’ve had the Aperta speaker cables on my cable cooker for a few days and today I put them into the system that I’m currently using for the Veritas Cables. My current system set up is as follows:
Project CD Box RS2 Transport with upgraded LTA power supply connected to LAiV Harmony Dac with Acoustic Zen MC2 Digital Cable (RCA).
LAiV Harmony Dac connected to Luxman CL 38 uC preamp with Argentum X interconnects.
Luxman CL 38 uC preamp connected to Red Dragon Stereo Monoblock’s with Argentum R interconnects.
Red Dragon Stereo Monoblock’s to Montana EPX speakers with the Aperta 12’ speaker cables with bananas on all ends.
I removed my Audioquest William Tell ZERO speaker cables and am currently auditioning.
I think these speaker cables might take a little longer time to fully burn in than the interconnects or power cord.
Presently I really like what I’m hearing and I actually think I can hear micro details I have heard before but they are more pronounced because these are details that I’m always listening for.
I think Veritas Cables hit another home run!
I definitely want a full loom of these cables.
@lak thanks for the update. Please let us know what do you think about Argentum ICs and Aperts speaker cables. How they compare with the best you had/have in your system. |
From talking to Veritas via emails, they said the Argentum IC has fantastic synergy with their speaker cables. The speaker cable is of a slightly different makeup than the Aegentum, I have a hunch this could strengthens the Argentum's traits. I am receiving the Argentum tomorrow, and the speaker cables in a "few weeks". Wish I could contribute more to the topic of burn-in. Happy listening Veritas fellas. |
My XLR'S arrived last night and I put them on the Hagerman and will give them at least 2 days before trying them. Power was out yesterday so I have to reset a bunch of stuff anyways and I'll get to that in a few. They will be substituted for the Siltech Princess cables between dac and preamp first. It is the most impactful to my sound. I will also try them on the amp as well. Build quality is nice. The plugs have some serious locking detents to them. |
@denon1 Here are a few of your questions answered regarding the Aperts speaker cables. The + and - cable are inclosed in one 10/16" enclosure, they are solid and one 12' run (that I have) weighs 2-1/2 pounds, but they are flexible and I can coil one run into a 10" circle. My cables have bananas on all ends but I don't know the brand name. I just started the process of cable burn in on my cable cooker so at the present time I can't comment on the sound but I was told: "It took about a dozen prototypes to arrive at this final version but it was absolutely worth the trouble. It’s a hybrid silver/copper design with unbelievable clarity and realism – hence the name Aperta which roughly translated from Latin means “open, exposed, uncovered, clear.” "We humbly submit that nothing else on the market comes anywhere near the Aperta without a four figure price tag". I hope this helps answer a few of your questions, I know...the big question...how do they sound? (LOL) I'll have an idea by the end of the week. |
@v-fi after many years of swapping gear and selling some really good stuff to finance other things, I settled on the simple system that besides cables will be my retirement system luxman D-07x player, Innuos Zen streamer, luxman 509z integrated and modified version of Devore O/96 Speakers. |
@denon1 What gear are you using it with? Just out of curiosity. |
@v-fi This is what I hope will happen. I know ths5 silver based cables require at least 100-150 hours of burning. |
@denon1 So far I've got about 50 hours on my Argentum R but I do hear notable improvement compared to right out of the box. And most of that improvement actually does seem related to midrange being more palpable. Also I hear a more open sound, not like more treble energy or anything just feels more airy and unconstrained as if it has more breathing room. I'm thinking you will like the sound more and more as it takes shape. |
I got the Argentum X last Friday and after abou 20 hours of burning them by continuously playing music, I could not resist and decided to compare them with my current Snake river audio statement ICs that costed me $1550. The Argentum are more open and focused with better dynamics. The instrument edges are more defined. The bass is tighter.. But so far midrange is leaner than snake rivers and top end - being more pronounced - has less air. I hope with more hours - at least 100, the Argentums will become even better.To me in my solid state system I would say that so far the Argentum sound like solid state and Snake river are like tubes. ButI for the price - the Argentums are great cables. I hope they open Argentum more and their midrange will open up with more hours.
