Upgrading a CD/SACD player with integral DAC

I’ve described my system on site before and it was pointed out the CD/SACD player was the weak link in the system. I’m not in disagreement, and would like to start researching an upgrade that would be commensurate with the rest of the system.

Here is what I have at present:

Marantz SA 8005 CD player with integral DAC
VPI Classic 2 turntable with an Ortofon 2M Black cartridge
Luxman L507 uX Mk2 Integrated Amplifier
Magico A3 speakers
Hydra Denali 6000S Power Conditioner

I have only Redbook CD’s, no SACDs but it would be nice to retain that capability. It would also be nice to retain an integral DAC, although at a higher price point maybe you would advise on getting a separate DAC. I’d rather avoid doing that if possible, as that would mean having to add more cables that would detract from the overall budget. But let me know what you think on that score. I have no plans to add any other components, or to stream music, so that doesn’t need to enter the equation. I listen to mostly fifties jazz and Rock ’n Roll and R&B, among other things, if that is at all relevant. I want to buy new, and not Chinese manufactured products.

So what CD players would you recommend looking into that would be similar in quality to the rest of the system. And what if any sonic improvements might I look forward to with your recommended upgrade. I purposely did not mention price point as I don’t know what price point would put the CD player into the performance range of the rest of the system components. You were all were very helpful to me choosing the rest of the system components, especially the amp and speakers. So I’d appreciate, and am looking forward to your recommendations and guidance on this selection. If there’s any more information you need, please let me know. Thanks


Hello Skyscraper,

     I once had a computer that crashed from a virus, it also took out my external hard drive back-up. Oh-yeah, remember when they tried selling us those things as protection to back-up our files; against potential intrusion? Anti-Virus programs, defragmentizing, maintaining  updates on OS and anti-virus, continuously scanning and maintaining firewalls; all of it was a joke to even an amateur hacker. It was all a paper tiger, just a pacifier to give us a false sense of security while the thieves robbed the shirt off of our backs. They sold this lemon of music file downloads to the public, as a Trojan horse to rape the security of the unspecting  public. The final insult to injury is that the public is now trapped by their false pride; against admitting that they have been grifted wholesale. They will continue to give these thieves access of the keys to the kingdom, pretending to be oblivious; hoping that it will be the other guy who gets victimized, just so long as it isn't them. You want your music ( File ), better cough up a credit card number so I can use the Internet to rape your personal information; then sell it, sell it, and sell it again!
     Sure, I regrettably use downloading; since disks are being squeezed out. Given very little choice, at least I know what is really going on in the background. Your hands are tied while the grifter vultures pick your carcase clean. I may love my music, but it shouldn't cost me my soul to have access to it. The silver disks at least didn't give the father of lies access to everything that I hold dear. Can't put that genie back in the bottle, and what a reckoning that he will be indulging in.
Thanks Anwar. I wasn't aware there were free DSD downloads anywhere. That's interesting. You're lucky to have the SA-10. I wonder how they compare to the Ruby's. Do you ever utilize the wide variety of filters the SA-10 has? I've yet to check out the Ruby's two filters. I do like Norah Jones music and just saw her on TV a couple of days ago. That would be a good SACD choice for me. Thanks.for the recommend,

Hello Mike,

Congrats on your SA-KI Ruby purchase. I don’t have SA-KI Ruby, but I have 2 units of SA-10 in different locations. The break-in time is very long, but it sounds good out of box and it gets better over time. DSD files sound the best, either playing physical SACD layer or playing downloaded DSD files from its iPod/USB port. I suggest you download demo hires files from various sites, format USB stick as FAT32, then copy the downloaded hires files into it. If you use external SSD, please ensure it consumes less than 1A at 5V, otherwise it will not get recognized.


Please try download free DSD demo files from Blue Coast, NativeDSD, and many others.

These are some of my recommended SACDs:

Shelby Lynne - Just a Little Lovin’ (transferred from master tape)
Freddy Cole - Merry Go Round (directly recorded to DSD by TELARC)
Norah Jones - Come Away With Me (get the 2012 version which was transferred from master tape, not 2003 version which was made from redbook)

All the best.

Twoleftears, thanks,

Pettyofficer. I agree with you completely on how vulnerable a downloaded music collection might be, even if backed up. I had a computer crash on me once and lost tons of saved information. Never again. I'll take a look at the Acoustic Sounds website you suggest. Eventually we might have to depend on the used market to obtain the CD's and SACDs we want. 


