Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...

Like many of you fellow Agoners I am striving to get the best sound quality out of my digital streaming front end. To that end I have invested in various high end switches, re-clockers, ethernet cables, various USB filters/re-clockers, high end servers and delved into fiber optic conversion configurations. All of these measures did improve sound quality at varying levels. I felt my system sounded as good as a decent CD transport on many streaming recordings in Qobuz. However, I still felt there was something missing. I felt my system was still being held back. You can see my system under virtual systems here.

Well, I stumbled across something that has finally enabled my digital system to be all it can be. I cannot fully express the level of sound quality improvement realized with the addition of the Network Acoustics ENO Ag filter and ENO Ag streaming ethernet cable. It has been 10 days now since I added these to my system and I can now confidently say my streaming and system are all they can be sonically.

Here is the set up that has caused me to sell off and move past many other powered filters, reclockers, fiber optic options, and other streaming tweaks and gadgets. Frankly, the ENO additions are miles ahead of these other options sonically in my system and experience. Miles. This is my personal experience and please understand this perspective.

Netgear NighHawk modem/router power by an LPS > Supra cat 8 ethernet cable > English Electric 8Switch > Network Acoustics ENO Ag streaming cable > ENO Ag ethernet filter > Innuos Zenith III > Mojo Audio Evo dac

The English Electric 8Switch is also wonderful. Will a lower cost, standard switch sound as good in this set-up? Not sure as I have not tried. I am so ecstatic with my sound system that I don’t want to touch it!

There is a certain rightness from top to bottom that’s intoxicating. The tone is so beautiful and natural with no hint of electronic glare or digital artificiality. Music flows with far greater ease and has an uncanny, unforced nature to it. The stage is far deeper with the music flowing from a plane that is layered and completely separate of the speakers. This aural sensation, at this level of nuance, is new to my system and experience. The ENO products made this possible.

Instruments are presented with a new realism that is arresting to my senses. There is a wholistic presentation that spreads out all around me and my space. Just a joy to experience. Yes, the speakers seem to float the music into my space without any attention or localization of the speaker box or physical presence.

No part of frequency spectrum is out of place or forced. I am sure this has to do with the absence of noise. My music is equally articulate and resolved at low or loud volumes. Music stays controlled and enticing no matter how complex or bombastic the recording.

The ENO filter is passive, not powered, so there is no need of any power supply or plug. This is a huge plus.

Hope you streaming audiophiles find this helpful.


Please PM me if you’re interested in auditioning the USB III cable. 
I am currently using a Triode Wire Labs Split Power & Data USB Cable that I found to match my tastes better than what I was getting from either the Curious or the Totaldac USB cables. It seems to provide a good balance of tone, body, detail, and dynamics.  However, since I keep reading how much you guys like the USB III and since I have seen a couple of them for sale used lately, I am considering giving it a try. 

I still cannot bring myself to try the ENO filter since none of the small boxes I have tried made even a small improvement.  Also, I wouldn't expect much from the ENO filter since I am running 45 feet of fiber and only about 1 foot of Ethernet cable into my streamer.
I agree with @grannyring. The USB III is one of the finest cable I’ve had the pleasure of auditioning in my system. They do come with no question asked return policy should anyone wants to try them out.

As far multiple listings, people switch out gear and cables all the time for various reasons. Doesn’t mean it’s no longer worthy of your consideration. It could just mean that component or cable was not the right fit in your system or to your liking or as pointed out no longer needed due to a change in your system configuration.
You do realize all but one are the same seller with three different listings for the same cables!  The ONLY other seller simply switched from ENO USB to ENO ethernet.   Just switched how he hooks up his gear and stayed with ENO.  Simply reading a little revealed these truths.  
I owned the SABLON and it is good. No doubt. The ENO was much better in my system.  More musically engaging with better tone, body and ease.  Just more natural and real sounding. A special USB cable for sure. 
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Makes no sense? You have other issues going on for sure. Does not impact that at all. Talk to the builder and sort out the issue. Never heard of this happening with any Ethernet cable and the filter is passive.
I have the ENO for a few days now and nothing but dropped signals. No thanks. Thankfully they let you audition it. 
My findings also vs SABLON and others.  Just great products from Network Acoustics! 
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rh67 reading through this topic i thought to try the NetWork Acoustics USB cable it turned out sensational we’re as my favourite Sablon Audio USB cable I noticed did mask some tiny details now better defined and better recognizable with well recorded live music. 
I find timbre with well recorded vocals on par with the fabulous Sablon USB cable however side by side comparison the NetWork Acoustics won for over all definition .
Interesting stuff here. 

Has anyone compared the Shunyata Omega USB cable to the ENO USB cable? I own the Shunyata cable and it has made a stunning difference in SQ in my system.