@bugredmachine I will wait patiently for your thoughts. Between you and @lak that is a lot of experience and I've agreed with many of your posts about all sorts of gear in the past. I'm already sold on Veritas by now but interested to hear your take as well. |
@samureyex I think that has to do with the way search engines like google index things. There is an art and science to SEO or Search Engine Optimization and fancy websites spend a lot of time and money on that. Meanwhile some of my favorite smaller audio companies including Veritas don't really come up at all when I search. I'm sure being brand new doesn't help matter either. The actual website is www.veritascables.com make sure to type it right, I accidentally used veritascable (with no S at the end) and that is a company which does industrial cable installation for infrastructure, definitely not audiophile related. My Veritas Argentum R interconnects arrived the other day, so far they seem extremely impressive. I haven't had enough time to really give them a workout though, and I'm sure they need some hours to burn in better. Even so they seem very competitive with the WyWires Diamond I had been using in that spot. And easily better than some of the lower tier Kubala Sosna interconnects I recently tried out. There is no contest between those and the Argentum in sound or build quality. I've got a loaner Audioquest Pegasus coming next week, I'm interested to hear how that compares to both my WyWires Diamond and the Veritas Argentum R. |
@mbolek Putting the Science behind the Production of a Wire Type to the side. My experiences are limited of using a large range of Cables using a very similar/same wire, or very similar/same Cable Construction. I do have a reasonable amount of Cable Comparison experiences which is not limited to one system only. My experiences of a Wire Type or Cable Type used in a System, will have a outcome that is producing sound that is able to be detected as being audible and in most cases, able to create a change for a end sound being produced. Note: Change detected as being audible, does not always mean the change detected is being assessed as being an improvement, it is merely just a detected change. Additional to this, as many Cables share a Identical or very similar Wire Type, and differences to end sound produced are still able to be detected between Cable Types when being exchanged. It does seem that the overall construction method for the Cable Matters, as well as the Interface to be created between umbilical and audio device. During a recent experience had, using a selection of SAEC SL 5000 Cables. Which is a Cable through its Signal Wire Type has an attraction to myself. Using the Cost Price as a guideline, I am assuming many who look at Cables by Cost Value only, would consider the SL 5000 to be a Cable of Interest. Demo's were carried out using Two Identical Schematic Design / Topology Phonostages, where one difference was to be found, which was the Chassis Mounted RCA's. One Phon' had typical quality Pure Copper RCA's the other Phon' had Pure Copper Low Eddy Design RCA's. The DL 5000's Cables were used with one pair having the Factory Spec' RCA Termination and another Cable Pair was changed to be using a RCA Termination using Pure Copper Low Eddy Design RCA's. To not get too wordy, the outcome was one that was very hard to deny, no matter what configuration for Phon' > Cable was put in place, the RCA Low Eddy marriage of Low Eddy Phon' > Low Eddy Cable proved this coupling to be extremely noticeable and notable for the impression able to be made for the end sound being produced. I have felt confident for a long time in my assessment that Cables interfacing within different audio devices in different systems, are creating end sounds that are not for the Cable being used able to be suggested as being ubiquitous as the result. The experiencing the SL 5000's in a system, with a couple of small changes in place to a audio device and used Cable, totally underpinned my confidence in my assessment . My experiencing the SL 5000, showed a new to myself info, that served to underpin held thoughts about a ubiquitous outcome. In general no one is using systems where all things are equal, prior to starting off on an investigation of the use of a Cable. The parameters for the test, is already different to the tests that may be looked at, that are done by others to share conclusions. In relation to the Phon's and SL 5000, to the unknowing all Parameters for the Test would appear as equal, but in reality where a Signal Transfer is the Fundamental. The signal path electricity has been met with very different designs for the management of the electricity flow. One design proved (using subjective assessment of a produced end sound as evidence) that a very that a Very Good Cable as a standard design when used was very capable at either interface created. The same Cable when tweaked as a Design and offered a Interface that has been recognised to be beneficial to the tweak done to the Cable. Proved (using subjective assessment of a produced end sound as evidence), that the tweaked design was far more attractive that the alternative that was readily available, there was no wanting to experience the already experienced interfaces that had been created, on the day the ultimate and most indelible for the quality on offer was discovered. Each individuals experience of a Cable added to their system, using the end sound produced in their unique layout for a listening environment. Where the end sound being created, is produced through their own choice for Speakers. If the assessment made, is based on 'one individual', listening to sound being produced as the evidence. The individual will most likely/ definitely won't be sharing info about their experience had, that is able to classed as a ubiquitous experience for all who carry out the same in their unique listening spaces on an audio system that will have differences in the designs for the audio devices used.
@denon1 I will after I receive them (obviously) and after some cable burn in time on my Audiodharma Cable Cooker :-) |
@lak , thank you for the update. Can you please share details on speaker cables: construction, plugs, stiffness and of course the sound.
