Solar flares are here, everyone unplug your dryer!

Turns out we have exceptionally high solar activity right now, with a category 4 solar flair expected to impact the planet, potentially affecting satellite communications, electronics and power grids.

Of course, if history is any guide the news is absolutely over excited over this, at best those in the northern states may see pretty lights at night.  I was particularly amused this afternoon at a CNN weather person recommending you unplug your dryer just to be safe.  I mean, is that really the most important appliance in his house?  🤣

Also, kind of off topic, if you have binoculars or a telescope with the right solar filters you can catch a glimpse of the dark spots on the sun associated with this CME.  Amazing to imagine that it is about 15-16x wider than the earth. 


@erik_squires this is definitely one of the most entertaining posts lately. Feels like a big lawn with wandering patients skipping on their meds.

You lie...Poor dude...

Why do you forgot to mention to all here that you harassed for example WITHOUT ANY REASON my posts about acoustics ?😊

At least unlike laoman you do not violate the red line of harassment in our private email with insults..

I can denounce your lies here when you pretext a post where i asked for investment in electrical grid protection instead of wars and i can answer to your lying hate for me who only used my posts to harass mine. I dont have grudges but i reply to those who attack any character.

I cannot protect myself though against hateful mail in my private box...

It is why i ask the moderators to INFORM laoman that he broke the rule of audiogon...


You contributed ZERO about solar flare here as the others attacking me  ...You harassed me for almost a year with only sarcasms .. I dont mind that  i can answer to you publically here ..

But i cannot accept insult in my email box...

This problem must be adressed ..




Hey, @grislybutter  ,  that was a genuine question.  @asvjerry  seems to feel that:

Welcome to a Public Forum.
No Cover~No Minimum/Maximum

Don't like?

Don't remain.

and I just want to find out whether or not he feels that ALL non-audio points of view and statements associated to those points of view should be expressed here on whatever whim one may feel at the time.  I have had posts deleted by @Admin for a lot less than the post that derailed this thread, but hey, if it's all fair game now, I have some other opinions that I might like to get off of my chest.


Please contact me at for instructions on blocking users.




I thank the audiogon administrator for his quick response...

But i think i had been misunderstood...


I dont need a "block" button any more than the victim in an agression need a "block " button...

The agressor is the guilty party who must be informed by audiogon authority that a red line has been crossed here ..

I can read any poster in the public forum or dont read him , or i can anwser rationally to his posts and i always did as anyone here can do ...

We are adults we can discuss even in a "hot" exhange ...

It is only necessary to respect character and avoid character attack...

But even when many people attack a character in public here, as myself or any others , there is no problem i can defend myself with answers.I did it here .

But there is a RED LINE ,

Our private mail box is not a public domain it is our intimate territory...

Then if someone email us uninvited with REPEATED insults, we are no more free to read or not to read it because it is a private mail, not a public post.

Then this constitute harassment and trolling it is a red line in my book and if i remember in the Audiogon rules..

i dont want a " block" button , the victim of harassment dont take the blame here with a button; Laoman must be prevent to do so in the future by administrator of audiogon and be informed officially that this is unacceptable ...

To take an extreme exemple , if i wrote two emails of insult to a member here or to an audiogon administrator, will we ask the victims to use a "block" button ?


i ask for respect of minimal civility rules...

There is a difference between a public space and a private email section ...

Harassment cannot be accepted ...Or it is jungle law...

Thanks for your time reading my post...


Well . . . @asvjerry I guess *R* your blinding hatred of//// . . . *x* . . . me has turned you into a stupid idiot who is also a . . .  *d* . . . child who trolls me . . . and from now on . . . the burden of truth is to *b* or not to be . . . so *k* //// from now on it is Ok?! if we all turn every/evry thread/thred in2 a *ho(R)t*button POLE-litikal statement and *h* if that polit-kal statement that weeeee all(awl) feel free to maike ***E*** that antagonizes or further *g* poler-ices (b) some-uns elze . . . *t* then/than that izzzz THERE (rrrr) bad ISSUE and *i* KnoW1 shoold (read my) mind if(fen) awl/all topics hear/here . . . *W* . . . turn (of the century) in2 * a . . . *u* . . . political free (to a good home) . . . *Q* . . . 4/for all.

