The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
Marantz 400OSE 5 disc changer, Perp Tech P-3A (w/ Wright mods) & P-1A DAC and upsampling engine, Creek OBH12 passive remote pre-amp, Air Tight 300B SET stereo amp, ProAc Response 2.5 speakers, and a REL Strata III sub bass system. Cabling is Audioquest speaker wires and digital cable, Tara Labs & Accrotec interconnects. I'm finished for, hopefully, a long while. By the way, the REL works exactly as everyone said it would - simply sounds just like my speakers but with deep, tuneful bass. Effectively expands the overall soundscape and the detail of the other frequency bands.
I'm a new comer to the hi-fi world. I found out about hifi about six months ago and was instancely hooked for life. Anyways, my curret system is the best systems I ever built.
Krell kps 30i, krell krc 3, krell audio standard, b&w's 801 matrix s3 with the northcreek crossover upgrades. Two dedicated 30amp line to my monoblocks.
Ear buds. I've listened to dozens of high-end systems and logged in thousands of hours on my own ever-evolving system. If you really want to hear what's on a CD, pop one into your computer or portable player and listen through ear buds. Their tiny transducers replay with startling beauty and accuracy the most minute subtleties in a recording in a way no combination of components can ever achieve. They simply have no obstacles to overcome in the way of room acoustics and mechanical compromises. You'd be shocked at the beauty of recordings heretofore relegated to the back shelf because of "harshness" or other shortcomings when played through earbuds. That said, I still tinker with my system and enjoy it immensely. But I propose that he who creates a system that can reveal "truth" of what's on a recording as well as earbuds do will have discovered the audiophile equivalent of the unified field theory. If you don't believe me, invest ten bucks on a modestly expensive set of earbuds and listen for yourself.
The system I'm building now:

Mark Levinson 390s player/processor
Tascam DA-P1 DAT recorder
Rega Planar3 table
Supex 900 Super cartridge
Monolthic PS-1/HC-1b phono stage
Mark Levinson 380 pre-amplifier
Mark Levinson 332 amplifier
AcousticZen balanced source ic
Transparent balanced ic to power amp
Transparent speaker cable
B&W 802 Matrix III speakers

Just got the 390 back (updated 39) and finally broken in.
The listening room isn't done yet, but my temp set-up is finally coming together. Need to add some room treatment, but otherwise a great setup for critical listening. Considering adding a pair of Martin Logan CLS electrostatics to alternate when I finish the room. The 802's throw a great image, but I miss my old pair of ML's.
Rockport Serius II
Tenor 75wi
Aesthetix IO Signature with two power supplies
Audio Aero Capitole II
Talon Khorus X
Jena interconnects and cables
Dedicated 20 amp circuits with 100amp subpanel/ground
There is a piano playing in my living room and it was brought to me by onkyo Dx-v787 and a pair of Klipsch SB2 this is not my main system and I use it for home theater...(I have a subwoofer with this setup and another much more expensive system) the point is that I'll bet that if I listen hard enough, I can tell the brand of piano playing. If I put another $20,000 into my home theater... same piano. My problem starts when I begin to think that I can do better.
My best system so far is; Rowland consummate with phono(Preamp), Rowland model 6 monoblocks(amps), Aerial acoustics
model 8B internally wired with Audioquest kilimanjaro silver wire in Santos rosewood with stands(speakers),Audioquest Python balance interconnects, Audioquest Caldera bywired,looking to upgrade to Volcano.
EAD DSP-9000 MKIII balance(dac), EAD T-700(transport),Exact power 2000 (ac regeneration unit), Thorens table.
By far the best system I have put togheter and yes it AHHHH!!! audio nirvana.
When I was working at a McIntosh dealer in the late 60's, I had on hand a Bozak biamp filter, a Mc C-26 pre-amp, two Mc 2105 stereo power amps, a pair of Bozak Concert Grand speakers (16 cu ft infinite baffle enclosure with four 12" woofers each), and a pair of KLH Model 9 full range electrostatics. Using the biamp filter, I sent everything under 400 Hz to the Concert Grands for bass, and everything over 400 Hz to the Model 9's. It sounded fabulous: clean electrostatic mid and high frequencies, plus good solid Bozak bass. Never could sell the system; it was just too expensive for its day. Little did I know that I was inventing something that would become mainstream a generation later! Wish I had patented it...
I must admit that I've been obsessing since my initial post, although like you, Craig, I find plenty of time for pleasurable listening; the key is choosing components that can bring a smile to your face and lose you in the music, I guess.

