The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


So, oregonpapa, since you were at the factory, can you enlighten us how they control directionality of the fuses? Shirley you asked about that. Please? Pretty please?
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"Should I believe you, or my lying eyes?"
Is there really a market for counterfeit Synergistic Research Blue fuses?

That would explain it and both of you would be correct.
If you look at the blue sticker around the SR Blue fuse, you'll discover it is paper, which you can purchase at Staples.

So if you haven't wrapped paper around your fuses you've been ripped off.

Sad to say this really is what passes for sound reasoning according to some people. Me, I'm with Frank. I'll believe my lying eyes - and ears - long before the word of some guy with that kind of logic.
twodolphins ...

When I took the tour of the SR factory in Santa Ana, California a year or so ago, I stood right at the work station where the fuses are put together. I, with another A'gon member, scrutinized the location. There's a lot more that goes into the process than just using an ordinary cheap fuse.

Should I believe you, or my lying eyes? 

Under the blue sticker of SR Blue fuse, you’ll discover RU tube which you can purchase on Amazon for 3$. So, if you have paid your SR Blue 50$ or 80$, you have been ripped off. Check it by yourself. 
"In the end, aren’t these fuses another tone control?"
It may be better to call them "on/off" switch. No fuse, no sound.
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Geoffcan’t has a better ring...just sayin....

I’m not saying it is, though it could be, but if a tone control, then money better spent on one whose main purpose is not to go up in smoke when called upon.
Take it easy Roberttcan’t, let those who do not follow blindly have their say.

In the end, aren’t these fuses another tone control? If the sound is not the same as before changing the fuse, has not the tone changed? I know others would rather say "there is more of everything", implying something was missing to start with.  Aren't most SR tweaks a form of tone control, in fact most tweaks?.  They are fixing a sonic problem?
Speaking of smell, nice to smell you again, glubson. You too, moopman. But can you makes yourselves invisible? 
"It feels like you can see the singer’s lips and jaw movement!"
If there is some sweetness in that voice, four senses will be involved. And that smells suspicious. So you could have all five senses involved in description of one orange fuse.
The Orange fuse improvements are never heard before. Even the human voice is so 3D. It feels like you can see the singer's lips and jaw movement!
Hmmm, that last removed post was really nothing to be upset about by anyone. Who would know?
Interesting that another post was removed. Benin in every way.  I wonder why? 

glupson ...

I think the original factory was a teepee erected in the north woods, and the cold sandwiches were made of squirrel and/or 'possum meat. Not sure if the squirrel/'possum meat was cooked or raw though. 

By the way, if you check each post in this thread, you'll find that it hasn't all been about fuses. It has taken the place of the local pub that was once the meeting place for audiophiles. Just general conversations, bantering back and forth, name-calling, throwing obnoxious drunks back out through swinging doors ... that type of thing. :-)

OK, so it wasn’t my greatest work. I’m just trying to keep up. You da man! 🤗

Don't you wish you could have come up with such a brilliant waste of words yourself?

Do you want me to write something like that and you can publish it under your name?

No, it did not rhyme, but it reminded me of slime.
glubson is hereby nominated for Top Bloviator. Good job, glubby. I always knew you had in you. Hey, did that just rhyme?

I do like seeing people succeed in whatever positive they do.

Starting production in a garage in the back of an apartment/house is quite common and makes sense. I was surprised that someone would have a factory, no matter how small or unsophisticated, and then move in. It just seemed odd.

Still, the story about cold sandwich, as poetically heartbreaking as it may seem, does not earn any points. The only reason to eat cold sandwich in Santa Ana, California is because one wants to eat cold sandwich. Of course, if it had been the only sandwich that week, it would have shown dedication and sacrifice to achieve some goal by saving.

I have not been to Synergistic Research current factory. It would be a wasted visit. I would not know the difference from any other production place. I suspect that machines to make fuses would look exactly like machines to bottle Coca-Cola to me. That is my fault, not Synergistic Research’s.

