Synergistic Research Euphoria HC power cord.

Anyone have any thoughts on this power cord?  I would be using on McIntosh  611’s.


Yes, I have thought, related to one of my Audio Axioms:

the more hyperbolic the name of a component, the more skeptical one should be, especially of relative value



That is a good rule of thumb. My generalization is if it is in the name, then it is not. Like “Honest John’s”, guaranteed to not be. My partner and I constantly scan for these things and mostly seem correct.


Power cords can be system/grid dependent. That same combo could get different results in NYC than in the Catskill Mountains as an example. You just have to try for yourself.

Jason at the Cable Company is recommending these cables, but am not at all familiar with them.  I had read good things about Audioquest cables,  but he said the SR’s give a “livelier” sound.

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@bwguy I haven’t tried this cable but tried their lower end model and it was a bit too lively to the point of being bright plus it was super rigid and difficult to maneuver. It exhibited the same sonic traits on everything I tried it on…dac, preamp, amp. I sent it back. I wouldn’t be looking at Synergistic but that’s just me.
I looked at your system photos and there’s very little in terms of acoustic treatments so go easy on lively sound

Also, if you are talking to The Cable Company and thinking of buying from them, use their landing library and borrow several cables to try (you get credit towards purchase after).
I’d look at Audioquest Hurricane or Dragon, Shunyata Alpha and Sigma, Audience FrontRow.
Shunyata and Audience will be most flexible if that matters at all.

Thanks audphile1.  I have on order some acoustic panels from GIK. Hope to have them soon. Jason at the Cable Company did say they were lively, and thought Audioquest cables (I asked about the Hurricane) were dead sounding by comparison. However, everything I read about the Hurricanes is positive. The SR power cord is very pricey so I may pass on it.

I disagree with Jason. But like I said, their landing library is the way to go. The only way you’ll know if the cable is a good match is to try it in your system. I would also wait until the panels are in place before making any changes at all. 

@bwguy John (in addition to Jason) has also helped me. He’s straight forward with his recommendations. If you can get both cables in to demo you will have your answer. I’ve chosen SR over a number of other major cable brands.

Shunyata Sigma is one I am interested in also.  I have Mac amps, which is why Jason recommended Synergistic Research.

What sound characteristics/improvements are you looking for and what are you using now?

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@bwguy A few months ago, I did a bit of a power cable shootout including the following:

Synergistic Research Atmosphere UEF Level III (not HC)

Synergistic Research Atmosphere X Euphoria (not HC)

Synergistic Research Galileo SX

Shunyata Sigma NR (version 1)

DH Labs Corona AC

I would say of all of those, the Shunyata and the DH Labs AC cables were the "hottest" sounding. The two were almost indistinguishable, and I preferred the DH Labs, which was a bit less fatiguing. This is saying a lot for DH Labs since 1.5M of the Corona is $950 whereas the Shunyata Sigma NR retailed for $2500+.

The Synergistic Research cables I found to be less bright, less fatiguing, but also allowed for more to come out of the music overall. My ears heard more while trying less hard, if that makes sense. The Atmosphere Level III is a great cable on the used market as they pop up around $1K - $1.2K, but they are not the end game on slam/current delivery. The Euphoria is just a bit better, and Galileo SX is what I consider to be my endgame reference.

I would say that it also becomes system dependent. I’ve tried Galileo SX in some places, and the sound is just too beefy. Likewise, I’ve tried the DH Labs Corona and Shunyata cables in places that needed some zip and slam and these cables can also do wonders if the synergy calls for it.

I guess that at the end of the day, in a cost-no-object situation, I prefer SR cables. I find them to deliver more, but I don’t find them to be fatiguing in any way. I’m not sure "lively" is the right way to describe them, but they have done wonders in my system. I also really love the DH Labs Corona for what it can deliver in its price point. I still haven’t found a cable 3X its price that I like better.

Disclaimer: I am a DH Labs dealer, but hopefully you can sense my honesty in this post.