In the last 18 months, I have upgraded my analog front end by getting the Debut platter/bearing/vacuum upgrade for my Basis Ovation, upgrading the Graham to 2.2 status, changing to a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge, changing to a Graham IC-70 armcable and adding a Lamm LP2 phono stage when the low output of the Koetsu made a persistent rumbling noise from my JP80 too noticeable; added a Sony SCD 777ES SACD player, modded by adding an Audio Logic tubed analog stage; changed from Meitner amps to Sonogy Black Knight Mk II amps for my bass modules (integrate a little better with the Jadis amps); changed almost all of my cabling, on the front end adding some Nordost Valhalla, and from the preamp on switching to NBS Omega (I blame fellow member Ronc for this, I couldn't believe the difference his switch to Transparent made in his system), and having a speaker cable (tri-wire for the satellites) made up by a member of our NJ Audio Society; and added a large amount of isolation bases and platforms of this member's design, which have helped immeasurably with my tubed equipment. The result has been much better resolution and soundstaging, without losing the very much of the character and musicality I always liked about the system (although I sometimes miss a little of that character on some music). I'm still playing with some cables on the front end, where the NBS is too bulky to be used, but I'm done for now, honest!!!!
This thread "has legs". I see my last post was in '00. Rc and Gregm; being retired, I have found time to BOTH listen for pleasure each day, and STILL obsess over such things as clean power, vibration control etc. and to that end have lately been auditioning AC outlets.

Since last posting, I've added Vandersteen 5 speakers. This is the single biggest upgrade I've ever made to my system-- and the most expensive-- mostly for the tremendous bass I now enjoy. And experimenting with AC outlets has yielded good results. I now use a combination of Hubbells, Acmes (for speaker subs), and a FIM for amp. I've also recently added a Marantz Professional CD recorder that I like a LOT. Cheers. Craig
Hear, hear, Rc! A lot of the (youthful?) enthousiasm and freshness seems to have gone away... Cheers!
CW--Ah, nostalgia just isn't what it used to be.... Seriously, I've found the trend you noted interesting also. I really don't think the quality of audio has gone downhill (putting aside digital, analog is vastly improved over the stuff I had in college 30+ years ago), but perhaps it hasn't, in certain areas (such as amplification), improved as much as the industry would like to have you believe, and perhaps in our obsessiveness to improve the sound quality of our systems we've lost touch with what got a lot of us into this hobby in the first place, the ability to just kick back and enjoy our favorite music in the comfort of our own homes without worrying about whether the power feeding our equipment is clean, the effect of different shelving on the sound of our CD player, etc., etc.
Interesting to hear many of you mentioning your love of vintagey components and old systems.

I would vote for a system I had in high school in 1979: Kenwood KD-500 with SME III and Grado Signature/Dynavector Ruby, Yamaha C-2a preamp, Hafler DH-500 power amp and Magneplanar MG-IIbs -- much more musical and enjoyable than many other mega buck systems I have had in recent years including Levinson, Audio Research, Martin Logans blah blah blah.

I used to listen for hours and now I just stumble around this forum and high end stores like some bleary eyed junkie searching for some relief.

I am not normally a sentimental guy. Has audio quality actually gotten WORSE in 25 years?

