The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


The bass is certainly not the only improvement I heard on Blue Train, or any of the other recordings I’ve been listening to with the SR purple. People seem to like it when you cite specific improvements on specific recordings, so I was using the bass on Blue Train as one example.

My first two are fully broken-in and my system is sounding really amazing. I swore I would wait for a three for two deal before I bought any more, but yesterday I broke down and ordered one to replace the Orange Fuse in my DAC...

No I am absolutely not saying things can’t be improved. But I am suggesting there could be reasons why the bass sounds “better” besides the fuse. Just that there COULD be. Don’t take it personally. I hear differences all the time and am not able to say exactly why. Just reseating a fuse can make a difference. Or maybe you happened to be more focused on the bass for whatever reason? You know best. The bass on that recording sounds great on my hifi as well with stock fuses. It’s just part of what that recording is. Tried a SR fuse once and didn’t hear anything that made me keep it in. You never know sometimes when it comes to what we hear. Just saying.

“Blue Trane” is an absolutely fabulous recording regardless of fuse. Something is wrong if it is otherwise.”

Agreed, it’s a great recording. What are you trying to say, that the reproduction of great recordings can’t be improved?!

“Blue Trane” is an absolutely fabulous recording regardless of fuse. Something is wrong if it is otherwise.

Its like saying Sophia Loren was a beautiful woman. …when my eyes are open and actually paying attention.

Coltrane’s Blue Train is sounding mighty fine. With the SR purple I am hearing, and appreciating, more of Paul Chambers’ contribution on the bass.

I have to admit that I’m glad to hear at least one person who’s done the comparison say that the SR purple is as good, or better, than the QSA violet. Over $200 is definitely getting out of my comfort zone for a fuse, however much benefit it may bring.


Who’s cost trade in @tyray ? QSA’s MSRP.

Yes, for up to 90 days to return for the full price towards the upgraded fuse. And this is important, you can trade one for one only.

I must admit, when I first got the QSA Light Blue’s, the SR Purps hadn’t came out yet and I got the ’QSA fever!’ And was seriously contemplating - ’ok, this is how I’m gonna upgrade/trade up to the next QSA fuse and to the next QSA fuse and to the next QSA fuse and...’🙂

$711 … Now that’s where I draw the line …. Even if I had a so called money tree rooting & branching out into the yard. To each their own I suppose.

Who’s cost trade in @tyray ? QSA’s MSRP.

Our grandfather’s would be rolling in their graves at such prices

Those who have purple fuses that are fully broken in, how do they improve over time versus when they are newly installed? I am already quite happy with what I’m hearing after less than 24 hours. If it gets significantly better in the next 3 or 4 days, that will really be something.

@glory that’s right, bought Violet from Mike

Steven Tsang and I emailed, tried to Yellow first, thought it was up there with SR Orange, maybe a little better.

Other thing is, I’ve got integrated  amps that are in the 3-5k range, for those it’s a big uptick. I don’t know what you get if you’re rocking 5 figures separates, etc

That's where I bought my QSA Light Blue fuses, and he responds to email very quickly. Although the QSA Light Violet might be a special order? 

Post removed 

+1 @cd45123

SR Purp(le) $200, QSA Light Violet $711. That’s a cost swing of $511. You be the judge. For $711, I could almost buy (4) SR Purp’s!

And while I’m here, that outstanding price cost/performance/difference completely outweighs the fact that the SR Purp doesn’t have a directional arrow - to me.

Simply because whether a fuse has an arrow or not, you still have to go through the process of finding the correct direction of the piece of gear you want to install them in first.

And that being said, ain’t nothing wrong with QSA fuses if you want to use them over the SR fuses, especially if you plan on trading them back in at cost and buying up the QSA line of fuses.


@oregonpapa think I posted that I did indeed find the SR Purple edging out the QSA Violet. Better detail, more musical to my ears, added in to some of my Rega stuff, but will be trying in my Naim XS3 soon.