Hello Skyscraper,

     The bad news is that Silver Platter's inventory of SACD disks is mostly depleted, I just checked. The good news is that the Acoustic Sounds website has various multi-channel SACDs available. There are disks by Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Dave Brubeck, The Doors, Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, Miles Davis, Jeff Beck, Jacintha, and various  classical  artists. The Dianna Krall " The Look Of Love " multi-channel SACD is available for $20.00. A few other disks can run from $30.00-$35.00. The Eagles " Hotel California " runs right up to $55.00. As much as I want that disk, that is way too pricey for me. There are plenty of deals to be had from $12.00 to $23.00. I wouldn't buy more than two or three, pretty pricey disks. I am just not sure, with streaming and all, how much longer these disks will still remain available. According to Acoustic Sounds, just about their entire inventory of Joni Mitchell has been switched to download available only. Some Artists are just going that way, but to pay as much for a download as a disk? Just one tiny computer virus can wipe out your entire expensive music file collection, and you will be left with nothing to show for it. What in the he'll are they trying to do to us?
@skyscraper If you're curious, there's a review of your Marantz in the February issue of Absolute Sound.
Pettyofficer, you're lucky to have a good retail outlet for CD's in Seattle. I Iived nearby in Monroe and Bothell throughout the eighties. I used to love driving there to shop at Towers and Peaches and that place under the monorail that specialized in imports. There was a great used record store in Everett too at the time that had lots of rare material. Here in Roanoke the last place left selling CD's was the Barnes & Noble book store at the mall and they might have quit too for what I know.  Thank goodness for online shopping and thanks for your suggestions on where to search. 

Jafant thanks for the info on how to search for SACD's on Amazon. I'll do that today.

 Sebrof, I'll check out Ebay too. I've had pretty good luck with used CD's so far, way better than second-hand records which so often are crackly sounding even if they look perfect. I did get one used CD online from our local Goodwill recently. I haven't yet figured out if there is a physical Goodwill store to go to to check out their stock, or if it was only an online venture. 

Tweak, I'll look up the Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter today. Sounds like you've had some good luck with system improvements and modifications.


I have an Oppo 105 that I purchased primarily for SACDs and DVD-A discs.

When my trusty 20 year old Pioneer PD 65 died I started using the 105 exclusively: stock, it was decent but no cigar. While searching for a red book player, I stumbled across parts upgrades on E bay that looked fairly easy to do.

First, I moded with a easy to install silver IEC to power supply jumper. I was so happy (and now familiar with the power supply area) that I then replaced the crappy OEM power supply with a Linear Power Module. These were both sonic game changers. The icing on the cake was when I installed Machina Dynamica New DARK Matter to the tray, which IMHO is an absolute must for any transport/player

Also, I use the Oppo via its XLR outputs (there’s a huge difference between token XLRs and true deferentially balanced circuits) directly into my dual mono ES 1200 class D amp. I have owned many SS ans tube amps over the decades, the EVS is at the very top. If interested see my thread

eBay seems to be pretty good at differentiating between standard and SACD, that’s where I got the several I have. I just searched for SACD IIRC.

BTW I am listening to my $2 Goodwill John Prine CD (I have been hitting Goodwill hard since I got the Ruby and started listening to CDs again) on my new $60 Philips headphones via the HP amp on the Ruby. I am impressed but I suspect if I had any reference of what a good headphone setup actually sounds like I might have a different opinion.


when perusing Amazon for SACD titles, type the artist or album of interest, followed by DSD. This usually will find the SACD version.

Joni Mitchell's catalog first received the HDCD treatment around 1999/2000 remasters. Keep me posted on which cd/sacd titles that really shine via Ruby.

Happy Listening!

Hello Skyscraper,

     I usually shop at Silver Platters,  a local  retail outlet in Seattle WA.  They have Blue-Ray audio, BR. Movies, DVD audio, SACD Stereo, SACD multi-channel, and CD's out the wazoo. They have every silver disk that you can think of. I am not sure of what retailers there are in you area. Best Buy ( Egads! ) used to have a large inventory that you could special order recent releases of remastered CD's and Records. High end audio retailers used to carry some SACD's and High-Rez. Audio. Check to see if there is a Silver Platters in your area. You might try CD Japan, as they have re-issues of many out of print disks. You would have to special order them as an import from their website. These suggestions are a decent outlet for pristine stock. I don't  know if you want to take a risk on the used market. Everything is going streaming these days, limiting options.
     I hear the Ruby has an excellent USB port for your computer. The instructions tell you how to download the appropriate driver onto your computer from the Marantz website. Streaming is not my favorite thing either. However, I wouldn't  know about my favorite musician Adrian Von Ziegler without streaming his music videos via Youtube. There are new and innovative musicians out there. How do they reach the public with a dwindling inventory of physical media? They are still going to have to pry my silver disks from my cold dead hands; because I resent anyone who thinks they have the right to limit my options. Separate me from my music? Who do they think they are? Sorry, it remains a sore spot of an issue for me. The ' For The Roses '  version on Spotify sounds like an audiophile dream, and I will be downloading the album onto my Android device tonight. I will also be looking for a CD. copy at Silver Platters, getting the best I can out of it on my Ruby; now that is what having options is all about.
     I could look online for the selection at Silver Platters, or you could do the same. They can take your special order online and ship disks to you, whatever you desire. 
Pettyofficer. I listened to Joni Mitchell's Blue album last night and that sounded very good. The pressing of For the Roses was done in Germany by Record Service GMBH, Alsdorf. It did not list a pressing date, only mentioning it was a remaster of the 1972 recording in a digital format. It did state on the back cover, "The CD version can reveal limitations of the source tape". It is a Redbook CD, nothing special. I'm guessing by that quote they were confessing they weren't happy with the remastering they did, recognizing it's limitations.

I do have both a CD version and a vinyl record of Miles Davis' Saturday Night at the Blackhawk Volume1, which I played back to back last night on the Ruby and then the VPI Classic 2/ Ortofon 2M black cartridge turntable. It's not the world's greatest recording, but it was interesting to listen for differences. Both versions sounded fairly similar with the analog version sounding a bit more natural or "analog" so to speak, but you really had to be attentive to tell the difference. I could recognize a bit more on the CD version that the bass was poorly miked. Both were equally enjoyable though.

I'll try taking the Shuyata Denali out of the loop a component at a time as you suggest, but I'm not experiencing any detectable issues with it otherwise, and I do love the noise-free inky black backgrounds I attribute to its use. But it would be a worthwhile experiment as the absence of background noise might be attributed to the other components. This new system is a marvel though noise-wise, compared to my old Phase Linear, Dahlquist DQ 10 and Bang and Olufsen 4002 set up, that I had for forty years or so. No hiss or hum at all any more. 

I actually like listening to CD's more than records now, not for the sound quality, but for the absence of pops and crackles of other vinyl surface noise you get no matter how well you take care of your records. I should dig out my old Burwen Transient Noise Eliminator and try that out again on some records for fun. It would probably be an audio disaster though. 

By the way, where do you get your SACD's. I tried to find some on Amazon last night but they kept routing me back to their standard CD and Vinyl selections when I typed in SACD. That's a good point you make that newer recordings expressly made for SACD pressing would likely to yield better results than reissues of old material might. Some of those older jazz remasters are surprisingly good though. Take care,


Hello Skyscraper,

     I just listened to Joni Mitchell's  For The Roses, damn good sounding recording. It was originally released in 1972, and what I heard certainly didn't sound that ancient in SQ. What I listened to had excellent high frequency response as well. This I could tell via Spotify from a non-audiophile Samsung Android A6, feeding an Oppo HA2 SE headphone line in,  with the HA2  driving the Oppo PM-3 headphones ( Not exactly the last word in high frequency response ). Even being this handicapped, the SQ sounded like it was recorded only yesterday on a modern high quality recording rig. I am not kidding you. I was certainly not listening to an early release of this music, I smell a remastered version in the works. Can you tell me which release you are currently using, as this CD has a long history of numerous re-releases, including an HDCD version. I presume that this isn't your version. Normal CD players can't play HDCD, or so I thought.
     The latest CD releases of For The Roses are as follows- Asylum Records U.S. release catalog# 5057-2 in 1990, Electra Records Japanese release catalog# wpcr-831 in 1995, and an Asylum Records HDCD  version release from Japan catalog# wpcr-80281 in 2015. I am not certain,  but I think that the Japanese releases ( Original American Selection ) can be ordered in pristine condition via CDJapan, via their website. You can see how convoluted it is trying to get the best version of your favorite music.  Still, I know that what I am hearing is the latest remastered update. It sounds very clear with no noise or hiss, and the dynamics are certainly not compressed.  
     Take what I am going to say next with a few grains of salt. I once borrowed a Shunyata conditioner with their associated power chords. I found that for some ( Not All ) equipment, it sometimes will slightly compress the dynamics. Usually, this only pertains to Esoteric equipment that already utilize some form of power conditioning themselves, creating an overkill situation. Don't unplug everything. Only try replugging just one component from the Shunyata at a time into bare wall, then listen to the same musical passages , see if you still hear the same effect. It may very well be that this is not your problem, but utilizing a process of elimination might be helpful. Hopefully, this info might be of some use to you.


