The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
ACI Talismans. I've heard way more expensive speakers and many fine systems. But they sounded more real than any other setup I've heard. It was about a year ago and I still remember just how fine they were. Someday, I will own a pair myself!
There is no question that the Overkill Audio Ovation is the best in the world at ANY price. Between the well-documented and grounded acoustical theory behind it, the execution is phenomenal!(plus 20+ years of psycho-acoustic research by Dr. Josef Manger) The hardest part is auditioning them in the States. Try their website for more information:
What is your definition of a "best" loudspeaker. How about the loudspeaker that makes you think you are listening to live music. The Cain & Cain single horns or the Zingali Overture 4's or the Wilson Benesch Curves. To name a few. Unless you have spent over $15000 you better say that you have a tube amplifier. I haven't heard any solid state amps that sound like live music. How come all those really good microphones are tubed?
For me, the dynamic and slam is the taste. Thus the Montana KAS tower speakers by PBN(Peter Noerbeck). Boasting 7 way system per side - twin 12" woofer, dual 9" mid's, dual 5" upper mids, and a tweeter in vertical array(dapolito). All scan speak components. Weighs in at 300 lbs per side. 4 monoblocks of 500 watts amps will produce bigger and better than live event.
Apogee Diva's 20 years ago at a HiFi show in London. I can still remember the incredible lifelike sound reproduction. Well, at least I think I can!
I can say with no doubt, that the Green Mountain
C-3 is the best speaker I have ever heard anywhere.

More later as they break in.
Nautilus 800 and 801.
There are always trade-offs in any speakers that I listened to. Some have 99% imaging but 85% in freq range Some have 99% transparency (like logan) but lacking in dynamic, some has good low level details but sound compress when played loud.
I like the Nautilus 800 and 801 because they score 95+ across all spectrums (excellent dynamic, imaging, details, frequency range and transparent).
Avantgarde Duo's - I've heard a lot of speakers, but nothing has made me "Enjoy" listening to music like these horns with a great SET amp. Set-up is critical (heard good and bad ones), but when done right, these are absolutely magical - foot couldn't stop tapping. I can't wait to hear Trios, although I might sell my car to buy them if I heard them.
Audioprism Mantisa pre-amp
Krell Ksa-250 amp
Apogee Duetts Signatures

One of the best, if not the best. The Duetta Sig's are the best all-around speaker I have owned....they do it all!!!

I have owned many a speaker system but NONE sound as real as these do.

Well, there's always the JM Utopia Be. Perfect speaker, but who wants perfection? Perfection is cold. The best purveyor of music is the Sonus Faber Amati Homage. Oh. My. Gosh. Give me this. Anyone have a pair they want to give me for $5,000? :)
Two years ago I saw a pair of Soundlab A1's here at A'gon for a great price and bank wired the money. I hitched a ride with a friend going from Cincy to Ocala. I vacationed with my sister for 3 weeks in Jacksonville, rented a U-Haul truck to get the A1's home unblemished, and have been in bliss ever since. I hope the A1's will keep me happy for the rest of my days. Darn this addiction...I may have to consider some factory upgrades someday to satisfy my unceasing craving for perfection.
In 1977 I met Mark Levinson and he invited me up to his loft to listen to what appeared to be his reference system.

It was:
2 24 inch Hartley woofers "H"
2 pairs of stack Quads "Q"
2 Decca Ribbons on top of the Quads "D"

Big soundstage and sublime sounding.

I think he also had a pair of modified K-horns for comparison.
Yes Tbohner...a great speaker. Too bad no manufacturer ever decided to duplicate or continue this speaker. Not too expensive except for th Hartley woofers.
Professor Aubrey Castell, University of Michigan, mid 1970s. Fascinating guy.

The best speakers I ever heard are my custom 4-way horns :

Two 1954 Klipschorns with JBL 1504C's below 100 Hz ;

short, straight 1:1 compression ratio exponential-curve horns with 50's vintage JBL 130A's between 100 Hz and 500 Hz ;

round tractrix horns machined from laminated MDF blocks with 60's-vintage JBL 375's between 500 Hz and 10 kHz ;

and 077 ( or 2405 ) supertweeters ( 10 kHz+ ).

The filters are 3-way 4th-order active s.s.. except for the supertweeters', which are 1st order passive - just single Hovland caps.