My experience with the purple fuse is the same as described by Autosports. The improvement over the orange fuse is spectaculair. A very substantial upgrade for a modest price. Amazing…

@tommylion +1 

I'm looking forward to someone comparing the SR Purple to the QSA Violet. 


Just got in an SR purple fuse, and replaced the QSA light blue in my CD transport. Initial results, after forty minutes or so of listening, it is already handily beating the QSA light blue in musicality and involvement. The change is not at all subtle. I look forward to it being fully broken in.

I just installed the new SR purple fuses and have run them in for a few days.  Yes, every time we hear from SR that the newest fuses bring the largest sonic improvement of any prior fuse model. While this line gets tired after being used for each successive generation of fuses, it’s been true more than a few times. Also, “Holy Guacamole!”  It’s certainly true for the Purple fuses.

Everything got better throughout the frequency range.  Lows became tighter, more tuneful, and had greater perceived extension--also there seems to be so much more perceived bass now so that I felt the need to turn down my speakers’ active bass cabinets by a notch or two. High frequency sounds are much more refined.  Everything now sounds so much more solidified.  Imaging better, so is soundstaging and both not by an inconsequential amount. The sounds of instruments just hang in mid-air.  The soundstage overall is also a bit larger.

The noise floor, which seemed to already be at the lowest level possible, dropped even further.  Detail increased.  Also, timber is much more accurate.  All of a sudden things like bells and percussive strikes seem much more correct and realistic sounding.

Yes, the purple fuses have improved every aspect of my system’s performance--which is what I find AC improvements generally do-- but almost never to this extent.

I know this seems crazy, but I have been in between music servers for a bit and was using a Bluesound Node as place holder until my new high-end server arrived.  The Bluesound did admirably for its cost, but still a lot of the magic was gone when compared to a higher-end CD player or server.  With the Purple fuses and the Node both in my system, my system was playing in many ways at a higher level than without Purples and with only high-end components in it.  This is truly amazing.  Curious as I usually am, I really don’t care to think this one out or explain it.  These are the biggest upgrade I have ever made of any tweak and it beats many component upgrades that I have made over the years.

One very happy customer here. 

"1. No idea.

2. To follow, what type of audio equipment do the purple owners have?  Tube/SS? Ultra high end or moderate specs/components?

I'm open to any tweak, but I try to eliminate at least some of the variables to make my results maybe more predictable?

Don't hate on me..I'm just asking a question for personal knowledge.   "


I dunno. I wonder myself what kind of people are using what, and what sounds good to them.

No hating here. 

I like that you seem open-minded, nice change of pace...



@papafrgog  --you bring up great points that I have questioned in the past to no avail.  It is interesting that when a new model comes out, the brand always tells you what has changed. ie better capacitors, resistors, wiring etc. It would be nice to know what is different about the purple or for that matter, what is the difference between a QSA Blue and Yellow.  

I have a very high-end system with all high-end accessories/tweaks.  At some point, there is a law of diminishing returns.  So in my system, when I just added one fuse to my Lampizator Pacific, I really did not hear a notable difference.  I will give you another example.  Everyone raved about Townshend Audio Isolation Podiums.  I purchased them for over $3k and I certainly did not get the results everyone bragged about.  People proclaim every tweak matters. and that it is a cumulative effect.   Well, I guess it depends on each person's system.  Sometimes when you order a prime steak you don't put A-1 sauce on it.  You just enjoy the prime steak.

My point is or IMO, if you have a great system you are not going to realize an incremental improvement with every tweak imaginable.  I challenge those that disagree to go back and start over.  Remove every tweak and listen to your music.  Use that as your baseline.  I did that. Then start adding one tweak at a time.  See what really makes a difference.   As I said, I have every tweak there Some have not worked; others have.  You might ask why am I continuing to add tweaks if my system is great.  Because we are always looking for that extra bump in sound.   In lower-end systems, I believe that tweaks can help more.  The biggest improvement in my system came when I added the Lucas Audio LDMS Music Server.  Better components DO matter


Tweaks that worked for me:  Upgraded fuses, PPT paste, and mats, 1260 contact enhancer, acoustic absorption panels. Tweaks that are less than satisfying -Schuman's Resonator's, Townshend Podiums, Amplifier isolation pods. The jury is still out on HFT's and I have 18 of them.