Hmmmm......maybe it's just that nasty little binary code --that we keep trying to improve?!?
It was the following:
Audio Research SP6b pre-amp.
Audio Research D52-b power amp.
B&W DM 302 monitors
Klipsch SW8 sub.
Piece of crap pioneer CD player(old as dirt)
Very good RCA cables and speaker wire.
There was something about this combination that would
bring chills to your spine.It was fantastic.I should have
never broke it up.
The system I use now is Welborne ApolloII single ended mono amps fed by a Levinson 390S CD player through JPS interconnects. These play through Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage speakers and a REL woofer. I have a Gatekeeper power conditioner and dedicated mains. I really enjoy this system, BUT, I had years ago a modified Dynaco Stereo 70 and a REGA Planar turntable with a cheap Grado cartridge hanging off a Grace 707 arm. This was hooked up to an old Marantz tube preamp playing through original Quads. I could kill myself for starting the upgrade quest. I'm not sure I've ever improved my enjoyment from that system!!
Purist Audio preamp, Purist Audio 4 piece speaker system (biamped using Lamm 1.1 on satelites and Krell power amp on bass modules), Purist Audio Dominus interconnects and speaker cables, Krell MD-10 transport and 64 processor.
my current sytem and room have recently kinda "come together" to a considerable degree...... it is simple where it should be and complex where it should be......

my system;

digital--Linn CD-12...Marantz SA-1
analog--Rockport System II Sirius, Clearaudio Insider Gold, Koetsu RSP II, Aesthetix Io, Chroma 60601 AC Power Source (motor drive)for tt motor
no preamp--Jena Labs XLR switchbox, Placette RVC (remote volume control)
amps--Tenor Audio 75Wi OTL monoblocks
speakers--Kharma Exquisite 1D
interconnects--all xlr Valhalla except rca from Rockport to Io
speaker cables--Transparent Opus mm
power cords--Shunyata KCv.2 (3) on sources, Synergistic DRS on amps
power treatment--PS 600 for sources,(4)dedicated 20amp lines
room--18'x12'x11'...stepped ceiling, bay window, ASC tube traps....flat to 25hz.
tweaks--Walker Tuneing Kit, Walker hi-def links, Aurios, BDR cones and shelves, ceramic cable elevators, Symposium svelt shelf.
racks--Zoethecus, 2 equipment racks, 3 amp stands.

