Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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Hi sts, what do you have now for gear? , how is sales of your cable's coming along?
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Sts, fair enough if you are referring to sales of your cable's, I'm intrigued of knowing what you have for audio equipment, will you share that with me? , cheers.
Sts, have you seen this new cable Taralabs is making now for musicians?,PROFESSIONAL STUDIO CABLE

This cable is made exclusively for the recording studio. *The PX silentPLUG is fantastic for this cable as it allows a musician to unplug and switch instruments in the recording studio without the hassle of turning down/off your amplifier. (*See below CABLE TERMINATION)


TARA Labs has taken its incredible thirty year expertise in cutting edge technology & design, and developed a high-end instrument cable. Used with guitar, bass, keyboards, or in the recording studio. Used in recordings by Stanly Clarke, Patrice Rushen, Kenny Burrell, and endorsed by such legendary musicians and producers as; Larry Carlton, David Benoit, Nathan East, Jeffrey Webber, in addition to such prestigious venues such as Carnegie Hall, Capitol Records studio, Sony studio.


Every TARA Labs cable is custom hand-crafted to order in Oregon, USA. The construction of this cable begins with our RSC (Rectangular Solid Core) SA-8NOF (Super-annealed, oxygen-free, mono-crystal, frequency-tuned, hand-polished 99.999999% pure copper conductors. This is covered with advanced Aero-PE dielectrics and skid-resistance outer sleeve.


TARA Labs also makes available the “silentPLUG” for cable termination. The new PX silentPLUG automatically mutes (shorts) an instrument (guitar) cable to avoid pops and squeals when changing the instrument (guitar) under load. The integrated silent switch is based on REED-technology and guarantees a lifetime beyond 10 '000 mating cycles. The new PX silentPLUG features a rugged metal shell enhanced with a rubber cushion overlay for improved shock protection. The plug itself is gold plated. The “silentPLUG” is exceptional when used in situation where instruments are being interchanged, without having to either turn-down or turn-off the amplifier. All termination is gold-plated.

*Straight plug & Right angle plug available / ¼” mono or stereo termination connectors are available


You will hear exquisite high frequency extension, tight bass, spatial cues, and full mid-range that is detailed and open. A low-noise floor, and excellent sound-stage. Both cable models offer superior quality. These cables are far beyond any other high-end instrument cables available in the marketplace today. Endorsed by the worlds leading recording studios, music venues, and musicians.

For musicians and producers who demand the very best in equipment, instruments and recording.


All TARA Labs cables have a lifetime guarantee against manufacturer defects.
I'm curious to know who are musicians that are audiogon member's, so many music lover's, you would think their would be musicians too, if so, who are you and where do you live, and what do you do or play?, would you be willing to try out a cord like the one above?
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Making Sense of … Evolution Speaker Cables

Extreme Audio Systems and Extreme Performance Cables with Low Inductance

At TARA Labs, the major design goal for speaker cables is to reduce the inductance in the cable. However, there are some high-end amplifiers that need to 'see' some level of inductance (L) in the speaker cable. When the low damping factor of certain amplifiers is connected with (ultra-low inductance) TARA Labs speaker cables, the output of some high-end loudspeakers becomes audibly variable at different frequencies.

The phenomenon is readily apparent, heard as bass that is soft and low in amplitude, sometimes together with high frequencies that are too smooth or rolled-off. Basically, the resistance in the loudspeaker cable should be ultra-low, and the inductance (L) in the cable needs to be low but sufficient to provide a load to certain amplifiers. There is no ideal value for (L). It varies from system to system, just as impedance varies with frequency in most loudspeakers.

The loudspeaker cables carry much higher signal voltage and current into a non-linear impedance (the loudspeaker) ... so the reactive load of the loudspeaker can be difficult for some amplifiers to drive... and the all-important damping factor of the amplifier changes from amplifier to amplifier.

