Step me up from Paradigm Studio 20 v4 bookshelf, seriously.

I have been around here for a few years. Enjoying the game about once or twice a week. Yes I am hooked. Kind of sort of laid back on forums. Bought and sold a sizeable amount of equipment with one-hundred percent feedback. Probably a mid-fi guy. Best pair of speakers I have owned to me are Paradigms, namely Studio 60 v4 and current Studio 20 v4. Can anyone take me beyond these? Yes, a bit temperamental they are. Have never stepped up to, I guess Hi Fi speakers? Have tried Spendor 8se (too polite?), Paradigm Monitor 7 (not as good as Studio versions), Elac dbr62 (close to Paradigms but not as refined), Totem Rainmaker (maybe too small, not sure been a while back), Monitor Audio Silver 2 (kind of like Paradigms). Hooked on my Paradigm Studio 20 so far. Current system = Mid-Fi integrated (?) Rotel RA-1572, Bluesound Node 2i, Marantz SA-8004, Mhdt Orchid DAC (seriously love it), fair amount of decent cables. Like pop/rock music mainly. Integrated amps I have used: Rotel Rx-1052, Sim 340i DPX, Rotel RA-1572 (current), Musical Fidelity A3.5, NAD C368, Arcam.

Mostly into monitors/bookshelf due to room size, maybe front ported. Thinking of maybe some Spendor A1, Harbeth P3SR (or other models), Reference De Capo, Fritz?, Pro Ac?, B & W? No room treatments in my 14 by 18 room, as is fairly inert acoustically. I am an older retired audiophile (55-70). A bit of tinnitus, so nothing too bright. On Audiogon daily. Looking for some input/ideas. Lateral moves probable?

Any serious input welcome (maybe a bit of non-serious just for fun!). Love this hobby.




I have not made a change. Afraid to mess it up. Been there more than once. Of course then there is money. A different paradigm. 

jbmac, I've thinking about your statement that the S6's were too big for your room. Obviously, you have details that I don't. But I'll still throw this out there - I got curious, and made some measurements. My Studio 10's on the J29 stands have a footprint of 12"x13"x39 1/2" tall. My S6's have a footprint of 10"x14"x43 1/2" tall. So while they give the impression of being a lot larger, realistically, they're only 4" taller and have about the same base dimensions. With that you gain more bass, more detail across the board, etc. They've been the 2nd biggest improvement in my set up, first being the amp itself.
Take care
Post removed 
I don't think they were v3's, but a pair sold a few months ago on eBay for $1100 that were rosewood, seller described them as 'satin oak'. Even though you can't hear 'pretty', they looked amazing.

"jbmac, I’d keep an eye on eBay for S2’s, they pop up somewhat regularly. The J29 stands also show up from time to time, around $250, give or take. They’re great."

On my radar. Missed a very nice pair of v3 on US Audiomart in Sept as they sold in about 20 minutes for $1050! Thanks.

@mesch The room is not ideal as I have my system somewhat in one corner. A fireplace occupies the adjacent corner and there is not enough room to put system on the wall between. Room is about 13 by 17. Sytem and fireplace are on 13 foot wall.

I am generally happy with my Rotel. I auditioned a Parasound A23 amp and Parasound preamp and found it too sound overdriven or too large, for lack of better wording. Did work pretty well on some music. I use this for TV too so that has to be part of my equation. Another thing with some integrateds is the volume increments are too great. I like 0.5 or 1.0 increments.

I am generally fairly happy with my system given the room setup and my not 100% ears. Think I have that 'addiction' though. 

Bought some 28 inch Monoprice stands for the 20s a couple months ago and filled with sand and they are very heavy and quite well built. Was using 24 inch older three pillar Pangea. The Monoprice are definitely a good step up and believe the height change helped too. I know Paradigm recommends 29 inch for S2 and I believe the 20s too. 
jbmac, I'd keep an eye on eBay for S2's, they pop up somewhat regularly. The J29 stands also show up from time to time, around $250, give or take. They're great.
Rotel amps are known to be a bit forward (though I have not heard your model). I drove my Studio Reference 20s V4 with a Vincent 226MK tube hybrid integrated (100wpc) and that pairing sounded wonderful. I am sure the Orchid DAC helps out with what I call a slight hardness from the 20s. 

Room/speaker/amplifier matching is important. What is your room size?
Would buy a pair of S2.v3 for the right deal.

