Sam here.l realize now why so many people think my ideas are crazy?

Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it can be correctly seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly evolved ’feelers’ or ’antennae’ that transmit vast amounts of important information to the Brainstem, the Limbic system, and the Neocortex.

Not only does hair in people, including facial hair in men, provide an information highway reaching the brain, hair also emits energy, the electromagnetic energy emitted by the brain into the outer environment. This has been seen in Kirlian photography when a person is photographed with long hair and then rephotographed after the hair is cut.

When hair is cut, receiving and sending transmissions to and from the environment are greatly hampered. This results in numbing-out .

Cutting of hair is a contributing factor to unawareness of environmental distress in local ecosystems. It is also a contributing factor to insensitivity in relationships of all kinds. It contributes to sexual frustration.

In searching for solutions for the distress in our world, it may be time for us to consider that many of our most basic assumptions about reality are in error. It may be that a major part of the solution is looking at us in the face each morning when we see ourselves in the mirror.

The story of Sampson and Delilah in the Bible has a lot of encoded truth to tell us. When Delilah cut Sampson’s hair, the once undefeatable Sampson was defeated.

This latest idea is not yours, sam.
You plagiarized an existing article word for word.
My best guess would be that not ONE of Sams ideas are in reality Sams ideas........
If he is being serious he should consider some professional help.
If he is taking the pee then I would just have to say.  "Well played!"
Not here to defend Sam, he seems willing and capable of doing that himself. I would think it interesting for everyone to consider the way non-audios might view things such as $10k cables; directional wire; stones, crystals, powders, pastes and such; springs and expensive insulators; things hanging from the walls to absorb; descriptions of music- airy, depth,,,,, you get the idea.  Maybe we should all be open to unique ideas? I would try by cutting my hair but nature has left me with a perfect shiny dome. ;-)
I m mostly messing with him.
I have to admit some of the things he has stated do at least make you sit and think.....
No leaning one way or the other but either a very over active imagination or privy to the dark secrets of the Deep State......
I am criticizing no-one for their comments and in fact enjoy the ribbing- especially since I am not the recipient :-) I just suggest an open mind and from what I have read many of you believe in some interesting concepts that are worthy of consideration. The world needs contrarians to keep everyone else on their toes.
"Science knows damn well what the truth is and a little common scense and i’m not so crazy anymore friends."

Oh yes, you are crazy, and you don't know how to spell sane.
sam, it would serve you well to distinguish the question mark key from the exclamation point key....

Sam here and yes i put a link to the article so you could realize thats what i believe makes perfect sense you must except the truth use your common sense
you must except the truth use your common sense
Well I know just who that sounds like.....
Sam here and i put a link to the article everybody thought i was crazy and then you discover it is a fact. How do you like them balls
"...we're all crazy now...." 🤪
...canaries in the Big Cage, with some unseen maniac beating on various randumb locations....*sigh*

@tablejockey *L*  Dad worked @ (what was then) Douglas Aircraft...DC3 through DC8s', swing shift. I'm sitting @ oak desk & chair that came from their surplus outlet.  Milling bits the size of your head, stuff like that. *G*  Mom held the fort and tried to keep me and older bro from damaging each other....;)

"Welcome to California!  Now, GO HOME!" (period bumper one paid attention @ the time...)

L.A. in the 'sickies' & 'severeities'....was fun, sometimes....what I remember, anyway....'lightweight illegal luxuries' and the vague insanity of it all drove me out of SoCal to move North and complete the grain bamage.

Ever been to Blue Jay Way?  Hollyweird, Sunset Plaza Drive, head uphill.
On a clear night you can watch the flights into LAX and hope the 8.0 hits while you're after a good rain. ;)

Last visit 2 years back for bros' funeral ("Any thoughts about John to share?" asked the man...
"He was a pain in the aze...but, he was my brother..."
(The gathering turned...then recognized the source of the statement..Oh...) (Family agreed with me later...overweight, hidebound, heart condition shared that I've survived...loved despite...dolt....)

Agree with Randy Neuman, but can't live there anymore.
Plenty of stories to be told.  "I'll be back..." like Arnold.
Stay in touch, I'll buy some rounds...;)

Survive the sum in '21, huh? ;)
Cheers, J
Sam....oh, Sam.....fret knot....;)

You're no more crazie than the rest of us in some fashion.
Just a place holder for a 'imho' that isn't 'mainstream' or even a tributary.
But you're more than welcome to have and keep it.
I DIY omnis' and some think that renders me insane or at least suspicious...