One of the great attributes of the OMEGA Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution Speaker Cables is their ultra-low inductance. The OMEGA Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution Speaker Cables are the 'state-of-the-art' in both technology and design from TARA Labs. Its performance level is absolutely spectacular when matched with the majority of high-end audio components available today. And as with an ever increasing introduction of new components into the marketplace, we have found over and over again that not every cable or component has the perfect symbiotic relationship with each other. In these particular instances, there are some amplifiers that need to 'see' some level of inductance (L) in the speaker cable. For certain loudspeakers and amplifiers, TARA Labs has produced another addition to the line-up with the Omega Evolution SP & Grandmaster Evolution SP speaker cables. These cables are designed to work exceptionally well with amplifiers with a low damping factor or loudspeakers with a very reactive load in the lower frequencies.

Another choice is the *OMEGA CX Evolution loudspeaker cable with its slightly higher inductance, used especially with wide-bandwidth amplifiers.

*The Omega Evolution CX model is a more affordable version of the Omega Evolution SP. Having similar characteristics as the “SP”, yet at a lower price. For the speaker cable that requires a higher inductance, or used with wide-bandwidth amplifiers, the Omega Evolution SP and the Grandmaster Evolution SP are the ultimate cable choices.

*The recommendations below are “just a few examples” to help guide the user in choosing the appropriate TARA Labs Evolution loudspeaker cables. These examples are meant as a guide only, and are based on load impedance for loudspeakers and damping factor for amplification. Call TARA Labs to discuss your system and any particular recommendations.


Omega Evolution CX – Avalon speakers, Spectral, Wilson speakers (smaller and older models)

Omega Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution – Accuphase, Ayon, Constellation, Krell, Lamm, Bolder, McIntosh, Focal speakers, Cary, Sonus Faber speakers, Magico speakers, Usher speakers, Rockport speakers

Omega Evolution SP & Grandmaster Evolution SP – dartZeel, MBL Reference, Boulder, Accuphase, Ayon, Constellation, Krell, Lamm, Wilson speakers, Cary, YG Acoustics, Avalon, Focal speakers, Rockport speakers, JM Lab (Grand Utopia speakers), Magico speakers, Usher speakers.

 *NOTE – The above equipment samples are only meant as a guide to help advise you on the best cable for your setup. As with all TARA Labs cables, when you move up the line to more expensive models, the TARA Labs characteristics that our cables are known for such as neutrality and natural musicality is always present. What you will hear is additional high frequency extension, detail, musicality, fullness, etc. 


Omega CX - A very balanced set of LC parameters.

Omega Evolution & Grandmaster Evolution – These cables has extremely low inductance.

Omega Evolution SP & Grandmaster Evolution SP – Provides more inductance for certain models wide-bandwidth amplifiers and speakers that require addition inductance in their cables. These cables are designed to work exceptionally well with amplifiers with a low damping factor or loudspeakers with a very reactive load in the lower frequencies.  






Re posted from another thread, 10-28-15: Mikelavigne
I've recently jumped into the very deep end of the pool with interconnects for my 2 new dacs.

I purchased a set of Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution w/HFX 1.5m XLR's for my Trinity Dac. these are the ones with the floating shield design and dual monoblock HFX ground system.

sorry to say that these cables indeed are the real deal. what they do is astonishing in terms of noise floor and revealing detail and musical refinement.

I've ordered another set of these in 2m RCA's for my Lampizator Golden Gate.

