Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

I am having computer troubles. I will be online maybe tomorrow.
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Yes, John, you may be correct about tinkering with your Dmitri conditioner, I know a few audiophiles out there that have changed out their outlets out there in their conditioner's to good effect, you may look for someone who has done this to a running springs audio Dmitri conditioner and ask their opinion, I personally do not have experience changing any outlets in any conditioners, but I can tell you many have discussed this with me, however, I will tell you based on my experience, the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium's can work on solid state and tube equipment, more or less the particular sound character of each component and speakers, and cables play a role if the outlet is a good match for the rest of the sound you going after.
Hi Sabai, I look forward to you coming to this thread, currently, we are talking a lot about the outlet's, something you inspired me to do, and you certainly inspired me to go with the Furutech GTX R's, Cheer's.
Steve, I cannot afford currently Tara Lab's best offering, I'm lucky to have their 3rd best in the model line up, I do not know if I would ever have a system that can support the Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution cable system, what would be feasible, would obtain the Zero Evolution I/C and Omega Evolution, Evolution A/C cable system, I'm not in a rush, I enjoy what I have, that is a big jump in money and performance that I cannot do right now, thank you anyway Steve.

I think I changed the minds of a few people regarding the rhodiums. I cannot comment on Tara cables because I have never had them in my system. But I can say that I feel you are being criticized by others for doing virtually the same thing they are doing on their own threads -- albeit more subtly. In the end it amounts to the same thing, IMO.
Hi Sabai, you are correct, thank you, are you still using the Furutech GTX R's?, are you using the wall frames?
Sabai, A good system that would be of interest to you to check out Tara Labs cables would be the JBL Everest DD-67000 speakers with the Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution complete cable system power by Dan D Agostini momentum mono blocks, and a good turntable, or a tube digital front end, ect..., this would bring a smile to your face, Cheers

Yes I am still using the Furutech GTX Rhodium. In fact, I just ordered a generic carbon fiber wall frame. I find the price of the Furutech wall frame a bit on the high side. Which wall frame are you using?
Hi Sabai, I'm using the Furutech wall frames, I agree, they are expensive, I do not recommend using the supplied Furutech 2" wood thread none magnetic stainless steel screw's that come with the Furutech wall frames!, they kill the sound stage bloom, they sound mechanical, I find the zinc 6-32 or 8-32 2" screw's to sound natural, with good bloom, cheers.

Thanks for letting me know about the screws. I had no idea they could make a difference.
Yes Sabai, install the zinc highly magnetic screw's the same way the Furutech instructions say to install on the frame's, you will be pleased.
Hi Sabai, Do you read much stereophile?, check out the cable section of the 2015 recommend components, look for Tara Labs, any Evolution series Tara cables, what's your thought's on the entire reviews?, cheers.
Zephyr24069 and Jmcgrogan2

Nice exchange! The eightfold unfolding lotus paths to audio nirvana all multiplied like a mandelbrot set leaves a beautiful image to which to meditate as our systems provide the magic carpet.

Power supply/conditioning is a big deal for me as I seem to live at the end of a spur on the grid and the vacillations and vicissitudes of clean power is grinding. I've tried many conditioners, too, including Richard Gray, Running Springs (not the Dmitri), Audience, Furman, Chang and Tice among other and found Sound Applications to be the best for me. However, having heard having heard the Bybee gear at Laufer Teknik, I thought it to be very, very good. Of course, it was paired with Boulder amps and The Memory Player BUT all feeding my beloved Dynaudios and man-o-man it was sweet.

Now I have big, burly Topaz/Elgar isolation transformers in basement. My power is super quiet and the sound in my system dynamic, but after reading some white papers from VInce Galbo (MSBTech), i'm think about conditioners again....with wall power for my amp. Bybee and Sound Applications are high on my list.

I wonder if either of you have tried Sound Applications?

