Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Ha! Thanks Frank naturally that is already on Tidal and just queued it up! Any of you guys who aren't streaming at least a little bit, this is why it's so great! Recommend, seek, find, listen!
We really do have quite similar taste. I purchased that 4 Disc set of Jimmy Giuffre-Jim Hall collaboration last fall and have listened to it in its entirety several times. In my opinion a mixture of West Coast cool and a Avant Garde influence. I like it!
Listening to it now and its fantastic, lovely music and a warm rich sound. Mellow but lively at the same time great tunes for a relaxed Friday!
Yes, and further evidence of the jazz guitar subtle masterry of Jim Hall .
^^^ The opening bass line on the first cut of disc # 4 is worth the cost of the entire set. I swear there is a bass player in the room. 
^^^ And to think that these recordings were made back in time and turned out with such realism. It proves it can be done ... so why don’t the major labels do it anymore??

Sure, there’s tape hiss on a lot of the old analog recordings, but I look at it as a blessing actually. Why? Because if the recording engineer removes the tape hiss, he’s removing some of the highs as well. Note to recording engineers .... hands off, please.

Jond ... I very rarely buy any music before checking it out on Spotify first. Its saved me a lot of money. I get both Stereophile and TAS. I check out all of the recommended music on Spotify. I wonder more often than not how the reviewers can come up with accurate reviews on the sound of equipment if this is what they’re listening to. Lots of electronically enhanced digital artifacts to be sure... but its not music.

Ah, the good old days, before solid state and before compression. Before solid state microphones, before crappy orchestras. Sigh

Frank I ditched Spotify years ago, you should consider giving Tidal a whirl it's real music as far as I, and many others are concerned. And agreed older analog recording are the way to go love that sound! And Charles, Jim Hall is a new discovery for me will certainly investigate further! I also love that on this recording  Jimmy Giuffre's sax is so rich and burnished sounding!
jond ...

If you like jazz guitar, here's one of the best:

This is a wonderful recording. It was never issued in stereo. I don't like to say who's the best this, or who's the best that ... but Barney Kessel would be in my top three jazz guitar players for sure. 

geoffkait ...

"Ah, the good old days, before solid state and before compression. Before solid state microphones, before crappy orchestras. Sigh"

What gets to me are some of the remastering of old recordings where I have the originals and can make a comparison. One of the most disappointing to me are the Mosaic reissues. This is a typical example of trying to eliminate tape hiss by rolling off the highs. I've tried a couple of their expensive box sets only to be frustrated. As an example, I bought their Chico Hamilton box set .... and compared the recordings to my originals, they sound dull and boring. The originals have life. The Mosaic reissues sound dead.  I never play them. A waste of money. I guess I should put them on Ebay and see what happens. 


My personal list of early master modern jazz guitarists in alphabetical order
Kenny Burrell
Jim Hall
Barney Kessel
Wes Montgomery
Joe Pass
Each is superb with their own individual sound. I make no attempt to try and rank them in terms of a hierarchy. Pointless endeavor for me. I just listen and enjoy.
See if this is available on tidal, "Night Lights " leader is Gerry Mulligan (baritone saxophone) of a sextet featuring Jim Hall and the superb Art Farmer (trumpet and flugelhorn). Jond this is simply beautiful jazz!
Charles thanks "Night Lights:  is queued up next! And I love many of the artists on your list!
My system, with three black fuses, is still sounding fantastic.

There, back on topic 😉
With 86 pages and 4200 + posts what more would you like to see regarding the SR or other upgrade fuses Don? Both sides of the issue have been presented ad Nauseum. Music/recording recommendations have been an intergral part of this thread for quite some time.

+1 You and Don are right. This thread is so diverse - thanks to all the wisdom displayed here and some great contributions.

Perhaps the thread could be expanded even further!

How about My Little Pony? Anyone have a favorite from a audiophile perspective? I quite like Applejack. I usually place her on the left speaker. It really adds to the imaging within the soundstage (more so than cables). I find Pinkie Pie adds depth and I usually place her on top of the DAC.

With 86 pages and 4200 + posts what more would you like to see regarding the SR or other upgrade fuses Don? Both sides of the issue have been presented ad Nauseum. Music/recording recommendations have been an intergral part of this thread for quite some time.

My apologies for asking this question, as I’m pretty sure it’s been asked already but never answered, but has anyone compared the SR Black fuse to the latest Audio Magic Beeswax fuse? Also, has anyone cryo'd his Black fuse and/or used contact enhancer on the end caps of the fuse? You know, something like new Graphene contact enhancer....

Feel free to initiate the topic of little ponies and determine interest by the feedback /replies you generate.  It may reach  (or exceed) the participation of music/recording posters. Who knows?
^^^ geoffkait ...

There were a couple of posters who've tried the Bees Wax fuses. They seem to prefer them slightly over the SR Black fuses. 

