UGH...The tired, "BEST" Rock guitarist thread

Only because  I found a REALLY  good  copy of terrible  Ted's debut(his best IMO) yesterday, I'm sharing this one. Ted describing the electric  guitar God hierarchy gets my vote. I tapped out after Dog Eat Dog(before Derek St Holmes was dropped.) Those 2 albums and early Amboy Dukes still sound great to me.



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My favorite quote about shredding guitar players was Zappa, "It's not a pushup contest." I met Hendrix, opened for Zep, blah blah...most moving guitar playing I've ever heard? Jesse Ed Davis was in town (Honolulu) for a while (I actually loaned him a Fender Vibroverb for some recording thing he was doing) and he sat in with a band I knew for a simple blues jam...I'll never forget it. For me the jazz world has the most interesting players...Julian Lage, John that...saw Joe Pass in the mid