Vandersteen 2ce Signature vs Tekton Double Impact

Which of these loudspeakers would you "goners" choose. Any other recommendations for loudspeakers 3500 and under new. Martin logan Esl? Maggie 1.7i?
@sbayne Scott, if you would like more information on Cube Audio and the Nenuphar speakers feel free to connect on that thread or via direct message.

You are absolutely right. Tekton’s Double Impact and Cube Audio’s Nenuphar are very different in approach and expression of their designer’s intent.

My learning and growth in the hobby, over the past three years, suggests that one’s reference plays a major role. My reference (and preference) has simply shifted towards the one made possible by and realized from the Nenuphar in my system, including my work to optimize it as well as the entire chain.

The DIs and the DI-SEs played a significant role in this development and in moving me along my trajectory. I love the speakers and have fond memories. The DIs and other variants Eric offers are incredibly high performing and are exceptional value propositions.

The Acoustat 2 plus 2's were electrostatics that could ROCK!!! Although I heard some Martin Logan 13a's with REL subs blow me away. Couldn't believe how loud they played with low distortion and composure and quality!!! But I dont have 20 grams for speakers and playing loud for me today is not that important. 
The Acoustat 2 plus 2's were the best speaker I ever owned.  I was a dynamic speaker guy before that. I owned Vandersteen 4a's, B & W 801's, but then I bought a used pair of Acoustats 2 plus 2's they were probably 10 to 15 years old when I bought them and they blew me away.  If I could find a speaker like that today I would buy it. You could say Sound Labs and these new Sanders electrostatic are updated versions but I dont have the budget to get those. That's why I am considering the small ESL martin Logans to remind me of the Acoustats. I have heard though that these Tektons with their driver array throw a huge image and have distortion. Again 3500 is my budget and I want new.  
David - I always enjoy your input and descriptions of your system. I knew nothing about Cube Audio so I went to their website and read up on their speakers. Didn’t look at Refined Audio’s website which I assume is their US distributor. Thanks, Scott
 You obviously prefer the Cube Audio but can you give us a little more [insight]?
@sbayne  I'll respond later today.
@sbayne The Cube Audio Nenuphars list for USD $14,900 including shipping via Refined Audio, Forest Park, IL (Chicago). Link is for pricing across Cube Audio’s offerings:
David  - Looks like your Cube Audio Nenuphars are 15,900 Euros ($17,500 USD). The Double Impact SE are now $4,000 delivered (yeah, Eric REALLY dropped the price on those). The Nenuphars are single driver and the Tektons are multiple driver. So, the designs and cost really couldn't be much different. The question is: How do they compare in sound quality? You obviously prefer the Cube Audio but can you give us a little more in-site?  Thanks
I suppose I should disclose the current stable: Vandy 2 pair, one pair each Apogee, Quad, ATC ( studio ), Bryston ( mobile recording rack ), Klipsch Cornwall, Thiel 2.3, ADS, Dynaco A-25. Totems.....
I think go listen is good advice but at equal volume levels and for several hours....not just rapid fire A/B... your ear brain likes louder and etched and vague  BIG images, for a while anyway....

also the Vandersteen while not a hyper efficient speaker presents an amplifier easy load and is very revealing of upstream components... since 1977 with over a quarter million ever evolving model 2 sold

also on list should be the Maggie, Eminent technology

wishing Acoustat was still around, bet the OP does 2

enjoy the music !!!!!

+1 for @charles1dad 's excellent post and perspective.

The following (when described as such by multiple owners) is an immediate disqualifier and results in a 'crossed-off my list' speaker:

Which [fatiguing] is something a Vandy speaker never does.

To Charles' point, that's me. Others make different choices.

For me, this point (not to pick on a specific speaker) applies to any and all speakers that are described as such by multiple owners.

I will note that I also believe this has to do with the owners' preferences which get amplified by their choices in upstream gear to drive said (always non-fatiguing) speakers.

Disclosure: I had the Tekton DIs and then the SEs in my primary system for just under two years. I still own the SEs, though I am not using them. My primary speakers for nearly a year now are Cube Audio Nenuphars.
Post removed 
Different opinions should not initiate a flame war. Audio is about as subjective as any endeavor could be. That’s exactly why several posters have explicitly recommended listening to these various speakers and making your own determination as to their merits.