...just....cope, 'k? *G*
AVSJERRY. 😳 Sam is sounding fairly sane comparatively....taking your meds?
Science knows damn well what the truth is and a little common sense and I’m not so crazy anymore friends.


No Sam your not so crazy ANYMORE, your just not so crazy any less.

NOT that it is a bad thing! It just is "a" thing. BTW your punctuation is improving. But you gotta work on proofing just a bit.  NOT that I’m very good at it either. I’m trying though.

I’m just hoping your not akin to any of the government experiments involving probing, and implants. You know the REAL bad things. That stuff is generational, it runs pretty deep in the gene pool.. Gotta be careful.
NEXT gen audiofilers, will require a 3rd speaker, for that third ear that keeps cropping up out of the top of their heads (yours not mine, I keep my Tin Foil hat on, at all times). I’ve seen no ears, BIG ears, low ears, in SiFi, can’t remember any with a THIRD ear though... Just sayin’

Say sam,
How do you reconcile the fact as we age our hearing becomes less acute, yet our ear hair grows like an amazon rainforest?
One would think that having an ear beard would enhance one's hearing, according to your beliefs.
Thanks for the comic relief. This is the best free entertainment you can get. It’s not audio related and it is entirely garbage, but still so much fun to read. 
Yes that's true.
I mean really, the Comedy Channel has nothing on Audiogon nowadays!

Say sam,
How do you reconcile the fact as we age our hearing becomes less acute, yet our ear hair grows like an amazon rainforest?
One would think that having an ear beard would enhance one's hearing, according to your beliefs.

Now that is seriously funny......and true. My daughter takes the hedge clippers to me every time she visits. Maybe I should tell her she is ruining my awareness?
Sam here and what i'm saying is the hair being connected to the electrical system when someone loses there hair there is something wrong. l speak a lot about frequencies and when someone years ago requested information for the fredom of information act they sent them two pages by mistake and the information contained on those two documents was very revealing.
Remote mind control.

I saw that movie!

The men who stare at goats.

who  da thunked it
...ear thing I lack,  and happy about it...*G*

@dave_b ...*sigh* Yes, my 'meds' are quite current.  Hate to disappoint, but aside from the vitamin supplements, all but one involve the care and feeding of my syth aortic valve and pacemaker....

The only one that's 'different' is a mild anti-depressant, taken to keep me from being bummed about taking all these caps, tabs, etc. 2X daily. :(

I keep asking the pharmacist if they've got any 'entertaining' substitutes; so far, no.  And IL is too far away to 'commute' to...*grumble*

Anyway....1st post was for tablejockey, marrooned in my home town.  LA of late reminds me of Chicago...or DFW....or HOU...or ATL....

Massive sprawls of urban/suburban/exourban excess that of late act like Petri dishes for those who 'just can't be bothered to wear a mask' (+/- 50ish% of those polled)...Long Beach being one of the places polled (CNN report from 8/20 afternoon).....

Frank Zappa did a song about CA residents.....

...and that's why I'm a 'former'... *s*

As for the 2nd post...

Since you weren't the target, you ought to feel good about merely having it whiz past you....😏
...remote mind control is out of control, btw....

People with Things in their ears....

Talking to unseen entities...

Sometimes humming, tunelessly....

I have them now as well....

I be Borg, soon....;)
Human body emit very low electronic signal...and we serve you very best duck!
Make certain you cut your hair so that it resonates at the frequency in the middle of the range of your favorite instrument.
If I don't keep my hair cut above my ears it blocks the sound waves so I can't hear as much detail.  I think your theory is a bit different but doesn't work for me.  BTW the most interesting people I know have a slightly different slant on life than most folks.
Not only is it written in the Bible. Crosby, side 2, track 3: Deja Vu...
Almost Cut My Hair...
"Welcome to California! Now, GO HOME!" (period bumper one paid attention @ the time...)

I had that bumper sticker on my 1967 Chevy Malibu in 1982. I would love to have that on my car now, but I would get run off the road, by all the transplants from everywhere. 

Back then, I used to get a thumbs up for that sticker.
Finally Scientific Proof why I got stupider and stupider as my hair thinned out .   Word!
Holy crap--i finally understand why getting a haircut is so tortuous--all our nerve ends are being slashed!  Legalized torture...
That remind's me of the newly shortly conceived theory, many years ago, by some that cutting their lawn was torturing the grass. Some reported that they could literally hear the grass blades screaming!!