Systems over $100k

Which of you has a $100k+ system...? Do you plan to upgrade?


my system is over $100k (rather not estimate the investment). just a month ago upgraded my digital dac and server--Wadax (new gear not yet noted on my audiogon system page). but here is a link to info on my new digital.

i do have some enhancements in-bound for my vinyl playback. new cartridges and a new tonearm.

my system has been static as far as amps/preamp/speakers and room/acoustics for 6 years now (took me 10 years in my dedicated purpose built room to get it right but that part is done). but i’m about to retire so wanted to get the sources optimized while i can still make the money to pay for them.

overall love to listen to my system for hours every day. brings me joy and is very satisfying.

I’m curious as to whether anyone has (or had) a $100k+ system for whom an upgrade entailed lowering the $$ value of the system.

For example, you found that some piece of equipment was not right for the system and a lower priced unit actually increased the sonic achievements. Or a used unit.

Or perhaps moved from an elaborate, expensive system to one which was more right-sized for your ears, room, etc.?



A little off topic, but, what is the brand of armchair in your pic? It looks nice. Is it your listening chair? I am looking for a set of front row arm chairs that are comfortable for music listening and with enough plushness for watching moves. The front row seats I have now are huge Palliser home theater seats which eat into my space and I keep them extended to lower the backrests because they block the mids from the speakers. Thnx. 

I worked out the replacement cost when I insured it to move from the UK to France at around €120k, there was some doubt as the speakers haven’t been made for 15 years and the turntable maker is no longer in existence. Only a speaker change is under consideration as I’m moving again and the new place has plasterboard lined walls which my not suit my speakers designed to go close against a solid one. It might be possible to treat the wall instead.

Cartridges are forever a temptation but funds are more limited since I retired so keeping consumables costs under control is more of an issue.

I’m planning for a service of the electronics in about 10 years and probably won’t need to worry about another in 25.

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I have a nice system and I am still going to upgrade.  Going to add the new Lampizaotr Horizon DAC over my current Lampi Pacific.  Also working on Room Acoustics between Viscoustic Acoustics and GIK.  

How about a system that costs $10,000 that sounds better than a $100,000 system?

Yes still the reference along with soundSmith Hyperion Mk II cartridge.

@ted_denney  I think most of us have seen your room Ted & it's impressive. Are you still using the Acoustic Signature?

Throw it in the hole and load me in after.. Mcintosh gear has to be in heaven. :-)


Poverty Bay Sound room in my virtual system pictures, you can add it up for grins and giggles. It’s less than a halfway decent fishing boat or at least that’s what I tell the War Dept.

I certainly enjoy it :-) not everyone cup of tea, nor should it be….

have fun enjoy the ride….


I'm setting in my 37 year old room that I built, lock, stock and barrel for 6500.00 and the car port. The system is 55 years old with 45 year old speakers. I paid 1300.00 for The MX110z, MC225, RS4b, Sony ES5400, Russco TT and my cables.

I paid more in PG&E last year. :-) Cable was 19.00 a month for the FM side of the MX110z back then.. Stream that.. Still use the same gear as I type.. 

Throw it in the hole and load me in after.. Mcintosh gear has to be in heaven. :-)


Mine is around $150K… I started with a Marantz 1040 integrated amp in 1972. I have been learning and upgrading ever since to the system I have now. All of my components are pretty new. I have finished tweaking interconnects and power cords. I have one more power cord to go. I’ve got an upgraded arm for my Linn turntable on the way. I’ll add podiums for my speakers.


Since I have all Audio Research Reference gear and could not be happier I will probably just keep them contemporary.

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Close if you bought everything new and yes, there is always something better on the horizon. 

$350k + system, $200k custom built listening room. The system is constantly changing as it is a diagnostic tool for developing new audio products.

Yours in music,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.

I would be afraid to try and figure out all of the money that I have spent over the years. Not even close to many here, but like you, many thousands more than the total of what I own now, but I have no regrets. There were many things that I needed to try for myself, and I did that. I'm still doing it.

My system is about 100K but that counts all the stuff I bought over 50 years and discarded. You can duplicate what I'm listening to now for about 8K, half that used.