Something For The Fuse Guys ...

There are fuses, and then, there are fuses. 

I'm evaluating some prototype fuses that I received in the mail three days ago. 

Over the past few years, I've used fuses from five different manufacturers. The last three were the Red, Black and Blue fuses from Synergistic Research. Each one incrementally improved the sound of my system. My favorite so far was the SR Blue. 

The prototype fuses being evaluated presently raises the SQ beyond all of the others mentioned above. The major improvement to my ears is better tonal accuracy. Instruments and voices are more life-like. The noise is reduced allowing for a more solid 3-D presentation with the musicians more solidly presented on the sound stage. Overall, more information is fleshed out of CDs and LPs. 

The manufacturer, the price and the name of the prototype fuses will come later. I don't have the information thus far. My understanding is, if all works out, the release date is to be mid-October. 

Stay tuned ... 

They should charge a premium for used fuses. They’re already broken in. 🤡
uberwaltz ....

Yes, I believe there is a market for good used aftermarket fuses. I haven't tried selling any, but I have given the SR Red fuses away to friends. I still have all of my SR Black fuses and the newly replaced SR Blue fuses. I was keeping the SR Black fuses for spares. I would imagine that if one were of the mind to, they would sell for about half of retail. I don't see why they wouldn't. 

Just curious.
After each mass fuse upgrade what did you do with the old red and then black fuses and soon to be blue fuses?
Is there a market for used boutique fuses?
Hello, Proud Fuser ... :-)

Are you kidding? After spending 50 years in commissioned sales, my skin is a foot thick. Fortunately, I didn't lose my sense of humor in the process one iota. 

What cracks me up the most, Boxer, are the naysayers who continue following my threads regarding after-market fuses with their same tired old bromides about how fuses don't make any difference, how they are nothing but snake-oil, and that they can't be directional. Those who are in the know, like yourself, know better.

Above, I listed some of the things I've done to the system over the past few years to attain the present SQ I'm enjoying. I know there are those who think I've overstated the case, but man, there are times when I'm listening to the system where I just have to shake my head in disbelief. It is that good.

Keep on fusing, Boxer ... The new ones should be out by the middle of this month. So far, I can unequivocally say that they are significantly better than the SR Blue fuses.  

Thanks Ann. I can understand where you would be a bit thin skinned, but FWIW I am a proud fuser. 
So, in the meantime, the music just flows across the soundstage with the musicians all having a good time. You guys should see the way Diana Krall is looking at me right now ... upfront and very close.  I didn't realize her breath could be so warm and comforting. 

The Last Tweak Syndrome. Just when you swear your system can’t possibly get any better you do something that makes you say, Wow, now it’s twice as good! Then you’re thinking, now it REALLY can’t get any better. Then you do something that makes it twice as good again. By now you’re totally convinced the sound has peaked and there’s now way in hell the sound can possibly get any better. That’s the Last Tweak Syndrome.

The average Joe Blow - “My system sounds fabulous!”
“Seriously, how many times can the sound of a system be “totally transformed” by replacing a fuse?”

@mitch2, you’ve nailed it. I was wondering the same in reading Frank’s posts. It seems his zest for ‘tweaks’ has no ceiling....let the saga continue and happy listening.... 😉
Guyz ... 

All of the changes & tweaks done to my system over the years have built upon each other. Each one has added more transparency, three-dimensionality and an overall sense of realism. With everything being added together, the overall system has been transformed to way beyond where I ever thought it could be. It seems as though the more good tweaks I add, the more obvious are the improvements attained from just one additional tweak ... like better fuses for example. The current fuses under evaluation are no exception.

We can start with a better rack. Then move on to effective room treatments. Then, macro/micro-vibration control. Then upgraded speaker cables, interconnects and power cords. Then there were several incarnations of after-market fuses. From there, I moved on to the PPT products, all excellent, but The Gate was the final icing on the cake (those who own one know what I'm talking about). All put together, the wow-factor in this system is unbelievable. Unless these details have been taken care of, there exists additional opportunities for added resolution in any system lacking them.

If anyone is thinking that anything used above was snake oil, I've got a bridge to sell you. For those of you who have paid attention to these details, you already know what I'm talking about. That's why this thread was titled "Something For The Fuse Guys."

If you cannot hear the improvements that upgraded fuses bring to a system, then again ... either it is your hearing, or your system that isn't allowing you to hear it. Nuttin' but the facts, my friends.

If any newbies want to know specifically what I've done in total, either check out my system page here on A'gon, or PM me. I'd be delighted to hear from you and offer any suggestions I can. 

Happy listening ... 


Thanks for the constructive feedback....maybe if I just turn my fuses around.....🎡
Obviously you did something wrong. That’s kind of the way the cookie crumbles. 🤗

There and back again…..About 40 years ago, Polk, Fulton, and Lee came out with their cables that captivated “audiophiles” and encouraged them to believe they could significantly improve the sound of their systems without having to purchase new components or speakers. After observing increased profit margins for the fat “Monster” cables, manufacturers jumped in to create a myriad of reasons why certain cables, contraptions, and add-on doodads create a “clearer window,” “more realistic presentation,” “illusion of musicians in the room,” and improvements described by reviewers and in these threads by any number of oft-used clichés. The list of cable variations, and passive, electrical, mechanical, and psychological tweaks, has continued to grow and become more refined to the point where folks believe they need to replace their $150 fuses with the latest and greatest $150+ fuses, to avoid short-changing themselves by not allowing their systems to live up to their full potential.