Balanced power conditioners/suppliers have held some fascination for me, but I've never had the opportunity to have an all balanced system and so haven't tried it. It seems like a stem to stern proposition and although Plinius offers XLR inputs, the circuitry is not truly balanced. BPT and EquiTech hold some curiosity for me there. Truth be told, I love having the basement as the home for my conditioning, so the wall mounted units from Equi=Tech are enticing.

Having that end of things in the basement just leaves a tidy bank of outlets in the house. I have Afterburner outlets, too, and think they are the cat's meow. Substantially better in my environment than the lesser Furutechs I have tried and the Porter ports .All wired in series with cryo'ed old Diamond Handiwire said to be better sounding than today's Home Depot copper goods from Elgar out to the outlets. Oy.

Some tea and a pillow, please. My mandala is appearing.

Yes, I still build cables. What Stereophile article are you referring to?
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Don't want to hijack this thread too far....Maybe we can start another? I forgot about Audio Magic! I had one that was light as air almost...

The SA and the Bybee Stealth are not balanced and are not a regenerator like the Dmitri or my Elgar.

I have the Elgar 5kVA 0.0005pf on a dedicated circuit and 2 Topaz, a 5 and a 2.5kVA, both 0.0005pf (91005-31 and 91002-31 I think...maybe /U's) that I never wired into place. They are NOS or nearly so and I may sell them if anyone is interested...they are HEAVY!

But, not nearly as heavy as the million dollar system 800 lb. guard dogs brutes at your friend's place. Yowza. Maybe if I had those I wouldn't hear any difference with power cords. Sure would save me some money if I could throw a couple of inexpensive power cords on my gear and call it day....Hmmm. Now that's an idea!

The Afterburners have been in my system for years now...I don't even think about them anymore, but I do know I like them and tried a few before settling on them. I have 3 duplexes. They are pure copper and may have been before the Rhodium craze days....I never listened to any Rhodium ones in any case.
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Sabai, I was referring to the cable section of the 2015 stereophile recommended components, take a peek, I enjoyed reading all of that section.
Gentleman, Carry on, none of you are hi jacking this thread, I have enjoyed reading your post I to have heard a lot about the after burner 8 wpo's, however, I have no experience with them, I have experienced all the Furutech GTX R and G model's, for some reason, as Chris Vanhause of vh-audio described, I experienced the same, it was a train wreck of sound that was terrible when mixing the rhodium's with gold GTX, at least on my system, lol, two outlet's only, they seemed to work against each other, happy listening.
John, the Furutech GTX R or G takes about 750 hrs to break in fully, I know, I know, seems far fetched!, however, as it turns out, they do, they go up and down through break in, just to let you know, I hated break in of these!, the out come is quite nice though, cheers.
I recently have been e-mailed by two separate audiophiles that has bought into some of Tara Labs best cables based on this thread and myself, they will be posting their impression's, I look forward to it, and I encourage all with Tara Labs cables to post here, new model's, or discontinued models as well, cheers.
@audiolabyrinth. How are you I don't think the things that the guys talk about even exist. They are not real answers. They are gobble goofing you. I think that Tara labs has some good products but these answers you are getting are moot serious ones. I hopeyou realize that. I don't post much anymore. I see this stuff and go wow!!!
Hi calvinj, how you been?, these guys that was talking about power products was talking about products that does exist, what are talking about? Furutech outlets, after burner 8 outlets, RSA power conditioners, etc are products that can be bought, I have the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium out let's and wall frames:-)
Calvinj, how is the system coming along?, didn't you get some different Speaker's? :-P
@audiolabyryinth. They are mixing stuff that does exist with stuff that doesn't. Lol. Anyway I got the gato fm6. Last speaker for me. I'm very happy. Got what I wanted. Got them from Denmark.
Calvinj, mmmm, you didn't like the Revel speaker?, what was it that you didn't get that from the Reveal speakers that the gato fm6 does?
I liked the revels. They were great. System synergy. The revels require a crazy amount of power. A lot of solid state power. I wanted an integrated tube amplifier based system. The gato has an amazing ring radiator tweeter. It's special. It's so realistic. The decay on its tweeter is airy and vapor like.
Hi Calvinj, I understand, thanks for the reply, and congrats on the Gato6 speakers.
Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution AC Power Cable