Sooo, what improvements and sound characteristics are you looking for?. That’s critical information. 

@bwguy McIntosh amps are detailed and open sounding. Your B&W D tweeters are resolving and airy. I’d be looking for a power cable that just allows these qualities to shine in the best possible way. It’s really easy to tip the balance in the wrong direction especially in a system like yours. 
What interconnects and speaker cables are you using?

Speaker cables are Audioquest William Tell bi wire.  Inter connects are Audioquest earth.

Siox, just trying to upgrade cables to the level of my others.  Looking for a holographic sound.

@bwguy   Bliss HiFi ( @blisshifi ) has given you a clear "feel" for the SR power cables.

+1 to his post.


"My ears heard more while trying less hard, if that makes sense."

His above sentence encapsulates the essence and is very telling.

I have conducted multiple A/Bs against a number of power cables and my findings align with his.

I have been using a full loom of SR's SRX cables for nearly two years. I also have a spare Euphoria since I've replaced it on the grounding block with a SRX. Interesting results there.  I have also had the Euphoria level interconnects in my system...and compared them against other cables. SR's Euphoria level is very good at the price point. 

As others have mentioned, take advantage of the Cable Cos. lending program. It will help you sort it out and ultimately you will make a better choice. 

Just remember, when you get to the stage of replacing power cords and interconnects etc, you talking about lifting veils.  The difference may be immediately noticeable, but even then it won't be transformative,  Manage expectations and you have a greater chance of being happy.  Also, be honest about your system and what kinds of veils might be lifted.  We have a Synergistic Research Powercell UEF that came with a pretty crazy high end power cord.  May be the same one you're talking about.  My bride gave it to me for Christmas a couple of years ago.  She didn't know she was giving it to me for Christmas but there it was under the tree, wrapped, from her to me.  Hey, I saved her from all those shopping decisions.  What a great guy, eh?  Anyway, I put in the system on Christmas day, expecting/hoping for the best.  About 5 seconds into the first track that I played, which was from the String Chesse Incident, "Rhythm of the Road" NYE concert the words, "That's different" unexpectedly came out of my mouth.  Lifted a veil I didn't know was there.  Music was both little clearer, and a little quieter, though not less loud.  Instruments a little more separate, music was a little more "present".  Not transformative but made a positive impact.  And absolutely worth it, btw.  I'm impressed with the efforts of Synergistic Research.  I put their fuses in another amp some years ago, but I think that was more of a rescue attempt and not a fair test.  

I’d recommend the AZ Krakatoa PC, and this one seems like a great value that you can probably resell at little/no loss if it doesn’t work for you. Reason I recommend it is because I have a full loom of AZ cables and their level of detailed yet natural and organic presentation is intoxicating, and the depth and 3D imaging/soundstage is outstanding and may save you a boatload of $$$ with little/no risk.

Alternatively, I’m gonna throw out a dark horse candidate that I think offers outstanding performance and value. The LavriCable Grand power cords are made of 5N silver wire and are an incredible value at $533 for a 2m PC. I’ve got several of their cables, and I can say they offer an incredible amount of detail and refinement but with excellent tonality silver cables often miss but with outstanding 3D imaging and huge and transparent soundstage. I think both @ghdprentice and @lak might have their power cords and maybe will chime in here, but I think this company is onto something and offering incredible value for the performance on offer. Whether you choose the AZ or LavriCable PCs I highly doubt you’d be disappointed either way and potentially save thousands of $$$ over the SR cable. Just my $0.02 FWIW. Hope this helps, and best of luck.

BTW, I just splurged $200 for a SR Purple fuse for my recently fully upgraded SMcAudio amp so I’m certainly not against SR products if that’s the way you decide to go. Just wanted you to know I’m in no way a SR hater, and their fuses came very highly recommended from SMcAudio, which is high praise in my book.