this system gets out of the way of the is full range and dynamic and yet always supremely musical...a joy.
-lab 47 pitracer cd transport
-kondo ongaku DAC
-kondo ongaku pre
-kondo x-60 2 pair for bi-amp
-kharma extended exquisite with diamond tweeter and enigma cable inside and crossover, also cyrogenic treatment.
-digital,interconnect and speaker cables are kharma enigma
-power cords: all fim gold,just for preamp harmonic magic
-shunyata hydra and power plant from ps audio
-symposium(quantum and double rollerblock with superball)silent running,and vibraplane for isolation.
-room treatment!!!!!
Transport: dcs Verdi
D/A: dcs Elgar Plus
D/D: dcs Purcell
Pre: Spectral DMC 30s
Amps: Spectral DM 360 monoblocks
Speakers: Martin Logan Prodigy
Speaker cables: MIT Oracle V1 bi-wire
Interconnects: MIT 350 Evo reference
MIT Z Iso Duo for digital
MIT Z Isolator HC for preamp
MIT z Stabalizer for amps
MIT z chord 2's throughout
Zoethecus component and amp stands
2 dedicated 20 amp dedicated shielded power lines
one understanding wife!
It is my new current system.Audio Research SP6-b tube
pre-amp,B&K ST 2140 power amp,vintage altec lansing voice
of the theatre speakers-511-b/808-8a horns,old pioneer
CD player,mirage subwoofer.Very realistic presentation
of the source.I just need a bigger room for the speakers,
then the system would REALLY sound good.Love it.
since my last post about a year ago i have gone through a number of upgrades to my current system which is the best system i have heard...i will qualify that statement by saying i have not been to a ces show but of the systems in other audiophiles' homes and at audio dealers, this is the best sound i have heard.......amps---tenor OTL 75 WI, speakers---piega P10, source--scd-1 (full audiocom mods), speaker cables---nordost 'valhalla', ic---currently audio tekne but will be auditioning valhalla and jena labs 'symphony' ic. the sound from this combo is nothing short of incredible.i also use a shunyata 'hydra', and 1-king cobra V2 pc and 2-python pcs.
Within the year since I last posted, I've undergone a marital reconfiguration, part of which was selling off my entire system. I've since rebuilt a simple but actually better sounding system that hopefully I'll get to keep. Front end consists of an Audio Aero Capitole cdp sitting on a Machina Dynamica Nimbus isolation stand directly driving Tenor Audio 75WI OTL monoblock amps, obviating pre-amp, via cryo'd Jena Labs Pathfinder IC, Tenors driving Rockport Antares speakers via cryo'd Jena Labs Twin-19 SC's.Modified CFX-1 power conditioner and David Elrod PC's. Room is fully treated.
The system I have today is the best I've done to date.
I'm kind of a tweaker so my equipment is all affordable (relatively) but has been pushed to it's best performance with modifications and tweaks. Today as my system stands I have the Sony SCD-1 with full Audiomod-UK modifications. Aloia pre-amp, two Aloia amps (bi-wired up/dn), Dunlavy IV-A speakers. I use 35 pound resonator plates on top of my speakers, pre-amp and bass amp. The equipment sits on Apollo rigid steel rack with no weight fill that is spiked to brass disks that sit on a wood floor. Neuance shelves are supported on upturned spikes mounted in the rack. I'm using Neuance under the SACD, pre-amp, both amps and the power conditioner. I have EAR footers under the pre-amp, mid/treble amp and power conditioner. The bass amp sits on Orchard Bay titanium cones with titanium disks. The SACD player sits on the factory footers. The Aloia power supplies are stacked on each other with the mid/treble supply on the bottom and the pre-amp on top, the whole stack sits on a Black Diamond Racing shelf. The mid/treble power supply then sits on BDR #3 cones, BDR #4 cones support the bass power supply and BDR #3 cones support the pre-amp power supply. I removed the large base supports from my speakers and have BDR #3 cones and BDR #3 pucks under each speaker, leaving the tweeter at 36 ½" above the floor. My power conditioner is now the Shunyata Hydra and I have all NBS Statement power cords except the pre-amp has a BMI Whale. I have a single dedicated 10 ga. circuit to a Hubble outlet. My interconnects are and have been in a state of flux. I've been experimenting with virtually all the brands. Today as I sit here I have Nordost Valhalla from the SCD-1 to a passive transformer that reduces digital artifacts and Valhalla from there to the pre-amp, NBS Statement to the mid/treble amp and Trinity to the bass amp. I'm using NBS Statement speaker cable both up and down and Walker Links on all speaker terminals.
I plan to switch to all Valhalla some day when I can afford to. First I need to sell some crap. The other change I hope to make some day is a Conrad-Johnson 16LS pre-amp. My room is 14' x 18' x 8' dedicated to the stereo. I am set up along the long wall with windows between the speakers (area if concern #1). I have bookshelves on the opposite wall and that is a good absorber. The side walls have a fireplace in one and french doors in the other (both very bad things). I have researched acoustics for the past year and a half and know what to do, now if I had the motivation.
Jhightower, I agree that the Wadia and SM-1 are a nice match, I used cardas golden reference interconnect, I own a 830, but looking to upgrade to a 860 or does the BAT match up?
Not complicated or expensive. Redgum RGi120s integrated amplifier, Arcam Alpha 8 cd player, Soliloquy 6.3 loudspeakers, Kimber 4TC ( biwired, wbt banana @ amp end , Kimber postmaster @ speaker end), Acoustic Zen Matrix interconnects, Brooklyn Audio power cable @ amp. Very simple but very musical. I finally took the plunge and sent my home theater out to pasture. I am happy that I did. I will soon add a power cord to the cd player. I love listening to the music and not thinking about what I need to improve upon in my system.
Nice one, Mara. Was that the dual mono Weltmeister? (a great piece back then!)
My system contained from 4 pieces:
-- Yeshchenko custom built 6-string guitar with strings made of sheep's blood tubes,
-- Weltmeister 120-bass Accordion,
-- Winston Trombone used as bass,
-- and finaly the Snare drum with hat cymbals(do not remember the brand)
-- Microphones -- none
-- Speakers -- none.

