Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!

I wrote an extremely long review of 4 cables auditioned in my system recently. I pontificated for way too long and it was more an outlet for me to tell a story that cables do matter and how much each design can make your system sound. The last cable through was the Teo GC IC purchased here and it truly was a game-changer in how it shifts our paradigm about what wire gives us as "truth" and what this slurry of Ga-In-Sn can do better (IMO). Not a technical review but an emotional roller coaster through 4 different topologies:


I'm happy to re-broadcast that here but it is very long (6+ MSWord pages long). I'll point to it for now and take your advice.

Bottom line is the GC cable is truly stunning in what it can do and for us mere mortals who cannot spend thousands on cabling, I believe it can elevate anyone's system to new heights.


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Showing 35 responses by jayctoy

I will pay Teo cables if they are the right one Iam trying to audition, he can ship them to me...Teo will refund him..
You know Iam intrigue between Teo, Cerious Tech, HF Reveal, I have the HF adapters they do work great on my systems, with CT and Teo I will be guessing.Doug Schroeder reviewed the expensive one as well. Reviews said HF and Teo match , also CT and HF match, Who is the dealer for Teo in US?

Walter kindly state your gears, speakers, and cables you are using when you write your impressions,this help a lot for me and other Agoners.
Walter thank you for listing your system, I do really appreciate it.Thats a lot to ask but thank you, You gave me more info regarding CT cables, nice well thought system, I heard those Daedalus at Axpona here in Ohare Westin, they are the one I remember most ,that sound good on the show, very musical and dynamic speakers....I got an Email from Teo cables , if I order today, they will ship it next Monday, I was told, they are trying to to make previous orders at this time..
Bugredmachine I read your post on Cerious Cables thread, compare to Teo which one is better.
Good enough bugred, that's my impression that Teo will be my first choice to audition, then HF n CT  maybe last because Bob too busy to send you one faster than HF, Yes I did read you post at AC.  Thanks 
Bugred just let your system settle, with the Teo ,maybe you don't need those Hidiamond. Be patient, , just spend more time to familiarize what your cables and your systems does..I challenge you to listen to your system for two weeks with out changing a thing, this will be the baseline of comparison..this is how I discover more how my system sound,and how much it can connect to me musically speaking.Biggest mistake we make ,is we don't let the cables n system settles.
Wig what gear are you using them tubes or solid state?what other cables you have?
WCheng is also, One of my concern why Iam leaning toward HIgh Fidelity, this cables are both with stellar reviews, both company are nice, Ken and Rick are world class both humble.
Yes Jmc we audiophile, we like to experiment on cables, possible in one year will see more Teo on Agon used for sale...I will wait...
The Teo GC is good on vynil as well....is so quiet the black background become blacker.... this is an amazing cable...on my other system same performance...
Talked to Ken he did mention to decrease the wait, they are trying their best to ship them as soon as they can,be patient, true it's worth the wait..,..
Ozzy you will have fun with Reveal , teo GC , CT GE , they are all excellent cables Markr is on the way to my house to listen to them in my system, then he will bring them home, Sad, sad, feelings...
Teo GC is a heck of a good cable, it has more sophistication presentation in my other system...it's worth every penny you spend on it.Ken is a very nice person to talk to as well..,
I spend 7 days of the Teo GC , I enjoy it so much, one of the best ic I tried.
The GC made my pioneer sb22 sounds like that expensive speaker I heard at AXPONA THIS YEAR, I DID mentioned this experience to MARKr.
Janehamble don't force yourself to like the GC why there is audition period, what is the length ?if you are in the US, I am interested...
I ignore non sense post, why waste time, when there so many excellent post to read....teo ic GC are excellent end of the story...
Let's respect Randy by ignoring him , Obviosly this thread went somewhere , Teo GC is a heck of a good ic, let's focus on it, so others can benefit from it. 
Well let's go back to this thread, Teo GC is a heck of a good cable....regardless 
Genjamon Teo GC and Reveal HF ic , music has more energy and live sound that's what HF does, the Teo gives you naturality and dynamic more than you wish for.they match very well...
Bugredmachine what I did , I put the HF rca adapter on the cd source it works, there is more life on the intruments and musical....in my system
I have the Teo GC in the right system it’s one of the best, once it synergize with your system, it will give you those good layering , excellent instrument placement, it’s not for everybody.But iam greatful for the discovery, not affiliated with Teo cable, just happy with GC...