Thank You for sharing your impressions and thoughts. Enjoy your new player for me.

Happy Listening!

Hello Skyscraper,

     I did mention that you might be pleasantly surprised. Unfortunately, there is a bane over higher resolution devices. For those few recordings that weren't mastered well, their welts are also magnified. I am a great enthusiast over early John Barry works, especially the early James Bond OST. Unfortunately, the early CDs of Thunderball, Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice, Diamonds Are Forever, OHMSS, the SQ of these selections sounded atrocious. However, the remastered CDS are like heaven to these ears. 
     I have experienced various SQ of older recordings being released on SACD, basically because these aged recordings were never remastered for SACD. For newer recordings that were mastered for SQ, SACD brings out the best in these releases. Like I said, it is a mixed bag of results between CDs, as well as SACDs. Simply to transfer a terrible master ( CD ) onto a SACD, no remastering, is simply doing SACD on the cheap. No it is not going to sound better, and will likely sound worse. This is not SACD'S fault, it is simply revealing more the errors on the master.
     More recent music that was created with a higher sound quality for SACD, these really show the superiority of the format. I would suggest that you might find remastered  CDs, or even music files, of John Coltrane and Joni Mitchell.
You could also try the alternate digital filter on the Ruby. There is also a setting on the device for CD, Stereo SACD, and Multi-Channel SACD. Make sure you follow the directions when you make your selection. Multi-Channel DSD is a real treat with the Ruby. The Dianna Krall MC release may be expensive, but the SQ is well worth it. I would purchase maybe a handful of such disks, just for a special treat. SD CD's and music files can still sound very impressive on the Ruby.

It’s been almost two days having the Marantz Ruby CD/SACD player installed in the system. Even right out of the box the player has been impressive, and performing exactly as described by those of you who have one indicated it would.

It has particularly shined when playing well recorded CD’s. On the John McLaughlin/Shakti Natural Elements CD I discovered the high frequency content that my old Marantz 8005 had been rolling off as Mahler aptly indicated it did. L. Shankar’s violin playing in the highest frequencies was exquisitely rendered on that recording.

On good recordings each instrument had a sense of detail, fullness, and space about it that was clearly an improvement as pettyofficer described, including more "air and harmonic content". The clarity sebrof described is certainly there.too

As far as vocals were concerned I almost fell over listening to Emmylou Harris’ Wrecking Ball album. Her voice was so fully realized and beautifully rendered it could hardly be believed. On instrumental jazz, Miles Davis never sounded better on the Seven Steps to Heaven CD, again a fully realized performance that demonstrated nuance without any upper register harshness.

Bass performance has been deep and tight so far on a number of recordings, including Jaco Pastorius’ on Weather Report’s Birdland cut on their Heavy Weather recording, and the baritone sax on Los Lobos’ Kiko album, not to mention White Stripes bass heavy Seven Nation Army cut on their Elephant CD. Scott LeFaro’s bass on Bill Evans excellent in every respect Waltz for Debby live recording, was particularly well realized and taut.

To be fair, on less well recorded albums there was less for the Ruby to pull out of the digital grooves. On Joni Mitchell’s For the Roses CD, which sounded great on the 8005, I really couldn’t recognize much difference in the playback on the Ruby. I’ll have to try some of her other albums. John Coltrane’s My Favorite Things at Newport was a similar experience. Now when the Ruby has a chance to break in in some, we’ll see what a difference that makes. I’m looking forward to hearing how much better an SACD recording might sound too.

Jafant, you wanted some feedback on the Ruby’s performance so there it is. Thanks for your initial recommendation on the Marantz Ruby CD/SACD. I’m quite pleased thus far.