No one to my knowledge has tried the "cryo" ... at least they haven't mentioned it. 

Graphene contact enhancer?  Stay tuned. :-)

Recall HiFi Tuning data sheets show conductivity measured 2% better for cryo’d fuses over non-cryo’d versions. In both directions. Lol Better safe than sorry. Note to self: Cryogenics is anther area that has escaped much attention by well meaning audiophiles.

Why do fuses and music make some people so cranky? And what's wrong with talking about music on an audio forum? And what can be said about fuses that hasn't been said already? I wish some folks on this thread would just lighten up a bit. And on a lighter note been really grooving in Jim Hall last night and today, will check some Barney Kessel out later Frank.  I've owned "the Poll Winners" for years so heard him before but never really delved thanks for the tip!
Post removed 
Good comments, discussing the music and artists is what I've enjoyed most about this thread.  Jond, Barney Kessel  "Plays For Lovers "  is an excellent compilation of his small combo group recordings 1950s -1970s.  Corny title but a really fine recording.  Barney cannplay!!!
^^^   As we all know, this thread has expanded way beyond just "fuses." I'm glad it has ... and I hope it continues. As a result, I've made some new friends and improved my sound system immeasurably.  

Comparing my system from where it was when this thread started to where it is today is night and day. I would have never believed that such realism could be attained without changing or upgrading even one piece of electronics. Some of you are partially responsible for this with all of your hints/comments about past experiences and developments both old and new that YOU have discovered that helped you achieve better sound in your own systems. I'm totally grateful. 

I'm looking at this thread now as a watering hole where like-minded people can meet up to compare and discuss tweaks, music and just about anything else ... except politics and religion. 

One of the best experiences so far has been in exposing others to great jazz and opening the discussion up to what has been lost or hidden to most people in our society. In the commercial music world sales of jazz music is very low on the totem pole. Classical sales are even in worse shape. In some small way, I feel that exposing someone to the music of the past will start to turn things around. Its just too good to die off. 

We've had good discussions regarding recording quality too. I know there's plenty of old timers posting here who are acutely aware of the degradation the recording process has taken over the years, but there are plenty of newbies "lurking" around this thread as well who never post. They just read. (This is especially true since Ted Denny put this thread on the SR Facebook page. We're international ... !!)  I'm hoping they become deeper, more critical listeners, and start demanding better recordings from the commercial recording companies. Red Book CD's can sound really great, giving even the best analog rig a run for its money (something I wouldn't  have believed two years ago) if the recording process is done right. If we demand it, they will bring it forth. As for me, I've stopped buying poorly recorded music. I hope you will too. 

Awesome Charles "Plays for Lovers" is queued up and as always Frank well said!
This thread is not just about fuses. it's about it's 


There is a wonderful and new  10 page + review of the French audio resistors made by Lefson written by Jeff Day. These resistors are 35 to 90 Euros each !  He has considerable experience using audio quality parts with his Duelund capacitor + resistors in his Tannoy crossover project.
He points out the final voicing of a system can best be done by only the owner of the system in the room it is to by used in.

I think this approach is correct and can be appreciated by even the non soldering types such as myself. However, I can trial fuses and wall A/C outlets in my system and can achieve significant improvements. Unlike Lefson resistors and Duelund  parts, Synergistic Research and Audio Magic fuses and outlets are sold with a 30 day trial or return policy. The results of using the SR Black fuses and SR  Black outlets in my systems have been substantial. I do hope any new readers of this thread will summon  up the courage and give the audio grade fuse and wall outlet an audition.

The process of making this effort is a worthwhile endeavor.

David Pritchard
David ...

Welcome back. You were sorely missed. A gentleman's gentleman if there ever was one. 


Hi David,

I hope you and your music loving mother are both doing well.


To Frank and Charles 1:

Thank you for the kind words. I do hope all audiophiles who are reading this thread will try and attend the LA Audio Show this June 2-3-4 (Friday thru Sunday. It is a great opportunity to see and hear a lot of great equipment and perhaps as importantly meet the people who design and build this equipment. Also there will be playing live, a fabulous 16 piece jazz Big Band the  "BBB ". This band will be playing some serious swinging jazz that is now nearly impossible to hear live.

Mother is doing quite well with continued upgrading of her system! Not many 93 year olds use a computer based system streaming music thru an Antelope DAC to a type 45 tube amp. She does however wonder what Charles 1 does with all that extra power his  300B amp puts out (her amp max output is 1.5 watts!).

David Pritchard
Lenny Breau should be included in any discussion of astonishing guitar players (I know his brother Denny from the Maine music scene and he’s why I know of Lenny other than simply having heard of him). He really deserves a listen if you don’t know the guy, and utterly worth a trip to Youtube as his technique is mind blowing.

