Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!

I wrote an extremely long review of 4 cables auditioned in my system recently. I pontificated for way too long and it was more an outlet for me to tell a story that cables do matter and how much each design can make your system sound. The last cable through was the Teo GC IC purchased here and it truly was a game-changer in how it shifts our paradigm about what wire gives us as "truth" and what this slurry of Ga-In-Sn can do better (IMO). Not a technical review but an emotional roller coaster through 4 different topologies:


I'm happy to re-broadcast that here but it is very long (6+ MSWord pages long). I'll point to it for now and take your advice.

Bottom line is the GC cable is truly stunning in what it can do and for us mere mortals who cannot spend thousands on cabling, I believe it can elevate anyone's system to new heights.


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Any forum, any time will have useless trolls with nothing to contribute.
randy is not the first troll on Audiogon, nor will he be the last.

Just don't feed the trolls the attention they so desperately seek.
I ignore non sense post, why waste time, when there so many excellent post to read....teo ic GC are excellent end of the story...
Interesting... just checked out @randy-11 posts:

  Randy's posts

People like this have nothing positive to add to audio forums on any topic and only serve to drive real lovers of music away. Shame.

He’s just looking to get by the forum rules and stab at something he does not understand, in any way he can.

so, without further ado:
"Liquids are the least understood state of matter ......."

"Lead author Dr Kostya Trachenko said: "This result is important for the fundamental understanding of liquids and gives us hope that we are getting close to constructing a consistent theory of this elusive third state of matter. We have good theories of waves in solids and gases but, surprisingly and despite many decades of research, not in liquids."

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-06-liquids-capable-short-wavelengths.html#jCp

That no one can claim that it’s not within the realm of known physics to be different, wholly different, as it actually is that.

As no one can define it. There is no theory that is known ---to cover it.

So yeah, scientifically proven to be new and different. By everyone who counts and works in the given fields.

The scientific article from physorg (june 2017) straightforwardly talks about fluids being off the end of the functional theory train.

Now add in electricity, add in voltage and current, and more, as you have a conductive fluid. Kinetics, for example. It appears to be going a good a magnitude -and probably more- beyond known and theoretically definable sciences.
That doesn't have anything to do with The Bro and the Mansiere, does it?

What a ridiculous thread over on CA @randy-11 - not sure how that adds to the discussion here on these excellent ICs.

@dlcockrum - teehee... probably!
Still.. tick-tick-tick..pondering a balanced version. Gonna do some tests, to see what we can do.

The fluid conductor and it's behaviour is uniquely suited to balanced signal transfer and it's design intentions.
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As Brandon Flowers might say, if he's an audiophile, "These Game Changer ICs are killer!"
My second set of GCs is broken in and sounding great. One of the things that strikes me when listening is how easy it is to follow the individual lines of various instruments in complex music, much like it is at a live acoustic performance.

Teo does not make a XLR version of the Game Changer. I was slightly apprehensive going to a RCA but it I am absolutely thrilled with the results. 
How do you order the CG cables?  The web site lacks pricing and ordering info.

Had to give some feedback to this site on the TEO Game Changer IC after a big jump up in performane of my system. Yesterday, even though I have been trying to get a over a cold or bronchitis, I still listened to my system and right from the beginning I thought I noticed a wider and deeper soundstage along with smoother and fuller notes....amongst many other improved attributes! I listened to several discs and  all revealed the same thing. To confirm I tried a particular cut on a disc that has always had a sharp and cutoff female vocal and sure enough it sounded fuller and sweeter by a large margin than it has ever before. So I knew my somewhat clogged ears probably weren't deceiving me in some weird way.

I confirmed today what I was hearing yesterday as my ears were a lot clearer today. It seems like my cables took  close to 2 months to break in. I thought they were pretty broken in about three weeks ago. At that point I had about 200 hours of low volume level hours with sacd player set on repeat for days at a time and about 40 hours actual listening after about a months time in my system. The last 3 weeks have probably only seen an additional 20 hours of high level volume play back with no noticeable change in sound quality.  Big jump up in performance from last weekend to yesterday. I was already very happy with my Teo GC'S compared to my former IC. But now I am kind of amazed. I have been experiencing the feeling like a big magnifying glass has been put on the sound in my system and details keep getting filled in everywhere.The GC'S replaced a 1000 dollar XLR highly rated interconnect. I thought some should know that total break in may be longer than thought in some situations!


what does your least expensive balanced digital digital cable go for?
Hey @janehamble how did you make out with the suggestion? Lets get that system of yours humming along beautifully...
I'm a big fan of Audio Note UK. I have a pair of their E speakers, and their original Kit 1.1 DAC in my system. I hope to get more/better AN gear in the future.

I have never tried, or heard, their uber expensive silver ICs (Sogon, SOOTTO). However, in the last few days, I've been reading accounts by some who have experience with them. After adding the second set of GCs to my system, I was struck by the similarities between what they were describing, and what I was hearing in my system. Again, I have NO experience with these AN cables, and cannot make any direct comparison between them and the GCs. The thought that I might be getting even a tiny taste of what they can do, for the price of the GCs, is a pleasing one, though.

If anyone has/had an opportunity to compare Teo and Audio Note cables, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Very sweet @tommylion - I hear you just received them... let us know initial reaction and then again once they've settled in... prepare for some wonderful musical bliss...
Yep, getting them today. I ran the first set between my DAC and pre, but, now that they're well broken in, I switched them to between my pre and amp. I'll put the new set between the DAC and pre. That way, they should break in faster, and I don't have to leave my (tube) amp on.
Waiting for UPS to deliver my second set of GCs...

Delivery today @tommylion ?

Where are you using the first set in your system and where will the second set be going?
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Macbook pro 8 gigs,  ssd hard drive

Yah, check the Audio MIDI Setup in the Utility folder on your MacBook Pro and confirm the Master volume is set to 1.0. I'd start there.

The GCs should shine so I'm thinking there might just be a tweak needed elsewhere in your system to bring them alive.
The GC and -Splash Rs’ RCA cables are now available in 2M length.

Delivery time periods have also dropped down notably.

All caught up on back orders - for the moment, that is...
What computer @janehamble ?

Sometimes it's a very simple thing that is over looked - for example, on the Mac, make sure the Audio Devices utility has the Master volume on the USB output set to 1.0. Anything less and you'll get crap.

It's too bad this forum doesn't permit the upload of images so I can show a screenshot instead of attempting to describe things. Ugh.
I'm playing FLAC files through Audirvana 3, Hegel HD25 DAC, Belles amp, Kudos Super 20's.  The USB connection is via Curious Cables with a W4S Recovery. I'll report back with conclusions soon.
could be just a bad fit with my equipment

What is your setup @janehamble ? And where in your system are you auditioning the GCs?
Janehamble don't force yourself to like the GC why there is audition period, what is the length ?if you are in the US, I am interested...
Sad to say,  I'm running out of hope for my GC's.  I've had them running 24/7 for the past week and it doesn't look like they're going to make it.  Very disappointed so far. Totally lacking the musicality I was so looking forward to.  I'll give it the rest of the weekend but this has been a heck of a let down.  Sorry if this doesn't match your experience - could be just a bad fit with my equipment.  
okay, good enough.  what Is an example of magnetic monopole IC's?  High Fidelity?
How do you know I haven't?

Hey - try the magnetic monopole interconnects - they will blow your mind!
Randy, why don't you go ahead and try them out?  What do you have to lose?   they have a try out policy.  Then you can tell us we are all crazy.