Back to actual Blue fuse numbers. If $80 per fuse is a ballpark figure of the dealer’s cost, it would be around 1300 fuses that first weekend. Not all of them could be expected to be sold to final customers that weekend so some stayed in stock. As fuses are quite specific items and market/customers are very specialized and dedicated, it could be expected that a majority of potentially interested buyers would buy them soon after launch. That peak would then be followed by much slower, but steady, demand over time. If initial demand was 1300, could it be that over the following two years it added about 1200, or was it much more. I am really impressed that this thread is two years old with 2850+ posts, confirming very strong emotions that fuses bring (pro et contra). I am curious if the number of posts surpassed the number of fuses. I will never know, but I do wonder if each produced fuse has its own post on this thread.
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Post removed 

I find it all backwards.

I would think that people start making things in the back of their home, rather than have a factory first and then living in it.

I am also puzzled that a person who is adept enough to figure out what will sell could not figure out that many grocery stores have microwave ovens close to the exit and anyone is free to use them. There is a Wholefoods 3.4 miles from Synergistic Research's current address.

You cannot be good at everything, I guess.
glupson ....

I don't have the total amounts, but the grapevine says that over $100,000 worth of the blue fuses were sold to dealers on the weekend of their initial release two years ago.

The new SR Orange fuses sold in the first week were over 1000 fuses. I imagine it is at least double that by now.

Not too bad for a businessman who started by living in the back of his factory and ate cold sandwiches because that's all he could afford at the time. 

I find it inspiring, how about you?

Two years and more than 2800 posts later, Synergistic Research Blue fuse thread is still here!

How many of those fuses have been sold so far? More or less than 2800?
Thanks Frank. I was thinking about trying one to replace the pasted Blue in my amp, and was wondering what I might expect. The fact that stock Orange beat pasted Blue in your system is impressive, and I'm going to place the order after I finish this post.
tommylion ...

No, I haven’t pasted the Orange fuses yet. The Blue fuses were pasted. So, everything reported so far has been with untreated Orange fuses vs treated Blue fuses. So ... I suspect another improvement when I treat the Orange fuses. Funny thing ... the Orange fuses are so good, I hadn't thought about treating them until you brought it up. 


Just a few of questions about your experience with the Orange fuses. I assume your previous Blue fuses were treated with TC? Did you swap in the Oranges without TC treatment? You said the Oranges immediately sounded better. Was this untreated Oranges vs. treated Blues? Have you treated the Oranges, and, if so, have you noticed further improvement?


Just remember that it's the shawarma that has the mutton and the rest is easy.
Smarmy? Swarmy? Sarwasrmi? Sheesh! I keep getting this on wrong on crossword puzzles too.
Swarmy insults? You mean like a swarm of locust? 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 A swarm of butterflies? 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
georgehifi ...

Never, in the entire history of A'gon has any member passed a .38 pistol through his/her computer and held it to your head in order to force you to enter a thread and read it. If you are offended by certain topics, or the opinions of certain members, just don't click on them. 

Your disruptions and swarmy insults are getting mighty old.

Just cant help yourself can you George?
Now resorting to hurling direct insults to members just because their posting  goes against your extremely narrow and bigotted viewpoint.
Keep it up, you really are revealing yourself to be a world class act!
Seriously  fleschler are you taking the p**s or are you for real, your very good and I doffs me hat to ya if taking the p**s.
But a seriously bent individual and in desperate need of help if your saying this c**p is for real.

Cheers George
My main problem with changing fuses and duplexes are the bad sound until they are broken in.  The red to black duplex sounded great, the black to blue was not so nice with a harder, brighter sound from the blue until about a week after it was installed.  The red to black fuse was not good either with bad sound from 15 to 72 hours from the black fuse. 

Contrary to the duplex, the blue fuse sounded better than the broken in black fuse immediately.  I'm glad to hear that the orange fuse sounds better than the blue immediately too.  Next is the orange duplex.  Who knows when and then the purple of each.  I don't mind the improvements so long as I don't have to suffer bad sound for 72 hours or a week until the sound returns to good/better than before.