What's next?  I have had every SR fuse they have made and now QSA Yellow fuses.  I am still reading this thread for Purple reviews and WBF for QSA reviews.  I will contemplate trying one Purple or QSA red for my Lampi.  If I hear improvement I will keep otherwise for sure I will return.  

Let the debate roll on!


@dabel >>>

"Who are some of your Purple People Eater retailers?"

Try high-end electronics and The Cable Company. I think they are both A’gon advertisers.


@papafrgog >>>

1. I'm not privy to the manufacturing process, but I will tell you that I can feel a granular substance under the labels of the Purple fuses that are not there on their previous fuses. 

2. Personally, I use all tube Audio Research Corp. electronics. 


This thread is definitely a "must read".  After doing so, and in the spirit of the OP, a couple of questions:

1. Assuming the purple fuse is "better" than the orange fuse, what did SR change in its manufacture or design (other than color)?  If there is indeed a change in the product, It's very plausible the fuse make a system "sound" better I assume the fuse only affects the electric current, which in turn flows through every circuit of the component

2. To follow, what type of audio equipment do the purple owners have?  Tube/SS? Ultra high end or moderate specs/components?

I'm open to any tweak, but I try to eliminate at least some of the variables to make my results maybe more predictable?

Don't hate on me..I'm just asking a question for personal knowledge.   


@dabel , not sure if that’s allowed (after all, A’gon is trying to sell stuff). If you do a search inside A’gon, you will see ads for the Purple fuses for sale.

A quick Google search will also reveal several retailers. Ted might even list some on the SR website.



I did, and patiently waiting for a response. Only thought I'd sling shot another post and observe the outcome 

Break Bread with me. No disclosure of retailers in this thread, why ... Who are some of your Purple People Eater retailers?

@jerrybj , I'm not surprised. 

Selling like hotcakes for a reason, I guess.....

I do need a .63 amp small slow-blow for the tube stage on my Denon, so if anyone upgrades and has an Orange laying around.....let me know.

The SR Purple's seem to be in short supply, which is a good sign.

Enquired; they were coming.

When ordered, they had run out. And the distributor had run out on the next delivery as well.

Purple is working really well for me vs. Orange in my Nordost QB-8 power distributor and my BHK preamp. It;s a long break-in, but mostly all good, and sometimes spectacularly so.

I'm really happy with them and I'll be buying more...

Post removed 
Post removed 

I've never understood why people who despise audiophiles come to this site. 


10,459 posts

@mapman could be, just don’t short them….

This was a little too good to go unacknowledged, IMO. :)



Replace it with the manufacturer's rated fuse.

I've been using SR fuses for a while now, never had an issue. 


Don’t raise your values. Go with factory specifications.

Yours in music,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc. 

Where'd everybody go ...

Owners manual states on Preamp 1.5A Fast-Blow only but no size. After measuring 6.3mm x 32mm and before I pull my first trigger, by what value are y'all raising your purples, if any? 


All this chatter has this Curious Cat curious ... Tis the season & the fine tuning process is imminent ....

JG Wentworth refresher, "It's my money & I need it now!" seems fitting.



I'm intrigued by your AC filtration system at the speakers.

Can you elaborate a bit on them?"

Not publically. I'll send you a PM. 

I think we can all see what’s going on.

I just don’t understand the motive.

It’s a money-back guarantee. Maybe certain people can’t afford the $200? I have no idea.

Anyway, back to the SR Purple fuses. I have one in my Classe pre-amp. Its sound could be described as gorgeous.

Oranges in my Classe amp and Denon tube CD player.

The overall sound is absolutely glorious.

Everything makes a difference.

If you can’t hear the difference, you are either in the wrong hobby, or need better stuff.