S6 are too big for my room. Thanks.
There's a nice looking pair of S6's currently listed, above your budget, but worth considering, to me. I owned the Studio 10's, which I thought were very good, went to the S6's, love them. Of course, then it was time to upgrade the amp, so there's that.Good luck
I was going to suggest upgrading the tweeters.  I saw a pair of beryllium tweeters for $500 but you’d want to upgrade crossovers too.  I think it is a smarter investment to sell your studio’s and get some signatures.  I’ve had a bunch of different studio’s, V.4 and V.5 and the sigs are a step up in build, finish and sound.  Its just more of what you love about the studios!
I had a RA-1570 couple years ago. Bought the 1572 about year ago and is much better. Also had a RA-12. Even older had Rotel RX-1052 receiver and that is a decent amp for the dollars. Still have one in second system.   
Man I almost thought it was my own post. I own the Paradigm Studio 20 v5s used to run them on my Rotel RA-12. Still love them, but now I have migrated to LS50s running on a Mac amp.
I myself am in the same boat, of where to go from here, I can tell you whats on my radar.
KEF R3 and R5
Dynaudio Evoke 
Salk Song3 

(Sound sig I like is warmish, not too bright and controlled bottom end)

I liked the RA-1570 when I listened to it. If the amp feels weak you could always use that as a preamp and adding a RB-1582 MKII or something of that sort. I’m Rotel fan so I’m biased. 

Hope this helps! Will be following your thread to see what you end up with. 
Seriously appreciate all the responses. Still may upgrade and add some acoustic treats. Thanks to all.
I moved 3 years ago and think I finally got these Paradigm's to talk to me. Temperamental. 
I have even considered upgrading the tweeter in the Studios to BE. Researching.
Those Paradigm Tributes here on the gon for $2750 are a great deal! No affiliation with the seller.  Take a look at them.  Absolutely beautiful finish, impeccable build quality, and you get a pure Beryllium tweeter, 7” midrange driver and 3, 7” bass drivers.
These will be a large step up from what you currently have in terms of refinement, soundstage, detail, and dynamics.
I  have a pair of Studio 60's V5 driven with both 100 wpc ss and Audio Space Galaxy KT88, both sound very full with the KT88 offering more detail. Now have second room specific to CD/SACD playback, and am using Sony SACD (XA5400ES w Modwright Truth upgrade) to Sony STR 5700 via HDMI, which supports their proprietary H.A.T.S. technology...and feeding to a pair of Opera Seconda's. Room sizes are similar, in the 13 x 14 x 9 range. I'm not sure if its the Sony combo, or the Opera's, or both...but that combination is amazingly clear and well defined, with depth and width of sound-staging that blows me away for the smallish size rooms I have. The Opera's are worth giving a listen to if you can find a pair to try.   
May be weak on Power here? Rotel Ra-1572. Have checked those speakers out on web a few times though.
I'm an Usher fan, so much so, I own 3 pair. I need to part with my BE-718s. These were praised by all of the press. I'm not familiar with your amp but their sensitivity is around 84 db. These thrive on power.

PM me if interested.

With a budget of $3000, within either the new or used market, I am sure you can find a pair that improves on the Studio 20s. I once owned the 20s (V4) that you own. Very much enjoyed them, very dynamic, exciting. Then bought a pair of Esoteric MG10s. I didn't loose out on anything from the 20s presentation however gained much greater refinement. The MG10s were far more articulate across the frequency range. Rarely see them used as they were removed from the US market `10 years ago. They were a great $2800 speaker. 
Try Dynaudio Evoke. They will have a "warmer" sound than Paradigm. But there is such a sweetness to their sound that really just draws you in and surrounds you. The 20's pack amazing punch for their size as well!According to Dynaudio Evoke is their "most successful product launch ever", and having owned them for 3+ months now I can see why. A definite improvement from their Excite line. I feel like with Evoke Dynaudio has returned to their "roots" which is what separated them from the rest for me...

Paradigm Prestige 75F. I have a pair with 300 hours on them and will sell to you if like? Great speakers!
I have a pair of Watkins Stereo Gen 4's, best bang for the buck in a smaller speaker. 
Check out a pair of music culture rl-21s on usaudio. They are magnificent sounding small loudspeakers. I heard a pair at Rmaf years ago. Blew my mind. If I needed a small pair of speakers right now, I’d buy them. Best of luck 
One thing I Iike about the Paradigms is the front port. Think Fritz has rear port? Kinda hooked on black ash too. Silly.

