UGH...The tired, "BEST" Rock guitarist thread

Only because  I found a REALLY  good  copy of terrible  Ted's debut(his best IMO) yesterday, I'm sharing this one. Ted describing the electric  guitar God hierarchy gets my vote. I tapped out after Dog Eat Dog(before Derek St Holmes was dropped.) Those 2 albums and early Amboy Dukes still sound great to me.



Showing 9 responses by larsman

@tablejockey - Marky was not in the original lineup. Tommy was the original drummer, and he's on 'Rocket to Russia', which is also my favorite of their's....

@fpbpbm - when I worked in a record store in the 70's, one of my friends there was a real big Les Dudek fan. He was a fine guitarist indeed....

I don't generally go along with the concept of 'best' when it comes to the arts, so my favorite hard-rock guitarist is Don 'Buck Dharma' Roeser of Blue Oyster Cult. 

@sns - FZ used to say 'cigarettes are food'.... 

@whitefishpoint1175 - Love me some Phil Manzanera and all the work he's done on his own and other projects, including Roxy, Eno, etc! And if you like FZ's guitar playing, have you heard his son Dweezil? I think he's even better than his dad....

@whitefishpoint1175 - fyi, I haven't heard Dweeze on record, just at some of his live shows. You ain't heard Zappa till you've heard 'Black Napkins' with the featured instruments being 2 baritone saxes! But you should be able to find plenty of live stuff from him on YouTube. 

@edcyn - Joey, Johnny, and DeeDee were there the whole time; Tommy was the original drummer, than Marky.... A good time was had by all at a Ramones gig! 

Clearthinker must have spent an enormous amount of time interviewing 20-somethings to make such a blanket statement about ALL of them.

And as far as I'm concerned, music coming from digital workstations is every bit as valid as coming from a gee-tar and requires a great deal of skill to do well.

Whichever it is, if it doesn't serve the song/composition and is just there to impress about what a good musician you are, not interested. 

@tablejockey - Why should we ignore somebody's opinion because they are in entertainment or the arts? Should we also ignore the opinions of computer programmers? Farmers? Uber drivers?

Musicians and entertainers are human beings just like everybody else - some are smart, some are not; they are not machines that exist for the purpose of keeping people entertained, and their opinions are just as valid as anybody else's as long as they're kept as opinions and do not incite violence. Some opinions I agree with, some opinions I find contemptible, but there you go. 

If you propose ignoring certain people's opinions in order to make the world a little calmer (a fine ideal, of course), everybody should ignore everybody else's opinions except their own. Don't know how desirable that would be even if it was possible.