The amps all use 2A3 triodes : custom ( UTC LS-58's on Webster Electric Hammond organ amps ) ppp x 4 on the Klipschorns ; Brook 12A's on the upper bass, and an A.E.S ( Cary ) SE1 on the mids + tweets.

You can see pics ( plus lots of vintage gear ) at my webpage Vintage Audio Trader's -

Kerry Brown
aka KerrB Vintage Audio Trader
Proac D25. I have not heard the higher models in the new response series yet, but the Proacs are really detail, dynamic and sweet at the same time. Very Musical and enjoyable.
Wilson Benesch ACT. Simply incredible. The Curve comes close but lacks the ACT's range.
My Legacy Whispers are amazing reproducers of seemingly infinity musical quality. Best I've heard.
Today I heard the JM Focal Utopia Be. What an experience . I instantly realized what the Hi-End was about . Simply amazing with Esoteric transport , Boulder pre,dac, and amp.
churhills by tannoy , driven jadis 300b mono blocks....sweeeeeeet!!!!! soundstage city..palpable presentation
the best "where's the system? moment" i can recall-
music- jennifer warnes- the hunter.
speakers- magnaplanar 3.6

another time- rickie lee jones singing thru' maggies.
or was she actually standing there ?
Full range electrostatics like the Quad 988 and Russ Knotts Signature Model 2 (custom) are my top choices. The magic of single driver coherence with distortion-free evenness is unbeatable. Magneplanars have consistently been near the top of my list too (MG 20, and MG 3.6)

The best dynamic speakers I have heard are B&W (800 and 801) and Tyler Acoustics. Even thoug these dynamic designs are great, they don't invoke the emotional response of planars/electrostatics.
For the real world, the Wilson Watt/Puppy 7. They better the 5s in many ways not the least of which is easier room-placment. This speaker showcases everything upstream. Loves tubes. Works well with solid state and connects you to any-type of MUSIC you love.
Man, I say the Bowers and Wilkins (B&W N802's).
It makes my nerves tingle to the bone on a rainy California season with my GF in bed.

That sounds good, ain't it?