Surprised no mentions of Proac, Harbeth, Spendor.

Thanks b_limo for the comparison.
Thats a tough comparison.  I can tell you that I’ve had around 30-40 pairs of speakers, I honestly don’t know how many.  Out of everything I’ve had, the S2 V3’s and Carrera BE’s have been my favorite.  

The Carreras have a more natural tone and are a little warmer.  Instruments sound more natural on the Carreras.  The main difference though is in aesthetics.  The Carreras are elegantly understated and the ‘Digms are just elegant.
Something that is nice about Fritz Speakers is that you can actually talk directly with the speaker designer / builder, Mr. Fritz.  Also, his crossovers are pretty unique.  Im not sure of anyone else using series crossovers.  Another nice thing is if I do ever blow a driver I can easily get another one.

I don’t think you can go wrong with either the S2 V3 or the Carrera BE.

Also switched from Audioquest type 4 speaker wire to Canare 4s11 about 2 months ago. Seemed to give a fuller sound and remove some brightness. Have tried bi-wire but did not see any real change.  
Recently went from 24 inch stands to 28 inch and this did help. They are filled with sand and quite heavy (Monoprice). Do not have any acoustic treatments but have considered and may do. I do not listen real loud. Mostly rock and pop.

Have also tried Whafedale Denton 80th and LSA 1. Never could get the LSA to sound as full as the Paradigms. But since I have upgraded to the Ra-1572 and tube dac that really helped. Have considered the Paradigm S2 v.3 and may do so. 

The Fritz do sound interesting and I have been reading on them. Pulsars I will need to read up on. 

I appreciate all your inputs. I like the 'Retail Therapy' comment. Could be true. Retired and may have to dip into the investment money because I can. 

@b_limo  how did the Paradigms S2 compare to the Fritz Carrera BE?

Thanks all!
New fritz is in your price point and someone said joseph pulsars...the LSA  was  mqlade to sound close to pulsars at much less money. Fritz gives you a free trial. 
I’ve had a ton of Paradigms.  Probably more than anyone else around here. I liked how loud they would play and loved their looks (still do) but I thought they were all a little bright.  If you don’t think your studios are bright, a soft dome tweeter may sound too relaxed for you.

I’m a big fan of Beryllium tweeters.  I had a pair of Paradigm S2 V3’s and loved them.  If you could find a pair of S2 V3’s, buy them.

I currently have a pair of Fritz Carrera BE’s and love them.  Fritz speakers are just fantastic!

So, I’d look into Fritz, Salk, Ryan, Reference 3a.

Used Joseph Audio Pulsars (original version) would be a significant improvement across the board.  New LSA-10 Statement is on sale here for $2500 and has a 30-day, in-home trial that would tell you everything you need to know — read the reviews.  Best of luck. 
This is sort of like saying I would like to buy a new car. It has to be blue ....

The most distinctive things about Paradigm has usually been pretty flat response, good off axis, and they play pretty loud undistorted. and pretty good value for the money.

- Do you like your music loud?
- What do you listen to?

Odds of not being able to improve the acoustics in your room are pretty much nil, so don't discount that though it sounds more like you are looking more for retail therapy than perhaps the best sound.

Totems you will probably need a sub if you like what you have. Monitor Audio Gold models are well within your price range used, even the bottom of the Paradigm Persona range if you like the sound.  After that it is pretty much a dart board, apples and oranges, one man's trash another's treasure.

The tube dac was an improvement. Have thought about tube preamp or integrated. But system is also a tv system that gets used daily. Do like my speakers just got the bug. Thanks.
After using their Studio 100, 100v2, S8, tube, solid state, and switching amplifiers and preamplifiers I realized I was simply listening to much less music.
With the v2's and the S8's still in the house I purchased a one owner pair of Avalon Acoustics Eidolons.
Within the first few minutes even my family noticed a substantial preference.
Yes, this is an unfair cost comparison that laid bare the Paradigm house sound.
It turns out there was nothing wrong with all the electronics. Good luck with it.

Anything Vandersteen.     
Gershman Acoustics Studio II sounds like a nice fit.

Video review, including impressions with a Rotel amplifier:

I think you need to try a tube amp. The Rotel is not great. Neither are the other amps you've listed. Try a better amp and you may decide to keep your speakers.