I was playing Weltmeister.
Audio Research Reference 1 preamp, PH-2 phono preamp, M300 Mk II power amplifiers, Sim Audio W10 power amplifiers, Infinity IRS Beta speakers, Theta Miles CD player (as a transport), Theta Gen Va 24/96 DAC, SOTA Star Sapphire turntable/SME V tonearm/Benz Micro H2 cartridge
McIntosh MR7083 tuner, XLO Signature 2.1 balanced interconnects, 1.1 RCA interconnects and 5.1 speaker wire for front end and planars, type 1 interconnect and type 5 speaker wire for woofer connections, Kimber Illuminations D-60 digital wire, Synergistic AC Master coupler power cords. The system is a work in progress, but I am very happy with it.
bat vk 75, wadia 861, harm. tech BNC cables, kimber bi focal xl, dunlavy sm-1's, top of the line MK sub using rca outs on the 861. pure and simple. tube mid and treble with solid state bass. the system is not perfect, but I've changed a few people's lives.
Yes, still working on it! And, actually, I think I might upgrade the speakers someday to the next model up. But here it is...It's an ACTIVE set-up using Sonus Faber Electa Amator's (original 1 versions), modified to bypass the simple internal crossover, using an out board electronic crossover (Bryston 10b special), driving both set's of drivers "actively" with Dual high current Threshold T200's with 100w/ch pure class A operating amplification. The preamp for all this is the Pass Aleph L passive/active (virtually tranasparent and amazingly hyper detailed(the Electa's sound much better with Solid state stuff!). The stands are Osiris ehavy dubty stands filled with lead and a tiny bit of sand and glue (stands are 140lbs each!!).
The cabling for all of this is Harmonic Tech Pro-11 (dual runs bi-wire/amp), which is very transparent and detailed (great stuff!), interconnects are Acoustic Zen Matrix on bottom and Ref Silver on top pressently.
The tuner I'm using is a way way over achiever for the money, which is the Creek T43. (only $700 retail, but competes with much much more expensive!).
The CD Source I'm using, which is also being upgraded to separets eventually, is a modest, but way too good sounding Panasonic DVDA310 DVD player! (yes, it sounds cheep, but sounds like several thousand dollar CD players!!..really!). Anyway, probably wait till the formats settle down a bit before I upgrade. As for the power conditioner/source, I'm using the PS Audio P300 for everything but the amps!(in the wall pressently)
Ultimately, I've heard a ton of sytems from years of working in several ultra high ends shops, and have installed and sold a ton of gear, plus gone to the shows and what have you. And, I must say, you can probably not get any significantly better overall sound that what I'm using right now! Not to mention the gear I'm using is pretty decent foundation for my medium sized room (2 channel only), but the ACTIVE set-up, driving the speakers directly with the amplifiers (bypassing the internal crossover), is so much more dynamic and realistic than the standard high end dainty, that it makes everything else seem like flat weak sound! I mean the dynamics are so strong it hurts!!! We're talking about just about as close to Dynamic transparancy as you can get!...very real! you simply can't get this kind of pressence, dynamic finess, and solidity of image that you get from the "active" set-up! The only thing I can think of that sounds close to being this strong in this regard, is something like Avantegard horn loaded speakers, at unrealistic sensetivity ratings!
I don't know, I've tried all the high end delicate little "non dynamic" speaker choices out there over the years, and can say that I'm pretty tired of anemic dynamic drive and realism that most of them offer. And believe me, most of it is pretty, polite, and just not that exciting if you play anything that "rocks", "rolls", thumps" or "bumps!"
In this regards some of the mid-fi "self powered" speakers with amplified sub's do better than a lot of the purist audiophile offerings! I've sold Thiel, Wilson (better than most), Dunlavy's, B&W, NHT, Magnaplan, Martin Logan, Celestion, Infinity, Mirage, and others, so I can say this with experience!