*t* have I got that right?

The issue w blocking is one can lose the opportunity to correct the poser experts when they give out bad advice… like calling a FET an Op Amp, etc….or heaping  praise for an unheard component, etc…. etc….

But of course, buyer beware always applies…

@laoman All Y’all is a further extension of the term and reveals my hayseed roots


Please contact me at for instructions on blocking users.   

Post removed 

@laoman ....a Southern US contraction of ’you all’.

And, you’re absolutely right....

You really don’t know what it means.

I can chalk you up as a ’newbie AI’ that got loose....and toy with you.

Butt, at the cost of yours'.....I'd rather go to bed at this point.

'Till we meet again...


Who is this "Yall" person? Strange name and certainly not an English word. Also I have no idea what those two "posts" are supposed to mean.


....back 2....

Weather totally non-co/opertive  here in WNC....Clouds, fog, rain.....and no way to 'get above it all' without aviation or a long car stint.....

....having seen the N Lights decades back in the mtns. around Rainer on a 2 week 'overnight speed tour' of the PacNW with NW CN.....

Screen pics 'n vids.....*sigh*.....just make one irritable.....*leaden hint*....

( If you don't understand....Ask....*smile*)

(( It's only humane, and good form besides....))

Practical-ish, J

Well this thread is going nowhere good.  Can we at least get back to astronomy? 

@erik_squires was right... 😔

@laoman , as the 9th post in this thread, you inquired as to how to 'block' another poster....
@immatthewj , you chime in at #11 with a 'no' ...being brief about it..
@laoman  , at #12, a snide remark that endears you to none.

Now, I'd bet that there IS a means to 'block' a poster y'all find 'obtrusive', likely a complex dance with one's 'puter to delete Anything that goes by your 'name'..

I'm too lazy to bother, but I can just ignore.

If you don't understand me using  *Off The Wall* analogs and the oblique view of this/that/ th' other.....That's fine.  Blow by me....

If @mahgister is a 'different cut' from another sort of 'cloth' and 'runneth off at the keys' ( of which I'm guilty of as well ), so be it.

Welcome to a Public Forum.
No Cover~No Minimum/Maximum

Don't like?

Don't remain.

@immatthewj @laoman well, I am idealistic and naive.... 😊 to say the least.

Those are admirable traits, @grislybutter  ; I commend you.

The 1859 Carrington Event knocked out the world-wide telegraph system. The cause was a particularly intense solar storm. Pray that such an intense storm doesn't happen as today's electrical grid remains vulnerable!

Just go to Texas, @jasonbourne71  , Abbott's grid is foolproof.  

The 1859 Carrington Event knocked out the world-wide telegraph system. The cause was a particularly intense solar storm. Pray that such an intense storm doesn't happen as today's electrical grid remains vulnerable!

Actually Audiogon posters I have an idea. Maybe we can nicely ask Kenjit to return and set up a thread for these two so they can have a lovefest and not bore the crap out of anyone else.

He is so idiotic that he think it is polite to send such message to an unknown person in his private mail...

He make me laugh now ...😊

By the way here is the so called "insult" : "Please, your posts are so boring. Keep them short."
As this comment is 100% accurate, I fail to see how it is even remotely insulting.

And he go on lying, what are his content matter about sun flare here ? Nothing

He trolled my posts...


I would even rather read Amir’s tripe than this waffle. At least Amir makes me laugh.

Now the best...

Think about what just said this imbecile without even being conscious of the meaning of what he just said.

He said that Amir ( a gentleman in discussion with me ) with whom i disagree totally by the way, he just said that Amir make him laugh , our idiot rejoyce when he can mock someone else with whom he disagree ..

now you can understand why he trolled me and mocked me since many months ago ...

