Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!

I wrote an extremely long review of 4 cables auditioned in my system recently. I pontificated for way too long and it was more an outlet for me to tell a story that cables do matter and how much each design can make your system sound. The last cable through was the Teo GC IC purchased here and it truly was a game-changer in how it shifts our paradigm about what wire gives us as "truth" and what this slurry of Ga-In-Sn can do better (IMO). Not a technical review but an emotional roller coaster through 4 different topologies:


I'm happy to re-broadcast that here but it is very long (6+ MSWord pages long). I'll point to it for now and take your advice.

Bottom line is the GC cable is truly stunning in what it can do and for us mere mortals who cannot spend thousands on cabling, I believe it can elevate anyone's system to new heights.


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Showing 23 responses by tommylion

waltersalas (& anyone else who upgraded to the Game Changers from the Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme ICs)

Please describe the improvements you heard going from the CTs to the GCs.


I got my pair yesterday. I am a little reluctant to post this, as I don't want there to be a run on them before I get my second pair, but...

Everything the OP and others have said about these ICs is true. Game Changer is indeed an appropriate name for them.

"I can say they are more natural and organic sounding and the difference was not subtle."

That's a pretty good description of what I'm hearing GC vs. GE, as well.

I am also very happy with my other GE cables (digital, power), and am planning on getting SCs ...unless I win the lottery and can afford the Teos 😉

If anyone has compared the GC, or other Teo cables, to Audio Note (copper or silver), I’d like to hear from them.


If the conductor in these cables is not liquid metal, then what would you call it?
It’s a slurry. Metal cannot be a liquid at room temperature. Well, except for Mercury.

Teo says it’s a "eutectic" blend of Gallium, Indium and Tin, similar to what is used as a replacement for Mercury in thermometers.

eu·tec·tic yo͞oˈtektik/ CHEMISTRY
relating to or denoting a mixture of substances (in fixed proportions) that melts and solidifies at a single temperature that is lower than the melting points of the separate constituents or of any other mixture of them.
a eutectic mixture.

slurry. /ˈslʌrɪ/ noun (pl) -ries. a suspension of solid particles in a liquid, as in a mixture of cement, clay, coal dust, manure, meat, etc with water.

So you’re saying that one, or more, of the above elements is suspended as solid particles?
Obviously, whatever one calls it doesn’t change how it sounds, but it is good to know what to call it properly.

This may shed some light on the subject:


teo audio,

can you clarify what the proper scientific term is; "slurry", "fluid metal", something else?
The pair of GCs between my DAC and Pre are now officially broken in with 200+ hours on them. A typical thought when listening is "Wow, x sounds so real!" I am having one of those "shake your head and wonder how it can get any better" moments. I know it can, though, and will be ordering another pair for between my Pre and Amp soon.

It’s difficult to find any fault with them. I suspect it might take getting in a pair of Splashes to do so.
Does anyone have experience with Teo digital cables? The wonderful increase in musical information I’ve gotten with the GCs between my DAC and Pre has me wondering how much more is getting lost between my Transport and DAC.
I'm looking to hear from someone who has (or had) a Teo digital cable in their system. If someone has experience with both the Teo and the Cerious Graphene Extreme (my current digital cable), that would be great.

I can understand your frustration, I am patiently (sort of) waiting for my second set of GCs. In my case, I know they are worth the wait. The GE ICs are really good sounding cables, and I was very happy with them. The GCs clearly bettered them, though, and the difference is not subtle.

I wouldn’t let this bump in the road keep you from trying the GCs in your system; they really are as special as people here have said.
Thanks teo_audio,

Those of us who trust our own ears don't NEED an explanation to enjoy what we hear, or validate it, but it's nice to get one.
Yep, getting them today. I ran the first set between my DAC and pre, but, now that they're well broken in, I switched them to between my pre and amp. I'll put the new set between the DAC and pre. That way, they should break in faster, and I don't have to leave my (tube) amp on.
I'm a big fan of Audio Note UK. I have a pair of their E speakers, and their original Kit 1.1 DAC in my system. I hope to get more/better AN gear in the future.

I have never tried, or heard, their uber expensive silver ICs (Sogon, SOOTTO). However, in the last few days, I've been reading accounts by some who have experience with them. After adding the second set of GCs to my system, I was struck by the similarities between what they were describing, and what I was hearing in my system. Again, I have NO experience with these AN cables, and cannot make any direct comparison between them and the GCs. The thought that I might be getting even a tiny taste of what they can do, for the price of the GCs, is a pleasing one, though.

If anyone has/had an opportunity to compare Teo and Audio Note cables, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

what does your least expensive balanced digital digital cable go for?
My second set of GCs is broken in and sounding great. One of the things that strikes me when listening is how easy it is to follow the individual lines of various instruments in complex music, much like it is at a live acoustic performance.
As Brandon Flowers might say, if he's an audiophile, "These Game Changer ICs are killer!"
The liquid metal conductor, and it's advantages, have been well discussed, but I have been doing some reading about the KLEI Copper Harmony RCA plugs that are used on the GCs:


They are not cheap, or "entry level". I am curious if there are many other cable makers that use this quality of RCA plug, at this price point?
The KLEIs are a further development and refinement of the Eichmann bullets by Keith Louis Eichmann, who invented them. Reviewers who have compared them say the KLEIs are better sounding. I haven't seen the KLEIs used on any cables, besides their own, and the GCs. There probably are some others, though.
The possibility of a GC version of the AES/EBU digital cable was hinted at.


Any updates?