Synergistic Research Euphoria HC power cord.

Anyone have any thoughts on this power cord?  I would be using on McIntosh  611’s.


Showing 1 response by surfcat

Just remember, when you get to the stage of replacing power cords and interconnects etc, you talking about lifting veils.  The difference may be immediately noticeable, but even then it won't be transformative,  Manage expectations and you have a greater chance of being happy.  Also, be honest about your system and what kinds of veils might be lifted.  We have a Synergistic Research Powercell UEF that came with a pretty crazy high end power cord.  May be the same one you're talking about.  My bride gave it to me for Christmas a couple of years ago.  She didn't know she was giving it to me for Christmas but there it was under the tree, wrapped, from her to me.  Hey, I saved her from all those shopping decisions.  What a great guy, eh?  Anyway, I put in the system on Christmas day, expecting/hoping for the best.  About 5 seconds into the first track that I played, which was from the String Chesse Incident, "Rhythm of the Road" NYE concert the words, "That's different" unexpectedly came out of my mouth.  Lifted a veil I didn't know was there.  Music was both little clearer, and a little quieter, though not less loud.  Instruments a little more separate, music was a little more "present".  Not transformative but made a positive impact.  And absolutely worth it, btw.  I'm impressed with the efforts of Synergistic Research.  I put their fuses in another amp some years ago, but I think that was more of a rescue attempt and not a fair test.