Hello Skyscraper,

     Ditto on the info from Sebrof. I received the paper manual with my unit, and it covers all of your concerns in detail. The lights can easily be turned off, the display can be turned off, the digital output can be turned off, the headphones amp can be turned off, etc. If the blue lights bother you, it is not a deal breaker. They are not stabbingly bright blue, just a nice light glow. I am usually a stickler for such things, but I don't think it affects SQ that much. It just strikes me as a nice asthetic, but for certain turn it off if you desire.
     Just a note on the headphone amp, mine is internally turned off. The output impedance is listed as 32 Ohms, which I heard should be one tenth of the input impedance of the headphones used. Thirty two seems awfully high, not sure if that is a typo ( Maybe 3 to 2 Ohms possibly ? ). It shouldn't damage your headphones, but it might make low impedance phones sound sluggish. This presumes that the 32 is a legit measurement. I heard that a separate Marantz headphone amp/ Dac is a killer for driving phones. Give it a shot and let me know how it turns out. 
Thanks sebrof. I'll take a look at the manual right now and turn off anything not going to be used when setting the Ruby up after it arrives tomorrow. I didn't know the Ruby had a headphone amp. I should try plugging in my old Pioneer headphones (vintage 1970s') and see if they still work before turning that off. 

Funny you mentioned those blue lights. Is there a switch to turn them off?
Yes you can turn the blue lights and the display off.
I would suggest going to the Marantz website and downloading the Ruby manual for answers.

btw, since it's being mentioned: You can set the Ruby to turn off the Headphone amp and the digital output circuits when not in use, and it shuts off power to the optical drive when that isn't being used as default. 
Nice to hear from you again pettyofficer.  Funny you mentioned those blue lights. Is there a switch to turn them off? There's a small blue LED light on my Shunyata Hydra Denali Power Conditioner that's like an eye piercing strobe light. God knows what they were thinking. When I saw the Ruby had more blue lights, first  thought was here we go again. There's no way to turn the Hydra Denali's off, but you implied in your post you could turn the Ruby's off, so you've got my hopes up. If there is a switch those blue lights will never see the light of day. 

Thanks for providing a guideline on the amount of to to burn the CD player in. That's way less than my Magico A3 speakers which take 400 hours, if I'm remembering correctly. This will hopefully be the last component to purchase so collecting CD's should be all that's left to do, which seems to be your preference as well. I'll have to get a few SACDs to try out to see what difference they make.Can any of those be had at less than an arm and a leg?  There are a lot of high quality fifties jazz reissues now were you can get up to eight good quality Redbook discs at a shot for ten to twenty dollars. You can't beat bargains like that.  You just have to avoid sets that are MP3 based rehashes. 

I agree with you that the simplicity of the Ruby helps it to avoid the issues that multiple source players might have. It's almost always better to keep things simple with electronics if you can.Can't wait for the Ruby to arrive tomorrow.


Hello Skyscraper,

     I would say from a 100-150 hours of burn in. Later on, you can still get an R2R Dac and have multi-options of 11.2 Mghz up sampling of SACD, Multi-Channel SACD, same with CD, plus the Ruby digital out to your new R2R Dac. You would have on board and separate dacs. Why be mutually exclusive if you could play a wide range of formats? The optical drive on the Ruby is very robust and one of the best ones that Marantz makes. I know that I should turn off those long blue lights on each side of the facia, but they look so damn cool. Even with them on it still sounds great to me. Okay, back to being an audiophile, I will turn them off. Let me know how it works out for you. I am certain that you will be pleasantly surprised. 
     I should mention a word about universal players ( SACD, BLUE-RAY AUDIO, DVD-AUDIO ). It is well known that audio noise is generated by the video processor. This happens even when the VP. isn't receiving a signal. Even DVD-AUDIO and BLUE-RAY AUDIO project HD images onto the monitor for album cover, song selection, etc. Some of the more recent Pioneer universal players have a function for shutting off the video processor, while playing audio disks. Does it help? I leave that up to everyone else's experiences. HDMI still combines the audio and video signals into a tightly wound cable. Does the audio only HDMI output help? I am certain that all of these considerations went into the design of  the Ruby, by making a multi-channel audio only SACD, CD Player. A display screen is a far cry from the extreme high frequency hash of a full blown 4K BLUE-RAY Video Processor. I have heard this issue mntioned by a few other high end audio designers. However, I am certain that there are many who don't consider it a problem. I have heard many great tunes from various universal players. Maybe the difference is miniscule, and based on subjective preferences.

Thank you sebrof and jafant. Once the new Ruby CD/SACD gets burnt in a bit I'll let you all know how it's doing in contrast with the 8005. I sure hope it sounds better. 


Nice score! I am looking forward in reading about the comparison between Ruby and 8005.  Happy Listening!