My system construction first focused on getting the right components and speakers for the sound I enjoy, which contributed to over 90 percent of the resulting performance. The remaining 10 percent involved adding dedicated lines, well-constructed cables, solid support, room treatment, damping, and vibration control. While I have tried many other tweaks, including aftermarket fuses, any perceived changes resulting from those tweaks were virtually insignificant to the system performance relative to the contribution of the items mentioned above. Even when perceived, those changes provided nowhere near the impact reported by others on this site. Seriously, how many times can the sound of a system be “totally transformed” by replacing a fuse?  Isn’t there a limit? 

Oregonpapa...with your new hyperbole laden thread you're the one providing the "new horse," and if anyone could be accused of "beating it to death" (however unfortunate that anachronistic saying might be) with paragraph after paragraph of nonsense it would be you. Over the  years you've claimed that various magic fuses will work in any system and the improvement would be obvious and unmistakeable, then claim its a lack of resolution that keeps the great unwashed from hearing the fantastic SQ improvement...or mediocre listening skills...swapping out a fuse that's contaminated with grunge could make a tiny difference assuming it was working at all, and that's about it...I'm pretty sure you know that, but I suppose the lure of whatever you get out of these snake oil campaigns is simply too hard to resist.
Being a written forum loaded with evidence, I’d leave it to the humble reader to determine where ignorance may lie.
Is that a promise or a threat? Oh, and while you’re away see if someone can loan you a sense of humor.
What I’m afraid of is that some serious limitations to and ineffectiveness of our education system is being exposed here for all to see. Not only was there a failure to learn much of anything the first time around but, if I may be so bold, there appears to be a deeply ingrained resistance to or inability to learn anything new. 
Those who cannot hear the increase in SQ that magic fuses allegedly provide are hearing exactly what they provide, and that's absolutely nothing.

As usual, I am as serious as an equivocal colonoscopy result.

WM-F 107 even came in green. Tape going in determined direction, no fuse, off the grid, and already green-magic-markered. What else could you want?

The only problem you may encounter is that it is hard to find one in good condition these days. Not to go too much into details, but WM-F 107 was hard to keep. It often self-destroyed.
I’ve always enjoyed your witty comebacks. Whatever happened to them?
Post removed 

I do it myself. It is getting better, thanks for asking.

Do not worry, I am not planning to stay here for long. I have already read all of this. Was it last year, or year before?
"GK repeat the same things a few hundred more times. Maybe people will learn."
He did. Still no success.
Post removed 
"My post was as serious as a colonoscopy."
They appear to be very effective "cleansing before the procedure".

Good luck, hope the results are negative.
Funny stuff. One thing about fusers, matters, gaters, and TC’ers ... we have a sense of humor.

I already posted how to make the perfect fuse. Probably a couple of times. It’s not really that difficult. At least not for me. Geez, you could even fill the darn thing with beeswax 🐝  if you could find a small enough drill.
Teo has been thinking about releasing a fuse design at a low price, for quite some time.*

*(Jimmie doesn't like it when you talk about him in the third person!)

There's another conclusion ...

If you are thinking about upgrading your fuses, wait until at least mid-October. 

For those short of memory ... When the SR Blue fuses first came on the market, the same naysayers participating in this thread, (and others), wailed on about the fact that there were no warnings about the SR Blue fuses coming onto the market, and that (whine) just wasn't fair (whine again) to those who had just bought the SR Black fuses.

Well, consider this thread the heads up ... there's a new fuse (possibly) coming out, from a still-unnamed source, and at a still unstated price, that is better in every way from those fuses I've had the pleasure of using in the system prior to this date. 

In addition, there's one more conclusion. Put simply, those who can't hear the improved SQ that upgrading fuses can make to their audio systems just cannot hear, period. Either that, or their system and/or room needs a LOT of work.  

"Of course the other conclusion one can draw is that because fuses are directional all cables, power cords, all internal wiring, all capacitors, transformers, etc. are also directional." Exactly, and that mishmash of internal wiring assembled with no regard to its direction is what renders the "magic fuse" benefit position utterly irrelevant.
Actually, the real conclusion to draw is that hopping 🐸  off the AC grid entirely and EVERYTHING connected to it and going battery power, solar panel power, whatever turns you ON 🔛 is the best course of action. That should be crystal clear by now, you know, after seeing the long line of brave little fancy fuses come and go for almost 20 years. Besides, we need more feedback on the new fuse in town, so far we only have one data point. No offense.

NO FUSE at all is better than ANY fuse. Much lower noise and distortion. I’m not hot doggin ya! 🌭 A lot cheaper, too. 🤗

Of course the other conclusion one can draw is that because fuses are directional all cables, power cords, all internal wiring, all capacitors, transformers, etc. are also directional. 🔜
Just wondering, but the unwritten but unavoidable message is that the wise thing for those with systems having the often discussed esteemed "high resolution", that have spent $500-$2,000 in boutique fuses, should now dispose of those fuses and buy the new and improved versions?

If this is not correct please let us know.