System Advice

Hi all, 

I have Totem Skylite speakers (which I love!) and am looking to rebuild the rest of the system for $1500-$2000: turntable and amp/pre-amp or integrated amp. 

Any ideas? I'm open to used equipment if need be, too.



Showing 1 response by acguo

The Yamaha AS801 is a great integrated with an honest 100 wpc and a very decent DAC. It’s well reviewed and costs $899 or less. Alternatively, the Marantz PM7000n has less power but built in streamer function and a good DAC. Music Direct has some open box and close out deals on Rega P3 for around $1000. I would avoid used unless you know the seller personally or it’s a brick and mortar store with excellent reputation. Good luck and have fun!