I think the manufacturers of high end gear can only go to active set-up/speakers if they want to improve over anything that' been marketed over the last 30 years! ACTIVE is the way to go if you want to get to that illusive "you-are-there" sound reproduction! The thing that the pro-audio industry has known for some time, is that active speakers are simply more realistic and dynamic/life like transducers of sound! If there's really going to be any strides in Audio speakers, it's going to have to go this way, or the way of ultra high sensiitivity quality speakers! Everything else has been done over and over again (only with different labels!).
Anyway, eventually I'm going to work on my Surround sound system a bit more. Probably end up doing some hi resolution monitors all the way around eventually, doing an active(modified) set up, using some Diappolito configured speakers like dunlavy's, or go crazy and play around with moding some Wilson Cubs!..and do some killer sub/sat(active) combo w/multiple subs!!!...bang!..the glory!
And if you ask me,..."it's all about ACTIVE baby!"...
I had to sell my system again seems like its every 6 months now.Dont no why they all where great.Now I have a mighty tivoli audio model one with black diamond racing cones, blue tacked to the bottom ,also I use a magnum dynalabs antena.The thing just keeps surprising me with its fidelity.I have no desires to sell or further upgrade this fine system. Why do I keep selling my big well matched rigs ?I dont know.I have just started to assemble another system centered arround avant garde duos maybe this time it will work for me .I think I just like the hardwhere to much.what can you do.
the trick (as with all engineering) is to get great sound on a fixed budget (thereby ensuring one also has a happy marriage, a small mortgage, and a lower stress job which allows time to listen to the rig).
I love my current system. Even my mother-in-law loves my current system. Front-back: Marantz CD67(new) - Monarchy 22A DAC (used) - Densen B-100 amp(new) - spica angelus(used) - REL strata 3(used) - all cables homemade. Total cost, about $2600 USD.
roksan kandy amp-sherwood newcastle 5 disc changer(dual 1 bit converters)-monitor audio bronze floorstanders.CHEAP ixos interconnects-audioquest type 2 speaker cables with spades.this system had almost the best speed and DEPTH of sound than ive heard from almost any system(regardless of price).the only thing lacking was deep bass-if you used outlaw audios new icbm external crossover you could use the direct input on a sub thus giving you likely a simple and incredible system for the money.the cd player could probably be replaced with any other player(except maybe those using single 1 bit converters) for as good or better results-same goes for the interconnect-but not the speaker cable-any audioquest interconnect might be a good upgrade.
This is the best thread I have looked at so far on Audiogoninsane. There's enough here to keep a legion of psychiatrists working for two careers. I took a stab at an answer to another great egomaniacal question about the minimum amount required for a true SOTA system, where Albertporter started the bidding above 100K, by asking if he had been locked up yet. I didn't send it in, thinking it too impolite. Obviously he is still out and about. I congratulate him on his ability to elude the mundane and wish him the best listening to his system. I am impressed, nay humbled by his arcane knowledge of things hi fi and his great grasp of the quintessence of reproduced music. If I didn't know better, I would think the whole thing is a hoax. For that kind of money I would insist on a few live musicians dropping in daily after my hard day's work is done to provide some real music. I think audio has gone full circle and is actually munching on its tail at this point.
krellpower i am not sure but greenville is about 80 or 90 miles from where i live. you can call me if you like at ;706-769-4705 thanks kirk.
Thank you Kirk930, that's a very nice offer you have extended! Yes I do like older Krell gear alot! I have many pieces of vintage Krell for my main rig. How far is Anderson S.C. from you? I get there once or twice a year.
ok now that i am through laughing at all the people beating each other. the best system i have ever put together is the one i have now. speakers jm lab utopias and sound lab u1s. tube research gtr reference preamp gtr 400 monos. fim speaker cables. straight wire serenade interconects.(will upgrade to fim shortly) alesis masterlink pro 9600 24/96 cd recorder. (still looking for cds maybe) ok krellpower do you like krell? i have had a ksa 250 ,200s 300s.krc, md-20and studio etc. damn good gear. i have a kst 100 strapped to a pro jbl sub for theater.if you ever get near atlanta come hear my system.
