The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


Showing 19 responses by tyray

Hi Frank,

Wow, when I first stumbled upon Audiogon I was struck how such nasty comments were coming from middle aged men (which is a misnomer). Or should I say men who are closer to there end times in age and bully others like spoiled children with nothing else better to do.

You would think as we get older we have learned to treat each other with old school courtesies and respect. The same courtesies and respect that we have tried to teach our kids.

Some say you should ignore comments like that. I could not.

That was probably one of the lowest things I’ve seen here yet. Not only will I be buying SR Purp(le) fuse(s), I also will be buying some of Ted’s other products as well. Such as his power cords.


NOTE: always check that your dealer honors the 30-day no-risk money back guarantee and if not, choose a different dealer.

Yes, I should have made it clear that some dealers such as Parts Connexion in Canada does not have a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee on items they sell even if the items bought has a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee from the original manufacture.


Thank you Ted for the clarification.

tyray365 posts 09-20-2021 4:39pm

Empirical observation is the basis for scientific learning. Instruments have to be constantly calibrated. The combination of man’s senses (hearing) plus his (or her) brain are one of the most powerful measuring devices on the planet.

And what’s worrying is 50 to 100 to break in, by that time for me it’s too late to send back for refund if I don’t like it/them, not prepared to take the gamble on that one. Thanks

Andy, Depending on where and how many fuses you want to use, you can put your transport/dac or and old cd player on repeat to play a cd over and over for anywhere up to 24 hours a day which would in no time at all burn in the fuse(s). Just make sure your sytem is on with the volume turned down low when not doing your regular listening.


Hope this helps


I here yah talking, but have you even bought a QSA or SR fuse to even try? Or are you just runnin off at the mouth?

The QSA light blue is only $71 and to me, was a complete shocker of a value...

Now it’s either gonna be yes, no or some more bs...

On the patent office comment ... Some of you, including andypandy, missed the point. As a history buff, I've read that back in the 1800s, there was a motion in Congress to eliminate the patent office. The reason? Because it was thought that everything worth inventing had already been invented. I used the analogy to point out the closed-mindedness of a few of the posters here.


Makes sense to me. I'm thinking the fuse patent had long expired decades before the AC/DC Tesla and Edison wars...

jpan member since Apr 23, 2012

andypandy member since Nov 13, 2021 LOL!

’now from what I’ve been reading about them,’

And andypandy name drops ’Atmasphere’ like that’s supposed to give him some sort of gravitas.

I really would like to know what Ralph would have to say about SR Purp(le) fuses he’s tried, for the first time?

I can’t remember off hand, but I think some of his beautifully engineered/designed gear doesn’t’ even use fuses?

I’ll put SR Purple ahead of a QSA violet fuse. Took a while to break in, but this is the best fuse I’ve heard and I’m not paying 7x the price for a QSA red.

@cd45123...Can you please elaborate why?

Orange was good for more clarity- Purple seems to expand upon this clarity and detail with a greater openness to the midband, more musical, more 3D, it’s like music has a greater flow. Sounds more open to my ears than the QSA Violet. That’s just me.

cd45123, this is just the type of information I want to glean from this particular thread. Experiences from someone that has compared the QSA Light Violet (or other purple) to the SR Purp.

The SR Purp seems like it has a very good cost/performance ratio. I owe you man, for spending your hard earned money and valuable time and effort. The beer and or wine are on me. Way to shine...

Let me be clear, there’s nothing wrong with the QSA Light Violet, QSA Red or the special order QSA Red/Black, if you want it and can afford it, nothing at all.

So if anyone has tried the QSA Light Violet, QSA Red or the special order QSA Red/Black fuses, I’d love to here about it. I just can’t afford them.

And maybe on a QSA thread as I have a bad habit of high jacking the original post. That’s if the moderator hasn’t taken all the QSA fuse threads down...

glory, I’m pretty sure sooner or later someone else will chime in here about that very issue of the QSA Light Violet fuse vs the SR Purp.

millercarbon posted about the QSA Light Violet fuse and said it was so good it was ’insane’. And I have no reason to doubt him. And we know how he feels about Ted’s stuff.

In fact, I suspect that the QSA Light Violet fuse may have been one of the reasons Ted is now selling the SR Purp?

As I have no reason to doubt the others here that rated the SR Orange vs the SR Purp.

You get no argument with me here. And with SR you do have to do one at a time. Nice rigs.

SR would probably sell a heck of a lot more fuses if they took the time to tetst them and put a directioanl arrow on their fuses. It does seem like it would be cost effective as they have to test them anyway? If more people ask...?

I really like stupid sometimes.. LOL

The first time a had an experience with a fuse and learned what they do. I was five and this electrical socket kept calling me to stick a metal object into it. I did, the house went dark, and I hauled ass and I got as far away from that socket as possible. Later in life I learned, that fuse probably saved my life, and my ass. As Dad just thought a fuse blew and just replaced it with a new one. Routine to him at the time, but new to me...And Dad never found out.


Google this audiogon thread:

Quantum Science Audio light blue fuse; $71, what a bargain!

It’s one of the threads that the moderators took down for reasons some of us thought rather unfair.

I’m still working on getting my SR Purp, but I do have 2 QSA Light Blue, if this is the fuse you’re talking about. It is very good. And some say it is/was better than the SR Orange. To my rig it sounded fantastic for only $71 bucks each.

Is it better than the the SR Purp? Not according to oregonpapa, as he has compared the QSA Light Blue to the QSA Yellow at $213, and the QSA Yellow to the SR Purp at $200 and found them wanting compared to the SR Purp. And as others have mentioned here also.


cd45123 101 posts 11-22-2021 2:46pm

I’ll put SR Purple ahead of a QSA violet fuse. Took a while to break in, but this is the best fuse I’ve heard and I’m not paying 7x the price for a QSA red

Hey cd45123,

When you get a chance let us know how the SR Purp is burning in since your last report. What piece(s) of gear you're using it/them in, and how many per piece(s) of gear you're using it/them in.

Thanks! (For Giving)

That's where I bought my QSA Light Blue fuses, and he responds to email very quickly. Although the QSA Light Violet might be a special order? 

+1 @cd45123

SR Purp(le) $200, QSA Light Violet $711. That’s a cost swing of $511. You be the judge. For $711, I could almost buy (4) SR Purp’s!

And while I’m here, that outstanding price cost/performance/difference completely outweighs the fact that the SR Purp doesn’t have a directional arrow - to me.

Simply because whether a fuse has an arrow or not, you still have to go through the process of finding the correct direction of the piece of gear you want to install them in first.

And that being said, ain’t nothing wrong with QSA fuses if you want to use them over the SR fuses, especially if you plan on trading them back in at cost and buying up the QSA line of fuses.



Who’s cost trade in @tyray ? QSA’s MSRP.

Yes, for up to 90 days to return for the full price towards the upgraded fuse. And this is important, you can trade one for one only.

I must admit, when I first got the QSA Light Blue’s, the SR Purps hadn’t came out yet and I got the ’QSA fever!’ And was seriously contemplating - ’ok, this is how I’m gonna upgrade/trade up to the next QSA fuse and to the next QSA fuse and to the next QSA fuse and...’🙂

+1 @tommylion,

If you're still not sure you could also start at your amplifier/receiver/integrated amplifier at the main power with only one first, the one that’s in, or very near, the power cord inlet.