I stream via a Mac Mini to a Lampazator DSD DAC, the Mac Mini is just as good as the many up to 15k streamers i have had in my system this is from personal experience and living with many streamers.

But i do know that the incoming signal from router to the Mac can be better so the ENO products are of interest to me so i hope to see more reviews here.
@calgarian5355 Network switches do two things. They buffer the data coming in and send it out again to the next receiving device, and, depending on their quality, 1) give a more precisely clocked data stream. Precise clocking of data reduces phase noise and gives a purer and fuller sound. And 2) they will stop some of the RFI noise coming in being passed out again. The RFI noise kills soundstage and separation of instruments.
The ENO, being a passive device can only filter so much noise, so coupled with a local switch it can share the filtering, the switch doing what it can and then the ENO mopping up the rest.
I hope that explains wh the combination works so well.

A good quality network switch such as the EE8, just by your system, will ‘buffer’ the Ethernet data coming in and send it out again with less RFI noise, but also better timed, so less phase noise. An ENO filter between the switch and your streamer will filter out the remaining ‘noise’. So you end up with a noise free, nicely timed Ethernet data stream into your Streaming device.
In my experience, CAT6 or CAT7 isn’t the defining factor on sound quality for short runs, it’s the overall ‘quality’ of the cable.

Disclaimer. Network Acoustics Co-founder.

@calgarian5355 I currently have the Gigafoil V4 and the ENO Ag between my router and streamer. I had the EtherRegen at one point but felt the Gigafoil was just as good so I sold it. As far as Ethernet cables they can make a big difference but ultimately settled on Rich’s matching Ag cable. Also investing in a good LPS on the router and Gigafoil yields significant gains as well.
I hope you don't mind me joining in on the conversation.  What is the significance of employing a network switch in between the router and the streamer?  How does a switch improve the sound quality?  Also, I've been reading about specifically using a Cat6 Ethernet cables between the switch and the Gigafoil v4 as well as between the Gigafoil and the ENO.  Why a Cat6 versus a Cat7?  Is there some significance there?  I'm considering the ENO Ag as well as the Gigafoil v4, but I'm confused about adding the switch....Any thoughts?
Time to report my findings.  As a refresh, I ordered the ENO Ag system (filter and cable) and an English Electric network switch. 

I got the ENO a few weeks ago.  The switch was on backorder and I just got it today.

Honestly, there was minor improvement with the ENO alone.  However, with the addition of the switch - well I can say @grannyring was right.  

Please don’t ask me how or why.  I, too, was skeptical but figured it was a relatively minor investment - and equipment I could return if it didn’t make a difference.  

Even my wife - who doesn’t care in the least - and didn’t know I had put it in the system said “it’s sounding really good” - unsolicited.

Needless to say, I’m not returning the gear as I’m pretty happy with the results!

My thoughts while reading the two previous posts....

“Veroguy’s report is gonna be so interesting and useful—regardless of the outcome.  How great is it that folks evaluate stuff I’m interested in and report their findings?”

“Holy Moly, Raceace already did 2/3 of what Veroguy is going to do and is about to spill”

”Wait, there’s a twist.  Now I’ll have two members’ findings in the coming week or so”

Delayed, gratification is on its way.  Kidding aside, I appreciate it and very much look forward to your reports.

@veroguy I A/B'd with and without Gigafoil in my chain which is similar to yours with ENO Ag right before my streamer. I won't say anything to create bias for you. Looking forward to your findings!
Thanks to all who shared their experience.  I just ordered the ENO AG.  Front end chain will be:

  1. Router - powered by Sbooster LPS
  2. Cat6 ethernet cable (long, Blue Jeans)
  3. Gigafoil v4 - powered by Sbooster LPS
  4. Cat6 ethernet cable (short, Sablon)
  5. ENO AG
  6. Streamer - DCS Network Bridge
  7. DAC - Mojo EVO

I'll try the ENO with/without the Gigafoil, and with/without the LPS's in the chain.  Will report back.


Having a purely optical connection from your ER to your streamer doesn’t allow for any ‘electrical’ noise to get through, but, inside your streamer there will be a conversion process back to electrical, and this may generate some noise which is hopefully managed internally.
We have no direct experience with the Sonore you have, so cannot say 100% for sure, but in this particular case I wouldn’t expect our cable to make a difference, but it’s a funny old world!
I will let @richtruss answer this question.  I just know his ethernet cables are spectacular and should indeed “help”.  Yes, the ENO USB cable is indeed better than mine! Even better than my newer Helix design. 

"I just added the Network Acoustics USB cable and to say I am impressed is a huge understatement. Easily the finest USB cable I have heard in my system. Their products are world class and a great find for those of us with streaming front ends."