I could easily envision the Double Impacts providing a fatiguing presentation depending on the other components in the signal chain. I could imagine them being described as warm and laid back (And all points between) simply due to what’s up stream of them. Drive them with a Luxman tube amplifier and then switch to a Parasound transistor amplifier. You’ll hear the same speaker sound quite different. This chameleon trait is good.
I wanted to inquire before giving an opinion. Since you are familiar with the Vandy 'sound', then that makes it easier to give advice.
I know this is probably going to start a flame war, but I will give my opinion nonetheless.
As previous posters have indicated Vandersteen has been around for decades. For good reason, they provide great sound at a reasonable price point. Add to that time and phase coherency, in the higher models- pistonic drivers and  equalized bass.
I have limited experience with Tekton, but I and a few others found them to be engaging at first, but eventually fatiguing as the listening session extended. -Which is something a Vandy speaker never does.
I believe Tekton offers a trial period, so you can give them a try and only lose shipping if you don't like them. Though from what I have read, you have to send them back in pristine condition.
For my money, I would get a pair of used Treo's (Quatro's if you can swing it). Don't sweat the CT tweeters. Otherwise, a pair of Magnepans or Sound Labs if you want to try electrostatic speakers.
For anyone interested in the physics of multiple tweeter design, watch GR Research's Danny Richie's Tech Talk Tuesday videos on You Tube, a couple of which deal with that very topic.
I’ve owned a lot of speakers over the years including Vandersteen, Magnepan, Von Schweikert, Harbeth and others. You’re right, Tekton doesn’t use the most expensive drivers or elaborate cabinet design. But, the tweeter array Eric has developed and how he has implemented it in a variety of speakers is the REAL DEAL. I don’t think you would be disappointed.
Those are both wonderful speakers.  They are kind of at the sweet spot for most people in speakers where you will get the most return from your purchase.
Which one that is better for you depends on what sound you like in your music. So I would highly suggest for you to listen to them before you get one, or get them with a return policy and be willing to pay for freight.
If you like the vandy's better a couple more speakers you may really like also are the vienna accoustics mozart grand, sonas faber venere 3.0. If you like the tektons better you my also like some thiel 2.4's especially if you like planers.
Vandersteen is well established and a very well respected company that has stood the test of time for "decades". Tekton is far less established and a smaller company that lacks comparable cache in the High End community.

With this acknowledgement I’m in agreement with grannyring’s straightforward assessment. I’ve heard both speakers but not in direct comparison in the same audio system. The Double Impact is the better sounding speaker across the board. In my listening encounter it very easily reveals differences between various amplifiers and other audio components. It is easier to drive and has higher sensitivity.

The Double Impacts simply will reflect the quality of the associated components it's paired with.  A wider range of amplifiers can be used quite successfully with the Double Impacts. I hope that you are able to hear both speakers and decide for yourself. You may hear things differently than grannyring or myself.
You would think, but the designer says they work great in small rooms as do some owners. Worth a call to Eric the man at Tekton. 
You would think, but the designer says they work great in small rooms along with owners. Worth a call to Eric the man at Tekton. 
For that size room, you may want to consider Tekton Design Impact Monitors. I think the bass from the DIs might overwhelm your room. Just a thought.
We have similar tastes in speakers and room size.
 The Tektons definitely get rave reviews and have a return policy.
If you try them please post your findings.
I owned both over the years.  I honestly think the DIs offer more of everything important to a music lover. In many ways they are just on a higher level of performance. Vandys are great, I love pretty much the whole line, but the DIs play with the big boys and reflect the gear in front of them. Wether stage size, dynamics, bass impact, resolution, midrange presence .... the DI’s just deliver more than this particular Vandy model  
I have a small room 11 by 13. Have owned Vandersteen 2Ci's and 4a's. Like Vandersteens but am hearing all this buzz about these Tektons. I have owned Acoustat 2 plus 2 and like electrostatic and planars so Martin Logan Esl and Maggie 1.7i are a consideration. Dont need to play loud but I do like a speaker to boogie. I Own 2 amps I can use, a Jeff Rowland model 1 and a Mark Levinson No 431. Really just polling here to see if these Tektons are the real deal or not. Seems like they use cheap drivers and not a good enclosure. 
I own the Sigs. What they do well- image and soundstage. What they don't do well- dynamics, high SPL and efficiency.
Based on what I've read the DIs do dynamics, SPL, and efficiency really well.
You're comparing apples to oranges.
 "Horses for courses". Pick your horse.