Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!

I wrote an extremely long review of 4 cables auditioned in my system recently. I pontificated for way too long and it was more an outlet for me to tell a story that cables do matter and how much each design can make your system sound. The last cable through was the Teo GC IC purchased here and it truly was a game-changer in how it shifts our paradigm about what wire gives us as "truth" and what this slurry of Ga-In-Sn can do better (IMO). Not a technical review but an emotional roller coaster through 4 different topologies:


I'm happy to re-broadcast that here but it is very long (6+ MSWord pages long). I'll point to it for now and take your advice.

Bottom line is the GC cable is truly stunning in what it can do and for us mere mortals who cannot spend thousands on cabling, I believe it can elevate anyone's system to new heights.


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Showing 22 responses by kclone

I have the Splash on order.  Now I just need to figure out where to put them.  Between the DAC and Preamp or between to Preamp and amp?  Thoughts?
tommylion, how long did it take to get from when you ordered it?  I ordered the Splash on April 10th and a pair of GC's a couple of days later and they still have not shipped.   I know they are getting a run on them and also may be waiting for supplies so that may be delaying things a bit. 
can't exactly answer for Teo, but I ordered the Splash on April 7th and the GC on April 10th and none of my orders have shipped yet.  But I think it may be shorter now depending on if they have all of the supplies and parts they need.  
I just installed the Splash a couple of hours ago.  Do these make any noticeable changes over time?
Okay, yeah because I am a little concerned.  They don't sound bad at all, but putting them in certainly wasn't some sort of revelation or wow moment with them as other posters have reported.  It could be that the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA IC was working so well in my system it makes them hard to beat.  I put the Splash between the pre and the amp, maybe after a few days I will try it between the DAC and the pre.  Also, I have a GC on order that will hopefully be here in the near future that will give the full Teo effect instead of mixing.  
I have over 225 hours on the Splash.  Things have really improved.  I mentioned earlier the Duelunds were warmer, fuller, and yet still lively.  The Splash has narrowed the gap in those areas, but is more clear, open, and definitely has a more a extended and pronounced bass.  Stage is bigger with the Splash.  On good to great recordings the Splash tends to scale up better than the Duelunds.  Man, the good recordings sound fantastic with the Splash.  On hot recordings or hard sounding recordings, it is close but I still prefer the two Duelunds.  The Splash is a bit drier, perhaps because it is more clear if that makes any sense.  The two Duelunds in the system are nice, very nice, there is definitely synergy with two of them in the system together.   Now I want to see how having two Teo IC's in the system play together.   For the record I had the Splash connected from the DAC to the Pre and the one Duelund from the pre to the amp.  When the GC gets here on Monday I will probably just leave the Splash where it is and connect the GC to the between the. pre and amp. 

hopefully we will see some more reviews coming in.  I have about 150 hours on the Splash IC but don't want to comment further on the sound until the GCs get here, which should be tomorrow (May 12) and get some hours under them. 

Teo, I would be conservative on what you tell people.  Your ad said 9 business days when I ordered the GC, but it was 32 days total. 

well, UPS somehow shipped my package with the GC 900 miles from my house so they won't be here for a few more days.  I wanted to get them in and get some hours on them so I can review the two Teo cables in the system. 
Hey, Ken.  It's all good.  We know you are trying your best and that broken wrist is a bummer, hope it heals well.  
honestly, "that day" has not come yet with the Spash.  The two Duelund ICs sound fuller, more warm in my system and with just as much liveliness.  Dealing with a little hardness/harshness with the Splash in combination with the Duelund.  I have the silver version of the Splash.  I listen to a lot of pop/rock and am sensitive to harsh sound.  Unfortunately, a lot of my favorite music is not the best recordings and I use hot tracks (like the Replacements Let it Be Album) to test ICs and other gear to see how they handle it.  When a singers voice hurts my ears and makes me want to leave the room I know the IC or whatever gear or cables is not the right fit.  A lot of gear and cables can sound outstanding on the good recordings, so I don't use those to test with.  Anyway, I am hoping things smooth out by adding another Teo to the chain.  By tonight, I should have around 200 hours on the Splash, but I actually haven't heard system my since the 125 hour mark. 

well, it doesn’t sound harsh with everything, it depends on what you are listening too. The Deulunds ICs in both spots along with the rest of my gear, it’s not there at all. So the rest of my system is okay. Besides, I have Proac D48s and McIntosh DAC, Preamp, Amp. Not hard sounding or bright gear. So I voiced my system to enjoy rock and pop.

Bumperdoo, you may be on to something, I will check to make sure everything is connected tight. I do remember being in a hurry and anxious to get them connected and my not have done right.

I will get some time in tonight and report back, again I will have 200 hours or more on them by tonight.  Maybe things have smoothed out a little since. 

Bumperdoo.  okay, then why would you want something in your system that shows everything how bad it is?  I guess some people have different goals with their system.  But mine isn't to expose or show how bad my recordings and gear are. 
I second muzikmann.  please send the cables to Ozzy for the reasons he stated.

I have had to GC for about 28 hours now.  It is combined with the Splash.  Having two Teo's together is definitely  better than the one.  I like what I am hearing so far.  Will post more as the GCs get more hours on them.  
The Teo combo Splash/GC is the best IC's I have ever had in my system.  It wasn't so with just the Splash alone.  But once I added the GC and got around 100 hours on them, well, it was really a game changer, especially after 100 hours.  
These IC's are balanced, spacious, airy, very live sounding, and well extended without being harsh, yes even on dry, hard, bright recordings.    Those recordings still sound inferior, but you can still enjoy them at a decent volume without wanting to leave the room.  For good material, simply outstanding.   For the record, I am using the Triode Wired Labs Obsession power cords on my amp and pre.  TWR are great PCs for sure.
I have really never understood the cables are nonsense crowd.  If your gear is good enough, you can hear the differences between cables.  It is really not that hard, it's just not.  
Randy, why don't you go ahead and try them out?  What do you have to lose?   they have a try out policy.  Then you can tell us we are all crazy. 
okay, good enough.  what Is an example of magnetic monopole IC's?  High Fidelity?