Sadly missed manufacturers

I've been an audio and music enthusiast since the 1970's. We've all seen a fair number of companies come and go. Some burned brightly for a while, some not at all, and some companies are still present but only in name as they otherwise bear no resemblance to their ancestors.

Are there any companies you are sad to have seen disappear?

l can name a few former luminaries that are now gone- Counterpoint, Apogee. Both offered very good products, but unfortunately neither offered bullet proof reliability. I am of mixed feelings of the various Carver companies. I think Carver, the man, is capable of producing some genuinely first rate products but I viewed much of the marketing as smoke and mirrors which to me detracts from a manufacturer's credibility.
GSM beat me to it! I was about to post the following:

To the many good inputs that have been provided I would add the better makers of high quality tube electronics in the 1950's and 1960's, including among others:

Marantz (the present company is the same in name only)
H. H. Scott
Acrosound and Dynaco (David Hafler's first two companies)
REL (Radio Engineering Laboratories, no relation to the British subwoofer manufacturer).

And the 1930's forebears of quality hifi as we know it:

E. H. Scott
McMurdo Silver
Western Electric (many of whose products from the 1930's are still revered for their sonics, and are worth small or not so small fortunes)

-- Al

Plasmatronics, Inc.

They made the Hill Type 1 Plasma Speaker often referred to as the Hill Plasmatronics loudspeaker.

Tls49 and Unsound, I would also add the Cary name to the zombie company list, name only still around. They haven't been the same since Dennis Had left. Sorry if this offends anyone.
CAL, Dual, Tandberg (well, though they still exist, they left the hifi business), Empire
03-10-14: Jwm

Yankee ribon Was this speaker ever made and did he ever sell one? I doubt it.
Yes, and yes, I know someone that has a pair, and have actually listened to them.

03-10-14: Yogiboy

Zenith allegro speakers
Let's not forget the Zenith "Circle of Sound" speakers.
Wow, no mentioned ADS Loudspeakers yet. Especially the L series. Some of my absolute favorites.
BEL, Unity Audio, Scientific Fidelity, Counterpoint, AMC, EAD, Sonic Frontiers, Soundwave, Hales, Kinergetics Research, Melos, Muse (I'm not sure about the last 2. I'm fairly certain they're out).
Yankee ribon Was this speaker ever made and did he ever sell one? I doubt it. VMPS, Altis Audio (Howard Mandel), Timbre Technology (David Goldstein), MFA tube amps (Scott Frankland & Bruce Moore), Electron Kinetics Eagle Amplifier, Forsel, Aranov Audio Tube amps and preamps.
Worked at a TV & Stereo store in the late 70s and have some fond memories of these brands. They were kind of mainstream vs. audiophile brands but sure were fun to play with after the boss went home in the evenings:

Sansui (old guys will remember the 9090DB)
Technics (by Panasonic)
Mitsubishi (anyone remember that cool looking vertical turntable with linear tracking arm?)
I agree with Tis49, and in that same vain: "Yes, there is a company named..." Thiel and Krell.
I would also suggest Dunlavy and TacT.
Zenith allegro speakers

I miss these brands very much. They were true high end compared to the stuff they make today!

Yes, there is a company named Threshold, and Nelson Pass is doing well with Pass Labs, but I think the original Threshold/Forte with Nelson Pass should definitely be on the list.
Mofimadness - Wow! My bad - I did not know Klyne was still around. And I am especially glad to learn this since I have one of his fantastic full function preamps in one of my systems. Thank you for this good news!
4musica...Klyne Audio Arts is still alive and kickin'. They
just don't advertise much nor summit samples for review, but
is still an excellent company.
Mark Levinson, (the man and his original company)

To name just a few.
VSP Labs-Relatively affordable amps that were a big improvement over Adcom and most other entry level amps. Was planning to replace my Amber Series 70 with a Trans Mos 150. Has it been 25 years? Yikes!