UGH...The tired, "BEST" Rock guitarist thread

Only because  I found a REALLY  good  copy of terrible  Ted's debut(his best IMO) yesterday, I'm sharing this one. Ted describing the electric  guitar God hierarchy gets my vote. I tapped out after Dog Eat Dog(before Derek St Holmes was dropped.) Those 2 albums and early Amboy Dukes still sound great to me.



"All 20 somethings think all good musicians are irrelevant."

Like many things, such a statement isn't true. It's just 20 something musicians and very few 20 something non musicians who do.

"But I wouldn't put Nugent in the top 1000 guitarists."

clearthinker-the screename and your replies don't seem to correlate.

The video clearly defines the thread. It's about Ted opinion of who took post Classic Rock guitar to the next level, which was EVH.


Funny how the thread subject quickly turned into the ridiculous "best" it wasn't intended  to be.

Clearthinker must have spent an enormous amount of time interviewing 20-somethings to make such a blanket statement about ALL of them.

And as far as I'm concerned, music coming from digital workstations is every bit as valid as coming from a gee-tar and requires a great deal of skill to do well.

Whichever it is, if it doesn't serve the song/composition and is just there to impress about what a good musician you are, not interested. 

@fpbpbm - when I worked in a record store in the 70's, one of my friends there was a real big Les Dudek fan. He was a fine guitarist indeed....

Going back to Ted, probably my fav song of Amboy Dukes, "Baby Please Don't Go", is done  better by Them, IME, I even prefer strange rendition by Beacon Street Union. Still, I did like the Dukes back in the day, living in Michigan how could I not.

Ted is as relevant as any of us. Why the anger? Don’t like his point of view on things? He is both relevant and free to have his views.  

@grannyring Anger?  If you find calling an accomplished black man a subhuman mongrel and making threats to kill him(not that he would have, Ted is a coward like all his ilk) just a point of view, no, not anger but disgust and sadness. That man was Barack Obama, who had the audacity to become President. Good old Ted has made his angry hatred and racism quite a platform to remain relevant among the terrible people who hold the same 'views'. And that's just a part of his awfulness. Misogyny and more.... Of course, he is free to have his warped views but that doesn't mean people have to accept it. I imagine I'd get banned from here pretty quick were I to spout the vile garbage Ted does.

This isn't about politics or different opinions, it's about being a good human being. Normalizing such things by saying it's ok is not something any decent person should support. 

@jet88 I agree that estimations of a musician's character can affect listener's estimation of their music and/or talent. Ted has put himself out there front and center, you'd have to be a hermit to not know his character. he became far more a political figure that artist at some point in his life. His talent or lack of same really doesn't matter to me anymore.



jet88- if everyone  simply ignored EVERY musician/entertainer's opinions outside of their musical ability, perhaps the world would be a little calmer?

Ted's a fine Rock guitartist who knows where R&R came from, and where it went with EVH. His opinions and all other musicians  outside of music I mute.


@tablejockey I didn't want to drag your thread off topic into such things. I was prompted to respond as ignoring hate as merely opinion is a dangerous thing. It can be an opinion that someone thinks taxes should be spent a certain way, that some music is better than other types, tubes vs. solid state, etc.. But hatred and the rising violence and anger it breeds is not opinion. It's deep-seated mental illness at best, and outright evil at worst. As I said, normalizing it instead of treating it as the toxic disease on society it is will let it grow, rather than be eventually cured.

We only need look to the (yet another) shooting in Buffalo to see the cost, the absolute agony those who's loved ones were murdered simply for being the wrong color are living through.

Thank you for reading, I will not continue to speak on this, as it's not the proper place for a longer discussion of this nature. Have a good day and enjoy music.

@tablejockey - Why should we ignore somebody's opinion because they are in entertainment or the arts? Should we also ignore the opinions of computer programmers? Farmers? Uber drivers?

Musicians and entertainers are human beings just like everybody else - some are smart, some are not; they are not machines that exist for the purpose of keeping people entertained, and their opinions are just as valid as anybody else's as long as they're kept as opinions and do not incite violence. Some opinions I agree with, some opinions I find contemptible, but there you go. 

If you propose ignoring certain people's opinions in order to make the world a little calmer (a fine ideal, of course), everybody should ignore everybody else's opinions except their own. Don't know how desirable that would be even if it was possible.

The end of 70s Electric Dreams is audiophile.

But not rock.

I can listen to all curated VH in random;

Fire In The Hole

"I can listen to all curated VH in random;

Fire In The Hole"

fuzztone- I tried to listen VH after their 2nd album, but quickly lost interest. VH  was still a great band, but just wasn't my thing. I also found the Sammy Halen thing of no interest, while I dig his Montrose years.

Larsman, you're reading way  too much into my comments. I simply agree with Ted's assessment of EVH's gift of guitar, and what it stood for-nothing more. No social issues involved.


I'm not a Nugent fan boy but I do appreciate what he brings when playing live and I agree with his statement about Joan Jett being on The Rolling Stone magazine's list of 100 Greatest Guitarists.


YOU win the internet.

The thread is about Ted's view on EVH and R&R, that's it.

I saw Ted in 76, at his peak (IMO)before his "Cat Scratch Fever" and later rubbish.