
Responses from m_habib_20036734

The best speaker you ever heard?
For the real world, the Wilson Watt/Puppy 7. They better the 5s in many ways not the least of which is easier room-placment. This speaker showcases everything upstream. Loves tubes. Works well with solid state and connects you to any-type of MUSIC... 
Conrad Johnson PV10AL Tube & Polarity Questions?
Jeffery, I regret the "universal" statement. Perhaps it was somewhat overstated in excitment... You do however confirm that the PV10 inverts polarity - yes ? Good. (For sake of clear communication!)For the future, I take note of your suggestion wi... 
Conrad Johnson PV10AL Tube & Polarity Questions?
While I am impressed with your knowledge, I insist ALL (atleast the dozen or so models I've USED) cj pre amps invert polarity. I HAVE OWNED THE PV-10 and assure / confirm / can bet it inverts!! I agree the best way is to swap speaker cables. Howev... 
Best Amp/Preamp/CD or DAC for Wilson Watt Puppy 7
Put this in your pipe...I am driving the WP7s with a cj premier 12 (tube monos.) Directly fed by an Audio Synthesis DAC discrete. All cables (including power) are Transparent reference. Everything (including power amps) is plugged into a P.S. Audi... 
Conrad Johnson PV10AL Tube & Polarity Questions?
ALL cj pre amps invert polarity. It's a given. 
Upgrade to new Conrad Johnson Premier 140 ?
The 12s make for a much better step forward. The 11a is a great amp. The 12s are just a bit more... Enjoy ! 
Conrad Johnson Premier 140
The Premier 140 is just simply in another class.No question.My only caution to you is the fact that thiels (the 3.6 rock!) like power.Do you have a very very large room ?Loss of bass is not an issue. It's control. You will experience another dieme...