Start with Upgrade to DAC?

I am ready to set out on an upgrade cycle to my system, which consists of the following, over the next couple of years:

* Rogue Audio RP-7 Preamp (Upgrades: Rogue RP-9 or McIntosh C2800--C2800 includes Phono preamp and DAC)

* Odyssey Kismet Monobloc Amplifiers (Keepers!)

* Lounge Audio LCR Gold phono preamp (Keeper!)

* Fyne Audio F-702 Speakers (Keepers!)

* Definitive Tech Supercube 6000 (Vandersteen Sub Three or Paradigm XR11)

* Schiit Bifrost 2/64 DAC (Schiit Yggydraseil or ????)

* NAD C568 CD Player used as transport (Schiit Urd or ???)

* iFi Zen Stream

*iPad Pro for Apple Music

* Ice Age Audio OFC Power Cords

* Audioquest and mostly Morrow Interconnects (RCA & XLR)

* Performance Audio Speaker Cables, using Mogami W3104 Speaker Wire

  I am thinking that perhaps the best place to start would be the DAC, with the idea of moving from the Bifrost 2/64, which I like, to the Yggdrasil (model TBD) DAC, which has gotten superb reviews that speak to sound quality characteristics that are of concern to me.  Budget for DAC upgrade is about $2500.  OR, should I go for room correction capability?

I recently replaced a highly-rated 100 wpc tube amplifier with the Odyssey mono blocs, and I was stunned by the improvement in sound quality, definition, and imaging, but I think there still is some room for improvement.

Thoughts and recommendations most welcome.


Thanks to all for the advice.  I think will sign up for one of the streaming services, whichever is easiest to use, and then look at DACs.  I guess I am talking mid-fi here, because about $1500 for a streamer with an LPS and $2500 for the DAC will leave sufficient funds for some room treatments.  Our room is pretty “soft” with carpet, Window Quilts (TM), and several leather chairs.


For Mesch, CDs play a big role for, although based on my use of playlists in Apple Music I can see streaming could rival CDs.

For get2the2nd:  I just upgraded my speakers two years ago, and I am VERY pleased with the Fynes, altho’ I wish I had gotten the F-704s, but they are a bit big for our room.  But the SQ is, to my old ears, superb, especially since I added the Odyssey amplifiers.


For Viridian: Cable from NAD CD Player to Bifrost 2/64 is AudioQuest Carbon optical.


again, thanks to all for your comments.



You have gotten some good advice, I’d take pieces of the different approaches.  I would switch to Qobuz or Tidal, easy, inexpensive change.  After that, I’d research DAC’s that fit your soundl signature along with trying some DYI, tests on treating your room, not talking about spending a lot of $$, research a bit, then experiment a bit with blankets, pillows, throw rugs based on what your research tells you.  Then, once you have a new DAC, you’ve tried to room treat a bit with household items you already have and have one of the best streaming services you can evaluate how things sound.  I’d then potentially look at another streamer.  Room Treatment will have the biggest influence on sound, followed by your DAC and then your streamer, assuming your streamer is functioning as it should.  

Good Luck! 

How important is CD listening relative to streaming? In my case I use streaming to find new music, once found then purchase the CD. In your case you play CDs and spin vinyl. 

More info on the above would help. 

Alternative approach


Keep everything and get a pair of speakers with a radically different presentation that work with your electronics. Maggie 1.7 might be interesting. When you feel you need to scratch the itch swap speakers.

I agree with the others, the ZEN streamer is a significant weak point, and move to Qobuz or Tidal. Start there, auditioning new DAC’s before that would not give you a good idea of their capabilities. I recommend Innuos, but of course there are many choices. Go used, you will save a lot. 

Bifrost is not weaklink

Rogue RP7 = trash

NAD C568 = trash

Replace  trash with Technics SLG700M2 (streamer+dac+ sacd player+ pre)

Get Schiit Kara as  pre.


Technics -->Kara-->Odyssey--> Fyne


Technics -->Odyssey --> Fyne


 Room = untreated living room = Lower expectations 

No subwoofer detected/dialed in = Drastically lower expectations




Don’t even think about replacing your streamer.  You’re fine there.  Everything else is a matter of taste (by which I mean sound, lol).

In that case, it seems like a new DAC would be a nice place to start. BTW, what digital cable are you using between transport and DAC, thank you.?

Viridian, Oops, left that out.  My TT is a Thorens TD 126 MK—I am the original owner and recently had it refurbed—with an Audio-Technical VM540ML cartridge.  Frankly, I think the output from my LPs, especially the 1980s Sheffield discs and some 45 RPM discs I have, is better than the CD quality I am getting; it seems more “organic,” more alive, more “oomph.”  Sound stage is particularly good.  May have to see if I can get CDs of the same LP to compare them.  Thanks for noticing my omission!




Schiit makes good budget DACs a Yggdrasil would be  better… but not sure up to the level of your speakers. You might look at used in the $5K to $10K new range and you will get a much more fully fleshed out natural sound. 

I would look at a Aurrender Streamer… and definitely stream via Qobuz. 


In my opinion…both the streamer and the DAC are your weak links.
You upgrade the DAC first and probably not get its full potential with iFi Zen Stream  

There’s more to be squeezed out of that schiit with a good streamer. So it’s kind of a wash but…
I would try a good streamer first and use quality source like Qobuz or Tidal. Keep your iPad as controller only. Apple music does not sound as good as Qobuz or Tidal so might as well just listen to it via airplay.