Michael Weiss - Soul Journey - Kickstarter

I just got an email from Jerome Sabbagh about this new all analog LP trying to get funded.  Jerome is in charge of quality control.  If any of you bought or heard Jerome's LP's, then you know how FANTASTIC they sound.  He really is a fanatic about the pressing and sound quality, (thanks for that Jerome).

The digital files sound very good, so the all analog version should be stellar!

After reading the article-kickstart , did i miss something they said they took the tape and transferred it to digital for mastering, 

"Michael and I proceeded to listen to the original tape and were blown away by the sound quality. We transferred it without any processing to 96/24." 

so its not an all analogue process? why transfer it to digital at all for the vinyl master? 

maybe I missed something but still sounds like I may be a great album.


Hi, this is Jerome Sabbagh. I came across this thread. We only transferred to digital so you guys can hear the music now somehow, and get an impression of the sound. The 96/24 files at least give you an idea of what the tape sounds like. We will of course master and cut directly from the tape, all analog, which should sound quite a bit better still. Just wanted to clear that up.

Thanks for your interest!


I just joined this forum. Thanks Mifimadness for posting about my all analog project. This is something I've been wanting to do for years and I'm really excited about it. I am happy to answer any and all questions and I hope some of you will consider supporting this endeavor. As a musician I grew up in the pre-digital era, and still today vinyl is basically all I listen to. My first record as a leader was all analog, recorded at RVG for CrissCross. Subsequently after making three CDs I'm thrilled to present my music again all analog. 
Michael Weiss
Even though I love sound/sonics. it will be the music ultimately that will sell this product.
The only exceptions would be sound demo discs.  I'd like to hear that as well.
@mechans Of course! We agree and that’s why Michael provided three free tracks that everyone can listen to. I am a musician and music always comes first, as much as I try for my recordings to sound good. Thanks for your interest!

Jerome Sabbagh
Update –

I've added a new reward, limited to 3 backers: I will be offering unplayed new original pressings of my first record, "Presenting Michael Weiss" (Criss Cross), recorded all analog by legendary engineer Rudy Van Gelder, bundled together with "Soul Journey."

Also, I am offering reduced prices for the reference lacquer, sheet music rewards and producer credit bundle.

Please do not hesitate to spread the word about this project. We are off to a good start but we still have a ways to go to reach our goal before the campaign expires on October 23rd.

Thank you so much for your support!
Hi everyone,

As someone who has heard the tape and thinks it sounds great, I wanted to remind everyone that there are only 11 days left. I think this will be a great sounding album, especially spread over 4 sides. I'm hoping the project will succeed and I am encouraging everyone to participate while there is still time. 


Jerome Sabbagh
Update –
4 more new original unplayed copies of "Presenting Michael Weiss" (Criss Cross) are available bundled with Soul Journey. Executive producer credit is upped to 5. R2R tape options available.Most importantly I hope you check out the music.
Only 7 days remaining.
Thanks for your support.
Michael Weiss

Hi everyone,

This is Jerome Sabbagh writing (I will be in charge in quality control if this project goes through). Michael Weiss asked me to post here, as he's tied up teaching and rehearsing today. We just got 2 big pledges and we are close to $10000. The goal is $12000 and it seems reachable, even in the 17 hours left. If you are on the fence about this, now is the time to do it! Thanks! 


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Soul Journey Vinyl Kickstarter Project Relaunched Today!

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you who supported my first Kickstarter attempt. We had a nice surge in pledges toward the end but fell just a little short. I’ve listened to your ideas and concerns and decided to relaunch the project for another 30 day campaign. I really want us to be successful this time so I am reducing the funding goal to $10,000 (we raised over that last time). I will make up the difference myself if need be, as the real cost of the project is $12,000. I hope you will stand by your previous pledge and help make Soul Journey on vinyl a reality. Please do not hesitate to spread the word about this project. I am grateful for your backing and your involvement and I hope we will reach the goal this time!

Here is the Kickstarter Relaunch URL: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/michael-weiss/michael-weiss-soul-journey-analog-vinyl-jazz
UPDATE: We're funded and going forward.We reached our funding goal yesterday so we're full steam ahead.You can still pledge until December 12 for double LP sets. Numbered and signed copies, and a limited number of remaining R2R, test pressings, bundles with RVG "Presenting Michael Weiss" LP and othe rewards.Here is the Kickstarter Relaunch URL: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/michael-weiss/michael-weiss-soul-journey-analog-vinyl-jazzThanks for your support,Michael
UPDATE: With one week remaining in my Kickstarter campaign we've met our minimum funding goal to go forward. The actual cost of production is considerably higher than that so I hope to meet the shortfall in the remaining week. I'm offering two new rewards that should appeal to serious jazz fans in the New York area: In addition to a signed, numbered double LP set, receive two complimentary passes to meet and hear Michael Weiss –

perform with the George Coleman Quintet at Smoke Jazz Club, NYC for one set. Choose from December 19, 20, 21 or 22, 2019. Sets at 7:00p, 9:00p, & 10:30p. Set choice based on availability at the time of your pledge. $250 Limit: 2

perform with his trio at Mezzrow Jazz Club, NYC for one set. Choose from January 31 or February 1, 2020. Sets at 7:30p and 9:00p Set choice based on availability at the time of your pledge. $150 Limit: 2

The Kickstarter expires afternoon of December 12.
Final Plug (I promise)
24 hours to go.