Congrats skyscraper, sounds like you got a good deal. I'm interested to know how the Ruby compares to your 8005 as well
Well, they listed another open box Marantz Ruby KI CD player at Music Direct for $800 off list, so I took the plunge. Hopefully it will sound significantly better than my Marantz SA-8005. I was checking on the price of the Luxman D-05u, but Music Direct had it listed as no longer available, so I took another look at the Ruby KI on their site.. The 20% off on the Ruby’s list price was simply too hard to pass by. Now I’ve got to figure out how to sell the SA-8005. Thanks for all your help and sharing a lot of good ideas, And so abruptly ends another hi-fi shopping adventure, hopefully my last for a while. I wonder how long it will take for the Ruby to burn in and show it’s true colors. Any guesses? Pettyofficer said it took quite a while. My Magico A3's are only now starting to reveal their true identity and I've had them since this past Spring.  Take care all and again thanks so much. I'm still going to to find one of those R2R DACS to listen to as they piqued my interest too. 

Thank you again twoleftears. You’ve provided a wealth if information. I’ll look up the Simaudio and Bryston BCD offerings you mentioned too while further researching this topic.


Various issues here. I haven't heard any R2R DACs.  My overall impression is that they tend to be more in the warm/forgiving camp.  Often they incorporate tubes, though some must be SS.  Although they're a subset of all DACs, there are plenty of makers and models out there, and there are several threads here.  Everyone seems to have their own favorite.  A bit of a rabbit hole.
Then you get to the transport issue.  I owned a Cambridge CXC for a while, perfectly good sound, hated the user interface/remote.  Also, the Schiit Gungnir had the well-known click syndrome with it.  They both moved on.  Jury is out on how far up the $ scale you really need to go with a transport to get optimal sound.
Three.  There are a bunch of different chips and different implementations in one-box CD players.  People will tend to ascribe certain sonic features to certain chip manufacturers, but it does also depend on the implementation.
For instance, in my experience the Bryston BCD-3 is very good and very neutral, neither warm nor "ruthlessly revealing".  The Luxman D-05u is a tad warmer, but I don't think it trades off any detail for warmth.  It also adds SACD.
Simaudio Moon also make excellent players, and is also another very reliable company, like Bryston.
I don't know of any currently-offered R2R CD players, though someone will probably be able to name one--they certainly proliferated in the past, but presently must be rare or perhaps non-existent among the current crop.
Twoleftears, I’ve been coming to the same conclusion after re-reading everyone’s input. I still have to research the Bryston units, and got the impression from pettyofficers post the part situation for the Esoteric units, good as they might be, may be iffy.

Do you have any knowledge of how good the R2R multibit DAC may be? If it is greatly superior to what you can find in a CD/DAC combination unit, maybe I should consider going with separates even though I’d much prefer not to. Soix and others seem pretty impressed with them. They make a convincing case for at least checking them in spite of how much it would really annoy me to be spending more money on cables. More research in this regard is called for prior to auditioning units.

Thanks for the link too. I just now finished reading through that entire thread. A lot of interesting information there, not to mention interesting exposures of some pretty shifty manufacturing and product labeling practices.


@skyscraper  See the very end of this thread:


The Hegel is based on a much older Consonance design, manufactured in the same Chinese factory.

For one-box CD players, I think it's best to stick to Bryston, Marantz, Luxman, and Esoteric.  The Primare is a bit of an unknown quantity, but doubts arose about this.  Given the iffy situation re. servicing Esoteric (see another thread), I'd stick to the first three.

meschi, several of you have mentioned the R2R DAC so far, so it is definitely on my radar.  Thanks for your suggestion. Maybe I should think more about separates, although I have been trying to get away from them, evidenced by my using an integrated amp. But if the R2R DACs are so much better than the alternatives, I'll need to reconsider. To be sure I need to to hear one demoed.

Mahler, thanks for the mention of the Marantz 8005 rolling off the highs. I've been wondering what it's shortcomings are and have had no real basis for comparison. I am trying to keep things simple and would honestly be checking out the Hegel redbook only CD player if it wasn't made in China. I can see the advantages of having more capabilities, but honestly don't want to be investing in capabilities I probably won't ever use. Even a player having SACD capability is a stretch for me.