I wish they did not do what they do; but now that I've heard it there is no going back.

my system does allow for all the benefits of these 'uber' cables to come through. my new dart preamp enables them to shine.

crazy good!

don't listen if you might be tempted. I made that mistake.
Mikelavigne  (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This 
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Sts,my system supports my cable's just fine, when people cry with emotion when they listen to the music, never have I had anyone walk away not in awe!
@audiolabryinth. Tell them kieth how your system is better than all of this overpriced stuff that is being put out now.
@Audiolabrynth. Can you post pics of your room and system. I'd love to see them!
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Sts, I have nothing to prove to you, lol, however, I have nos mullard m10 tubes, $500,00 each in the Vincent cds7 player, with furutech Rhodium outlet and aluminum wall frame, and $5,000.00 taralabs Cobalt with oyaida terminations for the power cord to the pkayer, the krell 700cx is the only one worldwide that is modified to this extent by krell then selfs, two year's and $11,000.00 of doing this to this amp, and running directly to this amp with taralabs zero gold with grounding station one meter is astonishing! , lol, are you trying to tell me what I hear is an illusion? Really?
@audiolabryinth. Uh oh Keith you got to defend your system. Ears don't lie!
Well I think that system matching is very important. Cables are important but up to a point. I believe in having really good cables but I also believe in having great components and speakers. My system is not made of household names. I have a gato fm6 speaker. They are newer and have great technology in them. My integrated amplifier is made by KR audio. Va 900. Nicknamed the baby Kronzilla. My dac is resonessence labs mirus. Made by the brother of the maker of the sabre dac chip. I use a mix of high fidelity cables, atlas mavros and clarity cable. I think you can get great sound out of older equipment but I think there have been some great advances in sound, speaker, dac, and cable technology. I think you should have a great mix of all. There is a point that I won't go past as far as cable price. I try to match what I spend in my system and even it out. I would not put 40,000 in cables on 4,000 worth of gear. I would put 4 to 8k in cabling on 40k of gear. To me that's comparative but to each his on. I have a great amount invested in cabling right now but I have some really great Gear with newer technology. Just my opinion. Not judging anyone.
Tara labs make some really good cables. I will only spend so much in cables though. But it depends on if you like what you hear.
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Sts, if you are referring to my amp, it did have those problems, however, along the way after getting all that fixed new, I had krell do numerous things to my amp, cheers sts, btw, you never said anything about the instrument cable post here I addressed to you.
We are all nuts. I look at all our posts. We are defensive about our systems. I'm careful from this point on because for the money spent on mods and cables I can upgrade my equipment. But I'm happy where I'm at. If y'all ever in Dallas let me know. You can hear it and see it all.
Calvinj, I believe I will come see you this coming year,likely, with taralabs cable's, you game?
Thankyou calvinj, would be a long drive, it will be nice to hear your system, do you have some good rock recordings too?
This is a recent review of the Taralabs zero Evolution cable's, ,,,“The full-blown Zero Evo effect is dramatic, like you have on X-Ray goggles and can see how the whole thing is organized. It's defined to the max in all directions—left to right, front to back, up and down—and detailed, detailed, detailed.... not even the tiniest square footage, is blurry or vague. Detail builds upon detail. Every instrument has its own space and fits in with no overlapping, like pieces in a 3-D puzzle. The thing is so solid and images are so precisely positioned it has the aspect of a large piece of aural sculpture... This new cable has the fastest, cleanest transient I've come across, with absolutely no grain or edge marring its excellent delivery. Every frequency is perfectly aligned and that allows transient edges to come into view, revealing fine details of texture.” – Marshall Nack / Positive Feedback Online, Issue #81
This is the new second from the top of the line cable from taralabs, the Grandmaster model is the only cable that supercedes this cable, no other cable on the market betters this cable in my opinion,The Omega™ Evolution

The Omega Evolution has now become one of TARA Labs ultimate speaker cables. The Omega Evolution is just one step below the Grandmaster Evolution speaker cables. The RSC conductors are insulated with a fine layer of aerospace polyethylene, a very neutral material with almost no audible effect.

The Omega Evolution delivers lifelike, almost holographic sound, pin-point imaging and clear resolution of fine detail with extreme ease. What you will hear is an accurate harmonic structure extending upwards with the finest and most delicate of high frequencies. This will be contrasted with a vanishingly low noise floor. The reproduction of the recorded space can only be described as holographic. The qualities of a reverberation and ambient retrieval are simply astonishing. The Omega Evolution has a level of performance that is beyond comparison to any other speaker cable in the world with the obvious exception of the Grandmaster Evolution.