Listening Impressions of the Argentum X 1.5/M Interconnects (Listening Notes from today). Deep low bass, timbre and decay sound very realistic, natural and accurate. Good sound stage and separation of instruments. |
@denon1 I have the Argentum R interconnects and speaker cables scheduled for delivery from USPS tomorrow (hopefully). Once off of my cable cooker I'll be able to put the Argentum R interconnects (RCA's) and speaker cables into the system that I really want to hear them in, I can't do that now because the system doesn't allow for XLR. At that time I can better describe what I'm hearing. |
@lak, thank you for the update. This is reassuring, especially coming from you. Can you please give more details. I just placed the order on Argentum. They also developed speaker cables and first batch is sold out. I will wait to hear about them also. |
@denon1 in my opinion the Argentum (their silver interconnect) is an improvement over the Lavricables Grand, the Ocellia, and several other high level silver cables who's names alludes me at the present time. |
@v-fi if you liked your Magnus XLR wait until you hear the Argentum R interconnects, I believe you are going to be very happy. I say this because I just took my Argentum X off the cable burner and into one of my systems (Luxman 590AX MKII, Audio Research CD7, Klipsch Forte III). This interconnect is as good or better than anything I have heard. |
I just placed an order for a set of Argentum R unbalanced interconnects, which are finally available. I was informed that they’ll ship out tomorrow. At $450, they look fantastic and feel like a great deal, but we’ll see how they perform. I’ve been really pleased with the Magnus XLR I got last month, so I’m hoping the Argentum R lives up to the hype as well. |
+1 @tubeguy80 |
From a few posts up: "We use Ultra Pure Ohno Continuous Cast (sometimes called UP OCC) wiring which is claimed to be 7N purity. It is debatable whether or not the technology exists to properly differentiate anything beyond 5N, and certainly the difference between 6N and 7N is extremely difficult to verify. At that point other aspects of the design are more important anyway. There are only three suppliers in the world capable of manufacturing UP OCC wiring, we have tried all of them and settled on the option we felt sounds best in our configuration". |
@lak Definitely understand, it is confusing. I've already suggested/complained to Veritas via email that they need to get their website figured out. Then again if they are focused on building our orders I'm not sure I want them diverting attention to web development right now. Just the usual small company startup challenges I guess. |
Thank you, a comparison with Lavricables would be very welcome. I used one of their cables for my Audeze headphones for a while, it was great. Later upgraded to a nicer Norne Audio cable but would still recommend Lavricables for headphones. I did try one of their interconnects back then and was less impressed. For the price the sound was only decent and I was disappointed to see Neutrik connectors on a cable costing that much. That's a common complaint I have with lots of brands though, anything costing $200 or more shouldn't be using Neutrik connectors that sell for around $10 per pair. But we see them sometimes even with $800+ cables! Anyway it looks like Lavricables might use nicer connectors these days. Or at least on certain model they do. So that's good. By the way @lak the way I understood it the Argentum X is the XLR version and the RCA version is called Argentum R. So I think that's what you are looking for if you need an RCA version. |
@denon1 I currently have the Fidelis RCA interconnects, and in a few weeks I should have the Argentum X Interconnects (which are RCA) and from what I've been told will be: "We use Ultra Pure Ohno Continuous Cast (sometimes called UP OCC) wiring which is claimed to be 7N purity. It is debatable whether or not the technology exists to properly differentiate anything beyond 5N, and certainly the difference between 6N and 7N is extremely difficult to verify. At that point other aspects of the design are more important anyway. There are only three suppliers in the world capable of manufacturing UP OCC wiring, we have tried all of them and settled on the option we felt sounds best in our configuration". The Lavricables I have are the Grand Silver (5N) RCA and XLR Interconnects. Apples to Apples would be the Argentum X vs Lavri Grand. |
@lak, please let us know how Veritas interconnects compared to Lavricables. |
@lak thank you for that update! Sounds like they aren't just blowing smoke about targeting more expensive cables as competition. I can see how an internet direct brand with low overhead could really maximize value compared to the big guys who have giant marketing fees, many employees, and deal margins to account for. Plus I always like rooting for the little guy on stuff like this. |
I have a standing order for the Argentum X Interconnects, and the speaker cable. I'll be able to compare the Fidelis Interconnects to the Argentum X Interconnects since I'll have both.. I received the Veritas power cord yesterday. At this time all I can say is WOW! Very sexy looking and a very solid build. I own many higher priced power cords but this Veritas power cord looks to be in a class of its own, my hats are off to the people at Veritas based upon design. I can't comment on the sound yet because I have it on my Audiodharma cable cooker, for at least several more days. |
I had messaged Veritas last week asking to be put on a list for when their new stuff is ready. Just heard back saying within two weeks all the custom length orders should be good to go. Also the new speaker cables that don't have a name yet, and also the Argentum R which is the RCA version of the Argentum X pure silver cable. I can't decide if I want that or stick with the more affordable Fidelis. Might try both of them for different systems. Fidelis is the same as my Magnus but RCA instead of XLR so I already know how good that will be. |
@lak, no I haven't. I did order an Iceage power cord. It will arrive fully cryoed. My Veritas has not been fully burned in. I need to get on that.My amp and preamp use Zavino power cords. I'll be comparing the Iceage with the Veritas, using streamer, DAC and conditioner. I can let you know. |
@tubeguy80 please keep us posted. |
I ordered the Veritas Praesta that I plan on using with my Luxman MQ-88uC amplifier. Was considering buying a couple more but then I figured I would see how I like it first and then maybe order again later. They had them in stock yesterday but it seems like they make one small batch at a time, not sure how long they will last. I will report back once I spend some time with the cable. |