Several enticing rewards to choose from. Please take a look and listen if you haven’t already.
Soul Journey is officially released today, July 14, 2020.

The two-LP set is all analog. Of 500 copies pressed, 250 are numbered.
Engineer - Joe Ferla @Avatar Studios
Mastering - Bernie Grundman
Pressing - Gary Salstrom/QRPJackets - Stoughton Printing
Most importantly, the music speaks for itself.
Available for purchase here:michaelweiss.info/recordings.htm
Samples here:https://soundcloud.com/michaelweisspiano/

LPs continue to sell at a nice pace. When this pressing sells out I'll probably move on to the next project.
Meanwhile R2R copies are about to become a lot cheaper. 15ips (CCIR)  and 7.5ips (NAB) versions will be available. Contact me for details if interested: sintrarecords@gmail.com


Satisfied purchasers of Soul Journey respond:

Jim C. – Absolutely astonishing! No surface noise whatsoever! The S/N ratio has to be excellent. The music, of course, is top level. It's like a recipe. Use the best ingredients: Success! It's both a music lover's and vinyl lover's dream come true. It's a tremendous product for the audiophile market . Even the fact that this is the highest level of straight ahead jazz won't stop a vinyl junkie from wanting a perfectly recorded analogue LP with an ultra quiet surface in their collection .

Alan B. – … the music is excellent and the pressing is ultra quiet adding to the enjoyment of the music.

John B. – Not one flex of dust was apparent on their surface, some of the quietest that I've heard. I enjoyed your compositions and the recording, mixing and mastering are excellent.

Alan R. – Compositions and arrangements wonderful and varied. All the ensemble playing is 10/10.  Your piano sounds great and solos terrific. The sound, on my quite good system with a tubed phono pre amp, just sounds world class. Pressing is perfect!

Keith P. – great music and fantastic sound! Indeed, this one will frequently be on my turntable.

Larry F. – What joyous music! And the sound quality is every bit as superb as I hoped. Kudos, and thanks for doing this.

Daryl G. – What a fabulous album. The music is wonderful.  El Camino makes me want to be seaside with a margarita...love the rhythm on that track.  I can see why it was an award winner! Everyone’s playing is so fresh. Rich and varied with fabulous sound. Love the percussion on La Ventana too - wow!  And awesome piano solo on the closing track. Overall an outstanding album - clear, detailed and engaging.  Really love it!

Ron D. – The LPs sound amazing! The vinyl was very quiet and the soundstage was very well defined.  I found the listening experience to be very immersive. I think your decision to spread the tracks over two LPs favorably affected the pressing. I’m convinced that others who listen to the Soul Journey LP will feel, as I do, that it is one of the best sounding LPs in their collection.  It’s a great example of how good an LP  “can” sound when done right from end-to-end. Setting the technology aside, I also wanted to let you know that I truly enjoy your music.  

Jeff Z. – The recording is phenomenal, and what so many are talking about. However, often times great recordings can save suspect songs. In this case, the songs, performance, and recording compliment each other to the highest levels. Treat yourselves to this rare convergence of music, performance, and production.

Roy Martin – might very well be “reissue of the year“

fetusi – Great songs, great sound, dead quiet vinyl. This will be a staple in my rotation.

vinylrules – Really loved it. A top notch production through and through.

richiep – I found myself repeating it because the music and recording was first rate. It would be great if everyone took the same care in their reproduction of the music they write and perform since it lasts forever! The vinyl is dead quiet and his sound enters your musical feelings. More please!

kruhlin – What a wonderfully fresh album, sonically superb and flawlessly pressed album.

DenverDude – This sound is as clean as a whistle. An all-analogue pressing done right. Zero pops/clicks, flat pressing, amazing mastering and superb dynamics. It might also be one of the best pieces of wax I own when it comes to soundstaging, as each instrument has its own distinct place on the soundstage. Wonderful listening experience, and highly recommended.

Just want to remind Audiogon members -Only a couple of hundred copies remain. Get yours now.
Best retail price here:
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Just got my copy and listening now.  Absolutely wonderful.  Compositions, musicianship, recording, mastering, and pressing are just amazing.  Wax is dead quiet.  Congrats!  When's the next album?
Thanks elinter. My next project is to record my trio to tape for another limited LP release, but I can't begin planning in earnest until the pandemic is over, hopefully this year.
Last call for unnumbered copies. - Just 5 left. Numbered copies still available.