The GM Evolution AC power cables is the absolute ultimate power cable design. It employs twenty four RSC conductors for each of the live, neutral and ground “earth” conductor paths. A total of nine low frequency conductor paths is used combined with the 72 RSC solid core high frequency conductors. The 72 RSC high frequency conductors are shielded in three separate groups for live, neutral and ground. Then the shields are combined to provide a phenomenal ground path together with RF/Emi rejectio.
Hi, Anyone audition or own the new Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution power cord, or any of the new offerings?, if so, post your impression's here, not many know about the new power cords from Tara Labs, they have only been on the market for a short few months, their is the new Cobalt Reference power cord, Evolution power cord, Grandmaster Evolution power cord, Happy Listening.
This is the second from the flagship Grandmaster Evolution power cord, correction on the post above, I said Evolution power cord, it is called, The Omega Evolution power cable, Omega Evolution AC Power Cable

More than twice the conductor mass is used in the Omega Evolution, the live run uses 18 rectangular conductors, the neutral run uses 18 rectangular conductors, and the ground run uses 18 conductors where as there is no ground run in the Cobalt. The Omega has more than twice the conductor mass.

Additionally, three low frequency conductors are used are used for each live, neutral and ground (earth) run. The Omega is fully shielded with each live neutral ground runs being separately shielded and then the shields runs are connected electrically. This is a much more powerful dynamic rich clean detailed combination of sound qualities not heard in any other AC power cable
This is the third from the flagship top model power cable, it is a new model along with the other two power cables above, The Tara Labs Cobalt AC Reference Power Cable

The Cobalt AC Reference Power Cable is a reference quality AC Power Cable having both High-Frequency conductors (Rectangular Solid Core) matched with specially adapted Low Frequency conductors. The Cobalt Reference AC has 18 high frequency conductors for the Live run, and 18 high frequency conductors for the Neutral run. The Ground path is comprised of shielding and 18 AWG solid core conductors that are fitted with Ceralex(R) capsules.
Audiolabyrinth have you actually heard all of the Tara Labs ac cords? If so what are each sonic character?
Hi Rsf507, I have heard most of the I/C's and speaker cables, I have the Cobalt power cable with oyaide terminations, I have not got the chance to hear the three new power cable's that are listed above, however, I have heard four Tara power cable's that are not listed above, the Cobalt down to the model, The One, on up to my model, less than a year ago, the Cobalt with oyaide terminations was the top flagship model, now their is these 3 new models above, cheers.
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The Zero Evolution w/HFX 1.0m/3.3ft
Extended Bandwidth - Interconnects
The new Zero Evolution is another remarkable breakthrough in cutting edge technology and design from TARA Labs. The Zero Evolution design supersedes the Zero Gold with a 75% increase in bandwidth, in addition to an incredible 2.5pf, resulting in a vanishingly low noise floor that creates the widest dynamic range possible. Our SAOF-8N 99.999999% inline polished conductors uses our new proprietary Liquid-film™ dielectric. The Zero Evolution also includes our new flexible air-tube technology and design. This results in a sound that reveals fine nuances of attack, sustain and delay, and is extremely revealing of subtle high-frequency detail. The listening experience is described as holographic and lifelike.

Zero Evolution design supersedes the Zero Gold with a 75% increase in bandwidth
RCA torque-lock / XLR
Anti-corrosion coated SAOF-8N copper shield
RSC Gen 2 conductors
Teflon and Aero-PE filaments ensure complete air dielectric construction
Controlled spacing of conductor to conductor geometry produces record low interconnect capacitance of 2.5pf (pico-farads)
Controlled geometry for stable electrical characteristics
Extremely revealing with subtle high-frequency detail
All new flexible air-tube technology and design
SAOF-8N inline polished conductors with TARA Labs proprietary Liquid-film™ dielectric
Break through design and technology delivers an incredible listening experience
Extremely low noise floor creates the widest dynamic range that reveals extremely fine nuances of fast attack, sustain and decay