BSM (with 1/4'’ or 5/16’’ Spades or Bananas4+ gauge conductor runs per channelSAOF-8N copperEach channel comprised of 224 RSC Gen 2 conductors in Aero-PE GMI dielectricSeparate positive and negative conductor run for each channelHelixed Rectangular Solid-Core conductors and air-tube technologySpectacular power and clarity. Absolutely neutral and coherentSuperb resolution of micro-detail and ambient informationPowerful dynamic contrasts. Superbly defined and vivid images



  “Best speaker cable I’ve ever heard!” – YK Chan / Audiophile Magazine Hong Kong, 2014   “I think this is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard from a speaker wire...” – HIFI Shou / Chen, 2015 

“I think this is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard from a speaker wire...” – HIFI Shou / Chen, 2015
The Omega Evolution speaker cable is as perfect as any cable could be. Blending a remarkable soundstage with instruments hanging delicately in space and absolute neutrality allowing every nuance to shine though. Truly a platinum standard for both tube and solid-state systems alike." – Carl Jerritts / APEX Audio 
This conductor type is only found in the flagship interconnect Grandmaster by taralabs,also, their is a new dielecteic and conductor out lay positioning that no other cable has by taralabs, Making Sense of….Gen 3 Conductors

TARA Labs, Inc. has just announced the introduction of its Generation 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductor, to be used exclusively in its state-of-the-art interconnect cables.

TARA Labs claims that the Gen 3 conductor has an increased bandwidth or high-frequency extension, that makes it unrivalled in important test measurements and listening tests.

TARA Labs’ Matthew Bond said that the new Gen 3 conductor has the same current-carrying capability of a 28 gauge conductor but has the high frequency linearity of a 40 gauge conductor.

Matthew Bond explains why this is possible. “In a conductor with a rectangular profile, there is a huge reduction of ‘flux-linkage’ or ‘coupling’ of electromagnetic lines of force. These lines of force are created as the signal (music) passes through any conductor.” Bond said further, “In a round conductor there is a large center that tends to roll-off or attenuate much more of the high frequency information … this does not happen in a Rectangular Solid Core® conductor”.

According to Matthew Bond, the new Gen 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductor is smaller than the current Gen 2 conductor used in most of TARA Labs’ audio cables. The Gen 2 conductor measures approximately 25 thousands of an inch wide and 12 thousands of an inch in height. Bond says that the Gen 3 conductor is about 66% of the size of the Gen 2 conductor, and that it is Super-Annealed™ to increase its conductivity.