AG Unos beat Duos; Trios?
The best sounding speakers I have ever heard were a pair of Avantgarde Unos at the opening of Rhapsody Music & Cinema in Midtown Manhattan, known at the time as Avantgarde Music and Cinema. Their Trio setup was not even close to this, and I have heard that placement is critical for Trios. Has anyone heard both Unos and Trios in properly set up systems? I am interested to learn how they compare.
Magnepan 20.1 powered by Musical Fidelity KW Monoblocks and Conrad Johnson ACT2 Preamplifier. Oh My God.
ATC SCM 150ASL, I received mine about three months ago and wow they are better than the Salon, Dunlavy SC-V and SC-IV's B&W 801 and any other lesser speaeker I had before. An amazing sense of being there with no compression at volume. Awesome.
sonus faber strads. unbelievable instrument reproduction, at moderate listening levels i heard a 75 foot organ sound as though a 747 flew overhead, and a violin concerto that felt as though it was going to shatter the windows. i felt as if i heard no coloration, just music reproduced as recorded.
Audio Note ANE SEC Signature with outboard crossover filled with 20 pounds of copper foil caps on each channel.
The most natural, open and immediate speakers I've heard.
sarah and bob a 4 way active speaker system from sound projects is for me the very best ,
I have seen this post asking what are the best speakers for a couple of years and tried to give my answer but to be very honest, never could give a truly honest answer. I kept asking myself which speaker was the very best that I ever heard.. I all honesty I still cannot give a straight forward ONE SPEAKER answer. I have heard a few excellent sounding systems and honestly cannot say which was the very best. I heard electrostatics that really impressed me with that unique sound.. On the other hand I heard dynamic box speakers with a totally different type of sound that were also excellent. I seriously in all honesty cannot give a one speaker answer. To me there is no best. When I think about it more and more I cannot say any one speaker was so far outstanding to be called the very best.. To me it's not the sound of any one speaker or any one component but a combination of things including the specific sound track recording in a specific room with a unique sound that impressed me at that moment in time. I have heard many of the speakers and even owned one of the speakers mentioned and most all of them were very good to exceptional performers BUT again I honestly cannot single out any one to be so far better sounding than another that would be the final word as to be called THE BEST I HEARD.. I can admit that the big expensive Electrostatic panel speaker like the big Apogee or the big A-1 Sound Lab speaker has always left an exceptional impression on me as a type of sound that has one of the very best sound that I ever heard BUT again I have also heard other recordings on a different designed speaker that was very exceptional sounding to me.. Again I cannot honestly give a ONE speaker being the best answer.. Its much easier for me to say what is the best room you have ever listened to and then the answer becomes a little easier for me to give a ONE SPEAKER answer... My answer to this question is going to be there IS NO ONE BEST SPEAKER I have ever listened too.. That is my true honest answer. There is no ONE BEST.. There are many excellent sounding speakers and to me the ROOM is more what should be the question asked,,,, the ROOM and the RECORDING is the best answer I can honestly give...
The best speakers for me are those that can sound damn impressive in my own modest room without expert room treatment and megaexpensive electronics. Anyone can make a "best" speakers for $20k+, and they will require very expensive electronics to sound great. I have heard $70k speaker sound unbelievably crappy even with the so called "best" electronics and in the "best" rooms with $20k worth of acoustic treatments. But only a few manufacturers can make great speakers for less than $5k that can compete with the best of them, regardless of price. In the past, those were the likes of Apogee Duettas and Martin Logan CLS with the right subs (both finicky but magical when properly set up). Now, they are the Hyperion 938s. They are supremely easy to drive and work very well with affordable (ie, under $1k) electronics and wires, but higher quality electronics will give you the ultimate auralgasm :) Cheers.
They are close to the best speaker, but the company's newest model was incredible at the show in London. I can't wait to hear it at T.H.E!! Supposedly the Ovation will be used at one of the rooms over at Alexis Park, so there will be a chance for us all to hear the differences right next to each other. (if it's true and they're there)
JTinn at Chambers Audio told me that the new speakers Evolution Acoustic sound as good as the Kharma Exquisite $100K for the fraction of the price. Did anyone have a chance to listen to these?
It was a diy project. A single horn measuring 18 ft. high 22 ft. long and 20 ft. deep. Built around a concert d Bosendorfer - not unlike a hunting trap you have to lure a musician inside...a really nice bottle of just opened scotch will often do the trick...think Balvenie 1973 single cask and Oscar could show up at any minute...or a barbeque sandwich with the crust cut off for Charlap. though not perfect, I'm enjoying wadia to atmasphere's to 3a's-I'll put my anniverssary steps up against most any monitor in near field environs, given proper juice.
The best loudspeaker system I have ever heard was the Dunlavy SC-V's driven by BAT 60 amp, VK3i preamp, VK-10 phono amp, VPI Aries turntable, and BM-glider cartridge.

I brought some albums to audition this system at my local dealer and was totally blown-away by the sound this system put out. We played the Doors first album and the tract Light my Fire was totally electrifing. I could literally reach out and touch the performance. The sound was totally transparent and layered in three dimensional space. Dynamics that were unforgetable and palitable. Wall shaking bass from the center of the earth and extended highs with imaging to a pin point. What an auditory experience.
Here is the best speaker I have ever heard, and let me just say that I have heard almost every high end audio speaker brand - the Goldmund Mimesis speaker system. It is by far the most musically satisfying loudspeaker.
Aerial Acoustics 8t. Driven by Audio Research VT 100 tube amp, with Audio Research LS 15 preamp. Source material was a Proceed HDCD player. Amazing setup - soundstage went on forever, imaging, dynamics just like a live show. There was a Rega or Rotel (I forget) turntable there but it wasn't prepped and hooked up the day I was there, a true crime! This was about 7 years ago, at Mission Audio's demo room in Santa Barbara, CA.
Avantgarde Duos - liked them enough to sell my Wilsons.

Previous high end speakers owned - Apogee full range, Kefs, Infinity, and the Wilson WattPuppy 5.1s
Speakers recently auditioned before I bought the Duos:
Avalon Eidelon, Vandersteen 5s, JM Utopia - liked them all, but not as much as the Avantgardes.

My current system - CJ16LS, CJ15 phono, Cary V12, clearaudio Master Solution/Benz refSilver,Synergistic Reference Cables, Wadia 16i