Seeing that I think that your Acoustic BBQ USB cable is the best of the several I have used in *my* system, that's really saying something!

More on topic:  I have a Sonore Signature Rendu SE with the optical connection.  I run copper to the etherRegen B side and, from its A side, optical to the Rendu.  My system never has sounded better.

If I understand the posts in this thread, mine, with an optical to optical segment, is the one type of network wired connection that the ENO won't help.  Am I reading this thread properly?

If I am, is the NA ethernet cable still useful and helpful between my RJ-45 wallplate connector and the etherRegen B side RJ-45 connection or does the subsequent optical segment make it as unnecessary as the ENO?

I have my ENO Ag and cable coming. They’re back ordered, but I’ll report to the group my findings.  I also decided to take the plunge on an upgrading my network and found a source to get the English Electric switch. That’s also back-ordered about 3 weeks. (I couldn’t pull the trigger on the Melco and SoTM switches which are really pricey).  I’ll also report my findings on the switch as well.

Happy listening all,

Thanks much.  I’ll reach out to Network Acoustics tomorrow to get a unit coming my way to try. 

And, talk about a nice system - I looked at yours!

I would suggest inserting ENO Ag Filter between Google Mesh (located near) your Auralic G2.1 streaming / DAC. You are very likely to hear audible improvements from ENO there. 

BTW, you have a very nice audio system. If you decided to get ENO, please post your feedback. 
I’m intrigued, but am unsure if I’ll enjoy the benefits of others. I have a Nighthawk router w/ the WiFi turned off.  I connect a google router into the Nighthawk and operate a 3 zone mesh system so that I can plug my streamer into one of the WiFi points via Ethernet. I did this as i needed the extended range for work and can’t run an Ethernet cable from the nighthawk across the house.  

I really don’t know if I’m isolating my streamer from the EMI/RMF noise others are picking up w/ a long cat 5 cable.  I do have a lengthier Ethernet cable from the WiFi point than needed so will probably try the NA cable there. 

I’m happy to reach out to NA but want to hear from experienced users first.

I tried the Intona and a bunch of other stuff. The ENO is just in a different league in terms of sonic gains. Easily the best upgrade I have ever made in audio. For me this is the bottom line of the ENO products and my streaming enjoyment. A no-brainer IMHO. ✌️
I have emailed with Richard a couple of times and he has been very helpful.  One question I had that I would be interested in hearing more about from this group of users is, whether any of you have tried the copper version of ENO and what you thought about it.  I noticed the copper and silver versions cost the same and when I asked about it Richard told me they use a special copper and because of the costs they need to charge the same amount for the copper and silver versions.  He basically said the silver version would be more versatile and better for me to order.  I have not heard of anyone who has ordered the copper version and have not seen any feedback on how it differs in sound from the silver version.

Congratulations on your new DAC. Mojo makes great sounding DAC’s. BTW, your system is amazing. I believe ENO filter with their LAN cable is worth a trial in your system. Reach out to Richard at Network Acoustics for one on one consultation. Based on my experience, you can count on his expertise and honesty.

Good luck!
Great point on the 30-day trial lalitk.  I have returned a couple of manufacturer's complementary trial pieces, but I cannot remember ever returning an item under a 30-day trial period.  I hate to be "that guy" but in this case it may make some sense to give it a try and be ready to return.  I am supposed to receive my new Mojo DAC (trading up from Mystique v3 to EVO B4B 21) any day so then would be a good time to try the ENO, instead of with the Mystique v3 DAC I have now.  I will strongly consider trying it but I need to check on when the EVO is getting here - they were delayed by a part that was hard to get.  

I get what you saying. The level of improvement from cables and filters are very subjective and system dependent. I can only speak to my experience with ENO Ag Filter / Ag LAN and USB cable.

I can only encourage you to try ENO filter and LAN cable in your system. If you don’t get that “gotta have it” satisfaction, send it back. They are accompanied by 30 days risk free in-home audition :-)
@anzaanimalclinic, you seem to have a lot of experience with these digital delivery enhancers, so what is the level of improvement you perceive from the additions and changes you described?

I struggle to justify the amount of improvement for the price with most of these types of enhancers. As an example, I changed DACs recently, which resulted in a pretty big difference in the sound of my system....not so much the "quality" since both DACs are good, but more in how the musical sounds are presented with differences in smoothness, frequency emphasis, sense of power, clarity, and dimensionality, moving things in the direction of my individual sonic priorities.