I'm glad to read that Robert heard the Stop-Its prior to their proper curing and thought they were a step back at the beginning.   Now the Stop-Its sold as cured should sound good immediately or soon after insertion.  I'll have to try those next.  
ok weird they shut down the orange discussion.....

its also unfortunate that people do not try things for themselves before venturing an opinion

I am not sure if will upgrade at all to orange but certainly have no opinion about it.....hope its universally well liked ......

I found upgrading to black fuse was no brainer...

i then upgraded to blue and liked it better to (but did feel slight trade off)

I am getting greater benefit from room tweaking as I feel most audiophiles do  not appreciate that the room is probably at least half the battle....

I might still go Orange but my equipment bit of pain to replace fuses so will wait for now
georgehifi ...

You didn't comment on this post in the other fuse thread. Here it is again for your edification:

If you were to become a more astute observer, and stow your animosity for a time, you would know that I have started threads on a multitude of products. Did you read my threads on Audio Research products? How about Herbie’s products, or Perfect Path Technologies products? Have you taken advantage of any of the multitude of music recommendations I’ve offered on this site over the years, George?

If you were to reverse your telescope, George, you wouldn’t have such a myopic, negative view of the world and your fellow man. Life is good, George. People, in general, are nice, George. Enjoy a sunset, George. Have a good glass of wine, George. Hug your wife, George. Turn your talisman over, George.

You can make the decision to have a positive mental attitude in an instant, George, just by turning over the aforementioned talisman from the negative side to the positive side. Once you make that simple decision, you’ll have a much more fruitful and enjoyable life.

I sincerely hope to see you shining brightly with a much more positive light in the future, George ...

Take care ...

George subbed his fuses a long time ago with twin 1000a breakers.
Otherwise his ire would have turned to fire.
Coerce?? Dangerous practices?? Geez Frank, you’re practically a criminal!
Well, that does go along with Orange is the new Black...:)
And don't mind George, apparently he has a short fuse!
In spite of your shallow threats
No threats, fact.
Both your threads were shut down.
Keep up the dangerous practices that could harm someone in the end and the shilling, and this one may go the way of the dodo too with a bit of luck.
from where do you derive the authority to become Mister Full-Charge of the Audiogon site?
I don't, but admin are obviously very aware of sorting out the wheat from the chaff, because in the long run it's not good for their image or maybe some liability letting you coerce the non technical into something as dangerous as playing around with mains fuses, in out in out A/B'ing them forgetting to unplug from the mains just once and then bye bye.
georgehifi ... 

Actually, George, rather than this thread being about fuses, it has morphed into a conversation about your negative attitude, your lack of respect for the other members of this site, and your constant disruptions. In spite of your shallow threats, George, I will continue to post whatever I feel like posting. Question, George ... from where do you derive the authority to become Mister Full-Charge of the Audiogon site?

It is very interesting that the Orange fuse thread was closed down for the second time. There was nothing offensive, nor were there any personal attacks in the second thread. Just guys discussing audio. Go figure.
Shilling from what I and many others saw, and the same could happen here if you sub it for this one. You just don’t know when to stop.
It is very interesting that the Orange fuse thread was closed down for the second time. No explanation or Email notification either. I guess the old adage is true ... "If you are getting a lot of flack, it means that you are over the target." 

There was nothing offensive, nor were there any personal attacks in the second thread. Just guys discussing audio. Go figure.


Yep .... That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout. It will continue to open up over the next 20 hours of use, or thereabouts.

Do you have any recordings that contain drum solos with rim-shots? If so, give ’em a try.

I just replaced a Synergistic Research BLACK fuse in my VAC amp with the new ORANGE fuse. It took two minutes huge immediate improvement. Quiet and liquid come to mind.
I'll be ordering one for both my Aurender and DAC.
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^^^ LMAO! 

  • "Trigger anyone’s aneurism?"
Nope, but I've got one hell of a headache.