If playing CDs only, I would buy the R2R multibit DAC and CD transport combination that best complimented my system, tastes, and budget.
I’ve mentioned before that I use a Bryston DAC3 that has 4 HDMI inputs.  The OP doesn’t have SACDS, but would like to have the capability to play .  I have lots of SACD and output the DSD layer of SACD over HDMI from an Oppo 105 and a Sony 9000 SACD that is a refugee from another system.  Stand alone Blu Ray 
or DVD players can also be used.  More importantly for the OP, who doesn’t own any SACDs, other digital sources sound great via the DAC3.  So I would buy the Bryston DAC and a transport that can output whatever he desires.
  I used to own the Marantz SACD player that the OP has.  Great midrange, rolls off the top end.
Pettyofficer, I’m only going to purchase new equipment for the reasons you stated. I’ll see about tracking down the Diane Krall releases you mentioned and play them at home in either format, and take to them to any stores I go to to similarly demo the CD/SACD players on my short list. Thanks for the suggestion.

Hello Skyscraper,

     It should be noted that not all SACD disks are created the same, many vary in sound quality in the same fashion as CDs. I still suggest that the best of SACD can outperform the best of CD, while being played on the Ruby.
     One of the most surprising disks that I have listened to would be the Dianna Krall, The Look Of Love, SACD Multi-Channel. The Ruby can be set to play back a stereo mix of the disk, or down mix  (WOW!) the Multi-Channel. The later sounds like analog heaven territory. It is still an expensive disk, but still very popular. You might be able to borrow one from a friend, and compare it to the same release on CD.
     I seriously considered the used market for many Esoteric players, some of them still going even after 10 years. I was unsure of the availability of replacement parts, the optical drive receiving the most wear. I think that Esoteric might still carry parts, will they pay for replacement if you are not the original owner? I considered a newer transport a better option, but that is just me. I would certainly verify before purchasing a long in the tooth Esoteric. If it works for you, might be worth a serious consideration.

Thank you very much, pettyofficer, for your detailed description on how your Marantz Ruby performs. That's just the kind of information that I'm looking for.. You got a good price on your's too. I will definitely audition one of the Ruby's when it's time to make a purchase. It's definitely on my short list to audition on my next trip to the big city. I'll try and audition both an SACD and Redbook versions of the same content to get a better idea of the differences you are hearing with SACD playback. Not owning a single SACD disc, I'm genuinely clueless on how they sound. Thanks again,

Hello Skyscraper,
     I figured that I would put my two cents in on the SA-KI Ruby. I recently picked one up on Audiogon about a month ago, for only  $ 2600.00. It took a long time to burn in; but I have been enjoying it ever since. I think that the best advantage is how it up-converts CD playback into a 11.2 Mghz DSD signal. I don't like to play the numbers game; but the SQ of this Marantz conversion is legit, being one hell of an impressive implementation. The SA-10 does the same; however, at a considerable higher cost. The sound-stage is wider, deeper, and instruments have a longer decay. I would say that the Ruby has the magic of leaving you thinking it has less detail; but leading to the full realization that the detail is still all there, only further back with more air and harmonic content. It is almost like everything has more room to breathe. 
     The real magic begins when using SACD Disks. Only now, with this Marantz 11.2 implementation, can I finally hear the advantage of DSD over CD. Natively, the differences were always hard for me to decipher. Kicking the SQ up another notch; the Ruby can convert multi-channel DSD Disks to a stereo down-mix, while still retaining a large percentage of the increased multi-channel sound-stage. The only thing that I have heard comparable was a MLP ( Meridian Lossless Packing ) DVD Audio 24/ 192 multi-channel disk, also down-mixed. The harmonic ambience could give analogue a close run for the money. 
     If I ever get bored ( Doubtful! ), I still have a sturdy and robust disk spinner with a digital output. I can still connect an R2R Dac, or any Dac I want. The Ruby still gives me various digital options that I might not have otherwise. Still, there is only one ( thrifty? ) way to get the Marantz 11.2 implementation. Anything in addition is only icing on the cake; but this 11.2 might be the whole cake, and eating it too. You might just forgo any other external Dac, and put your money into multi-channel SACD music compilations. Putting your money into music; instead of your equipment, is this audiophile heresy? I stand guilty as charged. Other options might be viable; but maybe I am just being a little greedy.
Thanks for the advice soix. I’ve not been convinced of the efficacy of pricey cables, yet was afraid to go with inexpensive ones for for fear of denigrating the rest of my system, which I did pay dearly for. If I was independently wealthy I wouldn’t care. I’ll look up who carries the Metrum Onyx R2R NOS DAC and try to get a demo next time I’m in the big city. I appreciate your thoughts on this and input.

The extra cables to connect it in would have to be expensive and a complete waste of money when you don’t need them with an integrated CD player/DAC. That being said I would like to hear what that Metro Onyx R2R sounds like.