These idiots mock the character of any person whith whom they are in disagreement ...

He does not troll Amir because more wise than me he does not call them for what they are : trolls ...

i am not perfect, i answer to those who mock anyone instead of politely discussing the matter , thats include myself ... 😊


Good try, @grislybutter pity it did not work.

By the way here is the so called "insult" : "Please, your posts are so boring. Keep them short."
As this comment is 100% accurate, I fail to see how it is even remotely insulting. However this particular poster keeps derailing and spoiling every single thread with irrelevant nonsense; it is tiresome. I would even rather read Amir's tripe than this waffle. At least Amir makes me laugh.


But sometimes the beauty of a solar flare can make us speechless in awe...

 This transformed attention toward beauty help us to cure  the foolishness in this world...

For those  who  sleep always too much , i suggested a riddle to stay awake when we need to think ...


All wars are justified as necessary and put as a "rational affair" in our brainwashed brains only on official controlled media newspapers...

Then some can think Solar flare are only a beautiful sight but alas! it is a real threat who ask for money investment diverted in wars right now ...

This is a joke picked by Elon Musk on twitter that explain why :


I have little hope that this helps you, but I gave it a try.

Yes, @grislybutter  , you did try.  But you were correct, it didn't help.

You wrote this post to justify your reaction to my posts content as it suit you i think ...😊

First i must say that suggesting articles to read as i did here , serious one and speaking about and from my experience with the danger of crumbling electrical grid in 89 in Quebec is not as your posts here about my character suggested a one way road to my boasting ego ... Interprtating this as such is to say the least killing the messenger without reading the message ...

In spite of Laoman posts who harrassed me with insult in my private box and ijmatthews who trolled my posts since now almost a year ( did you know that ? ) , suggesting articles and content as i always did is beginning a dialog... Not with them it is useless but with those interested by Solar Flare threat which is not doomsday fiction but real event i lived through here...

In other thread about music and jazz too i entered in dialog ...

I called idiots people who harass my posts or any poster without suggesting themselves any positive content ...

Before attacking my character yourself because it suit your own character think twice...because i am not the only guilty here... I am guilty of suggesting reflections about the matter in this thread which is not about the beauty of sky at night nor about my ego or your ego ...

And this post of yours help me indeed because reading you i know you are not the kind of people to trail my posts with insults and sarcasms as the two others i will called idiots till they apologize...

I never attacked your character in any posts ...

I am here to discuss and suggesting an article for example about an acoustics deep question which may be helpful for one dude here and if it was as it seems because someone thank me it is enough for me...

If you are not interested by my posts as you yourself said already wisely you skip them ...

Thanks for the discussion ...You are of good faith and i will never attack your character...


The fact that all wars are useless crimes, that the last 4 years in the west were a course in social mass control is not conspiracy fiction it is a simple established evident fact...

Sorry for the news ...

When it comes to the US electrical grid in need of money for the survival of the people , all the actual payed wars were criminal...


Read the book of this dude about wars as i did and you will understand my perspective, he was not born yesterday :

Does he look like a conspiracy theorist to you :

«Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940), nicknamed the Maverick Marine, was a senior United States Marine Corps officer. During his 34-year career, he fought in the Philippine–American War, the Boxer Rebellion, the Mexican Revolution, World War I, and the Banana Wars. At the time of his death, Butler was the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. By the end of his career, Butler had received sixteen medals, including five for heroism; he is the only Marine to be awarded the Brevet Medal as well as two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions. »

His book resume is the title "War is a rackett". His book is his life and consciousness awakenings... Nobody can call him non patriotic or a traitor ...It is a heroe a real one ...




@mahgister I will for a minute pretend that you are engaged in a dialog - read what others write.

You seem to be extremely angry and frustrated. If everyone is driving in the opposite direction, maybe you are driving the wrong way. But your attitude is always "everybody is a hater and too stupid to understand you".

You are constantly calling people stupid, idiots, children, etc.. These are insults that are absolutely uncalled for. Commenters here argue with what you write, they don’t attack your character. On the other hand you wage personal attacks on everyone who disagrees with you.

You make these threads very painful to read because you hijack them with your political agenda and wild conspiracy theories that nobody wants to read.

I have little hope that this helps you, but I gave it a try.


@mahgister I will for a minute pretend that you are engaged in a dialog - read what others write. 

You seem to be extremely angry and frustrated. If everyone is driving in the opposite direction, maybe you are driving the wrong way. But your attitude is always "everybody is a hater and too stupid to understand you".

You are constantly calling people stupid, idiots, children, etc.. These are insults that are absolutely uncalled for. Commenters here argue with what you write, they don't attack your character. On the other hand you wage personal attacks on everyone who disagrees with you. 

You make these threads very painful to read because you hijack them with your political agenda and wild conspiracy theories that nobody wants to read.

I have little hope that this helps you, but I gave it a try. 


@immatthewj, Anything that doesn’t clear the bar nor clear the bottom of the bridge is verboten and sets the path of a purveyor towards perdition?

You must be a bright spot in your universe....

BTW....that’s a heavy-handed retort....dial @ *mmm* 2

@asvjerry , wtf does that even mean?


I thought in inclusion of 'grb bars' on the sides was thoughtful......

But my amp(s) weigh 45ish pounds.....not that anyone Really GARAs' 'bought it....🤨

...speaking of air of an unknown temp/humidity/pressure....

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night....

Have entirely missed the auroras.....

Clouds/rain/fog....only breaks in the daylight, and it's pretty spotty in itself...

@immatthewj, Anything that doesn't clear the bar nor clear the bottom of the bridge is verboten and sets the path of a purveyor towards perdition?

You must be a bright spot in your universe....

BTW....that's a heavy-handed retort....dial @ *mmm* 2

Insults in my private mail and now in this thread where your positive contribution is zero..

No shame ?

It pass over your head that solar flare is a danger very real for the reason explained in the articles i submitted here ...

It pass over your head that some of us learned it in 1989 because their electrical grid crashed in quebec ?

It pass over your head that states must prepared the infrastructure instead of useless wars ?

Go on insult me again but it is useless you are proved to all you are an idiot or a lying children ...


Does anyone actually read the tripe he posts? There is enough hot air there to launch 100 dirigibles. I suppose mahgister’s posts might be useful if you are constipated.

Does anyone actually read the tripe he posts? There is enough hot air there to launch 100 dirigibles. I suppose mahgister's  posts might be useful if you are constipated.

Post removed 

You really are stubborn ... 😊

Did you ever stop to consider that perhaps a conversational post within an audio site about solar activity and the possible need to unplug electrical appliances wasn’t the appropriate place for that conversation? And for that matter, that possibly an audio site isn’t an appropriate forum for it?

Are you the OP of audiogon ?

Did you ever stop considering that the CME and the solar flare could be really a doom event ?

Could you consider that reading my articles suggestions about solar flare was not inappropriate?

And could you consider that if i am rational i am free to post about the matter of a thread without being attacked by you and some others who POSTED ONLY HATEFUL remarks ?


See it in the face : you hate someone, you harassed him with no reason for months ( it is why i said that you must be an idiot) and you came in this thread and  seeing  my post about CME danger which i lived through really in quebec electrical apocalypse by the way ( you did not experienced this by the way ) then  as you did for months you attacked my character ...

You act as an idiot or as a troll what can i do ?

I reply to those who attack me sorry ...

You stop mocking or attacking my posts WITH NO RATIONAL ARGUMENT ..If not i will explain how and why you act as you act ...



 my indignation as a decent human about the investment in wars instead of infrastructure 

Did you ever stop to consider that perhaps a conversational post within an audio site about solar activity and the possible need to unplug electrical appliances wasn't the appropriate place for that conversation?  And for that matter, that possibly an audio site isn't an appropriate forum for it?

@mahgister , there wasn’t anything at all that was the least bit politically polarizing about the OP which was simply pointing out "exceptionally high solar activity" and llightheartedly suggesting people unplug their electrical appliances. You are the one who made the polarizing post, and then when people pushed back (which is how people typically respond to polarizing material) you react by calling them haters and idiots.



It is easy for you to interpret my indignation as a decent human about the investment in wars instead of infrastructure which by the way is vital survival necessities...

You interpreted as a provocation what is only common sense appeal. This behaviour is not surprizing especially by someone as yourself who harassed already many of my posts in few others threads with NO ARGUMENTS and no reason just to push your hateful frustration baiting others hateful to come back as you just did here ..😊

Do you think all people are blind idiots and cannot see your empty hate ?

Instead of derailling the thread as you did with the few others your howling posts baited here i posted many articles about CME high risk now and in the future and about the necessity to invest in infrastructures renovation ...

As i said they did it in Quebec and reinforced the grid after the 1989 apocalyptic CME ...

I lived throught it myself... Why do you think i insisted on the urgency in the US to adress renovation of all electrcal grid ? INSTEAD OF PAYING FOR WARS...

Why do you think i insisted on this articles explaining the risks ?

Now your pitiful explanation about my posts is ridiculous because you yourself post nothing but hateful posts against me as you did for many many months ..

I cannot hate you because you really are a child ..😊

The only one i called idiots are those who attacked my character without any rational argument except their common hate, sorry but i always reply ... People who are less endowed by Nature hate those who appear better than them... It is such scapegoating already in school yard in gang ...😊 Nothing new here ...


You are the one who made the polarizing post,

Now it is clear by your past behaviour that anything i will post anywhere will attract hateful clowns who will pretend that my future post is the cause of the derailling thread..

Did you catch your vicious circle reasonning poor dude ? Ask you mother for help to understand this ... 😊



@mahgister  , there wasn't anything at all that was the least bit politically polarizing about the OP which was simply pointing out "exceptionally high solar activity" and llightheartedly suggesting people unplug their electrical appliances.  You are the one who made the polarizing post, and then when people pushed back (which is how people typically respond to polarizing material) you react by calling them haters and idiots.  

@mahgister perhaps you should cut and paste my PM to you without edits and let the community decide if any of it rises to a rational definition of “ hate “….

i await…..

You misread my post my dear!

You did not manifested your "hate" in email...

You wrote to me as a friend SPECIFICALLY and politely advising me as a friend to not spoke to Millercarbon...

Your email were friendly as a friend to a friend ..Your hate begun AFTER ...

But after i discussed with Millercarbon, after strongly suggesting to me that I must not do it, i discussed with him anyway without rejecting all of what he claimed as such even if i did not accepted all of what he said , you never spoke to me again ever after , even you did not answered to my friendly post when i commented your posts because it seems to you that i sided with the wrong dude...😊

Did you get it ?

Now since all this time you re-appear with no content for this thread accusing me to side with rapist... And you did not do it frankly expressing a disagrement to me in my face but in an indirect way  but siding with  a hater who post nothing about me but hate " with no rational reason to hate me "...

Did you get it ?

I never attacked characters here for the sake of attacking people, i had  put and always put arguments in discussion, and i like everyone even millercarbon with whom i disagree on many things but not on all things and i discussed rationally with him by the way ( like him or not he was rational) ..

i discussed rationally even with the idiot here i will not name  now  who is no more on audiogon who claimed to all people  that  i killed people in the first months of covid because i recommended a french Doctor articles whose methods anyway are vindicated by events right now ...The one who kill people it seems was this dude recommendation who accuse me hatefully as an ignorant as it is already proven by facts now ... ( this french doctor is the most cited microbiologist in the world by H-Index  by the way )


You are you rational tomic ?

It seems not ... Or at least i am not sure ..😊

Put yourself in my shoes...

i dont aim to people character myself , i am interested by facts, reason, philosophy and acoustics ( not mere room acoustic) ..Only arguments speak to me i like all characters here even the worst one.. ( i am not offended by people acting as children but i reply and many dont like when i reply 😁)

I am here to discuss with friends...


What are your arguments to hate someone me or Millercarbon ?

There is NONE ...








@mahgister perhaps you should cut and paste my PM to you without edits and let the community decide if any of it rises to a rational definition of “ hate “….

i await…..

@danager ya man… all my Seattle friends are pummeling me with outstanding photos… i expect the music composers and artists among them to use it as grist.

Yes here to we had seen light...

the last times i had seen such light i was a teenager...😊


Sorry to be off the current topic but the US northwest was gifted with a bucket list event. The light show surpassed my biggest expectations. Half the sky was lit up with greens and reds. There were streaks of color and it was awe expiring. The wife and I were discussing when we go to Europe to go thru Iceland just in hopes of actually seeing the northern lights. It would still be fun but if we missed them I could say it’s alright I’ve at least seen it once.

On top of that my stereo was OK.

Cheers you guys .

For sure!

i am very appreciative too...

Not one of you can align ONLY ONE RATIONAL REASON for your hate...

Save the lenght of my posts but not one gave me a logical reason to debate...

this dont ring a bell ?

Only the joy to hate in groups solidarity it seems ...



it is very comical because i am one who contribute positively with this CME thread matter...

not one of you did with a real content or with an argument about the URGENCY to protect the US infrastructures which are not at all prepared...

have you read the articles i put about this thread ? no ...

hate is joy ...But only if we are not alone to hate the same target ...




@grislybutter Good stand my friend. I think siding with war criminal rapists of any ilk is reprehensible. i’d rather freeze to death than remain silent.


Where did i side with anyone because i denounce the money invested in wars instead of infrastructure ?

Ukraine or Gaza are useless wars created for profits if you dont see this you dont see anything ... All wars are for profit. Read General Smedly Butler he know better than you what wars is about ..

it seems you never forget that i spoke with Millercarbon...( unlike you i hate no one here ) You even wrote to me personaly advising me to not do such atrocious thing as speaking to him😊 It seems you never forgot anything ...

I never spoke of you in an hateful or hypocrital way as you just did here ...

Why do you came here attacking me by the side uninvited with no content about CME accusing me to side with rapists in an hypocrital way ?

Face someone and speak to him directly to him if you accuse someone ...


if you really "wish beauty in a broken world", dont justify wars, dont invest in wars, invest in inevitable CME infrastructure protection...And dont accuse someone because you hate him with no good reason to side with rapists...You are pathetic...


I did not know that there was so much silent hate here instead of working brain ... Hyenas hunt in gang ...



@grislybutter Good stand my friend. I think siding with war criminal rapists of any ilk is reprehensible. i’d rather freeze to death than remain silent.

Hopefully some music will come out of the more Southern electric skies of this flare… i wish for beauty in a broken world

Are you really an idiot?

Many of my posts concern reference to useful articles about CME...

If i count all your posts here they take me as target for your hating stupidity ...

You take this thread as your own soapbox happy to join other hyenas against my character...

If facts matter count your real positive content and mine ?

I answered to idiots free attacks like yours, it is my human defects...

I dont entertain grudges unlike you against anyone.

But i reply to idiots post lies against me ...

Not tired to read the posts of someone you hated for near a year without ANY LOGICAL argument ?


i am retired i like discussion... Anybody is free to comment my opinion with ARGUMENTS...

If not dont read my posts and buy a book about the negative effect of hate on health ...



 Those who destruct threads are the haters WITH NO CONTENT about the matter of a thread save hate and character  attacks. Not me...

It is not my fault if idiots join together here. Not one with facts about CME .

@mahgister , you turn a thread about solar flares into your own personal soapbox to stand on while you rant and state your polarizing opinions about politics and foreign policy and it’s everybody else’s fault?