System Advice

Hi all, 

I have Totem Skylite speakers (which I love!) and am looking to rebuild the rest of the system for $1500-$2000: turntable and amp/pre-amp or integrated amp. 

Any ideas? I'm open to used equipment if need be, too.


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Going to have a digital source, cd player or anything like that or just turntable and amplification?

Quad Vena for $800 + a Fluance or Rega TT

Which is what I have and it continues to amaze me

@aarongreenb You say you love those speakers.  What amplification have you used with them, so far, that make you love them?  I'm not familiar with that particular model of Totem speakers.  However, those I have spent serious seat-time with I've found to be, like most good speakers, very dependent upon the type of amplifier(s) used to drive them.

I have a personal preference for good tube gear, but it’s always subjective. An audio buddy of mine just bought a used Linn LK140 solid state amp (LK85 is similar), and a new Schiit Saga 2 preamp, and absolutely loves the sound he’s getting with this GR Research X-MTM Encores...your speakers should be an even easier load. That leaves some funds for a decent TT/cart.


Thanks all!

I've been using an NAD C328 (40 watts x 2 channels into 8 ohms) to power these speakers. I'll just be using the system for a turntable and, occasionally, to play digital files from my computer.  

Do folks have opinions about a new Rega 1 v. a used Rega 3? 

My opinion is whatever amp you decide on, I’d at least double the watts, your Totems are on the lower side of efficiency at 88db, and I bet with more oomph your going to like them even more.

I'm currently running Totem Sky Towers with Belles Aria Signature Integrated, though previously used the basic Aria Integrated, both sound great and have a surprisingly good built in phono stage...used Aria will fit your budget...

@aarongreenb ,

For a thousand bucks new, you get a lot! Sabre dac, mm phono, 80 watts, definitely a contender. I myself look for deals on higher end used, like @jl35 suggested.

Quick sidetrack to @jl35 , was the Signature worth the upgrade?



$1k for a integrated, and $1k for a TT. Would go the used route. 

Figure out what things you need and what things you want. That should help you figure out what to buy. With used, you are stuck with what is available. 

1. Power (watts)

2. internal pre-amp (MC or MM&MC?)

3. internal DAC, streaming, or nothing

4. remote control?

5. size, where will it live, does it have proper ventilation?

6. EQ, room correction, tone controls

On the TT

1. size, do you have a space for it

2. MM or MC

3. Full auto, full manual, or in-between?

4. belt drive, direct, idler?

5. arm type, ease of use/setup

6. headhshell?


The Yamaha AS801 is a great integrated with an honest 100 wpc and a very decent DAC. It’s well reviewed and costs $899 or less. Alternatively, the Marantz PM7000n has less power but built in streamer function and a good DAC. Music Direct has some open box and close out deals on Rega P3 for around $1000. I would avoid used unless you know the seller personally or it’s a brick and mortar store with excellent reputation. Good luck and have fun!

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You may also want to consider and audition Totem’s own KIN Amp.

BTW, I’m a big Totem fan myself and am running Arros in my living room TV system. They sound great with a PeachTree Nova I have connected.

PS. I have a P1 in this same system and after upgrading the cartridge and the platter I should’ve just went for the P3. 

FYI - for a bit more money, maybe Odyssey Audio integrated- no DAC or phono, but a ridiculous sonic bargain.  It’s one of the amps that Alon Wolf of Magico (top cutting edge speakers) uses.  

Hi all!

Thank you so much for the guidance here. I now have a Rogue Audio Sphinx and Rega P3. 

I want to play some digital music and have about $250 left in my budget. Any suggestions for a DAC? 



Put Gold Lyon tubes in the Rogue for the next level. You will not be disappointed. 

If looking for a DAC check out Schiit. If looking for a steamer check out WiiM

I have to agree that Schiit is a good brand to look at for a DAC. However, I would enjoy your new toys and save up for a better DAC. If you set yourself up so digital doesn't come close to your analog end then your will be selling your self short. I would save up and get a used Yggdrasil or Gundnir. This will set you up for great sounding streaming at some point. 

If you aren't streaming, you should try it. A Wiim dac/streamer or a Bluesound Nano would be an inexpensive way to get into streaming. 


One more question!

I'm new to the higher end turntable world and didn't realize that the P3 would require an aftermarket power source. I don't have budget for the Neo-TT PSU. Anything in the under $100 range that will suffice (for now)? 


I don't understand. No power cable does not mean you need an aftermarket PS just to get the thing to run. If the TT has an IEC jack for AC (a socket with 3 prongs in a recessed space), you can go to any hardware store and buy a proper AC cord for it. Certainly for less than $15. Carpathian is correct.

The seller should have provided a power cord. You can buy one with these specs: