Snake oil, fraud, confirmation bias

It is becoming increasingly apparent that many threads about legitimate topics devolve into one or more of the contributors here making claims of snake oil, fraud, or confirmation bias thereby derailing the conversation beyond the valid and relevant thread topic and this is getting ridiculous. For anyone here who honestly holds the position that there is snake oil and fraud in the world of Music Reproduction Systems I challenge them to prove their claims in court it should be an easy task based on the claims they make here in Audiogon  AND they will make a fortune because in the US once proven they can file a class action suit and profit enormously from the efforts of others to deceive. These people regularly claim that "there is no evidence" that things such as cables or fuses make a difference when in actual fact Audiogon is filled with evidence that these things make very real differences in Music Reproduction Systems of course those who claim fraud reject that evidence as "confirmation bias" but in absence of any documentation from them they are only repeating the claim they have made so many times that has been refuted many times here by those who have demonstrated to there satisfaction that they make a difference.   I think in actual truth the real fraudsters here are those that repeatedly make these claims of snake oil and fraud and often they have no experience to back up there claims they simply say the claims are impossible!
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I agree with your statement 100%.
The reason is, that i used to be one of those who could hear little to no difference , BUT then one day i bought an amp that was extremely revealing. After that i could hear big differences in all types of cables , whether it was power cords or Interconnects.etc.
I think your statement is OH SO TRUE !!!
The problem is that  most of the Naysayers do not have revealing enough equipment to hear differences,BUT  they have no idea that, that is the problem ! .I  would be willing to bet money on it , because , i promise there is differences that can be heard !!
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/\ Exactly @jl35 

Not to sound elitist but I sometimes wonder if people are running systems that just aren't detailed or dynamic enough to hear changes in certain products like AC cords or upscale interconnects. The system I had 5 years ago probably would not have been good enough.

I had a friend who works at a shop come over with a healthy bag of interconnects and we traded out cables on my turntable for an hour and a half. I had no preference on a particular brand and I wasn't even sure I needed a new one. But what I heard was pretty outrageous.

Same with AC cables. I bought some thinking I would definitely return them and wound up buying the next tier product.

some things matter; some things don't

some people want to shill you out of a lot of $$$

buyer be aware
when I first auditioned power cords I was hoping not to like t
hem, so I wouldn't want to buy them...there were free loaners...
There also seems to be the assumption that people buy these products without an audition or return privileges.  
Maybe Audiogon can add another section titled Audiobegone for all the naysayers.
I wish there were ways to make specific threads "invisible" from our local/machine-specific view of A’gon.

in actual fact Audiogon is filled with evidence that these things make very real differences in Music Reproduction Systems

Just hearsay, there is no "evidence" just what many of technically knowledgeable, believe is to be "expectation bias", after purchasers spend good money on what amounts to cheap snake oil product/s

Cheers George.
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muddythink - you really need to talk to an attorney; just about everything you posted is wrong

No, almarg, strong opinions have little to do with any factual basis for a belief -- a moment's thought will reveal that
As I see it, when divergent and highly polarized opinions are expressed about a subject, not only in audio but in most things in life, there is usually an element of truth in what is said on both sides. And the most correct bottom line is usually more nuanced than what tends to be expressed by those at opposite ends of the belief spectrum.

-- Al
randy-11: " sure post your address so I’ll know where to file "

You get that through the legal process known commonly known as "discovery" you do not need an address to file or even a name and you can file in your own domicile because your are an "injured party" so just go right ahead and file that lawsuit don’t forget you’ll be wanting class action status you’ll need a lawyer to file this for you but because you have such abundant proof and are so confident I’m sure it won’t cost you a single penny because he will take it on whats known as ’contingency" so go right ahead don’t let anyone stop you!!!

Also I would point out that asking people here for they're address is just creepy.
It sounds like you have your life priorities in order.  For me, I am completely capable of forming my own opinions and discarding simple annoyances. 
Use some periods. I ran out of breath reading it. Regarding those who cry "snake oil", don't let them bother you. It will never change.