Hi Krellpower 1.My current "best" starts with a Clearaudio Ref. in Lloyd Walkers table/arm/phono,an AHT line,Burmester cdp001,Lamm M1.1s,Von Schweikert VR-6s wired with Lloyds internal wire.the system is wired with Omega Mikros Ebony interconnects and planar 3 speaker cable.I also use Valid Pts. and Ultraliks--Microsmooth for digital and Disc Doctor. I could imagine a little more ,but not without a serious out-lay in cash and something else may slide off the plate.Tom
Cary Audio 303 CD
Musical Fidelity A3 CR pre-amp
Nakamichi DR-8 cassette deck
Rotel RB-1080 power amp
Rotel RLC-900 line conditioner
B&W Nautilus 804s
Harmonic Technology AC-11 power cords
DH Labs Q-10 bi-wire speaker cable
DH Labs BL-1 interconnect
Transparent Link 200 interconnects
Sound Anchor N804 speaker stands
Salamander Synergy 40 (maple & black)
System building is an ongoing pursuit. I find we often make changes to get a new flavor rather than an improvement (search your own soul here). I've had perfectly satisfying systems and had to make changes to adapt to a new room, rather than absolute improvement. Here are my two favorites: Set up in the living room of a split level ranch with an L shape dining area. There was more volume here than any woofer should ever be asked to cover, but this system disappeared like few I've ever heard. Eggleston Andras, Omega Micro speaker cable, Symphonic Line RG-4 Custom amp, Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway II IC's, Sonic Frontiers Line 3 (the very one that started the SE upgrade, instigated by yours truely!), an AHT P phono stage and a Basis Debut Gold MK III with a Wheaton Tri-Planar V and a Symphonic Line RG-8 Gold. The digital reproduction was handled by an Esoteric P-2S feeding an SF Processor 3. System #2 was in a room about 13 X 17. It included a pair of Merlin VSM Milleniums, 2 pair of H/T Pro 11's, the RG-4C, 2 pr. of Totem (yes, Totem!) IC's, in and out of the BAM, the aforementioned Line 3SE and AHT, and a Versa Dynamics 2.0 with a Clearaudio Accurate. Digital was the Pro3 but the transport was changed to a Forsell Air Reference MK II. These systems didn't just get my foot tappin', sometimes I just had to get up and boogie!
I like most of us have a system in flux but here we go benz ruby cartridge on a graham 1.5T mounted on a basis 2001 with graham silver wire . This feeds a audible illusions mod .3 with telefunken 6DJ8 cc a's phono and siemens 6922 cc a's both n.o.s. . CD source is a theta jade transport and a theta DSPro basic 3A I use a nordost silver shadow aes/ebu cable here and use a straight wire crescendo to the pre amp.the run to the amps is a cardas neutral ref 7 meters long to VTL 125 mono blocks with tesla J/J EL34L tubes and mullard n.o.s. 12AT7's . the speaker cable is apex ref biwire on the top and mids and apex biwire doubled up on the woofers . I use apex power cords on the amps and pre amp and TG audio power cords on the theta stuff, front end eq. goes to a cardas power strip. I am looking for a cord for the basis . the speakers are alon 5 mk1 wonderful speakers!many tweaks and goodies around to play with and not enough records yet , 170 cd's but who cares? getting ready to do a ac thing and always looking to improve the room .Oh by the way the room is small but it works if it was bigger I would have alon circes.
I'm a McIntosh junkie. I have a C42 pre-amp,MVP861 DVD/CD, MCD7008CD changer, 2 MC7150 power amps, MR78 tuner modified by the designer,ML2C Mac speakers with tweeter towers modified by the designer with a Mac eq101 designed for them, Pioneer RT707 reel to reel, Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home and Sonus Faber Concertinos, Velodyne HGS10 sub, all hooked to a Tice Power 3C conditioner. It sounds awesome, and is extremely reliable. I've heard a few horror stories of guys spending huge bucks for equipment that is in for repairs more than it's in their listening rooms!
I think I am almost there with my system, although I fear that audio nirvana is really a journey, and never an end game.......