Also note that "special" supposedly transformative audiophile fuses are silly and unnecessary, and you can insure the fuse in your rig is doing all that needs to be done, or CAN be done by a fuse (it’s a fuse…a "tiny little wire" in a tube that’s there to melt if necessary…that’s its only job), by simply cleaning the fuse contacts from time to time. This information will save you time and money that can be spent elsewhere on something that actually matters, and this should end the "fuse" part of this thread. I look forward to seeing if it does.
I will look into the music of Lenny Breau. He sadly had a short and tragic life, found dead in à Los Angeles apartment roof swimming pool at age 43. To this day rumors persist,  suicide or homicide? Some similarities to Chet Baker's demise. 
Thanks for the rec wolf Lenny Breau is queued up next "The Hallmark Sessions".
Hi Jond, 
 Let me know what you think of Breau's playing style and music.
Readers of this thread who are going to the LA Audio show and use 300B tubes please let me know. I am planning on bringing a pair of specially treated 300B tubes to the show to compare with what is being demonstrated. That is if I can find a list of amps that are to be used !

David Pritchard
Charles his playing is excellent and style of music is solid. Definitely different not as classically jazz guitar but well worth seeking out!
Hi Jond, 
Thanks,  I appreciate your feedback.  I'll check him out. 
Wolf-Garcia ...

Thanks for the Lenny Breau recommendation. I checked him out on Spotify and put him on the "to do" list. Definitely my kind of music. The sellers sure are proud of the guy based upon the prices they want for his CD's.  Here' the one I listened to. Its a two CD set:

Lots of nice ballads. Just right for the morning coffee sessions. 

On the SR Black fuses ...

Look into the cause and effects of micro-arcing whenever two separate  metal contacts are set into place. Check out how Graphene eliminates the micro-arcing and reduces smear.  This seems like a good place to start:


Frank and all readers:
I just received a bottle of Graphene contact enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio (New Zealand ). I am looking forward to giving it an audition.
Samsung is spending three Billion dollars on Graphene research this year!

David Pritchard
I read a year or so that lithium ion batteries charging time could be reduced by at least 25% with the addition of graphene to their charging posts. Another benefit was that this added material allowed for the battery to approach a near 100% full charge capability when compared to the standard terminal post which never seemed to reach full capacity. Tom
^^^ As I understand it, in addition to eliminating micro arcing, Graphene lowers resistance to the point of almost nothing. 
Unfollow this discussion a few times and I have selected that option but I cannot seem to get rid of this thread. Any suggestions from anyone?
My Pass XA 160.8 monoblocks have thermal magnetic breakers.
Years ago I tried HiFi tuning fuses in my Spectral monoblocks; 1 blew that day, the other is still in the amp. So 1 amp has a HiFi tuning fuse , the other a fuse from Ace Hardware. Can't hear any difference. End of fuse tweaks for me. The humor of this thread has worn off. How do I end it?
Nkonor…wait…you have to stick around to hear what the deal is about graphene! Your fuses can become FUSIER…what?'re happy with the sound of your system? HERESY I SAY…if your current (pun…now that's funny!) fuses are doing their job, just imagine the level of wonderfulness they will provide with graphene juice! The fuses will melt quicker in an electrical emergency, your soundstage and overall system tone will be TONIER...Come on man…you need this stuff...

Finally some humor. The Pass amps, Manley Steelhesd w/ NOS Telefukens, LP12 and Kuzma are just fine. I am interested in hearing from Ralph who says he has successfully installed a 12" Triplanar arm onto a Technics 1200 GAE. Fuses / Graphene --- Must be heating loss. Maybe I will get to hear the improvements when the utility company starts using graphene in the Grid.

Frank and all readers:
I just received a bottle of Graphene contact enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio (New Zealand ). I am looking forward to giving it an audition.
Samsung is spending three Billion dollars on Graphene research this year!

One hopes the Samsung smartphones that exploded all over the place last year weren’t the first run of Samsung Graphene microchips and Graphene enhanced lithium batteries. After all, Samsung has been spending wads of dough on Graphene research for what, 4 years? Maybe the electron velocity exceeded the speed of light and blew up.


^^^ Okay wolfie ... if you keep knocking something you haven't heard, the Graphene fairy will come to your house and spew reality all over your sound system, in which case you will not be able to tear yourself loose from your listening chair. You will be doomed. No food. No beer ... just you sitting alone stuck to the chair in musical bliss forever saying: "I don't hear any difference!" :-)

Got any more good music references?? 

Here’s one for you, jazz trombonist Avi Lebo "Shades Of Brass " Mapleshade recording. Very natural in the room/you are there sound. Very fine musicianship. Really captures the authentic sound of the trombone.
^^^ Thanks Charles.

Pierre gets the recordings right. Do you like bluegrass? This one puts the musicians right there in the room with you: