Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!

I wrote an extremely long review of 4 cables auditioned in my system recently. I pontificated for way too long and it was more an outlet for me to tell a story that cables do matter and how much each design can make your system sound. The last cable through was the Teo GC IC purchased here and it truly was a game-changer in how it shifts our paradigm about what wire gives us as "truth" and what this slurry of Ga-In-Sn can do better (IMO). Not a technical review but an emotional roller coaster through 4 different topologies:


I'm happy to re-broadcast that here but it is very long (6+ MSWord pages long). I'll point to it for now and take your advice.

Bottom line is the GC cable is truly stunning in what it can do and for us mere mortals who cannot spend thousands on cabling, I believe it can elevate anyone's system to new heights.


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Showing 12 responses by janehamble

Hello - I haven't posted here before but have been reading the comments about these GC interconnects with great interest.  They almost sound like the proverbial no-brainer, with a money-back guarantee if things don't work out.

My issue concerns whether or not this level of 'perfection' would really be a sensible investment with my modest system.  MBP-->FLAC's-->Audirvana3-->curiousUSB-->Recovery-->curiousUSB--> HegelHD25 DAC-->MorrowMA4-->BellesAria Integrated -->MorrowSP4-->KudosSuper20 Speakers

I already have (to my ears) quite nice sound quality, especially considering I haven't spent the kind of money others have on their magnificent systems.  Would the GC's make a significant difference or would the dollars be better spent elsewhere?

Thanks for your thoughts

Still thinking about the Game Changers and wondering what would be the best upgrade for my system.  Should I replace my MacBook Pro with a Melco server/NAS, or would the better investment be to replace my Morrow MA4's with the GC's.  I acknowledge this is kind of an apples vs bananas question, but at the end of the day I'm trying to figure out which would have the bigger impact on SQ .  There's certainly a cost difference in each choice but Melco's are now commonly available for around $1300 so the gap is not so wide.  In any case, which would be the bigger step forward do you think?

@bumperdoo  Thanks for your advice.  I think I'm going for it and will keep you all posted.  Hopefully they won't take too long to arrive.  I hear many people claiming miraculous improvements when they move from serving hi-res files from a computer to a high quality server such as Melco or MicroRondue.  However I think this technology is moving at such a pace - if you wait 6 months there's a totally new approach.  It's a bit too dynamic for my taste.  I'd rather make an upgrade I'll be happy with for a few years at least.  No way can I justify the Splash Ref C but the GC's seem to have most of the attributes at a more  affordable cost.  Can't wait to hear them.
Yep, my MBP with Recovery and decent USB cables sounds pretty good, to my ears.  I suspect the gap between what I've got and servers like Melco is not so dramatic - one day I'll confirm that.  Meanwhile, I've jumped in line for GC's and can't wait to get them plugged in, replacing my not-bad Morrow MA4's.  I'll be able to give you all a report of their performance with mid-fi electronics LOL
So I placed an order 5 days ago.  Would be nice to get some kind of acknowledgement or reply to messages.   Guess I'll just sit tight.....should be next week, with luck. 

Ordered mine on 4/24, so that makes it around 17 days and counting.  Called Ken today... sorry to bug you again Ken :-)....they should be leaving early next week.  So I should see them, maybe, around day 24....

All I can say is get well soon Ken.  Sorry to hear about the broken wrist.  Don't worry so much about pitching your future products.  Stay in touch with your customers.  And don't over-promise anything.

Sad to say,  I'm running out of hope for my GC's.  I've had them running 24/7 for the past week and it doesn't look like they're going to make it.  Very disappointed so far. Totally lacking the musicality I was so looking forward to.  I'll give it the rest of the weekend but this has been a heck of a let down.  Sorry if this doesn't match your experience - could be just a bad fit with my equipment.  
I'm playing FLAC files through Audirvana 3, Hegel HD25 DAC, Belles amp, Kudos Super 20's.  The USB connection is via Curious Cables with a W4S Recovery. I'll report back with conclusions soon.
I thought it was pretty obvious to most readers that you guys are either Teo people or...um...'friends of Teo'.  Yes, I do appreciate that you honored your satisfaction guarantee and refunded me quickly and without a problem, when I found they didn't work well in my system. That was nice of you.   Perhaps GC's work great for others.  There's a fine line between honest brand promotion and BS spinning, isn't there?