Sorry @soix I have to disagree. Speaking of dark sounding cables - Krakatoa and even more so Gargantua. Owned a few of each with different components running different speakers over a period of about a year and always the same effect. Fat, slow and sounds like a bowl of overcooked oatmeal.
I’m a huge fan of AZ interconnects though (Matrix Ref Mk2, Silver Ref Mk2, Absolute Copper and Absolute Silver) but just can’t recommend their power cords. 

I’d stick with the top players in the pc game - AQ, Shunyata, SR, Audience. Add Transparent to the list. Try and buy whatever sounds best. 

Funny when I spoke to Jason a while back he had the same recommendation. I think maybe these places get a SPIF or something for selling those brands?

Whatever you get please write back as I would love to know what you hear. I won a power cord from TMR and heard no difference from stock power cords. I have it plugged into the Streamer figuring best to have any improvement at the beginning of the sound chain.

Best. JH

Thanks everyone. Quite an informative conversation. I will search out the Cable Company and compare a few after I get my GIK art panels in about 4 weeks. @Johna5, I sometimes wonder the same thing about having financial incentives to recommend a particular brand.

By the way, I am curious if any thoughts on my current Kimber pK 10’s. Are these decent? I think they were on Stereophile magazines recommended list several years ago.

I did comparison between AQ Robin Hood Speaker cables and a no name brand. I heard a diff in the highs and had a friend listen who heard the same difference.  I didn't tell him what I hear first.  Anyway there is a diff in sound but subtle. 

What sound do you prefer (hyper detailed or warm leaning).  What are the other components and to your ear are you hearing more warmth or more detail and which way to you want to go.  That will help you a lot in narrowing choices


Hard for me to articulate, but I like a lot of detail, but prefer a warmer overall sound. I feel my Mac’s help out with my B&W 802d3’s, as at times the highs can sound sharp on some recordings. However, the B&W’s are also very detailed. I also use a Lumin x1 for streaming, which is also super detailed and dynamic.

I also worked with Jason and he recommended trying the SR Foundation cables. I demo’d 3 different brands and I immediately noticed the SR was the best of the bunch. I now have SR Foundation speaker cables and interconnects. I haven’t gotten the upgraded power cables yet. 

@bwguy so in that case more detail would be not good?  If so then try cables that don't add to the detail and push the system in that direction.

I have been going through a similar experience where my Esoteric DAC/Streamer was detailed and my pass labs XA25 was warm leaning. Seems to always be a balance between detail and warmth and selecting components/cables etc that add to either side of the equation.

I love this stuff!  

don't use any cables that are ofc junk they're extremely overpriced and you're being ripped off if you want the best sound used cables that are made from OCC single Crystal copper or silver far superior to anything ofc on the market at any price night especially rip off Transparent and MIT.


I had the N05XD which was a streamer/DAC/Pre-amp.  No interconnects needed.  I swapped it out for a Reimyo 777 DAC, SPL Director Preamp and Lumin U2mini streamer. Then traded the XA25 for the SPL S1200.  My system is now very accurate but the 777 made it holographic. I have to down sample all music to CD quality as the 777 doesn't not do any over sampling or hi-res music


I have the L3 Atmosphere X HC power cable on my Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated and other SR power cables employed thorough out the system.  I really appreciate the performance.  I have used upper level Audience, AQ, and MIT in my systems over the years.  Each has its advantages and can be very system dependent. The Cable Company has provided solid advice in the past due to their extensive personal knowledge or database of products in certain applications acquired over time due to their business model of lending...  I used to like to mix a lot of different brand cables in my system but the last years I have relaxed into more of a "full system same company" approach.  It works well with my current SR products.  You may want to think more about the Audioquest options that might work well with your other AQ cables.  Good luck.

I have tried so many power cords. I did own for a time the SR SX power cord. It was good, but, when I demoed a AudioQuest Dragon it was game over. (BTW, I also own the Lumin X1).

This power cord really locked in with my equipment. I have now bought several, all used of course.

So, you can go the continuous upgrade path or seek out a Used Dragon and be done.