I currently have a Lexicon MC-1 processor, Krell KPS28c-cd player, Sony dvp-9000es dvd player, Magnum Dynalab Etude FM tuner, B&W Nautilus 801 as main L/R speakers, Nautilus HTM-1 as center speaker, Matrix 801 Series 3 as L/R surround speakers, Krell KAV-1500 5-channels @ 300watts/channel amplifier for the main L/R (bi-amped) and center speakers and Meridian 557 2-channel @ 200watts/channel amplifier for the L/R surround speakers.

I use PS Audio Power Plant 300 for source equipment and Audioquest Python for all interconnects, and Slate speaker cables for the main L/R and center speakers and Type 4 cables for the surrounds. For power cords, I use Shunyata Black Mumba, Cardas Golden Reference, and Audioquest AC-12 and AC-15.

I am toying with the idea of getting a Krell KCT pre-amp to round out my 2-channel audio.

Hopefully, with all this, I think I will find my audio nirvana....for the time being I think...... or until I emerge from financial bankruptcy from buying all this equipment.
System's Components:

Turntable: Basis Debut Vacuum Mk.V
Arm: Graham 2.0 Deluxe
Cartridge: Takeda ' Miyabi '
CD Transport: Goldmund Mimesis
D/A Converter: DCS ' Delius '
D/D Converter: DCS ' Purcell '
Phono Preamp: Stan Klyne 7 PX 3.5
Line Preamp: Stan Klyne 7 LX 3.5
Power Amps : Pass Aleph 0
Atma-Sphere M-60 Mk II.2
Speakers : Köchel K 300
Tuner : Magnum Dynalab 'MD 108' +
Magnum Dynalab 'Signal Sleuth 205'
Headphone : Stax Signature System II
Interconnects: XLO Ltd. Edition, Coincident CST
Phono Cable : XLO Signature
Speaker Cables: XLO Signature Shotgun
Digital Cables: XLO Signature AES/EBU
Power Cables: XLO Ultra
Record Cleaner: VPI HW 16.5
Power Conditioner: Burmester 948
Rack : Solid Steel
Room Tune Elements
Dedicated mains spur using custom twisted cable
same cable for power supply
cary 303
Lavardin IS amp
Kef Reference 3.2
VDH 102/122 i/c and cable
self built ply stand, using 6x18mm ply shelves for both cd and amp.
a few tweaks
My system consists of all Proceed source components (PMDT /AVP)and amps(HPA's 2/3). Speakers are all B&W (N802's for mains,HTM-1 center, N803's for the surrounds),
and a Velodyne HGS 15 sub. Interconnects are Transparent "super" ( balanced on the three front channels)and Monster 2.2 biwired speaker cables all around. For both music and movies,I'm covered and very happy !
System's Components:

Turntable: Basis Debut Vacuum Mk.V
Arm: Graham 2.2 Deluxe
Cartridge: Takeda ' Miyabi '
CD Transport: Goldmund Mimesis
D/A Converter: DCS ' Delius '
D/D Converter: DCS ' Purcell '
Phono Preamp: Stan Klyne 7 PX 3.5
Line Preamp: Stan Klyne 7 LX 3.5
Power Amps : Pass Aleph 0 ( Mono )
Speakers : Köchel ( Horns )
Tuner : Magnum Dynalab 'MD 108'+
Magnum Dynalab 'Signal Sleuth 205'
Headphone : Stax Signature System II
Interconnects: XLO Ltd. Edition
Phono Cable : XLO Signature
Speaker Cables: XLO Signature Shotgun
Digital Cables: XLO Signature AES/EBU
Power Cables: XLO Ultra
Record Cleaner: VPI HW 16.5
Power Conditioner: Burmester 948
Rack : Solid Steel

I like it the way it is. Maybe I will add Atma-Shere.
Just added Analog.Basis Debut 5, Graham 2.0, Benz Ruby2, series 2, and a Herron Phono pre through harmonic tech phono cable. Now I just need my room in the basement to be finished so that I can get it acoustically balanced, put the speakers in their proper places and drastically shorten, and upgrade the cabling.

David Shapiro
Since this thread just keeps on going, here's an update to my 10/6/00 posting: pre-amp is now Levinson #32, cables have been changed to Transparent Reference XL, and I've added the Argent Room Lenses. Each of these items made a considerable improvement in system performance and the cumulative result is fantastic. Until the SACD dust settles, I'm DONE!