OTOH, with respect to small boxes, digital cables, optical connections, and other digital enhancers - I have tried many and in most cases the differences have been.....meh...whatever. In my experience, small boxes and digital cables have not made huge differences in my enjoyment of the music. Slightly different sound, sure, but "gotta have it"....not so much. I would love to try the ENO and associated NA cables, as well as a bunch of other stuff like the Sonore Signature Rendu SE, the Intona USB Isolator, and different digital cables, but at the end of the day I struggle to justify spending a bunch of money on more small boxes or cables that will likely wind up on the shelf next to my other small boxes and extra cables. I know many here with good systems and ears have promoted the ENO and the NA cables, as well as other digital stuff, but I have seen too many other products over the past 20 years here that go through the flavor of the day cycle of huge admiration/praise/promotion only to be surpassed by something else within 6 months to a year....particularly in the digital arena. I guess I am a skeptic, based on my experiences - guilty.
I initially preferred the EE8 between a SOtM switch and Innuos server with the NE ENO-Ag between the EE8 and Innuos while placing an ER between the home router and SOtM.
After adding fiber between the SOtM and ER with an external clock I found it was better to swap the positions of the EE8 and ER.

FWIW I initially powered the EE8 with an Uptone JS-2 and the ER with and Uptone LPS1.2 which was powered by their meanwell SMPS.  Removing the SMPS and using the JS-2 to power the LPS1.2 was significant to the performance of the ER.

I replaced a Curious Cable with a NE USB cable.  I dont remember it being called USB III, is that a new product?
I have not heard their digital cable as I don’t use one in my system. However, everything I have heard sounds best in class so I image that cable will also. 
While I have not heard the ENO I’m using 3 Accustics Revive LAN Isolater from FMC to switch, switch to server and server to dac.
 Both are passive devises that have a big impact on cleaning up the sound of digital.
@grannyring I'm considering their Digital SPDIF cable and I currently use your Helix Dueland. Is the Network Acoustic cable a significant improvement?
@lalitk Thanks. This will be a contender when I decide to upgrade my USB cable.

The USB cable from Network Acoustics comes with most common industry standard terminations, i.e. Type A on streamer output and Type B on DAC input.
Is the NE USB cable designed to work optimally with their components, e.g. ENO, are can it work on its own? I would like to try it between my Sonore opticalRendu streamer and DAC.
Yes indeed.  I am so enjoying the NE USB cable.  Wonderful ease and a sense of noise.  My dac does not need the 5V conductor so mine was built without it.  Easily the finest sounding USB cable I have had in my system.  

I also love the flexibility of this cable. 
I have been listening to USB III for about a week and concur with @grannyring recommendation. Anyone shopping for a USB cable, they should not settle for any other cable unless they have auditioned the NA’s USB III. The USB Cable III delivers exceptional levels of realism, all very naturally and effortlessly. The construction is first rate and you would appreciate its flexibility.

Thanks for sharing your impressions. Their USB and SPDIF cables are on my wish list :-) 
I just added the Network Acoustics USB cable and to say I am impressed is a huge understatement.  Easily the finest USB cable I have heard in my system.  Their products are world class and a great find for those of us with streaming front ends.  

Great night of music! 

You would need another USB cable to complete the loop with Intona. The device has host-side USB-B; device-side USB-A connectors.

Or better yet, you could try iPurifier 3 risk free from Amazon.

Thank You for the details @lalitk.
So I have the laptop connected to the ethernet and then it sends the digits to the DAC via USB cable.So to use the Intona, we have to connect laptop the the intona and then the Intona to the DAC? The existing cable I have has USB Type-A on one end while the other is USB-B. Does this work with the Intona or does that need to be replaced as well?

I do recall our conversation about you stepping up to a dedicated streamer. I recommended ENO in that scenario or if you’re using a wired Ethernet connection (router to laptop). ENO’s potential is best realized when it goes between a dedicated streamer and your router or a switch.

A quick review of your virtual system tells me you’re using a USB cable between your laptop and Oppo DAC/player. I recommend using a device like Intona USB isolator would provide a uptick in SQ.

Let me know if I missed or overlooked anything.
I had put this product on my watch list after @lalitk 's recommendation. Now @grannyring also recommends it. Two long time A'goners can't go wrong. Makes it more exciting.
I currently use a laptop to stream my audio file from a NAS and stream from Tidal - via a ethernet connection. Will the ENO make a difference, or should I not bother till I get a streamer?
I also incorporated the ENO Ag into my system. Rich was extremely helpful in explaining some of the aspects involved. I went about it a little different. My router is 50' from my EMM NS1 streamer. CAT 8. I placed a switch at the router and another switch before the ENO Ag. Do two switches isolate more? I don't know. I do know with the ENO the noise floor is now lower, more articulation, darker background, and overall better musical presentation. @lalitk turned me on to this, and I am grateful.