@skyscraper — Cables need not be expensive.  All you’d need is a digital cable with the analog interconnects you use with the Marantz, and for purposes of auditioning a DAC you could get a 1m Apogee Wyde Eye cable from Amazon for $40 that is a very good cable (I’ve used it for years and it has beat out more expensive cables).  Do yourself a favor and demo an Onyx — again HiFi Heaven has a return policy to do this.  At the very least it’ll be very enlightening for a relatively small cost outlay, but again my bet is you won’t return it.  Again, best of luck in whatever you decide.  

Happy New Year!  Which spinners are on your short-list?
Happy Listening!
Thanks for your recommendation of the Marantz SA-11S3, stjm. I looked it up and read an Absolute Sound review of this player. The reviewer seemed to like it as much as you. I'd be interested in what differentiated the different Marantz CD players sound for you as you upgraded. 

As a Marantz fanboy, I have to pile on.  I went through a series of Marantz cd players, starting with the CD5004, then upgrading to the SA-8004, then an SA-14s1 and finally landing on the SA-11s3.  This unit is from their Reference line with a copper cladded case, balanced inputs and a built in DAC.  No question there were meaningful sonic improvements moving to the 11s3.  I actually own two, both bought gently used and paid around $1,800 each.  They come up occasionally for sale but seem to go quickly.
You’re no doubt right soix2. I did purchase the Marantz SA8005 for my old system. It’s the last holdover.

I have read some good things about the R2R DACs, but am really hesitant to buy a DAC as a separate. The extra cables to connect it in would have to be expensive and a complete waste of money when you don’t need them with an integrated CD player/DAC. That being said I would like to hear what that Metro Onyx R2R sounds like.

I’ll check if the local dealers in town have anything decent DACsI could demo. Unfortunately locally there isn’t much in the way of high end equipment. One dealer does have some used equipment, so there is at least a possibilty of him having a decent used DAC.

Dave, thanks for getting back to me on the balanced output connections. I’ve been meaning to learn about them.

@dprincipato — the Schiit Modi is their $99 entry-level DAC.  My advice — if the Modi was the equal or slightly better than your Yammy, don’t listen to any of their better DACs or you’ll never like listening to your Yamaha ever again once you hear what’s possible.  It ain’t a subtle difference. 

@skyscraper — I took a deeper look and I think you’re leaving a lot of performance on the table — especially considering the quality of the rest of your rig — fronting your digital music with a $1000 CD player.  I’d strongly suggest doing an in-home trial of a good DAC just to see what you may be missing.  Here’s one potential option — Hifi Heaven offers a return policy if you buy a DAC from them, so other than maybe a little shipping cost there’s no risk to you.  You should try a Metrum Onyx R2R NOS DAC and prepare to have your world rocked.  My bet is you won’t return it.  Just something to noodle over during the holidays. 
Skyscraper, what I like about the balanced connections is that they seem to be a nice solid “click in place” kind of connection, and I have some balanced inputs on my preamp. Also, it seems that many components have higher voltage output on their balanced outputs. Outside of a little more boost on the balanced, I have not experienced an increase in fidelity between the balanced an single ended outputs. 
Have an excellent holiday,

I’ll definitely give them a ring first. I’ve made that trip enough times to do it again just for practice.. Come to think of it I’ve not been to Richmond since buying my Luxman 507 uX amp at Audio Exchange a year or so ago. I almost purchased a Marantz Ruby this morning from Music Direc,t as they had an open box (demo) unit for sale at $800 off. As it turned out they didn’t have one, but hadn’t removed the listing. Oh well, I know better than to be impulse buying anyway.

I’d like to hear them side by side, or an equivalent new Luxman model substituted for the D-o5u, so I’ll need to call around and see if anyone has both if Audio Exchange doesn’t. Maybe some place in DC would.

@skyscraper  It was a while ago, so definitely call before jumping in the car.  I was pretty set on a Luxman, so I didn't do a comparison, but now I wish I had, just so I could comment.  Who knows what A.E. have in stock these days--they may even have the new Luxmans in.

I'm very happy with the D-05u.  I have the Bryston in my second system, where it's entirely at home.  I prefer a slightly forgiving (rather than in-your-face) presentation, and the Bryston's absolute neutrality is tempered by the other components and the room's acoustic.  In the big rig the Luxman gives me just what I'm looking for--all the usual audiophile virtues, with just a hint of warmth.