Both the Gen 2 conductor and the smaller Gen 3 conductor are said to be Eight-Nines™ pure copper, which is 99.999999% pure. TARA Labs’ trademarks for this technology are 8N™ and SA-OF8N®. SA-OF8N means Super Annealed – Oxygen Free 8 Nines copper. According to Bond, the term ‘annealing’ refers to the method whereby a conductor can be made softer and more conductive.
Hi calvinj, that money goes toward your acquisition of the cable's pricing out the door, and by marginal chance you do not like, or want the cable's, pending the loaner is same condition that it was sent to you when you send it back, you get 100% of your deposit back, sweet!
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You're obviously well-versed on Tara Labs cables. You deserve a bonus when they deliver your paycheck this week. You always deny that you work for Tara Labs, but it's either that or you're actually Matthew Bond using a pseudonym.
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Yup. You are right. I think I'm going to keep the cables I got and roll with it. I will have to hear them at a show or something.
Tonykay, your welcome to pm me, and we can meet, I'm not Matthew Bond, nor do I have weekly revenue from taralabs, lol!
Hi zephyr24069,that is interesting, I have family in Landrum south Carolina, not long ago, I use to go to Greenville area every year, my mother owns her second home in Landrum south Carolina, less than 30 miles from Greenville, cheers
Audiolabyrinth, Do you realize that you sound like a salesman for Tara Labs on this thread? Do you wonder why people accuse you of such on this thread? Enough of your vague rants, let people with direct listening experiences share their experiences. People are tired of your copy and paste.
I have direct listening experience with nearly every taralabs cable's, what would you like to know? , I have on my system what I can afford, however, I've had opportunities to listen to other cable's that I've not owned, I'm sure you have too?
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Hi zephyr24069, Absolutely, thankyou for the invite, I believe I will come and see you this coming year, I agree, your in God's country, buetiful!
Btw zephyr24069,I would be coming from mobile, Al, which is 8 hrs drive, I have been contemplating moving back to Pensacola, ft Walton, or Destin Florida, lived there in all three places for years, believe it or not, I've never been to Myrtle Beach S.C.
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This is not on the Taralabs site!, this is what I will reveal to all the bi-amp speaker owners, I have 12 inch omega jumpers that go from the bottom post to top post, sounds damn incredible, was the top of the line!, mmm, now taralabs has introduced my next bi-amp 12 inch cable's, the Evolution omega line cable's, cheers.
Audiolabyrinth, could I buy HFX ground station separately for DIY to use with my own rca cables? I mean to create rca adapters with ground pigtails to use with the HFX.
Hi lateboomer, no, you cannot, the HFX ground station is other than a good ground, it complete's the circuit of the floating shield's of the TARA lab's cable that requires the station, however, nearly everyone does not know you can buy another HFX ground station and use it on the other end of the interconnect for a huge performance improvement, how do I know, I've done it, as a matter of fact, I had two mono blocks TARA LAB'S grounding station's on the amp end ,then a stereo station on the source end of the interconnect, the result was stunning to say the least.
Taralabs does not make the mono block ISM grounding station's any more, the standard HFX grounding station's are bigger, with more cerelex material within the station than the ISM stereo grounding station's of the late 90's, the standard HFX grounding station is a only stereo grounding station, however, the concept of useing another ground station on
Taralabs does not make the mono block ISM grounding station's any more, the standard HFX grounding station's are bigger, with more cerelex material within the station than the ISM stereo grounding station's of the late 90's, the standard HFX grounding station is a only stereo grounding station, however, the concept of useing another ground station on The amp end and having two station's still apply as the post above mentions.
This is so new, it's still in development, however, this digital cable will be on the market in the next couple of weeks with a waiting list,the new benchmark for digital cable's for all other's to be measured by, The TARA Labs Grandmaster Evolution Digital Interconnect uses a pair of RSC® Gen 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductors.

In the AES/EBU format, the conductors are critically spaced to ensure an exacting 110 Ohm characteristic impedance; this  is the AES/EBU format used with XLR connectors. The RSC Gen 3 conductors are smaller than the Gen 2 version, and this provides a more extended bandwidth for the digital signal.

The TARA Labs Grandmaster Evolution Interconnect uses a system of woven filaments constructed from small Teflon tubes, to expand and displace the shield further away from the signal carrying conductors. In this way, the Grandmaster Evolution Digital Interconnect is able to reduce digital distortion, called ‘jitter’.*(Jitter explains why Digital cables sound different from on to another)

The Grandmaster Evolution Digital cable is simply the most astonishing digital cable in the world today. No cable comes close except the Zero Evolution Digital interconnect.

Optimized RCA-75 ohm & XLR-110 ohm AES/EBU configurationAnti-corrosion coated SA-OF8N copper shieldSupplied with TARA Labs exclusive HFX Floating Ground Station featuring ISM technologyRSC Gen 3 SA-OF8N copper in-line hand polished conductorsOptimized geometryGen 3 conductor eliminates coloration and distortion & jitterExceptionally revealing of low-level ambient and spatial informationPhenomenal die-electric construction and rectangular sold core conductors create an unbelievable, vanishingly low noise floor.